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Famous Authors on Radio

- a resource for OTR fans who also love to read. Some of the best audio drama ever produced was based on the writings of well-established authors. This page identifies those authors and provides a comprehensive list of their stories that have been dramatized on radio. It also provides links to off-site resources where you can find more information about those same authors. Most of the links will take you to the Internet Speculative Fiction Database, but if the author is not listed in that database, I have provided a link to Wikipedia or some other reputable source.

Currently this archive contains 2,802 stories from 908 authors

Popular authors include:

Alexandre Dumas | Alfred Bester | Algernon Blackwood | Ambrose Bierce | Arthur C. Clarke | Arthur Conan Doyle | Bram Stoker | Charles Dickens | Clifford Simak | Edgar Allan Poe | Frederik Pohl | Guy de Maupassant | Harlan Ellison | Henry James | Henry Kuttner | H.G. Wells | Honoré de Balzac | H.P. Lovecraft | Isaac Asimov | John Wyndham | Joseph Conrad | Jules Verne | Kurt Vonnegut | Lord Dunsany | Mary Shelley | M.R. James | Murray Leinster | Nathaniel Hawthorne | Philip K. Dick | Poul Anderson | Ray Bradbury | Robert Bloch | Robert Heinlein | Robert Louis Stevenson | Robert Sheckley | Robert Silverberg | Rudyard Kipling | Stephen Vincent Benét | Theodore Sturgeon | Washington Irving |

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Note: I have only a few hundred BBC stories in my collection, so I have not been able to independently verify most of the BBC authors or dates below. I have gathered that information from BBC Genome Project, BBC Radio Listings, and Diversity Website. Unfortunately, since I don't have most of these episodes in my collection, I don't know which dates indicate new productions and which are simply rebroadcasts... and I fear that most of the older recordings are lost, anyway. Very sad.

BBC Series Abbreviations:
30MT = Thirty-Minute Theatre | AP = Afternoon Play | AT = Afternoon Theatre | CS = Classic Serial | DO3 = Drama on 3 | FP = Friday Play | HS = Home Service | JBM = Just Before Midnight | LNT = Late Night Theatre | LP = Light Programme | MNT = Monday Night Theatre | MP = Monday Play | MWT = Mid-Week Theatre | N3 = Network Three | NP = National Programme | SM = Saturday Matinée | SNT = Saturday Night Theatre | SP = Saturday Play | SPH = Saturday Playhouse | ST = Story Time | SUP = Sunday Play | TP = Thursday Play | TPG = Third Programme | WHD = Woman's Hour Drama | WM = Wednesday Matinée | WT = World Theatre.

Abbott, George    (1887-1995)

Broadway - BBC (NP-1937)
On Your Toes - BBC (HS-1940, HS-1941)
Three Men on a Horse - BBC (HS-1939); Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players; Theatre Guild on the Air

Abdullah, Achmed   (1881-1945)

Ambassador of Poker, The - Escape
Lives of a Bengal Lancer, The - Lux Radio Theatre (x2)

Adams, Douglas    (1952-2001)

Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency - BBC (2007)
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The - BBC (1978, 1980, 2004)
Last Chance to See - BBC (1989)
Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul, The - BBC (2008) (as "Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency: The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul")

Adams, Richard    (1920- )

Watership Down - BBC (CS-2002)

Adams, Samuel Hopkins    (1871-1958)

It Happened One Night - Campbell Playhouse; Lux Radio Theatre
Perfect Specimen, The - Lux Radio Theatre

Adrian, Rhys    (1928-1990)

Angle - BBC (1975)
Betsie - BBC (TPG-1960)
Between the Two of Us - BBC (N3-1967)
Bridge, The - BBC (TPG-1961)
Buffet - BBC (1976)
Chance Encounter, A - BBC (1972)
Clerks, The - BBC (1978)
Echoes - BBC (1969)
Ella - BBC (1968)
Evelyn - BBC (MWT-1970)
Gardeners of My Youth, The - BBC (1970)
Hellen and Edward and Henry - BBC (N3-1966)
I'll Love You Always - BBC (1970)
Memoirs of a Sly Pornographer - BBC (1972)
Nice Clean Sheet of Paper, A - BBC (TPG-1963); National Radio Theater
Night Nurse Slept in the Day Room, The - BBC (1976)
No Charge for the Extra Service - BBC (1979)
Outpatient - BBC (AP-1985)
Passing Through - BBC (1981)
Passing Time - BBC (1983)
Room to Let - BBC (TPG-1963)
Too Old for Donkeys - BBC (TPG-1963)
Toytown - BBC (AP-1987)
Upended - BBC (1988)
Watching the Plays Together - BBC (AT-1984)

Aeschylus    (524 BC-455 BC)

Agamemnon - BBC (TPG-1946, TPG-1950, HS-1953)
Oresteia, The - BBC (TPG-1956, TPG-1962); Hollywood Theater of the Ear
Persians, The - BBC (TPG-1958, N3-1965)
Prometheus Bound - BBC (TPG-1948)
Seven against Thebes - BBC (HS-1940)

Aickman, Robert   (1914-1981)

Laura - BBC (1987)
Ringing the Changes - BBC (2000); Nightfall

Aiken, Conrad   (1889-1973)

Mr Arcularis - NBC Presents: Short Story

Aiken, Joan   (1924-2004)

Black Hearts in Battersea - BBC (AP-2009)
Children of Is, The - BBC (1998)
Mermaid too Many, A - BBC (LP-1966)
She Was Afraid of Upstairs - Haunting Tales (BBC, 1982)
Spur of the Moment - BBC (30MT-1960)
Wolves of Willoughby Chase, The - BBC (1994, SNT-1995)

Ainsworth, William Harrison   (1805-1882)

Spectre Bride, The - NBC Presents: Short Story [author not confirmed]; Weird Circle
Tower of London, The - BBC (ST-1968)

Alan, A. J.   (1883-1941)

My Adventure in Norfolk - BBC (NP-1931, HS-1948); Theatre Royal

Albee, Edward   (1928-1958)

American Dream, The - BBC (TPG-1962, 1987, FP-1989)
Death of Bessie Smith, The - BBC (1969)
Delicate Balance, A - BBC (1978)
Listening - BBC (1976)
Three Tall Women - BBC (1994)
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf - BBC (1974, DO3-2004)
Zoo Story, The - BBC (TPG-1961, N3-1966); National Radio Theater

Albee, George Sumner   (1905-1964)

Top, The - Mindwebs

Alcott, Louisa May   (1832-1888)

Good Wives - BBC (1993, 2007)
Little Women - BBC (SM-1949, 1992, 2004); Lux Radio Theatre; NBC University of the Air: American Novels (x2); Favorite Story; Studio Theatre; Tell It Again; Theatre Guild on the Air
Marble Woman, A - BBC (SP-2000)

Aldiss, Brian W.   (1925- )

Night That All Time Broke Out, The - Mindwebs
Taste for Dostoevsky, A - Mindwebs
Song of the Silencer - BBC (AP-2005)

Aldrich, Thomas Bailey   (1836-1907)

Story of a Bad Boy, The - Adventure Ahead

Allen, Grant   (1848-1899)

Episode of the Diamond Links, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "Diamond Cut Diamond")
Episode of the Mexican Seer, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "Diamond Cut Diamond")

Allen, Hervey   (1889-1949)

Anthony Adverse - Studio One

Allen, Steve   (1921-2000)

Public Hating, The - Mindwebs

Allen, Woody   (1935- )

God - National Radio Theater

Allingham, Margery   (1904-1966)

Black Plumes - BBC (SNT-1956, SNT-1964)
Case of the Late Pig, The - BBC (SNT-1965, AT-1982)
Look to the Lady - BBC (SNT-1957)
More Work for the Undertaker - Murder for Christmas (BBC, 1986)
Murder She Thought - BBC (2007)
Mystery Mile - BBC (SNT-1962)
On Christmas Day in the Morning - Nightfall
Room to Let - BBC (WM-1951)
Safer Than Love - BBC (TP-1959)
Tiger in the Smoke, The - BBC (SNT-1963, SNT-1984)
Traitor's Purse - BBC (1952)
Wanted: Someone Innocent - BBC (SP-2007)

Ambler, Eric   (1909-1998)

Epitaph for a Spy - BBC (LP-1952)
Journey into Fear - BBC (SNT-1951); Escape; Hour of Mystery
Levanter, The - BBC (SNT-1993)
Mask of Dimitrios, The - BBC (LP-1957); Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players
Passage of Arms - BBC (LP-1966)

Amis, Kingsley    (1922-1995)

Affairs of Death - Amis Kingsley Sextet (BBC, 1987)
All the Blood within Me - Amis Kingsley Sextet (BBC, 1987)
Dear Illusion - Amis Kingsley Sextet (BBC, 1987)
I Spy Strangers - Amis Kingsley Sextet (BBC, 1987)
Moral Fibre - Amis Kingsley Sextet (BBC, 1987)
To See the Sun - Amis Kingsley Sextet (BBC, 1987)
Touch and Go - BBC (LP-1957)

Andersen, Hans Christian   (1805-1875)

Beetle Who Wanted Gold Shoes, The - BBC (HS-1945)
Emporer's New Clothes, The - BBC (HS-1939, HS-1949, HS-1952); Twilight Tales
Garden of Paradise, The - BBC (HS-1943)
Immortality - BBC (AP-2005)
In a Thousand Years - 2000x
Little Mermaid, The - BBC (NP-1937, HS-1950)
Littlest Angel, The - Family Theatre
Mask for the New Year, A - BBC (HS-1939)
Nightingale, The - BBC (NP-1935, HS-1944, HS-1956)
Old House, The - BBC (HS-1951)
Princess and the Pea, The - BBC (HS-1951)
Shadow, The - BBC (NP-1936); Weird Circle
Snow Queen, The - BBC (NP-1938, HS-1945, HS-1952, ST-1967, SP-1995); Let's Pretend
Swineherd and the Princess, The - General Mills Radio Adventure Theater (as part of "Three Tales of Hans Andersen")
Tinderbox, The - BBC (HS-1944, HS-1949); General Mills Radio Adventure Theater (as part of "Three Tales of Hans Andersen")
Thumbelina - BBC (HS-1953, HS-1962, HS-1966)
Ugly Duckling, The - BBC (HS-1946, HS-1952, HS-1963); General Mills Radio Adventure Theater (as part of "Three Tales of Hans Andersen"); Singing Lady
Wild Swans, The - BBC (AT-1980); Hallmark Playhouse

Anderson, Maxwell   (1888-1959)

Elizabeth, The Queen - Great Plays; Vick's Matinee Theatre; NBC Presents: Best Plays; Theatre Guild on the Air
High Tor - Lux Radio Theatre; NBC Presents: Best Plays
Key Largo - Lux Radio Theatre
Knickerbocker Holiday - Pulitzer Prize Playhouse; Theatre Guild on the Air
Mary of Scotland - Lux Radio Theatre; Theatre Guild on the Air
Mask of Kings, The - Theatre Guild on the Air
Saturday's Children - Lux Radio Theatre
Valley Forge - Cavalcade of America (x3); Great Plays; Hallmark Playhouse; Eternal Light
Winterset - Great Plays; NBC Presents: Best Plays

Anderson, Poul   (1926-2001)

Call Me Joe - Sci-Fi Radio
Genius - Exploring Tomorrow
Inside Earth - Tales of Tomorrow (lost)
Light, The - X Minus One
Martian Crown Jewels, The - Seeing Ear Theatre
My Object All Sublime - Mindwebs
Time Heals - Exploring Tomorrow

Anderson, Sherwood   (1876-1941)

Dark Laughter - NBC University Theater
I Want to Know Why - NBC Presents: Short Story
I'm a Fool - Lady Esther Presents Orson Welles; Mercury Theatre on the Air; Mercury Summer Theatre of the Air; NBC Presents: Short Story

Ansky, S.   (1863-1920)

Dybbuk, The - BBC (1979); CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Demon Spirit"); Hollywood Theater of the Ear

Archer, Jules   (1915-2008)

Avenger, The - Theatre Five
Boy, The - Theatre Five
Found Money - Theatre Five
Man on the Canyon Wall - Theatre Five
Murder Is a Matter of Opinion - Radio City Playhouse; Suspense
Murder Is the Easiest Way - Radio City Playhouse
Skeletons - Theatre Five
Sold to Satan - Suspense
Two Came Back - Escape; Suspense; Theatre Five

Archer, William   (1856-1924)

Green Goddess, The - BBC (NP-1932, NP-1936, SNT-1944, HS-1953); Campbell Playhouse; Theatre Guild on the Air

Ardrey, Robert   (1908-1980)

Thunder Rock - Studio One

Aristophanes   (446 BC-386 BC)

Birds, The - BBC (TPG-1958, HS-1964, SP-1990); Great Plays
Frogs, The - BBC (TPG-1947, HS-1951); National Radio Theater
Lysistrata - BBC (TPG-1947, TGP-1957, DO3-2006)
Peace, The - BBC (TPG-1957); Great Plays
Sweeney Agonistes - BBC (TPG-1959)

Armstrong, Michael   (1944- )

Mutant Strain, The - Maiden Music Productions
Purple Planet, The - Maiden Music Productions
Space Station Z43 - Maiden Music Productions
Spiders, The - Maiden Music Productions
Ten Light Years Away - Maiden Music Productions
Third Star, The - Maiden Music Productions

Arr, Stephen   (1922-1912)

Chain of Command - X Minus One

Arthur, Robert A.   (1909-1969)

See also the plot archives for: The Mysterious Traveler; The Sealed Book; The Strange Dr Weird
Note: most of the stories below were written especially for radio. Exceptions are marked ~
Black Door, The - Suspense
Caller at Midnight, A - Theatre Five
Coffin for Mr Cash - Suspense
Deadman's Story - Suspense
Dream of a Scheme, A - Theatre Five
Getting Rid of George - Beyond Midnight
Heads You Lose - Suspense
Jokester, The - Beyond Midnight
Man Who Hated Scenes, The - The Price of Fear
Man Who Went Back to Save Lincoln, The - Mysterious Traveler (as "The Man Who Tried to Save Lincoln"); Suspense
Masquerade - Dark Destiny
_Party, The - see "Getting Rid of George"
~Postpaid to Paradise - Theatre Five (as "The Wonderful Stamps from El Dorado")
Sirens in the Night - Theatre Five
Sixty Grand Missing - Suspense
Soundtrack of a Happy Family - Theatre Five
Very Private Phone Call, A - Theatre Five
_Wonderful Stamps from El Dorado, The - see "Postpaid to Paradise"
You Can Die Laughing - Suspense
You Died Last Night - Suspense

Asch, Sholem   (1880-1957)

God of Vengeance - National Radio Theater
Nazarene, The - NBC University Theater
Passage in the Night, A - BBC (SP-1968)

Asimov, Isaac   (1920-1992)

C-Chute, The - X Minus One
Caves of Steel, The - BBC (SNT-1989)
Foundation Trilogy, The - BBC (SNT-1973)
Dreamworld - Mindwebs
Hostess - X Minus One
Legal Rites - Haunted
Liar! - Exploring Tomorrow (as "The Liar")
Nightfall - Dimension X; X Minus One
Pebble in the Sky - Dimension X
Robot City - producer unknown
Satisfaction Guaranteed - BBC (AP-2002)

Aswell, James   ( - )

Promise to Mark, A - Author's Playhouse
Shadow of Evil - NBC Presents: Short Story

Atkinson, Hugh   ( - )

Language of Flowers, The - Vanishing Point

Atwood, Margaret   (1939- )

Handmaid's Tale, The - BBC (CS-2000)

Auden, W. H.   (1907-1973)

Assent of F6, The - BBC (NP-1938)
Dark Valley, The - Columbia Workshop

Augier, Émile   (1820-1889)

Monsieur Poirier's Son-In-Law - (Le Gendre de Monsieur Poirier) - Great Plays

Aumonier, Stacy   (1877-1928)

Adventure in Bed, An - BBC (AP-1985)
Baby Grand, The - Aumonier's World (BBC-1993)
Dark Corridor, The - BBC (HS-1947)
Fall, The - BBC (NP-1938, HS-1945, TMT-1958); Murder International (BBC-1976)
Freddie Finds Himself - Aumonier's World (BBC-1993)
Funeral March - Aumonier's World (BBC-1993)
Good Action, A - BBC (HS-1941)
Great Unimpressionable, The - BBC (HS-1942, HS-1958)
Man of Letters, A - BBC (HS-1944)
Miss Bracegirdle Does Her Duty - BBC (HS-1945)
Source of Irritation, A - Aumonier's World (BBC-1993); BBC (HS-1943, MM-1947); Escape
Where was Wych Street? - Aumonier's World (BBC-1993); BBC (HS-1948)

Austen, Jane   (1775-1817)

Emma - BBC (HS-1948, 1970, 1983, CS-2000); Mind's Eye; NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels
Lady Susan - BBC (HS-1948, 1999)
Love and Friendship - BBC (AP-2002)
Mansfield Park - BBC (1952, 1972, CS-1997, 2003); Hallmark Playhouse
Northanger Abbey - BBC (HS-1949, 1953, 1962, SNT-1972, CS-2005); Mind's Eye; NBC University Theater
Persuasion - BBC (1951, SNT-1970, 1986, CS-1993); Hallmark Playhouse
Pride and Prejudice - BBC (HS-1945, HS-1950, 1975, 1984, AP-2006, CS-2014); Favorite Story; Hallmark Playhouse; Mind's Eye; NBC University Theater; Romance (x2); Studio One; Theatre Guild on the Air; Theatre of Romance (x2)
Sense and Sensibility - BBC (HS-1944, 1959, CS-1991)

Austin, William   (1778-1841)

Peter Rugg, The Missing Man - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Storm Breeder")

Aymé, Marcel   (1902-1967)

Crossing Paris - (Traversée de Paris) - Escape; Suspense
Flight of the Fancy, A - BBC (TPG-1958)

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Bacheller, Irving   (1859-1950)

Man for the Ages, A - Hallmark Playhouse

Bagnold, Enid   (1889-1981)

National Velvet - Hallmark Playhouse; Lux Radio Theatre

Bailey, Hilary D.    (1936- )

Twenty-Four Letters from Underneath the Earth - Mindwebs

Baker, Dorothy   (1907-1968)

Young Man Wth a Horn - NBC New Theater

Balit, Christina   (1961- )

Punt, The - Man in Black

Ballard, J. G.   (1930-2009)

Cloud-Sulptors of Coral D, The - Vanishing Point
Concrete Island - Dangerous Visions (BBC, 2013)
Drowned World, The - Dangerous Visions (BBC, 2013)
Escapement - Vanishing Point
Garden of Time, The - Mindwebs
Having a Wonderful Time - Vanishing Point
Low-Flying Aircraft - Vanishing Point
News from the Sun - Vanishing Point
Place and a Time to Die, A - Mindwebs
Question of Re-entry, A - Vanishing Point
Venus Smiles - BBC (AP-1987)

Ballinger, Bill S.   (1912-1980)

Fourth of Forever, The - Zero Hour (as "Fourth of Forever")
Heir Hunters - Zero Hour
Wife of the Red Haired Man, The - Zero Hour

Bamber, George   (1932- )

See also the plot archives for: Suspense; and Theatre Five
Planet Zevius, The - Mysterious Traveler; Theatre Five (as "In Absense of All Intelligent Live"); Suspense (as "Report from a Dead Planet")

Banks, Ian   (1954-2013)

State of the Art, The - Afternoon Play (2009)

Banks, Raymond E.   (1918-1996)

Decision - NBC Radio Institute
Gift, The - Exploring Tomorrow [author not confirmed]
Happiness Effect, The - Exploring Tomorrow

Barham, Richard Harris   (1788-1845)

Dead Drummer, The - Fear on 4
Spectre of Tappington, The - Weird Circle

Barker, Clive   (1952- )

History of the Devil - Seeing Ear Theatre

Barr, Robert   (1849-1912)

Absent-Minded Coterie, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Absent-Minded League")
Lord Chizelrigg's Missing Fortune - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Midas of Castle Hill")

Barrie, Sir James M.   (1860-1937)

Admirable Crichton, The - BBC (1941, SNT-1949, 1957, MP-1966, AT-1969, MP-1973, AT-1982, AP-1986, SP-2009, SP-2011); Star and the Story
Barbara's Wedding - BBC (AP-2003, AP-2011)
Dear Brutus - BBC (SNT-1951, SNT-1969, AP-1987, MP-1988)
Estate Hunters, The - BBC (WM-1956)
Farewell, Miss Julie Logan - BBC (1942, 1945, 1946)
Half an Hour - ABC Mystery Time; Theatre Royal
Honoured Guest, The - BBC (AT-1964)
Little Minister, The - BBC (SNT-1945, 1953); Railroad Hour
Mary Rose - BBC (1941, SNT-1947, 1950)
Old Laby Shows Her Medals, The - Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players
Peter Pan - BBC (1941, AP-1986, SP-2006); Great Plays; Lux Radio Theatre; Mind's Eye
Professor's Love Story, The - BBC (SNT-1948, SM-1949)
Quality Street - BBC (1942, SNT-1945, MP-1949); Everything for the Boys; Lux Radio Theatre; Railroad Hour
Seven Women - BBC (1941, WM-1948, AT-1965, AP-2005)
Shall We Join the Ladies? - BBC (SNT-1943, 1944)
Twelve Pound Look, The - BBC (1939, AP-2005); National Radio Theater
Well-Remembered Voice, A - BBC (AP-2003)
What Every Woman Knows - BBC (1940, SNT-1948, MP-1960, SNT-1966, SNT-1983, AP-1986); Campbell Playhouse; Theatre Guild on the Air
Will, The - BBC (1939, AT-1965)
Window in Thrums, A - BBC (1942, SM-1948)

Barry, Philip   (1896-1949)

Animal Kingdom, The - John Barrymore Theatre
Holiday - Arthur Hopkins Presents; Studio One
Joyous Season, The - Arthur Hopkins Presents
Male Animal, The - Arthur Hopkins Presents
One More Tomorrow - Lux Radio Theatre
Philadelphia Story, The - Arthur Hopkins Presents; Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players; Lux Radio Theatre (x2); NBC Presents: Best Plays
Tomorrow and Tomorrow - Cavalcade of America

Basilico, René   ( - )

Aliens in the Mind - BBC (1977)

Bates, Harry   (1900-1981)

Farewell to the Master - Lux Radio Theatre (as "The Day the Earth Stood Still")

Baxter, John   (1939- )

Apple - Mindwebs

Baxter, Stephen   (1957- )

George and the Comet - Seeing Ear Theatre (as "George and the Red Giant")

Beagle, Peter S.   (1939- )

Come, Lady Death - Nightfall (as "Guest-of-Honor")

Bear, Greg   (1951- )

Webster - Mindwebs

Beaulieu, Victor-Lévy   (1945- )

Rubber Ball, The - Vanishing Point

Beaumont, Charles   (1929-1967)

Last Rites - SF 68

Beckett, Samuel   (1906-1989)

Waiting for Godot - BBC (MP-1962, SUP-1999, DO3-2006)

Beerbohm, Sir Max   (1872-1956)

Enoch Soames - Favorite Story
Happy Hypocrite, The - Theatre Royal (x2)

Behrman, S. N.   (1893-1973)

Biography - NBC Presents: Best Plays
No Time for Comedy - Star and the Story; Theatre Guild on the Air
Second Man, The - Theatre Guild on the Air

Belasco, David   (1853-1931)

Return Of Peter Grimm, The - Great Plays

Bellah, James Warner   (1899-1976)

Command - Escape (x2); Suspense
She Wore a Yellow Ribbon - Lux Radio Theatre

Belloc, Hilaire   (1870-1953)

Marie Antoinette - Columbia Workshop (as "Death of a Queen")

Bellow, Saul   (1915-2005)

Orange Souffle - National Radio Theater
Wrecker, The - National Radio Theater

Benét, Stephen Vincent    (1898-1943)

_All That Money Can Buy - see "Devil and Daniel Webster, The"
_By the Waters of Babylon - see "Place of the Gods, The"
Child is Born, A - Cavalcade of America; NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels; Textron Theatre
Dan'l Webster and the Sea Serpent - Columbia Workshop
Devil and Daniel Webster, The - Cavalcade of America (as "All That Money Can Buy"); Columbia Workshop; Hallmark Playhouse
Doc Melhorn and the Pearly Gates - NBC Presents: Short Story [author not confirmed]
Elementals - Author's Playhouse; Escape; Radio City Playhouse; Suspense (as "Elemental")
Jacob and the Indians - Eternal Light
John Brown's Body - Columbia Workshop
Just for You - Lux Radio Theatre
King of the Cats, The - CBS Radio Workshop
Nightmare at Noon - Columbia Workshop; Treasury Star Parade
Nightmare Number Three - Dimension X (as "Nightmare"); X Minus One (as "Nightmare")
O'Halloran's Luck - Hallmark Playhouse; NBC Presents: Short Story
_Paul Revere - see "Tooth for Paul Revere, A"
Place of the Gods, The - 2000x (as "By the Waters of Babylon"); Mindwebs
Radio in the Rain - Columbia Workshop
Sobbin' Women, The - Electric Theatre
Tooth for Paul Revere, A - Adventure Ahead; Cavalcade of America; Columbia Workshop (as "Paul Revere"); Escape

Benford, Gregory   (1941- )

Bigger One, The - Seeing Ear Theatre
Doing Lennon - Mindwebs

Bennett, Arnold   (1867-1931)

Death, Fire and Life - Storytellers (BBC, 1989); Theatre Guild on the Air
Great Adventure, The - Theatre Guild on the Air
Holy Matrimony - Everything for the Boys; Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players; Lux Radio Theatre
Imperial Palace - NBC University Theater
Old Wive's Tale, The - NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels
*Trilogy for Xmas, A - 19 Nocturne Boulevard (as part of "A Trilogy for Christmas") (original title = ??)

Benson, E. F.   (1867-1940)

As We Were - BBC (1960)
Blotting Book, The - BBC (SP-2003, SP-2004)
Face, The - Fear on 4
Lucia in London - BBC (AP-1985)
Queen Lucia - BBC (AP-1984)
Secret Lives - BBC (CS-1987, AT-1989)
Thing in the Hall, The - Theatre 10.30
Thursday Evenings - BBC (1946)

Bentley, E. C.   (1875-1956)

Trent's Last Case - NBC University Theater; Suspense

Berger, Henning   (1872-1924)

Syndafloden - Arthur Hopkins Presents (as "The Deluge")

Berkeley, Reginald   (1890-1935)

Lady with the Lamp, The - Arthur Hopkins Presents

Berlioz, Hector   (1803-1869)

Memoirs of Hector Berlioz, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Fourth Bullett")

Berridge, Elizabeth   (1919-2009)

Touch and Go - BBC (SP-2000)

Berton, Pierre   (1920-2004)

Five Trails of '98, The - Theatre 10.30
Klondike - CBC

Besant, Sir Walter   (1836-1901)

Case of Mr Lucraft, The - Nightfall (as "The Appetite of Mr Lucraft")

Besier, Rudolf   (1878-1942)

Barretts Of Wimpole Street, The - Studio One

Bester, Alfred   (1913-1987)

See also the plot archives for: The Shadow; Nick Carter
Adam and No Eve - Mindwebs
Boy Wonder, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original script)
Future Eye - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original script)
Man from Ultra, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original script)
Now You See Them, Now You Don't - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original script)
One Girl in a Million - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original script)
Stars My Destination, The - Shape of Things to Come (BBC, 1991 as "Tiger! Tiger!")
_Tiger! Tiger! - see "Stars My Destination, The"
Two Plus Two Equals Death - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original script)
Walking Dead, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original script)

Bierce, Ambrose   (1842-1914)

Boarded Window, The - BBC (1945); Black Mass
Damned Thing, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Death of Halpin Frayser, The - Black Mass; CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Tales from the Shadows
*Long Way from Home, A - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
*Loser Take All - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
Man and the Snake, The - Christopher Lee's Fireside Tales (BBC, 2004); Sleep No More
*Matter of Conscience, A - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
Middle Toe of the Right Foot, The - Man in Black (BBC, 1949); Weird Circle
Monk and the Hangman's Daughter, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Moonlit Road, The - Black Mass; Tales from the Shadows
Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge, An - CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Escape; Sleep No More (as "Occasion at Owl Creek"); Suspnese (x3); Witch's Tale (as "The Deserter")
Oil of Dog - Black Mass
One of the Missing - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Thing at Nolan, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Watcher by the Dead, A - Appointment with Fear (BBC, 1944)

Biggers, Earl Derr   (1884-1933)

See also the plot archives for: Charlie Chan; The Incomparable Charlie Chan; The Adventures of Charlie Chan
Fifty Candles - Mollé Mystery Theatre
Seven Keys To Baldpate - Lux Radio Theatre

Biggle, Lloyd, Jr.   (1923-2002)

Beachhead in Utopia - Mindwebs

Bilker, Audrey L.   (1933-2000)

Apartment Hunting - Mindwebs

Bilker, Harvey L.   (1932-2012)

Apartment Hunting - Mindwebs

Binns, Archie   (1899-1971)

Lightship - CBS Radio Workshop

Birkin, Sir Charles   (1907-1985)

_Crystal Ball, The - see "Yellow Dressing Gown, The"
Eye for an Eye, An - Beyond Midnight (as "Yarrow")
_Meeting in Athens - see "So Pale, So Cold, So Fair"
So Pale, So Cold, So Fair - Price of Fear (as "Meeting in Athens")
Yellow Dressing Gown, The - Beyond Midnight (as "The Crystal Ball") [title not confirmed]

Bishop, Michael   (1945- )

Close Encounters with the Deity - Sci-Fi Radio

Bisson, Terry   (1942- )

Flat Edge of the Earth, The - Seeing Ear Theatre
Next - Seeing Ear Theatre (as part of "Three Odd Comedies")
Orson the Alien - Seeing Ear Theatre
They're Made out of Meat - Seeing Ear Theatre (as part of "Three Odd Comedies")
Toxic Donut, The - Seeing Ear Theatre (as part of "Three Odd Comedies")

Bjørnson, Bjørnstjerne   (1832-1910)

Railroad and Churchyard - Family Theatre

Blackmore, R. D.   (1825-1900)

Lorna Doone - Railroad Hour

Blackwood, Algernon    (1869-1951)

Ancient Sorceries - Escape
Camp of the Dog, The - BBC (MWT-1974, AT-1974, 1975, AT-1977), CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "Night of the Howling Dog")
Chinese Magic - Mystery and Imagination (BBC, 1945)
Confession - Escape; Mystery and Imagination (BBC, 1945)
Decoy, The - Haunted
Doll, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "Toy Death")
Gypsy's Prophecy, The - We Know a Story [author not confirmed]
In a Glass, Darkly - BBC (WM-1949)
*In the Fog - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
Keeping His Promise - Haunted
Nemesis of Fire, The - BBC (MWT-1974, AT-1974)
_Night of the Howling Dog - see "Camp of the Dog, The"
Secret Society, The - BBC (1947)
Secret Worship - BBC (MWT-1975, 30MT-1990)
Starlight Express, The - BBC (SP-1965)
Suspicious Gift, A - Sleep No More
Told in a Mountain Cabin - BBC (1942)
_Toy Death - see "Doll, The"
Wendigo, The - Theatre 10.30
Willows, The - BBC (2005)

Blish, James   (1921-1975)

Surface Tension - X Minus One

Bloch, Robert   (1917-1994)

See also the plot archives for: Stay Tuned for Terror
Almost Human - Dimension X; X Minus One
Breakdown Mollé Mystery Theatre
_Fifty Six G's, The - see "Water's Edge"
Funny Farm, The - Mindwebs
Good Knight's Work, A - Seeing Ear Theatre
Hell-Bound Train, The - Mindwebs
Plot Is the Thing, The - Mindwebs
Water's Edge - Beyond Midnight (as "The Fifty-Six G's")
Yours Truly, Jack the Ripper - Mollé Mystery Theatre

Blochman, Lawrence G.   (1900-1975)

Red Wine - Mollé Mystery Theatre

Blum, Richard   (1927- )

Firmin Child, The - Haunted

Blythe, Ronald   ( - )

Take Your Partners - Beyond Midnight

Bond, Edward   (1934- )

Chair - BBC (FP-2000)
Existence - BBC (AP-2002)
Narrow Road to the Deep North - BBC (MP-1982)
Sea, The - BBC (SP-2006)

Bond, Nelson S.   (1908-2006)

Bookshop, The - Sleep No More
Conquerors' Isle - Escape (x2); Sleep No More
Johnny Cartwright's Camera - Author's Playhouse
Mask of Medusa, The - Mystery in the Air
Mr Mergenthwirker's Lobblies - Federal Theatre Project, WPA; Sleep No More
On Schedule - The Black Book
Remarkable Talent of Egbert Haw, The - Bakers' Theater of Stars
Vital Factor - Dimension X (as "The Vital Factor"); X Minus One (as "The Vital Factor")

Bonellie, Janet   ( - )

Daddy's Girl - Nightfall
In the Name of the Father - Nightfall
Mr Agostino - Nightfall

Boothby, Guy   (1867-1905)

The Dutchess of Wiltshire's Diamonds - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Devil's Bargain")

Borges, Jorge Luís   (1899-1986)

Death and the Compass - Vanishing Point
Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius - 19 Nocturne Boulevard (as "Dis Belief")

Boucher, Anthony   (1911-1968)

See also the plot archives for: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes; The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes; The Adventures of Ellery Queen; The Casebook of Gregory Hood
Ghost with the Gun, The - Mollé Mystery Theatre
They Bite - Nightfall

Boulle, Pierre   (1912-1994)

William Conrad - BBC (SNT-1962, AT-1965)

Bovey, Simon   (1979- )

Slipstream - BBC (2008)

Bowen, Elizabeth   (1899-1973)

Claimant, The - Beyond Midnight (as "Hobart")
Confidant, The - BBC (AP-1998)
Death of the Heart, The - BBC (MP-1957); NBC University Theater
Demon Lover, The - BBC (AP-1998); Female Ghost (BBC, 1997)
Hand in Glove - BBC (30MT-1964); Fear on 4 (BBC, 1989)
Heat of the Day, The - BBC (SNT-1955, MP-1972, SP-1998, CS-2011)
_Hobart - see "Claimant, The"
House in Paris, The - BBC (CS-1994); NBC University Theater
Last September, The - BBC (AT-1996)
Look at All Those Roses - BBC (1948)
Telling - Suspense
To the North - BBC (2008)

Boyle, Kay    (1902-1992)

Let There Be Honor - Romance
Wanderers, The - NBC Presents: Short Story [author not confirmed]

Boylston, Helen Dore    (1895-1984)

Keys - NBC Presents: Short Story [author not confirmed]

Bradbury, Ray   (1920-2012)

And So Died Riabouchinska - Suspense (as "Riabouchinska"); Tales of the Bizarre (BBC, 1997)
April Witch, The - Golden Apples of the Sun (BBC, 1991)
_August 2026: There Will Come Soft Rains - see "There Will Come Soft Rains"
_Beast from 20,000 Fathoms, The - see "Fog Horn, The"
Case of the Exeter Audition, The - KIRO Mystery Playhouse
Crowd, The - Suspense
Dandelion Wine - Theatre 10.30
Day It Rained Forever, The - Bradbury Times Five (CBC Playhouse); Tales of the Bizarre (BBC, 1997)
Emissary, The - Haunted
Fahrenheit 451 - BBC (AT-1982, SNT-1982, SP-2003); Studio 71 (CBC)
Flying Machine, The - Golden Apples of the Sun (BBC, 1991)
Fog Horn, The - Golden Apples of the Sun (BBC, 1991); Mindwebs; Theatre 10.30 (as "The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms" [unconfirmed])
Forever and the Earth - Norman Corwin
Fox and the Forest, The - BBC (30MT-1959); Bradbury 13; CBC; Dimension X (as "To the Future"); X Minus One (as "To the Future")
Frost and Fire - Bradbury Times Five (CBC Playhouse); Sci-Fi Radio; Vancouver Theatre
Fruit at the Bottom of the Bowl, The - Golden Apples of the Sun (BBC, 1991); Tales of the Bizarre (BBC, 1995)
Gift, The - Mindwebs
Golden Apples of the Sun, The - Golden Apples of the Sun (BBC, 1991)
Great Conflagration up at the Place, The - Norman Corwin
Hail and Farewell - CBS Radio Workshop; Golden Apples of the Sun (BBC, 1991)
Happiness Machine, The - Bradbury 13; Theatre 10.30
Have I Got a Chocolate Bar for You - Tales of the Bizarre (BBC, 1995)
Here There Be Tygers - Bradbury 13
I Sing the Body Electric - Bradbury Times Five (CBC Playhouse); Tales of the Bizarre (BBC, 1996)
_Imbalance of Species, An - see "Sound of Thunder, A"
_Insect Man - see "Watchers, The"
Jack-in-the-Box - Tales of the Bizarre (BBC, 1997)
Jar, The - Tales of the Bizarre (BBC, 1995)
Kaleidoscope - BBC (AT-1996), Bradbury 13; Dimension X; Shape of Things to Come (BBC, 1991); Mindwebs; Suspense
Killer, Come Back to Me - Mollé Mystery Theatre
Lake, The - Radio City Playhouse
Leviathan 99 - BBC (AT-1968)
_Lonely One, The - see "Ravine, The"
Man, The - Bradbury 13
Man Upstairs, The - Tales of the Bizarre (BBC, 1997)
Marionettes, Inc. - Audion Theatre; BBC (JBM-1979); Dimension X; X Minus One
Meadow, The - World Security Workshop
Miss Helen Loomis - Theatre 10.30
Mr Jonas and Grandpa - Theatre 10.30
Murderer, The - Golden Apples of the Sun (BBC, 1991)
Next in Line, The - Fear on 4 (BBC, 1992)
_No-Name Baby - see "Small Assassin, The"
Pedestrian, The - Theatre 10.30
Pillar of Fire - 2000x
Playground, The - Vanishing Point
Ravine, The - Bradbury 13; Bradbury Times Five (CBC Playhouse, as "The Lonely One"); CBS Radio Adventure Theater (as "The Whole Town's Sleeping"); Suspense (as "The Whole Town's Sleeping"); Vanishing Point
_Riabouchinska - see "And So Died Riabouchinska"
Rocket, The - NBC Presents: Short Story
Screaming Woman, The - Bradbury 13; Suspense (x2)
Scythe, The - Tales of the Bizarre (BBC, 1997)
_Searching Wind - see "Wind, The"
Season of Disbelief - CBS Radio Workshop
Skeleton - Tales of the Bizarre (BBC, 1996)
Small Assassin, The - Beyond Midnight (as "No-Name Baby")
Something Wicked This Way Comes - Independent Production
Sound of Thunder, A - Bradbury 13; Future Tense (as "An Imbalance of Species"); Golden Apples of the Sun (BBC, 1991); SF 68
Summer Night - Suspense
Summer Raptures of Ray Bradbury, The - CBC
There Was an Old Woman - Bradbury 13
There Will Come Soft Rains - BBC (TPG-1962, 1977 as "August 2026: There Will Come Soft Rains"); Dimension X; X Minus One
To the Chicago Abyss - independent production of WBAI, New York
_To the Future - see "Fox and the Forest, The"
Veldt, The - BBC (TMT-1959, AP-2007); Bradbury 13; Bradbury Times Five (CBC Playhouse); Dimension X; Mindwebs; X Minus One
Watchers, The - Beyond Midnight (as "Insect Man")
_Whole Town's Sleeping, The - see "Ravine, The"
Wind, The - BBC (1954 all as "When the Wind Blows"); Bradbury 13; Radio City Playhouse; Tales of the Bizarre (BBC, 1997); Theatre 10.30 (as "The Searching Wind")
Wonderful Ice Cream Suit, The - BBC (AT-1971)
Zero Hour - Adventure Theater; Dimension X; Escape; Future Tense; NBC Experiment in Drama; Suspense (x3); X Minus One

From The Martian Chronicles

And the Moon Be Still as Bright - Dimension X; Omni Audio Experience; X Minus One
Dark They Were, and Golden-Eyed - Bradbury 13
Dwellers in Silence - Dimension X; X Minus One
Earth Men, The - Escape
Mars Is Heaven! - ABC Radio Workshop [Think]; Dimension X (x2); Escape; Future Tense; X Minus One
Martian Chronicles, The - Dimension X
Night Call, Collect - Bradbury 13; Tales of the Bizarre (BBC, 1995)
Off Season, The - Omni Audio Experience

Braddon, Mary Elizabeth   (1835-1915)

_Beautiful Viper, A - see "Eveline's Visitant"
Cold Embrace, The - BBC (AP-1987); Female Ghost (BBC, 1997)
Eveline's Visitant - Beyond Midnight (as "A Beautiful Viper"); Hall of Fantasy (as "The Mark of Shame"); Red Room: Ghost Stories for Christmas (BBC, 2000)
Lady Audley's Secret - BBC (AT-1983, SNT-1983, CS-1999, WHD-2009)
_Mark of Shame, The - see "Eveline's Visitant"

Bradford, Roark   (1896-1948)

Ol' Man Adam and His Chillun - Theatre Guild on the Air (as "The Green Pastures")

Bradley, Marion Zimmer   (1930-1999)

Day of the Butterflies, The - Mindwebs
Phoenix - Mindwebs

Brand, Max   (1892-1944)

See also the plot archives for: Story of Doctor Kildare
Destry Rides Again - Lux Radio Theatre (x2)
Singing Guns - Studio One

Brecht, Bertolt    (1898-1956)

Jewish Wife, The - National Radio Theater (from "The Private Life of the Master Race")

Breslin, Howard    (1912-1964)

Bad Day at Black Rock - Caltex Theatre
Honest Captain, The - Columbia Workshop
Tamarack Tree, The - Hallmark Playhouse

Bretnor, Alfred Reginald    (1911-1992)

Through Time and Space with Ferdinand Feghoot - Mindwebs

Bridge, Ann   (1889-1974)

Buick Saloon, The - Red Room: Ghost Stories for Christmas (WHD-2000)
Lighthearted Guest, The - BBC (AT-1970, SNT-1970)

Briggs, Raymond   (1934- )

Man, The - BBC (AP-2005)
When the Wind Blows - BBC (AT-1966, AT-1972, MP-1983, AT-1983, SNT-1984)

Bromfield, Louis   (1896-1956)

McLeod's Folly - Hallmark Playhouse
Mrs Parkington - Hallmark Playhouse; Lux Radio Theatre
Rains Came, The - Lux Radio Theatre; Wheatena Playhouse

Brontë, Charlotte   (1816-1855)

Jane Eyre - BBC (1946, 1953, SNT-1962, AT-1963, SP-1966, CS-1972, 1978, CS-1994, 1999, 2003), Campbell Playhouse; CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Family Theatre; Favorite Story; Gulf Screen Guild Theatre; Hallmark Playhouse; Lux Radio Theatre (x2); Mercury Summer Theatre of the Air; NBC University Theater; NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels; Vick's Matinee Theatre; Weird Circle
Professor, The - BBC (WHD-2005)
Shirley - BBC (CS-1985, CS-2002)
Villette - BBC (1963, CS-1989, CS-1994, CS-1999, WHD-2009)

Brontë, Emily   (1818-1848)

Wuthering Heights - BBC (1947, 1950, AT-1967, SNT-1967, AT-1974, CS-1981, CS-1995, WHD-2003, DO3-2011); CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Favorite Story; Ford Theatre; Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players; Lux Radio Theatre (x3); NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels; Studio One; Vick's Matinee Theatre; Weird Circle

Brook, J. C. W.   ( - )

Jonas - Christmas Spirits (BBC, 1990)
Snowman Killing, The - Fear on 4 (BBC, 1988)

Brooks, Collin   (1893-1959)

Mrs Smiff - Beyond Midnight (as "Little Happenthatch")

Brown, Fredric   (1906-1972)

Blood - 2000x
Crack-Up - Lux Radio Theatre
Earthmen Bearing Gifts - Mindwebs
Honeymoon in Hell - X Minus One
Knock - 2000x; Dimension X; Future Tense; Mindwebs; Seeing Ear Theatre; X Minus One
Last Martian, The - X Minus One
Letter to a Phoenix - Mindwebs
Weapon, The - Mindwebs

Browne, Maurice   ( - )

Wings Over Europe: A Dramatic Extravaganza on a Pressing Theme - Theatre Guild on the Air (as "Wings over Europe")

Browne, Porter Emerson   (1879-1934)

Bad Man, The - Campbell Playhouse

Browning, Elizabeth Barrett   (1806-1861)

Sonnet 43 - CBS Radio Workshop (as part of "1489 words")

Browning, Robert   (1812-1889)

Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came - National Radio Theater (as "The Dark Tower")
Pied Piper of Hamelin, The - Author's Playhouse; Columbia Workshop

Brunner, John   (1934-1995)

Pond Water - Mindwebs
Wasted on the Young - Mindwebs

Buchan, John   (1875-1940)

Courts of the Morning, The - BBC (SNT-1994)
Free Fishers, The - BBC (1964)
Greenmantle - Adventure Ahead; BBC (CS-2005)
Grove of Ashtaroth, The - Escape
Huntingtower - BBC (CS-1988, CS-1995)
Island of Sheep, The - BBC (CS-1975, CS-1983)
Midwinter - BBC (1966)
Mr Standfast - BBC (CS-2008)
Thirty-Nine Steps, The - BBC (1960, AT-1989, SNT-1990, CS-2001); Mercury Theatre on the Air; Suspense
Three Hostages, The - BBC (1942, CS-2003)
Witch Wood - BBC (MP-1954, SNT-1975, 1990, 1992)

Büchner, Georg   (1813-1837)

Danton's Death - National Radio Theater

Buck, Pearl S.   (1892-1973)

Long Love, The - Hallmark Playhouse
Patriot, The - Campbell Playhouse

Buckner, Robert   (1906-1989)

Man Who Won the War, The - Escape; Suspense

Budrys, Algis   (1931-2008)

Protective Mimicry - X Minus One
Rogue Moon - National Radio Theater

Bulgakov, Mikhail   (1891-1940)

Fatal Eggs, The - (Rokovye Iaitsa) - Nightfall
Master and Margarita, The - L.A. Theatre Works (NPR) and Lookingglass Theatre Company

Bulwer-Lytton, Edward   (1803-1873)

Cardinal Richelieu - Lux Radio Theatre
Falkland - Weird Circle
*Fatal Love Potion, The - Weird Circle (original title = ??) [author not confirmed]
Haunted and the Haunters; Or, The House and the Brain, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The House and the Brain"); House of Mystery (as "The Haunted and the Haunters"); We Know a Story (as "The Haunted and the Haunters"); Weird Circle (as "The House and the Brain")
Last Days of Pompeii, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater

Bunyan, John   (1628-1688)

Pilgrim's Progress, The - BBC (1943, 1992, CS-2004)

Burgess, Anthony   (1917-1993)

Clockwork Orange, A - BBC (LNT-1998)
Earthly Powers - BBC (CS-2004)
Inside Mr Enderby - BBC (1980, CS-2001)

Burke, Thomas   (1886-1945)

Hands of Mr Ottermole, The - Mollé Mystery Theatre; Radio City Playhouse; Suspense

Burman, Ben   (1896-1984)

Minstrels of the Mist - Author's Playhouse

Burnett, Frances Hodgson    (1849-1924)

Little Princess, A - BBC (1992, SPH-1996, AP-1998)
Making of a Marchioness, The - BBC (SNT-1969, CS-2007)
Secret Garden, The - BBC (1962, SNT-1975, AT-1979) Afternoon Play (BBC, 1998)

Burrage, A. M.   (1889-1956)

Browdean Farm - Sleep No More
One Who Saw - Beyond Midnight (as "The Evil Face")
Waxwork, The - BBC (1963, SNT-1987); Beyond Midnight (as "A Night in the Waxworks"); Late Alfred Hitchcock Presents (BBC, 2010); Price of Fear; Sleep No More (as "Waxwork"); Suspense (x2)
Smee - Beyond Midnight

Burroughs, Edgar Rice   (1875-1950)

See also the plot archives for: Tarzan of the Apes
Moon Maid, The - 2000x

Butler, Octavia E.   (1947-2006)

Bloodchild - 2000x
Kindred - Seeing Ear Theatre

Butler, Robert Olen   (1945- )

Titantic Victim Speaks Through Waterbed - Seeing Ear Theatre (as "Titanic Dreams")
Titanic Survivors Found in Bermuda Triangle - Seeing Ear Theatre (as "Titanic Dreams")

Butler, Samuel   (1835-1902)

Way of All Flesh, The - NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels; NBC University Theater

Buzatti, Dino   (1906-1972)

Count's Wife, The - Vanishing Point

Byron, Lord   (1788-1824)

All for Love - Moon River
Last Adventure, The - BBC (2006)
So, We'll Go No More A-Roving - Moon River

Back to the Top

dividing line

Cain, James M.   (1892-1977)

Dead Man - NBC Presents: Short Story
Double Indemnity - BBC (SNT-1993); Ford Theatre; Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players; Lux Radio Theatre
Love's Lovely Counterfeit - Suspense (x2)
Mildred Pierce - BBC (SNT-1993); Lux Radio Theatre (x2)
Postman Always Rings Twice, The -- BBC (SNT-1993); Screen Guild Theater (x2)
Wife, Husband, and Friend - Lux Radio Theatre

Cain, Paul   (1892-1977)

Black - Black Mask Audio Magazine (Hollywood Theater of the Ear)
Pigeon Blood - Black Mask Audio Magazine (Hollywood Theater of the Ear)
Trouble Chaser - Black Mask Audio Magazine (Hollywood Theater of the Ear)

Caldwell, Erskine   (1903-1987)

Windfall, The - NBC Presents: Short Story

Cameron, Silver Donald   (1937- )

Devil's Backbone, The - Nightfall

Campbell, Burke   ( - )

Beauty's Beast - Nightfall
In the Eye of the Beholder - Nightfall

Campbell, John W., Jr.   (1910-1971)

Escape, The - Exploring Tomorrow (lost)
Who Goes There? - Blue Hours Productions; Chillers (BBC, 2002)

Campton, David   (1924-2006)

Mrs Meadowsweet - Spine Chillers (BBC, 1984) (as "Mrs M")

Camus, Albert   (1913-1960)

Renegade, The - Black Mass (lost)

Čapek, Karel   (1890-1938)

Disappearance of an Actor, The - BBC (1946)
Fortune-Teller, The - BBC (1946)
How a Play is Produced - BBC (1941 as "A Play Is Born")
Letters from England - BBC (1940 as "Capek in Wonderland", 1940 as "First Impressions")
Mother, The - BBC (1960)
R.U.R. - 2000x; BBC (1941, LP-1946, SNT-1946, AT-1989); Columbia Workshop
War with the Newts - BBC (DO3-2005, DO3-2007)

Carmer, Carl   (1893-1976)

Last Speech, The - Columbia Workshop

Carr, John Dickson   (1906-1977)

Note: most of the stories below were written especially for radio. Exceptions are marked ~
Adventures of Three Students, The - Escape to Freedom (BBC, 1942)
Below Suspicion - BBC (SP-2001)
Black Minute, The - BBC (1940)
Black Spectacles, The - BBC (SP-1998)
Blind Barber, The - BBC (AT-1997)
Blind Man's Hood - BBC (1963)
Body Snatchers, The - Suspense
Bride Vanishes, The - Cabin B-13; Suspense
Britain Shall Not Burn - BBC (1941)
~Burning Court, The - Suspense (x2)
Cabin B-13 - Appointment with Fear (BBC, SNT-1943); Suspense
Clock Strikes Eight, The - Appointment with Fear (BBC, SNT-1944, SNT-1974)
Curse of the Bronze Lamp, The - Appointment with Fear (BBC, SNT-1944)
Customers Like Murder, The - Appointment with Fear (BBC, SNT-1943); Suspense
Dead Sleep Lightly, The - Appointment with Fear (BBC, SNT-1943); Suspense
Death Flies Blind - Appointment with Fear (BBC, SNT-1944); Suspense
Death Has Four Faces - Appointment with Fear (BBC, SNT-1944)
Death Whistles a Tune - BBC (1974)
Devil in the Summerhouse, The - BBC (1940, MP-1947); Suspense
Devil's Manuscript, The - Appointment with Fear (BBC, SNT-1944)
Devil's Saint, The - Appointment with Fear (BBC, SNT-1943); Blue Hours Productions; Suspense
Dragon in the Pool, The - Appointment with Fear (BBC, SNT-1944)
Fifth Time Lucky - Escape to Freedom (BBC, 1942)
~Fire, Burn! - BBC (SNT-1958, SNT-1963, SNT-1967, AT-1967, SNT-1975, AT-1975) [same story as "Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble" ??]
~Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble - Appointment with Fear (BBC, SNT-1943); Suspense
Five Canaries in the Room - Suspense
Fortune-Teller, The - see "Till Death Do Us Part"
Four Smart Girls - BBC (1941)
Gong Cried Murder, The - Appointment with Fear (BBC, SNT-1944)
~Hangman Won't Wait, The - Suspense
He Who Whispers - BBC (SP-2000)
~Hollow Man, The - BBC (SNT-1957, SNT-1997, AT-1997)
I Never Suspected - Appointment with Fear (BBC, SNT-1944)
Into Thin Air - Appointment with Fear (BBC, SNT-1943); BBC (AT-1997)
Lair of the Devil-Fish - Appointment with Fear (BBC, SNT-1944)
Locked Room, The - National Radio Theater; Suspense
Lord of the Witch Doctors, The - Suspense
Mad Hatter Mystery, The - BBC (SP-1999)
Man in the Iron Mask, The - BBC (1942)
Man Who Died Twice, The - Appointment with Fear (BBC, SNT-1943)
Man Who Was Afraid of Dentists, The - Appointment with Fear (BBC, SNT-1944)
Man without a Body, The - Suspense
Men of Sparta - Escape to Freedom (BBC, 1942)
_Menace in Wax, The - see "Waxworks Murder, The"
Moment of Darkness, The - Suspense
Mr Markham, Antique Dealer - Appointment with Fear (BBC, SNT-1944 as "The Speaking Clock"); BBC (1974); Suspense (x3) [twice as "The Dealings of Mr Markham")
Never Tell Patients the Truth - BBC (1941, 1943)
Nothing up My Sleeve - Suspense
Oath of Rolling Thunder, The - Appointment with Fear (BBC, SNT-1944)
Phantom Archer, The - Appointment with Fear (BBC, SNT-1943)
Razor in Fleet Street, A - Cabin B-13
Scandalous Affair of the Queen's Necklace, The - BBC (1944)
Sleep of Death, The - Cabin B-13
Speak of the Devil - BBC (1941)
_Speaking Clock, The - see "Mr Markham, Antique Dealer"
~Till Death Do Us Part - BBC (MWT-1963, AT-1997 as "The Fortune-Teller"); Suspense (x2)
To Wake the Dead - BBC (1939, AT-1997)
Vampire Tower - Appointment with Fear (BBC, SNT-1944)
Vex Not His Ghost - Appointment with Fear (BBC, SNT-1944)
~Waxworks Murder, The - Appointment with Fear (BBC, SNT-1943); Suspense
Who Killed Matthew Corbin - BBC (1997)
Will You Make a Bet with Death? - Appointment with Fear (BBC, SNT-1943); Suspense
Will You Walk into My Parlor? - Suspense

Carroll, Gladys Hasty   (1904-1999)

Kristi - NBC Presents: Short Story
Man's Mother, A - Hallmark Playhouse
West of the Hill - Hallmark Playhouse

Carroll, Lewis   (1832-1898)

Alice in Wonderland - BBC (1948); BBC (as "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland") (SNT-1943, 1962, MP-1965, 1969, AT-1973, MP-1977, 1985, CS-1996); Columbia Workshop; Favorite Story; General Mills Radio Adventure Theater (as "I Remember Alice"); Lux Radio Theatre; NBC Star Playhouse; NBC University Theater; Seeing Ear Theatre; White Fires of Inspiration
Alice's Adventures through the Looking Glass - BBC (as "Alice through the Looking Glass") (1944, 2010, SP-2012); BBC (as "Through the Looking Glass") (1948, 1961, CS-2000); Columbia Workshop
Hunting of the Snark - BBC (AP-2000)
Walrus and the Carpenter, The - BBC (TPG-1955)

Carroll, Sidney   (1913-1988)

None Before Me - Mindwebs

Carter, Angela   (1940-1992)

Company of Wolves, The - BBC (DO3-1980, AT-1992, 2005)
Courtship of Mr Lyon, The - BBC (WHD-1998, DO3-2009)
Puss in Boots - BBC (MP-1982, AT-1992)
Vampirella - BBC (SUP-1976, SP-1992, AT-1992)

Carter, Lin   (1930-1988)

Martian El Dorado of Parker Wintley - Mindwebs

Carter, Paul A.   (1926- )

Last Objective, The - Dimension X

Carver, Raymond   (1938-1988)

Small, Good Thing, A - Vanishing Point

Case, Josephine Young   (1907-1990)

At Midnght on the 31st of March - Author's Playhouse

Castell, Daphne   (1929-1983)

Christina - Haunted

Causey, James   (1924-2003)

Show Must Go On, The - Mindwebs

Cave, Hugh B.   (1910-2004)

Curse of Nagana, The - Weird Tales
Lost and Found - Black Mask Audio Magazine (Hollywood Theater of the Ear)
Missing Mr Lee, The - Black Mask Audio Magazine (Hollywood Theater of the Ear)
Murder Island - Romance
Silent Horror, The - Escape

Cervantes, Miguel de   (1547-1616)

_Adventures of Don Quixote, The - BBC (1944, AT-1980, AT-1991); CBS Radio Mystery Theater
_Adventures of the Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote de la Mancha, The - BBC (MP-1980)
_Don Quixote - BBC (SUP-1991, AP-2006, DO3-2009); Family Theatre; NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels; NBC University Theater; NPR Playhouse
Life and Exploits of the Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote de la Mancha, The - (El ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha) - BBC (TPG-1954)

Chamberlain, George Agnew   (1879-1966)

Phantom Filly, The - Hallmark Playhouse
Scudda Hoo! Scudda Hay! - Hallmark Playhouse

Chambers, Robert W.   (1865-1933)

Mask, The - Beyond Midnight (as "Turning to Marble")

Chamisso, Adelbert von   (1781-1838)

Peter Schlemihl - Favorite Story (as "The Man Who Sold His Shadow to the Devil")

Chandler, A. Bertram   (1912-1954)

Cage, The - Mindwebs; SF 68

Chandler, Glenn   (1949- )

Late Departure, The - Haunted

Chandler, Raymond   (1888-1959)

See also the plot archives for: The Adventures of Philip Marlowe
Big Sleep, The - BBC (MP-1977, AT-1977, 1988, 2006, SP-2011, SP-2014)
Blue Dahlia, The - Lux Radio Theatre
Farewell, My Lovely - BBC (SNT-1988, SP-2011, SP-2014)
High Window, The - BBC (MP-1977, AT-1977, AP-2005, SP-2011, SP-2014)
Lady in the Lake, The - BBC (MP-1977, AT-1977, 1988, SP-2011, SP-2014)
Little Sister, The - BBC (MP-1977, AT-1977, SP-2011, SP-2014)
Long Goodbye, The - BBC (MP-1978, AT-1978, 1989, SP-2011, SP-2014)
Murder, My Sweet - Lux Radio Theatre
Spanish Blood - Mollé Mystery Theatre (as "Murder in City Hall")
Strangers on a Train - Lux Radio Theatre
Pearls Are a Nuisance - Romance; Suspense (x2)

Charlebois, Gaëtan   ( - )

Waters Under the Bridge - Nightfall

Chase, Mary Ellen   (1887-1973)

Salesmanship - Columbia Workshop (as part of "Listen to a Story")

Chaucer, Geoffrey   (1343-1400)

Pardoner's Tale, The - BBC (AT-1977 as "Cold Earth Travelling"); Family Theatre

Cheavens, Martha   (1899-1975)

Penny Serenade - General Electric Theater; Lux Radio Theatre (x2); Vick's Matinee Theatre

Cheever, John   (1912-1982)

Enormous Radio, The - CBS Radio Workshop; Mindwebs; Vanishing Point
Pot of Gold, The - NBC Presents: Short Story
Swimmer, The - Mindwebs

Chekhov, Anton   (1860-1904)

All Among Friends - BBC (AT-1964)
Avenger, The - BBC (1955)
_Bear, The - see "Boor, The"
Bet, The - (Пари) - BBC (1956); Family Theatre; Favorite Story; Sleep No More; World's Greatest Stories
Black Monk, The - (Chyorny monakh) - BBC (AP-2001)
_Boatman and the Devil, The - see "In Exile"
Boor, The - BBC (1949 as "The Bear"); Comedy Playhouse; On Stage with Elliott and Cathy Lewis (as "The Bear"); Romance (as "The Bear")
Boring Story, A - BBC (AT-1972)
Cherry Orchard, The - (Вишнёвый сад) - BBC (MP-1948, MP-1960, MP-1964, MP-1974, DO3-2008); Theatre Guild on the Air (as "The Wisteria Tree")
Darling, The - (Душечка) - BBC (1941, AT-1972); NBC Presents: Short Story
Grasshopper, The - BBC (MP-1960)
House with an Attic, The - BBC (TMT-1991)
Hunting Party, The - BBC (AT-1979, AT-1981)
In Exile - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Boatman and the Devil")
Ivanov - (Иванов) - BBC (1941, MP-1958, WT-1968, MP-1968, MP-1975, SUP-2001)
Lady and the Double-Bass Case, The - see "Romance with a Double Bass"
Lady with the Little Dog, The - (Дама с собачкой) - BBC (AT-1972, AT-1974, WHD-2010)
Little Lower Than the Angels, A - BBC (AT-1964)
Mirage - BBC (1959)
Miss Anya - BBC (AT-1965, AT-1970)
On the Harmful Effects of Tobacco - (О вреде табака) - BBC (MP-1965 as "Tobacco is a Harmful Weed", AT-1972 as "Tobacco Is a Harmful Weed"); Tales from the Shadows
On the Way - BBC (SP-1947)
Polinka - BBC (1951, 1958)
Proposal, The - BBC (1940, 1942)
Romance with a Double Bass - BBC (TMT-1983 as "The Lady and the Double-Bass Case")
*Safety Match, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
Schoolmistress, The - (На подводе) - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Seagull, The - BBC (1942, MP-1945, MP-1953, MP-1960, 1963, SUP-1968, MP-1969, MP-1981, MP-1983, AT-1986, SNT-1987, MP-1993, DO3-2010)
Stories for Olga - BBC (WHD-1999)
Swedish Match, The - BBC (1947)
Swan Song - BBC (MP-1965, AT-1972, DO3-2006)
Three Sisters, The - (Три сестры) - BBC (1941, MP-1946, 1956, MP-1959, MP-1960, MP-1965, SUP-1990, AT-1996, SUP-2001)
Upheaval, An - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Brooch") [title not confirmed]
Uncle Vanya - (Дядя Ваня) - BBC (1941, MP-1947, MP-1951, MP-1960, SP-1965, MP-1970, AT-1972, SUP-1985); National Radio Theater
Ward No. 6 - (Палата № 6) - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "Ward Six")
Wedding, The - BBC (1949)
Wife for Sale - BBC (1955)
_Wisteria Tree, The - see "Cherry Orchard"

Cherrell, Gwen   ( - )

Dreaming of Thee - Fear on 4

Chetwynd-Hayes, R.   (1919-2001)

Liberated Tiger, The - Haunted
Which One? - Haunted

Chevigny, Hector   (1904-1965)

Strange Burial of Alexander Jordon, The - Creeps by Night; Suspense (as "The Death of Alexander Jordon")
Writer at Work, A - CBS Radio Workshop

Chesterton, G. K.   (1874-1936)

Judgment of Dr Johnson, The - BBC (AT-1974)
Lepanto - BBC (1939)
Man Who Was Thursday, The - BBC (MP-1953, MP-1975, CS-1986, 2005); Mercury Theatre on the Air
Napoleon of Notting Hill, The - BBC (MP-1986, CS-1986, AT-1990, CS-1990)
Oracle of the Dog, The - BBC (1940)
Painful Fall of a Great Reputation - BBC (WM-1945)
Purple Wig, The - Appointment with Fear (BBC, 1944)

Club of Queer Trades
Awful Reason of the Vicar's Visit, The - BBC (WM-1945)
Noticeable Conduct of Professor Chadd, The - BBC (1945)
Tremendous Adventures of Major Brown, The - BBC (1940, 1945)

Father Brown Stories
Absense of Mr Glass, The - BBC (1987)
Arrow of Heaven, The - BBC (1986)
Blue Cross, The - BBC (1939, 1949, MWT-1974, 1984)
Curse of the Golden Cross, The - BBC (1986)
Dagger with Wings, The - BBC (MWT-1974)
Doctor and the Alibi, The - BBC (1986)
Eye of Apollo - BBC (1940, WM-1944, 1949, 1984)
Hammer of God, The - BBC (1939, 1985)
Honour of Israel Gow, The - BBC (1985)
Invisible Man, The - BBC (1944, WM-1945, 1947, 1985)
Man in the Passage, The - BBC (1939, 1946, 1949)
Mirror of the Magistrate, The - BBC (1949, MWT-1974)
Mistake of the Machine, The - BBC (1986)
Perishing of the Pendragons, The - BBC (MWT-1974, 1986)
Queer Feet, The - BBC (MWT-1974, AT-1974, 1984)
Secret Garden, The - BBC (AP-2011, AP-2013)
Sins of Prince Saradine, The - BBC (1985)
Three Tools of Death, The - BBC (1949)
Wrong Shape, The - BBC (1949)

Poet and the Lunatics, The
Crime of Gabriel Gale, The - The Cases of Gabriel Gale (BBC, 1955)
Finger of Stone, The - The Cases of Gabriel Gale (BBC, 1955)
House of the Peacock, The - The Cases of Gabriel Gale (BBC, 1955)
Purple Jewel, The - The Cases of Gabriel Gale (BBC, 1955)
Shadow of the Shark, The - The Cases of Gabriel Gale (BBC, MP-1953, 1955)

Chilton, Charles   (1917-2013)

Note: Charles Chilton was a radio producer as well as a writer; his credits number in the thousands.
Operation Luna - Journey into Space (BBC, 1953, 1958)
Red Planet, The - Journey into Space (BBC, 1954)
Return from Mars, The - Journey into Space (BBC, 1981)
Space Force - [extension of "Journey into Space"] - BBC (2004)
Space Force II - [extension of "Journey into Space"] - BBC (2004)
World in Peril, The - Journey into Space (BBC, 1955)

Christie, Agatha   (1890-1976)

Alibi - BBC (SNT-1944)
Butter in a Lordly Dish - BBC (1948)
Case of the Perfect Carer, The - BBC (2003)
Crooked House - BBC (2008)
Dressmaker's Doll, The - BBC (2003)
E199 Adventura, The - BBC (2003)
Endless Night - BBC (SP-2008)
Gates of Bagdad, The - BBC (2002)
Gypsy, The - BBC (2003)
Hound of Death - BBC (2002)
In a Glass Darkly - BBC (2003)
Lamp, The - Haunted
Last Seance, The - BBC (2003)
Love from a Stranger - BBC (SNT-1945)
Magnolia Blossom - BBC (2003)
Murder in Mesopotamia - BBC (1994)
Murder on the Orient Express - BBC (1982 as "The Orient Express", 1992)
Mysterious Mr Quinn - BBC (2009)
Ordeal by Innocense - BBC (SNT-1983)
Partners in Crime - BBC (1953)
Philomel Cottage - BBC (2002); Suspense (x2)
Swan Song - BBC (MP-1965, 2002, DO3-2006)
Third Floor Flat - BBC (WM-1954)
Unexpected Guest, The - BBC (AP-1982)
Where There's a Will - Suspense
Witness for the Prosecution - BBC (2002); Mollé Mystery Theatre; Radio City Playhouse

Selected Miss Marple
4.50 from Paddington - BBC (SP-1997)
At Bertram's Hotel - BBC (1995, AP-2010)
Body in the Library, The - BBC (SP-1999)
Caribbean Mystery, A - BBC (1997)
Mirror Crack'd from Side to Side, The - BBC (SP-1998)
Moving Finger, The - BBC (SP-2001)
Murder at the Vicarage, The - BBC (1993)
Murder is Announced, A - BBC (1999)
Nemesis - BBC (1998)
Pale Horse, The - BBC (SNT-1993, SPH-1993, 2006)
Pocket Full of Rye, A - BBC (SNT-1996)
Sittaford Mystery, The - BBC (AP-1990)
Sleeping Murder, The - BBC (SP-2001)
They Do It with Mirrors - BBC (2001)

Selected Hercule Poirot
ABC Murders, The - BBC (SP-2000, 2009); Suspense
Adventure of the Christmas Pudding, The - BBC (AP-2004)
After the Funeral - BBC (MP-1962, AT-1985, TMT-1986, SP-1999)
Appointment with Death - BBC (SP-2001)
Cards on the Table - BBC (AP-2002, SP-2002)
Dead Man's Folly - BBC (2007)
Death in the Clouds - BBC (SP-2003)
Death on the Nile - BBC (1997)
Dumb Witness - BBC (AP-2006)
Elephants Can Remember - BBC (SP-2006)
Evil under the Sun - BBC (1998)
Five Little Pigs - BBC (SNT-1994, SNT-1995)
Halloween Party - BBC (SNT-1993, SNT-1995)
Hercule Poirot's Christmas - BBC (AT-1990)
Lord Edgware Dies - BBC (1991)
Mrs McGinty's Dead - BBC (2003)
Murder for Christmas: Hercule Poirot's Christmas - BBC (AP-1986)
Murder of Roger Ackroyd, The - BBC (AP-1987, 1990); Campbell Playhouse
Murder on the Links - BBC (SNT-1990, AT-1991)
Mysterious Affair at Styles, The - BBC (2005)
Mystery of the Blue Train - BBC (1985)
One, Two, Buckle My Shoe - BBC (2004)
Peril at End House - BBC (SNT-1948, 2000)
Sad Cypress - BBC (1992)
Taken at the Flood - BBC (2003)
Three Act Tragedy - BBC (2002)
Tragedy of Marsden Manor, The - Murder Clinic

Christopher, John   (1922-2012)

No Blade of Grass - BBC (as "The Death of Grass" MP-1957, WHD-2009)
New Wine, The - SF 68
World in Winter, The - BBC (MP-1968)

Churchill, Joyce

See M. John Harrison

Cicero   (106-43 BC)

Murder of Caesar, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (based on the works of Plutarch, Cicero and Suetonius)

Clark, Curt

See Donald Westlake

Clark, Walter Van Tilburg    (1909-1971)

Portable Phonograph, The - Mindwebs
Track of the Cat, The - NBC University Theater; Suspense
Oxbow Incident, The - Free Company

Clarke, Arthur C.    (1917-2008)

3001: The Final Odyssey - BBC
Breaking Strain - CBC Mystery Theater; SF 68 ??
Childhood's End - BBC (CS-1997); Vanishing Point
Fall of Moondust, A - BBC (SNT-1981); Nightfall
Haunted Space Suit, The - Mindwebs
Nine Billion Names of God, The - Mindwebs; Vanishing Point
Rendezvous with Rama - BBC (CS-2009)
Rescue Party - Omni Audio Experience
Sentinel, The - Mindwebs
Songs of Distant Earth, The - BBC (TMT-1962)
Star, The - Family Theatre (as "The Exploration" or "The Other Sheep"); Mindwebs
Summertime on Icarus - Mindwebs
Venture to the Moon - BBC
Walk in the Dark, A - Mindwebs
Wall of Darkness - Sci-Fi Radio

Cleeves, Ann    (1954- )

White Nights - BBC (SP-2011)

Clifton, Mark    (1906-1963)

Star, Bright - Audion Theatre; The Grip of Terror; Future Tense; X Minus One

Clingerman, Mildred   (1918-1997)

Stair Trick - Mindwebs
Word, The - Mindwebs

Cobb, Irvin S.   (1876-1944)

Snake Doctor - Escape (x2)
Escape of Mr Trimm, The - Sleep No More
Fishhead - Sleep No More
Old Judge Priest - Family Theatre

Cogswell, Theodore R.    (1918-1987)

Paradise Regained - Mindwebs

Cohan, George M.   (1878-1942)

Baby Cyclone - Studio One
Elmer the Great - Gulf Screen Guild Theatre

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor   (1772-1834)

Christabel - BBC (AP-2001)
Rime of the Ancient Mariner, The - BBC (CS-1999); Columbia Workshop; Weird Circle (as "The Ancient Mariner")

Collier, John   (1901-1980)

Back for Christmas - Escape; Suspense (x2)
De Mortuis - NBC Presents: Short Story; Suspense
Evening Primrose - Black Mass; Escape (x3)
Holiday Story - Suspense
Lady on the Grey, The - Mysterious Circumstances (1963)
Thus I Refute Beelzy - Sleep No More
Wet Saturday - Blue Hours Productions; Columbia Workshop; Suspense (x3)

Collins, Charles Allston   (1828-1873)

Compensation House, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "House without Mirrors")
Trial for Murder - CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Weird Circle

Collins, Wilkie   (1824-1889)

Armadale - BBC (CS-2009)
Basil - BBC (CS-2006)
Dead Alive, The - Suspense
Dead Secret, The - BBC (SNT-1961, CS-1970)
Dream-Woman, The - BBC (AT-1961); CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Haunted; We Know a Story; We Know a Story; Weird Circle
Ghost's Touch, The - Weird Circle
Haunted Hotel, The - BBC (SP-2012); Weird Circle
House to Let, A - BBC (WHD-2006)
Mad Monkton - CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Weird Circle
Miss Bertha and the Yankee - BBC (1998)
Miss Jeromette and the Clergyman - BBC (1998)
Miss Morris and the Stranger - BBC (1998)
Moonstone, The - BBC (1946, 1957, SP-1970, CS-1979, 1983, 2003, CS-2011); Favorite Story; Suspense; Weird Circle; NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels
Mr Marmaduke and the Minister - BBC (1998)
Mr Percy and the Prophet - BBC (SP-1998)
Mr Policeman and the Cook - BBC (1998)
No Name - BBC (1952, CS-1973, CS-1989, CS-2007)
No Thoroughfare - BBC (SNT-1964)
*Shadows from the Grave - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
Terribly Strange Bed, A - Suspense; Weird Circle
Woman in White, The - BBC (1943, 1960, CS-1969, CS-2001)

Collodi, Carlo   (1826-1890)

Pinocchio - BBC (1968, AT-1994, SPH-1995, AP-2005, SP-2012); General Mills Radio Adventure Theater; Lux Radio Theatre

Congreve, William   (1670-1729)

Love for Love - Great Plays

Conkle, Ellsworth Prouty   (1899-1994)

Prologue to Glory - Cavalcade Of America; Great Plays
Two Hundred Were Chosen - Columbia Workshop

Connell, Richard Edward   (1893-1949)

Doctor and the Lunatic, The - Mollé Mystery Theatre
Hired Wife - Lux Radio Theatre
Law Beaters, The - Columbia Workshop
Most Dangerous Game, The - Arch Oboler's Plays; Chase; Escape; Suspense (x2)

Connelly, Marc   (1890-1980)

Beggar on Horseback - Great Plays
Dulcy - Lux Radio Theatre (x2)
Green Pastures, The - Cavalcade Of America; Ford Theatre; Theatre Guild on the Air
To the Ladies - Lux Radio Theatre

Conrad, Joseph   (1857-1924)

Barber's Story, The - BBC (TMT-1974, TMT-1976)
Black Mate, The - Theatre Royal
Brute, The - Escape
End of the Tether, The - BBC (SM-1947, SNT-1957)
Freya of the Isles - BBC (1942, 1945)
Heart of Darkness - BBC (MP-1956, DO3-2003); Escape (as "The Power of Hammer"); Mercury Theatre on the Air; NBC University Theater; This is My Best; Unmade Movies (BBC, 2015)
Il Conde - BBC (AT-1994)
Inn of the Two Witches, The - BBC (1947)
_John Kemp - see "Romance"
Karain - BBC (1997)
Lord Jim - BBC (1985); NBC University Theater
Nostromo - BBC (CS-1986)
One Day More - BBC (1953)
Outpost of Progress, An - BBC (AT-1985)
Partner, The - BBC (1943, 1945)
Planter of Malata, The - BBC (1997)
Romance - BBC (1951 as "John Kemp")
Secret Agent, The - BBC (1951, SNT-1953, MP-1984, CS-2006)
Secret Sharer, The - BBC (1941, MWT-1967, 1997); CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Mind's Eye; Storytellers (BBC, 1989)
Shadow Line, The - BBC (1940, SM-1949, 1961)
Tale, The - Theatre Royal
*Trilogy for Xmas, A - 19 Nocturne Boulevard (as part of "A Trilogy for Christmas") (original title = ??)
Typhoon - Escape
Under Western Eyes - BBC (MP-1976, CS-1992)
Victory - BBC (MP-1959, MP-1965); NBC University Theater; Unmade Movies (BBC, 2015)
*Warriors from Loanda, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
Warriors Soul, The - BBC (1947)
Youth - BBC (1951); General Mills Radio Adventure Theater; NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels

Cook, Oscar    (1888-1952)

Boomerang - Beyond Midnight (as "Borneo"); Blue Hours Productions

Cooper, Giles Stannus    (1918-1966)

Mathry Beacon - National Radio Theater

Cooper, James Fenimore    (1789-1851)

Deerslayer, The - Destiny Trails; Independent Production
Last of the Mohicans, The - BBC (MP-1990, SPH-1990, CS-1995, 2005); General Mills Radio Adventure Theater; Independent Production; NBC University of the Air: The World's Great Novels
Pathfinder, The - Destiny Trails
Pilot, The - NBC University of the Air: American Novels
Pioneers, The - Destiny Trails
Prairie, The - Destiny Trails
Spy, The - Cavalcade of America (as "Enoch Crosby, The Spy"); Family Theatre

Cooper, Wyllis   (1899-1955)

See also the plot archives for: Arthur Hopkins Presents; Cloak and Dagger; Lights Out; Quiet, Please; and WHitehall-1212
Armistice Day Reunion - Empire Builders
Thing on the Fourble Board, The - Audion Theatre; Quiet, Please
Three Men - Lights Out!; Radio City Playhouse

Copper, Basil   (1924-2013)

Invitation to the Vaults - Fear on 4
Janissaries of Emilion, The - Beyond Midnight (as "The Dream")

Corneille; Pierre   (1606-1684)

Le Cid - Great Plays (x2)

Corwin, Norman   (1910-2011)

See also the plot archives for: 26 by Corwin, An American in England, Columbia Workshop, Columbia Presents Corwin; Six by Corwin; This Is War
Ann Rutledge and Lincoln - Cavalcade Of America (x2) (also as "The Girl Lincoln Loved")
Between Americans - Gulf Screen Guild Theatre
Curse Of 589, The - National Radio Theater
Fourteen August, A Message for the Day of Victory - Columbia Presents Corwin; Same Time, Same Station
Moat Farm Murder, The - Mercury Summer Theatre of the Air
No Love Lost - NPR
Our Lady Of The Freedoms and Some Of Her Friends - NPR
Plot to Overthrow Christmas, The - Columbia Workshop; This is My Best; Words without Music
Secretariat, The - NPR
We Hold These Truths - American Public Radio; Columbia Workshop
Writer With The Lame Left Hand, The - NPR

Costello, Matt   (1948- )

Derelict - Seeing Ear Theatre

Coules, Bert   ( - )

Every Detail but One - Fear on 4
Green and Pleasant - Fear on 4
Journey Home, The - Fear on 4

Counselman, Mary Elizabeth   (1911-1995)

Kellerman's Eyepiece - Mindwebs
Smiling Face, The - Beyond Midnight (as "Vulture People")

Coward, Noël   (1899-1973)

Bittersweet - Chicago Theatre of the Air; Palmolive Beauty Box Theatre
Blithe Spirit - BBC (SNT-1956, MP-1972, AT-1983, SP-2008, AP-2014); Christmas Spirits (BBC, 1990); Everything for the Boys; NBC Presents: Best Plays; Theatre Guild on the Air
Blithe Spy - BBC (SP-2002, SP-2004)
Bon Voyage - BBC (MWT-1975, AT-1977, AT-1989)
Brief Encounter - Academy Award Theater; BBC (MP-1947, SNT-1958, TP-1958, MWT-1963, AT-1963, AT-1964, AT-1983, AT-1994, MP-1994); Hollywood Sound Stage; Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players
Bullet at Balmain's, A - BBC (SP-2003)
Cavalcade - BBC (1940, SNT-1947); Lux Radio Theatre
Conversation Piece - Lux Radio Theatre
Death at the Desert Inn - BBC (SP-2004, SP-2007)
Design for Living - BBC (MP-1976, AT-1977, 1983, SUP-1991)
Design for Murder - BBC (MWT-1963, SP-2000)
Easy Virtue - BBC (SUP-1999)
Fallen Angels - BBC (AT-1973, AT-1976)
Family Album - BBC (MWT-1965, 2000)
Family Racket - BBC (1940)
Fumed Oak - BBC (2000)
Hands across the Sea - BBC (1939)
Hay Fever - BBC (SNT-1952, SNT-1971, 1983, SPH-1992, AT-1993); Studio One; Theatre U.S.A.
In Which We Serve - Lux Radio Theatre; Treasury Star Parade
Kindness of Mrs Radcliffe, The - BBC (SM-1951)
Libby Morris and John Rowe - BBC (AT-1977)
Mad Dogs and Englishmen - BBC
Marquise, The - BBC (SNT-1958, SNT-1970)
Nude with Violin - BBC (SNT-1970)
Our Man in Jamaica - BBC (SP-2007)
Peace in Our Time - BBC (SNT-1947)
Post Mortem - BBC (AT-1976, TMT-1976, AP-1985)
Present Laughter - BBC (MP-1956, AT-1974, MP-1974, MP-1977, SNT-1979, AT-1989, SP-2013, SP-2015)
Pretty Polly Barlow - BBC (MWT-1975, AT-1977, AT-1989)
Private Lives - BBC (MP-1958, SNT-1969, SNT-1975, AT-1979, 1983, 1985, MP-1995, SP-2010); Campbell Playhouse; Gulf Screen Guild Theatre
Quadrille - BBC (SNT-1965, AT-1965, SP-1971)
Queen Was in the Parlour, The - BBC (SNT-1958)
Red Peppers - BBC (1940, TP-1958)
Relative Values - BBC (SNT-1976)
Song at Twilight, A - BBC (AT-1988, SNT-1989)
South Sea Bubble - BBC (MP-1948, SNT-1980)
Star Chamber - BBC (1940, 1941)
Star Quality - BBC (MWT-1975, AT-1975, AT-1977, AT-1989)
Still Life - Theatre Guild on the Air
This Happy Breed - BBC (SNT-1951, AT-1989)
Tonight at 8.30 - NBC Presents: Best Plays
Vortex, The - BBC (MP-1958, SNT-1967, AT-1975, MP-1975, AT-1993, SUP-2000)
Waiting in the Wings - BBC (AT-1973, SNT-1990)
Ways and Means - BBC (1955, AT-1990)
We Were Dancing - Gulf Screen Guild Theatre

Cox, Anthony Berkeley   (1893-1971)

Before the Fact - BBC (SP-2013)

Cox, Greg   (1959- )

Little Stranger, A - Seeing Ear Theatre (as part of the "Tales from the Crypt" mini-series)

Cozzens, James Gould   (1903-1978)

S.S. San Pedro - Columbia Workshop; Escape

Cram, Mildred   (1889-1985)

Cynara - Lux Radio Theatre
Love Affair - Lux Radio Theatre (x2)
Miracle on the Blotter, A - Hallmark Playhouse
Promise, The - Hallmark Playhouse
Time Found Again - CBS Radio Workshop

Crane, Stephen   (1871-1900)

Blue Hotel, The - Escape (lost); Something's Happening (KPFK)
Open Boat, The - Escape
Red Badge of Courage, The - Columbia Workshop; General Mills Radio Adventure Theater; Mind's Eye; NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels; NBC University Theater; Studio One

Crawford, F. Marion   (1854-1909)

Upper Berth, The - Beyond Midnight (as "All at Sea")
Screaming Skull, The - Theatre 10.30

Cresswell, Helen   (1934-2005)

Moondial - BBC (AP-2001, AP-2003)

Crofts, Freeman Wills   (1879-1957)

Level Crossing - Radio City Playhouse

Croft-Cooke, Rupert   (1903-1979)

Banquo's Chair - Suspense (x3); Sleep No More

Cronin, A. J.   (1896-1981)

Citadel, The - Campbell Playhouse; Everything for the Boys; Hallmark Playhouse; MGM Theatre of the Air; Theatre of Romance
Green Years, The - Lux Radio Theatre (x2)
Keys of the Kingdom, The - Academy Award Theater; Lux Radio Theatre
Vigil in the Night - Lux Radio Theatre

Cross, John Keir   (1914-1967)

Esmeralda - Haunted
Glass Eye, The - Favorite Story

Crothers, Rachel   (1878-1958)

Susan and God - NBC Presents: Best Plays

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dividing line

Dahl, Roald   (1916-1990)

Collector's Item - Radio City Playhouse
Man from the South - Blue Hours Productions
Poison - Escape
Skin - Vanishing Point
Sound Machine, The - Mindwebs
William and Mary - Fear on 4; Price of Fear

Daly, Wally K.   (1940- )

2004 - BBC (1995)
Before the Screaming Begins - Saturday Night Theatre (BBC, 1978)
Children of Witchwood, The - BBC (2005)
Nightmare World - BBC (1983) [title not confirmed]
Silent Scream, The - BBC (1978)
Timeslip - BBC (1983)
With a Whimper to the Grave - BBC (1979); Flames (BBC, 2002)
Yesterday's Dreams - BBC (1983) [title not confirmed]

Dana, Jr., Richard Henry   (1815-1882)

Two Years before the Mast - Adventure Ahead; Hallmark Playhouse; Lux Radio Theatre

Dane, Clemence   (1888-1965)

Bill of Divorcement, A - Arthur Hopkins Presents; Theatre Guild on the Air
Broome Stages - Campbell Playhouse
Sidewalks of London, The - Lux Radio Theatre
Vacation from Marriage - Lux Radio Theatre

Daniel, Lucius   ( - )

Martians Never Die - Tales of Tomorrow

Daniel, Molly   ( - )

Winter Housekeeping - Mindwebs

Daniel, Tony   (1963- )

Black Canoes - Seeing Ear Theatre
Dry, Quiet War, A - Seeing Ear Theatre
Elevator and a Pole, An - Seeing Ear Theatre

Dann, Jack   (1945- )

Marilyn - Seeing Ear Theatre (as "Marilyn or the Monster")

Darnay, Arsen   (1936- )

Tank and Its Wife, The - Mindwebs

Davidson, Avram    (1923-1993)

Grantha Sighting, The - Sci-Fi Radio
Or All the Seas with Oysters - Mindwebs

Davis, Dorothy   (1916- )

Sight Unseen - CBC Mystery Theater

Day, James Wentworth   (1899-1983)

Club of Dead Men, The - Nightfall

de Balzac, Honoré   (1799-1850)

Black Sheep, The - BBC R4 (Classic Serial 2008)
Colonel Chabert, The - (Le Colonel Chabert) - BBC Home Service (1952); CBS Radio Mystery Theater
*Countess, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
Cousin Bette: The Poor Relation - BBC R4 (Afternoon Theatre 1971, Classic Serial 2000)
Cousin Pons - BBC R4 (1978)
Declared Insane - (L'interdiction) - Weird Circle
Episode of the Terror, An - (Un épisode sous la Terreur) - BBC Home Service (1946 as "The Unknown One", 1955 as "Under the Terror"); CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "Episode of the Terror"); Favorite Story (as "In the Time of the Terror")
Eugenie Grandet - BBC R4 (Afternoon Theatre 1974)
Executioner, The - (El Verdugo) - BBC R4 (1976 as "The Executioner"); Weird Circle
Generation of Vipers - (La Rabouilleuse) - BBC R4 (Afternoon Theatre 1973)
Grande Bretèche, La - BBC R4 (1968 as "The Manor House of Bretèche", 1993 as "The Mysterious Mansion"); CBS Radio Workshop; Mind's Eye; Nightfall (as "The Cruel Husband"); Theatre Royal; Weird Circle (as "The Niche of Doom")
Inheritance, The - (Ursule Mirouet) - BBC R4 (1980)
Magic Skin, The - (La Peau de Chagrin) - BBC R4 (1972 as "The Wild Ass's Skin"); Witch's Tale
Man from the Shadows - BBC R4 (Morning Story 1982)
_Niche of Doom, The - see "Grande Bretèche, La"
Pere Goriot - (Le Père Goriot) - BBC Home Service (1964 as "Old Goriot"); BBC R4 (Classic Serial 1992); NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels; NBC University Theater
Passion in the Desert, A - (Une passion dans le désert) - Radio City Playhouse; Weird Circle
Purse, The - (La Bourse) - Theatre Royal
Red Inn, The - (L'auberge Rouge) - BBC Home Service (1950)
Screech Owls, The - BBC R4 (1986)
Shady Business, A - (Une Ténébreuse Affaire) - BBC R4 (Afternoon Theatre 1975)
*Strange Judgement, The - Weird Circle [author not confirmed] (original title = ??)
Vendetta, The - (La Vendetta) - Weird Circle

de Camp, L. Sprague   (1907-2000)

Gun for Dinosaur, A - Future Tense (as "Imbalance of Species, An"); X Minus One

de Kruif, Paul   (1890-1971)

Giant in the Meadow, The - Cavalcade of America
Mystery of the Spotted Death, The - Cavalcade of America
Why Let Them Live? - Columbia Workshop (as "A Matter of Life and Death")

de la Mare, Walter   (1873-1956)

All Hallows - Black Mass; Ghost Stories of Walter de la Mare (BBC, 2010)
Almond Tree, The - Ghost Stories of Walter de la Mare (BBC, 2010)
Crewe - Ghost Stories of Walter de la Mare (BBC, 2010)
Recluse, A - Ghost Stories of Walter de la Mare (BBC, 2010)
Seaton's Aunt - Ghost Stories of Walter de la Mare (BBC, 2010)

de Saint-Exupéry, Antoine   (1900-1944)

Flight to Arras - (Pilote de guerre) - Author's Playhouse; Columbia Workshop
Little Prince, The - (Le Petit Prince) - CBS Radio Workshop

Defoe, Daniel    (1660-1731)

Mark of the Plague, The - Weird Circle (original title = "A Journal of the Plague Year" ??)
Robinson Crusoe - Adventure Ahead; Afternoon Play (BBC, 2004); Classic Serial (BBC, 1998)

deFord, Miriam Allen    (1888-1975)

Eel, The - Mindwebs

del Rey, Lester   (1915-1993)

Helen O'Loy - Mindwebs

Delany, Samuel R.   (1942- )

Corona - Chillers (BBC, 2002)

Denham, Reginald   (1894-1983)

Ladies in Retirement - Lux Radio Theatre; Mollé Mystery Theatre; NBC Presents: Best Plays; Theatre Guild on the Air

Derleth, August   (1909-1971)

Colonel Markesan - Blue Hours Productions (as "Markesan")
Mrs Manifold - Beyond Midnight (as "Madeira Wine")
Return of Andrew Bentley, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "Shadows from the Grave")

Dick, Philip K.   (1928-1982)

Builder, The - Mindwebs
Colony - X Minus One
Defenders, The - Future Tense; X Minus One
Impostor - Mindwebs; Sci-Fi Radio
Preserving Machine, The - 2000x, Mindwebs
Sales Pitch - Sci-Fi Radio
War Game - Exploring Tomorrow
We Can Remember It for You Wholesale - BBC (1997)

Dickens, Charles   (1812-1870)

Bagman's Story, The - BBC (1963); We Know a Story
Barnaby Rudge - George Edwards Players
_Baron of Grogzwig, The - see "Nicholas Nickleby"
Bleak House - BBC (CS-1982, 1998); George Edwards Players
Bride's Chamber, The - BBC (AP-2004)
Case of Bardell vs Pickwick, The - (selection from "The Pickwick Papers") - Theatre Royal
Christmas Carol, A - BBC (1931, 1949, 1950, AT-1972); Caltex Theatre (as "Scrooge, The Miser"); Campbell Playhouse (x2); CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Christmas Spirits (BBC, 1990); Favorite Story; Globe Theatre; Hallmark Hall of Fame (x2); Hallmark Playhouse; MGM Theatre of the Air; Richard Diamond, Private Detective (x2); Theatre Royal
David Copperfield - BBC (2003); Favorite Story (an impression of); Mind's Eye; Theatre Guild on the Air; Theatre Royal (a selection from, as "Mr Micawber's Difficulties")
Dr Manette's Manuscript - (selection from "A Tale of Two Cities") - Weird Circle
Dombey and Son - BBC (2003)
Goblins Who Stole a Sexton, The - Mysterious Circumstances
Great Expectations - BBC (1948, 1991, 2006); Favorite Story; George Edwards Players; Hallmark Playhouse; Lux Radio Theatre (x2); Mind's Eye; NBC University Theater; Theatre Guild on the Air
Haunted Man and the Ghost's Bargain, The - Christmas Spirits (BBC, 1990); NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels (as "The Haunted Man")
House to Let, A - BBC (2006)
Hunted Down - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Martin Chuzzlewit - BBC (CS-1987)
_Mr Micawber's Difficulties - see "David Copperfield"
Mrs Lirriper - BBC (CS-2007)
Mystery of Edwin Drood, The - BBC (2003); Suspense
Nicholas Nickleby - BBC (1999); NBC University Theater (as "The Baron of Grogzwig")
No Thoroughfare - BBC (SNT-1964)
Old Curiosity Shop, The - BBC (1996)
Old Man's Tale about the Queer Client, The - Weird Circle (as "The Queer Client")
Oliver Twist - BBC (1994, 1952); Favorite Story; General Mills Radio Adventure Theater (as "The Adventures of Oliver"); Mercury Theatre on the Air; Mind's Eye
Our Mutual Friend - BBC (CS-1984, CS-1998)
Pickwick Papers, The - BBC (CS-1987); Mercury Theatre on the Air; NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels (as "The Christmas Chapters"); NBC University Theater
_Queer Client, The - see "Old Man's Tale about the Queer Client"
Signal-Man, The - Beyond Midnight (as "The Train"); CBC Mystery Theater; Columbia Workshop; The Creaking Door (as "Who Stopped the Train?"); Hall of Fantasy (lost); Lights Out; NBC Presents: Short Story (as "The Thing in the Tunnel"); Nightfall; Seeing Ear Theatre; Sleep No More (lost); Suspense (x3); Weird Circle (as "The Thing in the Tunnel")
Sydney Carton - (selection from "A Tale of Two Cities") - Theatre Royal
Tale of Two Cities, A - BBC (CS-1989, 2004, CS-2005, 2011); Family Theatre; Lux Radio Theatre (x3); Mercury Theatre on the Air; MGM Theatre of the Air; National Radio Theater; NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels; Tell It Again; Theatre Royal (as "Sydney Carton")
_Thing in the Tunnel, The - see "Signal-Man, The"
Trial for Murder, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "Trial for Murder"); Weird Circle
_Who Stopped the Train - see "Signal-Man, The"

Dickson, Gordon R.   (1923-2001)

Alien, The - Exploring Tomorrow
Computers Don't Argue - Mindwebs
Lulungomeena - X Minus One
Man from Earth, The - Mindwebs
Telepaths - Exploring Tomorrow

Disch, Thomas M.   (1940-2008)

Descending - Mindwebs
Number You Have Reached, The - Mindwebs
Squirrel Cage, The - Mindwebs

Divine, Arthur Durham    (1904-1987)

Flood on the Goodwins - Escape (x2); Suspense

Dixon, H. Vernor   (1908-1984)

Something for Nothing - Escape
Two of a Kind - Author's Playhouse (original title = "Trapped" ??)

Doar, Graham   ( - )

Outer Limit, The - Beyond This World; Beyond Tomorrow; Dimension X (x2); Escape; Suspense (x2); X Minus One

Doctorow, E. L.   (1931- )

Drinks Before Dinner - BBC (1983)

Dolbier, Maurice   (1912-1993)

Jenny: The Bus That Nobody Loved - Columbia Workshop

Donovan, Dick   (1843-1934)

Corpse Light, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Haunted Mill")

Dos Passos, John   (1896-1970)

Manhattan Transfer - NBC University Theater
Number One - NBC University Theater
Three Soldiers - NBC University Theater

Dostoyevsky, Fyodor   (1821-1888)

Brothers Karamazov, The - Afternoon Play (BBC, 1989); NBC University of the Air: The World's Great Novels
Crime and Punishment - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "Scenes from a Murder"); Classic Serial (BBC, 2000); Mystery in the Air; NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels
Dream of a Ridiculous Man, The - (Сон смешного человека) - Tales from the Shadows
Gambler, The - NBC University Theater
Idiot, The - Classic Serial (BBC, 2002)
Judgement, The - Theatre Royal (x2)

Dowling, Terry   (1947- )

Only Bird in Her Name, The - 2000x

Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan   (1859-1930)

Beetle Hunter, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "Never Answer an Advertisement")
Black Doctor, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "Doctor Eduardo")
_Black Door, The - see "Sealed Room, The"
_Black Sheep and the Captain, The - see "Winning Shot, The"
Brown Hand, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Dagger of Almohades")
*Cabinet of the Unsolved, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
Captain of the Pole-Star, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Darker Side of the Border (BBC, 2009)
_Dagger of Almohades, The - see "Brown Hand, The"
_Doctor Eduardo - see "Black Doctor, The"
Lost Special, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "Mysterious Rochdale Special"); Escape; Nightfall; Suspense
_Mysterious Rochdale Special - see "Lost Special, The"
_Never Answer an Advertisement - see "Beetle Hunter, The"
New Catacomb, The - Mysterious Circumstances (1958)
Parasite, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Poison Belt, The - BBC (1944, 1949)
Ring of Thoth, The - Escape
Sealed Room, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Black Door")
Winning Shot, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Black Sheep and the Captain")

Selected Professor Challenger
Disintegration Machine, The - BBC (2013)
Lost World, The - Alien Voices; BBC (HS-1944, LP-1949, HS-1952, 1975, 2011)
When the World Screamed - BBC (2011)

Selected Sherlock Holmes
Adventure of Charles Augustus Milverton, The - BBC (as "Charles Augustus")
Adventure of Shoshcombe Old Place, The - Story Time (BBC, 1977)
Adventure of the Beryl Coronet, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Adventure of the Blanched Soldier, The - BBC (as "The Blanched Soldier")
Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Adventure of the Bruce-Partington Plans, The - BBC (as "The Bruce-Partington Plans")
Adventure of the Devil's Foot, The - BBC (as "The Devil's Foot"); Theatre 10.30 (as "Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Devil's Foot")
Adventure of the Dying Detective, The - Story Time (BBC, 1976) (as "The Dying Detective")
Adventure of the Empty House, The - BBC (as "The Empty House")
Adventure of the Engineer's Thumb, The - BBC (as "The Engineer")
Adventure of the Gloria Scott, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Gloria Scott")
Adventure of the Golden Pince-Nez, The - BBC (as "The Golden Pince-Nez")
Adventure of the Greek Interpreter, The - BBC; Story Time (BBC, 1976) (both as "The Greek Interpreter")
Adventure of the Mazarin Stone, The - BBC (1954) (as "The Mazarin Stone")
Adventure of the Missing Three-Quarter, The - BBC (as "The Missing Three-Quarter")
Adventure of the Musgrave Ritual, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Musgrave Ritual")
Adventure of the Noble Bachelor, The - CBC Mystery Theater (1966)
Adventure of the Red-Headed League, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Story Time (BBC, 1977)
Adventure of the Reigate Squire, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Reigate Mystery")
Adventure of the Six Napoleons, The - BBC; Story Time (BBC, 1977)
Adventure of the Speckled Band, The - BBC (1945); CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Boscombe Valley Mystery, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Boscombe Pool Mystery")
Case of Identity, A - Story Time (BBC, 1976)
Disappearance of Lady Frances Carfax, The - BBC (as "The Disappearance of Lady Carfax")
Final Problem, The - BBC, Story Time (BBC, 1976)
Five Orange Pips, The - Story Time (BBC, 1977)
Hound of the Baskervilles, The - BBC (1958, 1988; 1998); CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Independent Production (1993); Mind's Eye; Picadilly Radio (1982)
Scandal in Bohemia, A - CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Story Time (BBC, 1976)
Sign of the Four, The - (The Sign of Four) - BBC (1959, 1989, 1991); CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Classic Serial (BBC, 1989)
Study in Scarlett, A - BBC (1989, 1991); CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Classic Serial (BBC, 1989)
Valley of Fear, The - Afternoon Play (BBC, 1986); BBC (1997)

Inspired by Arthur Conan Doyle and Sherlock Holmes
Immortal Sherlock Holmes, The - Mercury Theatre on the Air
Seven Percent Solution, The - BBC (1993)
Sherlock Holmes - BBC (1960); National Radio Theater
*Vanishing Herd, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)

See also the many Sherlock Holmes series that are not detailed on this site:
Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, The [1930-1936]
Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, The [1949-1950]
Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, The [BBC, 1955]
BBC Presents Sherlock Holmes, The [BBC, 1952-1962]
BBC Presents: Sherlock Holmes, The [BBC, 1989-2002]
Casebook of Sherlock Holmes, The [BBC, 1994]
Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, The [Jim French, 1998-?]
Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, The [BBC 2002]
Memoires of Sherlock Holmes, The [BBC, 1992]
Mis-Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, The [2000]
New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, The [1945-1947]
Newly Discovered Casebook of Sherlock, The Holmes [BBC, 1999]
Return of Sherlock Holmes, The [BBC, 1993]
Sherlock Holmes [1947-1948]
Sherlock Holmes [1954-1955]
Sherlock Holmes [BBC, 1967]
Sherlock Holmes [BBC, 1978]
Sherlock Holmes: His Final Bow [BBC, 1994]
Shelock Holmes Investigates [BBC, 1992]
Unopened Casebook of Sherlock Holmes, The [BBC, 1993]
... and they keep coming faster than I can type!

Dozois, Gardner   (1947- )

Dream at Noonday, A - Mindwebs

Dreiser, Theodore   (1871-1945)

American Tragedy, An - NBC University Theater
Free - NBC University of the Air: The World's Great Novels
My Gal Sal - Lux Radio Theatre
Sister Carrie - NBC University Theater

Drinkwater, John   (1882-1937)

Abraham Lincoln - Mercury Theatre on the Air
Man's House, A - Columbia Workshop
Oliver Cromwell - Great Plays
Robert E. Lee - Great Plays

Dryden, John   (1631-1700)

All for Love - 2000x

du Maurier, Daphne   (1907-1989)

Birds, The - Escape; Lux Radio Theatre
Frenchman's Creek - Lux Radio Theatre; Thirty Minute Theatre (BBC, 1989)
Jamaica Inn - BBC (1976); Book at Bedtime (BBC, 2010); Classic Serial (BBC, 1994); Mind's Eye
Little Photographer, The - BBC (2003)
My Cousin Rachel - BBC (2007); Lux Radio Theatre
Rebecca - BBC (1976, 1989); Campbell Playhouse; Lux Radio Theatre (x2); Vick's Matinee Theatre
Slpit Second - Vanishing Point

du Maurier, George   (1834-1896)

Peter Ibbetson - Campbell Playhouse; Favorite Story; NBC University Theater
Trilby - CBS Radio Mystery Theater; George Edwards Players; Railroad Hour

Dumas, Alexandre, pere   (1802-1870)

Corsican Brothers, The - George Edwards Players; Theatre of Romance
Count of Monte Cristo, The - (Le Comte de Monte-Cristo) - BBC (1979, 1999, 2010); Campbell Playhouse; Lux Radio Theatre; Mercury Summer Theatre of the Air; Mercury Theatre on the Air; NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels
_Duel without Honor, The - see "Zodomirsky's Duel"
Man in the Iron Mask - General Mills Radio Adventure Theater; George Edwards Players
_Physician of the Dead, The - see "Solange: Dr Ledru's Story of the Reign of Terror"
_Second Shot, The - see "Zodomirsky's Duel"
Solange: Dr Ledru's Story of the Reign of Terror - Mille-et-un fantômes: Une Journeé à Fontenay-aux-Roses - Witch's Tale (as "The Physician of the Dead")
Son of Porthos - George Edwards Players
Three Musketeers, The - Favorite Story
Two Lives Have I - George Edwards Players (title not confirmed)
Zodomirsky's Duel - CBC Mystery Theater (as "The Duel"); Escape (as "The Second Shot"); Theatre Royal; NBC Presents: Short Story (as "The Duel without Honor"); Weird Circle (as "The Duel without Honor")

Dumas, Alexandre, fils   (1824-1895)

Lady of the Camellias, The - (La Dame aux Camélias) - Great Plays (as "Camille"); National Radio Theater; NBC Presents: Best Plays (as "Camille"); Theatre Guild on the Air (as "Camille")

Duncan, Ronald   (1914-1982)

Consanguinity - Beyond Midnight (as "The Honeymooners")

Dunsany, Lord   (1878-1957)

Charm Against Thirst, The - Black Mass (as part of "Six Tales by Lord Dunsany")
Charon - Black Mass (as part of "Six Tales by Lord Dunsany"); Tales from the Shadows
Dream of King Karna-Vootra, The - Black Mass (as part of "Six Tales by Lord Dunsany")
Gods of the Mountain, The - Columbia Workshop
How the Enemy Came upon Thlunrana - Black Mass (as part of "Six Tales by Lord Dunsany")
Lobster Salad - Black Mass (as part of "Six Tales by Lord Dunsany"); Tales from the Shadows
Night at an Inn, A - Columbia Workshop
Use of Man, The - Columbia Workshop
Witch of the Willows, The - Black Mass; Tales from the Shadows
Workman, The - Black Mass (as part of "Six Tales by Lord Dunsany")

Dunstone, Stephen   ( - )

Arrived Safe, Writing Later - BBC (1988)
Fat Andy - Fear on 4

Durbridge, Francis   (1912-1998)

Alex Affair, The - Paul Temple, Detective
Lawrence Affair, The - Paul Temple, Detective
Margo Mystery, The - Paul Temple, Detective
Spencer Affair, The - Paul Temple, Detective
What Do You Think? - Mysterious Circumstances (1962)

Dürrenmatt, Friedrich   (1921-1990)

Incident at Twilight - National Radio Theater
Das Unternehmen der Wega - 2000x (as "The Mission of the Vega"); BBC (as "Operation Vega")
Physicists, The - BBC

Dybek, Stuart   (1942- )

Maze, The - Mindwebs

Dyer, S. N.   ( - )

The Nostalginauts - Seeing Ear Theatre

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dividing line

Edelstein, Scott   (1954- )

Exhibition, The - Mindwebs

Edmonds, Walter D.   (1903-1998)

Arrival of the Lily Bean, The - A Selection from "Young Ames" - Adventure Ahead (lost)
Drums along the Mohawk - Cavalcade Of America; Hallmark Playhouse
_Farmer Takes a Wife, The - see "Rome Haul"
Rome Haul - Arthur Hopkins Presents (as "The Farmer Takes a Wife"); Cavalcade Of America; NBC Presents: Best Plays (as "The Farmer Takes a Wife"); Theatre Guild on the Air (as "The Farmer Takes a Wife")

Edwards, Amelia B.   (1831-1892)

Four-Fifteen Express, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Weird Circle
Mrs Lirriper - Classic Serial (BBC, 2007), contributor
Phantom Coach, The - Beyond Midnight

Eggleston, Edward   (1839-1902)

Graysons: A Story of Illinois, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Abraham Lincoln Murder Trial")
Hoosier Schoolmaster, The - NBC University of the Air: American Novels; Tell It Again

Eliot, George   (1819-1880)

Adam Bede - BBC (2004)
Alias - BBC (2005)
Daniel Deronda - Classic Serial (BBC, 1999)
Lifted Veil, The - Weird Circle
Middlemarch - BBC (2005)
Mill on the Floss, The - Classic Serial (BBC, 1991); NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels
Silas Marner - NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels

Eliot, T.S.   (1888-1965)

Burnt Norton - Columbia Workshop
Little Gidding - Columbia Workshop
Murder in the Cathedral - Columbia Workshop
Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats - BBC (1993)

Elliott, John   ( - )

Family, The - Haunted

Ellin, Stanley   (1916-1986)

Speciality of the House, The - Beyond Midnight ?; Fear on 4; Price of Fear (as "Speciality of the House")

Elliot, John   (1918-1997)

Family, The - Haunted

Ellison, Harlan   (1934- )

Boy and His Dog, A - BBC
I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream - Chillers (BBC, 2002)
Paingod - Mindwebs
'Repent, Harlequin!' Said the Ticktockman - 2000x; Mindwebs
Wanted in Surgery - Seeing Ear Theatre; SF 68

Endore, Guy   (1900-1970)

Babouk - Columbia Workshop

Engelhardt, Frederick

See L. Ron Hubbard

Ernst, Paul    (1899-1985)

Escape - Sleep No More

Ervine, St John G.    (1883-1971)

Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary - Theatre Guild on the Air

Euripides   (480-460 BC)

Bacchae, The - National Radio Theater
_Gift of Doom, The - see "Medea"
Medea - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Gift of Doom"); National Radio Theater
Trojan Women, The - Columbia Workshop; Great Plays

Evans, Bergen   (1904-1978)

Natural History of Nonsense, The - Columbia Workshop

Evans, Colin Haydn   ( - )

Figures - Spine Chillers (BBC, 1984)
Tapping - Fear on 4

Everett, Walker G.   ( - )

Woman in Gray, The - Sleep No More

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dividing line

Falkner, J. Meade   (1858-1932)

Moonfleet - BBC (1988)

Farmer, Philip José    (1918-2009)

King of the Beasts, The - Mindwebs

Farquhar, Georgeé    (1677-1707)

Beaux' Strategem, The - National Radio Theater

Fast, Howard   (1914-2003)

Cephes 5 - Mindwebs

Fast, Julius   (1919-2008)

My Friend Merton - Author's Playhouse

Faulkner, William   (1897-1962)

Honor - NBC Presents: Short Story
Wild Palms, The - NBC University Theater (x2)

Fearing, Kenneth   (1902-1961)

Big Clock, The - Lux Radio Theatr; Zero Hour (as "Desperate Witness")

Ferber, Edna   (1885-1968)

April 25th, As Usual - Hallmark Playhouse
Cimarron - Cavalcade Of America; Hallmark Playhouse; Lux Radio Theatre
Come and Get It - Lux Radio Theatre;
Dinner at Eight - Campbell Playhouse
Farmer in the Dell - Hallmark Playhouse
Minick - Hallmark Playhouse (as "Old Man Minick")
_Old Man Minick - see "Minick"
Royal Family, The - Theatre Guild on the Air
Saratoga Trunk - Lux Radio Theatre
Show Boat - Campbell Playhouse; Cavalcade Of America; Lux Radio Theatre (x2); Railroad Hour (x2)
So Big - Hallmark Playhouse; Lux Radio Theatre (x2); Studio One
Stage Door - Lux Radio Theatre; Theatre of Romance

Ferguson, Max   (1924-2013)

Breaking Point - Nightfall
Dark Side of the Mind - Nightfall
Where Do We Go From Here? - Nightfall

Fessier, Michael   (1905-1988)

Man in the Black Hat, The - Sleep No More
Over the Hill - Sleep No More

Fielding, Henry   (1707-1754)

_Jonathan Wild - see "Life and Death of Jonathan Wild, The Great, The"
Joseph Andrews - BBC (1987)
Life and Death of Jonathan Wild, The Great, The - NBC University Theater (as "Jonathan Wild")
Tom Jones - NBC University Theater

Finney, Jack   (1911-1995)

After the Movies - Suspense (x2)
Babylon Revisited - NBC University Theater
I'm Scared - Sci-Fi Radio
Third Level, The - Mindwebs

Fitch, Clyde   (1865-1909)

Beau Brummel - Lux Radio Theatre
Captain Jinks of the Horse Marines - Great Plays
Climbers, The - Great Plays

Fitzgerald, F. Scott   (1896-1940)

Absolution - National Radio Theater (as part of "The World of F. Scott Fitzgerald")
Babylon Revisited - NBC University Theater
Crazy Sunday - NBC Presents: Short Story
Diamond as Big as the Ritz, The - Escape (x3)
Emotional Bankruptcy - National Radio Theater (as part of "The World of F. Scott Fitzgerald")
Family in the Wind - National Radio Theater (as part of "The World of F. Scott Fitzgerald")
Financing Finnegan - National Radio Theater (as part of "The World of F. Scott Fitzgerald")
Last Tycoon, The - BBC (2013); Studio One (x2)
Off-Shore Pirate, The - Romance; National Radio Theater (as part of "The World of F. Scott Fitzgerald")
One Trip Abroad - National Radio Theater (as part of "The World of F. Scott Fitzgerald")
Lost Decade, The - National Radio Theater (as part of "The World of F. Scott Fitzgerald")
Tender is the Night - Afternoon Play (BBC, 2003)
This Side of Paradise - NBC University Theater
Winter Dreams - National Radio Theater (as part of "The World of F. Scott Fitzgerald")

Flaubert, Gustave   (1821-1880)

Madame Bovary - BBC (2006); Ford Theatre; NBC University Theater; NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels

Flecker, James Elroy   (1884-1915)

Hassan - Columbia Workshop

Fletcher, Lucille    (1912-2000)

Alf, the All-American Fly - Columbia Workshop
Bad Dreams - Clock [author not confirmed]
Dark Journey - Suspense
Diary of Sophronia Winters, The - Suspense (x3)
Fugue in C-Minor - Audion Theatre; Blue Hours Productions, Grip of Terror; Suspense
Furnished Floor, The - Suspense
Hitchhiker, The - CBC Mystery Theatre; Mercury Summer Theatre of the Air; Suspense
Hitchhiking Corpse, The - Inner Sanctum Mysteries [author not confirmed]
Man with the One-Track Mind, The - Columbia Workshop
My Client Curley - Columbia Workshop; Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players
Night Man - Suspense (x2); Suspense (as "The Night Man")
Remodeled Brownstone - Columbia Workshop
Search for Henri Lefevre, The - Audion Theatre; The Grip of Terror; Mercury Summer Theatre of the Air; Suspense
Someone Else - Columbia Workshop
Sorry, Wrong Number - National Radio Theater; Seeing Ear Theatre, Suspense (x6)
Thing in the Window, The - Suspense (x2)

Follett, James   (1939- )

Bionic Blob, The - BBC
Destruction Factor, The - BBC (1978, 2005)
Doppelganger Machine, The - BBC (1974)
Earthsearch - BBC (1981)
Earthsearch II - BBC (1982)
Ice - BBC (1986)
Light of a Thousand Suns, The - BBC (1974)
Return, The - BBC
Speculator Sport - Afternoon Theatre (BBC, 1974)

Foon, Dennis   (1951- )

Children's Eyes - Vanishing Point

Forbes, Deloris Florine Stanton   (1923-2013)

But I Wouldn't Want to Die There - Zero Hour
Die in the Country, A - Zero Hour
If Two of Them Are Dead - Zero Hour

Forbes, Kathryn   (1908-1966)

I Remember Mama - Lux Radio Theatre

Forester, C.S.   (1899-1966)

African Queen, The - Afternoon Play (BBC, 2001)
Captain Horatio Hornblower - BBC (1968, as "The Hornblower Story"); Lux Radio Theater; Radio Luxembourg (as "Horatio Hornblower"), produced by Harry Alan Towers
Payment Deferred - Theatre Guild on the Air (x2)
Plain Murder - Afternoon Play (BBC, 1999)

Forster, E. M.   (1879-1970)

Celestial Omnibus, The - CBS Radio Workshop
Howard's End - NBC University Theater
Machine Stops, The - 2000x; Afternoon Play (BBC, 2001)
Passage to India, A - NBC University Theater
Room with a View, A - BBC (2004)

Fowles, John Robert    (1926-2005)

French Lieutenant's Woman, The - BBC (2006)

France, Anatole   (1844-1924)

Crime of Sylvestre Bonnard, The - (Le Crime de Sylvestre Bonnard) - NBC University Theater; NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels
Juggler of Notre Dame, The - Gulf Screen Guild Theatre
Juggler of Our Lady, The - Gulf Screen Guild Theatre; Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players
Man Who Married a Dumb Wife, The - (La Comédie de celui qui épousa une femme muette) - Favorite Story

Francis, William   ( - )

Too Far Gone - Columbia Workshop (as "Highboy")

Frankau, Pamela   (1908-1967)

Willow Cabin, The - NBC New Theater

Franken, Rose   (1895-1988)

Another Language - NBC Presents: Best Plays
Claudia - Independent Production
Made for Each Other - Lux Radio Theatre

Freygood, Steven   (1944?- )

Evalu - Vanishing Point
Glaze of Perfect Beauty, A - Nightfall
Teddy - Nightfall

Fritch, Charles E.   (1927-2012)

Castaway, The - Mindwebs

Futrelle, Jacques   (1875-1912)

*Crystal Gazer, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
*Dangerous Memory - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
*Diogenes, Inc - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
_Great Brain, The - see "Problem of Cell 13, The"
*Master Minds, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
*Murder on the Space Shuttle - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
Problem of Cell 13, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Great Brain")
*Raft, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
*Revenge Is Not Sweet - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
*Secret of the Fifth Bell, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)

Back to the Top

dividing line

Gaiman, Neil   (1960- )

Monkey and the Lady - Mindwebs
Murder Mysteries - Seeing Ear Theatre
Snow, Glass, Apples - Seeing Ear Theatre

Gaboriau, Émile   (1832-1873)

Murder of the Little Pig, The - Weird Circle [author not confirmed]

Gale, Zona   (1874-1938)

Evening - Sleep No More [title not confirmed - same as "Evening Clothes" ??]

Gallagher, Stephen   (1954- )

Alternative to Suicide, An - BBC (1979)
Babylon Run, The - BBC (as part of "The Steve Gallagher Trilogy") (1979)
By the River, Fontainebleau - BBC (1988); Fear on 4
Chimera - BBC (1985)
Horn, The - BBC (1989); Fear on 4
Humane Solution, The - BBC (1993)
Hunters' Moon - BBC (as part of "The Steve Gallagher Trilogy") (1978)
Kingston File, The - BBC (1987)
Last Rose of Summer, The - BBC (as part of "The Steve Gallagher Trilogy") (1977)
Life Line - BBC (1993); Fear on 4
Resistance to Pressure, A - BBC (1979)
Visitors' Book, The - BBC (1992)

Gallico, Paul   (1897-1976)

Clock, The - Lux Radio Theatre
Expense Account - Author's Playhouse
Pride of the Yankees, The - Lux Radio Theatre
Snow Goose - London Playhouse; Theatre Royal
Tightwad - Author's Playhouse
'Twas the Night Before Christmas - Radio City Playhouse

Galouye, Daniel F.   (1920-1976)

Shock Troop - X Minus One

Galsworthy, John   (1867-1933)

Apple Tree, The - Lady Esther Presents Orson Welles; Mercury Summer Theatre of the Air; NBC Presents: Short Story; Romance
Escape - Arthur Hopkins Presents; Campbell Playhouse; Columbia Workshop; Theatre Guild on the Air
First and the Last, The - Radio City Playhouse
Forsyte Chronicles, The - BBC (2004)
Justice - Arthur Hopkins Presents; Great Plays; NBC University Theater
Mob, The - BBC (2004)
Old English - Theatre Guild on the Air
Patrician, The - NBC University Theater

Garner, Alan   (1934- )

Elidor - BBC (2011)

Garrett, Randall   (1927-1987)

Best Policy, The - Exploring Tomorrow (lost)
Look Out! Duck! - Exploring Tomorrow (lost)
Hunting Lodge, The - Exploring Tomorrow
Sound Decision - Exploring Tomorrow
Space Baby, The - Exploring Tomorrow
With All the Trappings - Exploring Tomorrow (lost)

Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn   (1810-1865)

Cranford - NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels
House to Let, A - BBC (2006)
Mrs Lirriper - Classic Serial (BBC, 2007), contributor
Old Nurse's Story, The - Weird Circle

Gautier, Théophile    (1811-1872)

_Evil Eye, The - see "Jettatura"
Jettatura - Weird Circle (as "The Evil Eye")
*Possessive Dead, The - Weird Circle (original title = ??)
Spirite - Afternoon Play (BBC, 1998)

Gerrold, David   (1944- )

Infinity of Loving, An - Mindwebs

Gerson, Villiers   ( - )

Beyond Infinity - Dimension X

Gerstäcker, Friedrich   (1816-1872)

Germelshausen - Romance

Gibbon, Perceval   (1879-1926)

Second-Class Passenger, The - Escape (x3); Suspense

Gibson, William    (1948- )

Neuromancer - BBC (2002)

Gielgud, Val   (1900-1981)

Four into Seven Won't Go - Columbia Workshop

Gilbert, Michael   (1912-2006)

Murder by Jury - Suspense

Gillette, William Hooker   (1853-1937)

Secret Service - Great Plays
Sherlock Holmes - National Radio Theatre
Strange Case of Miss Faulkner, The - Sherlock Holmes

Gillies, Robert Pearse   (1788-1858)

Warning, The - Weird Circle [title not confirmed]

Gillman, Charlotte Perkins   (1860-1935)

Yellow Wallpaper, The - Fear on 4; Suspense (x2); Theatre 10.30; Vanishing Point

Gilroy, Frank D.   (1925- )

Who'll Save the Plowboy? - National Radio Theater

Ginty, Elizabeth Beall   (circa 1863-1949)

Missouri Legend - NBC Presents: Best Plays

Giraudoux, Jean   (1882-1944)

Madwoman Of Chaillot, The - (La Folle de Chaillot) - NBC Presents: Best Plays

Gizycka, Felicia   ( - )

Beautiful Summer in Newport - NBC Presents: Short Story

Glasgow, Ellen   (1873-1945)

Romantic Comedians, The - NBC University Theater (x2); Studio One
They Stooped to Folly - NBC University Theater

Glaspell, Susan Keating   (1876-1948)

Allison's House - Pulitzer Prize Plays
_Jury of Her Peers, A - see "Trifles"
Trifles - 19 Nocturne Boulevard (as "A Jury of Her Peers")

Godden, Rumer   (1907-1998)

Black Narcissus - BBC (2008)
Breath of Air, A - Hallmark Playhouse

Godwin, Tom   (1915-1980)

Cold Equations, The - Audion Theatre (as "Cold Equations"); Exploring Tomorrow; Future Tense (as "Cold Equations"); Sci-Fi Radio; SF 68 ??; X Minus One (as "Cold Equations")

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von   (1749-1832)

Sorcerer's Apprentice, The - (Der Zauberlehrling) - Afternoon Play (BBC, 2004)

Gogol, Nikolai   (1809-1852)

Dead Souls - Afternoon Play (BBC); Classic Serial (BBC, 2006)
Diary of a Madman - Afternoon Play (BBC, 1991); Black Mass; Tales from the Shadows
Government Inspector, The - Afternoon Play (BBC, 2002, 2009); Great Plays (as "The Inspector General"); Theatre Royal (as "The Inspector General")
_Inspector General, The - see "Government Inspector, The"
Overcoat, The - (Шинель) - ABC Mystery Time; CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Theatre Royal
*Treasure, The - Witch's Tale [original story = ??]

Gold, H. L.   (1914-1996)

At the Post - X Minus One
Man with English, The - Mindwebs
Old Die Rich, The - Audion Theatre; Future Tense; Tales of Tomorrow; X Minus One

Golden, Christopher   (1967- )

Lights Out - Man in Black

Goldin, Stephen   (1947- )

But as a Soldier, For His Country - Mindwebs
Last Ghost, The - Mindwebs

Golding, Morton Jay   (1925- )

Congratulations, Mr Mayor - Theatre Five
Living Credit - Theatre Five
Tale for the Nursery, A - Theatre Five
Wandering Spaceman, The - Theatre Five

Golding, William   (1911-1993)

Lord of the Flies - BBC (2013)

Goldsmith, Oliver   (1730-1774)

She Stoops to Conquer - Great Plays

Gorky, Maxim   (1868-1936)

*Fools, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
*Guilt of the Innocent, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
Summerfolk - BBC (2000)

Goulart, Ron   (1933- )

Prez - Mindwebs

Graham, John   ( - )

Angel's Kiss - Nightfall
Buried Alive - Nightfall
Future Fear - Nightfall
Hands Off - Nightfall
Love and the Lonely One - Nightfall

Graham, Gwethalyn   (1913-1965)

Earth and High Heaven - Studio One

Grahame, Kenneth   (1859-1932)

Reluctant Dragon, The - Columbia Workshop
Wind in the Willows, The - BBC (2001, 2004, 2006 [reading], 2007)

Grainger, Peter   (1916-1971)

Mist, The - Mindwebs

Grant, Charles L.   (1942-2006)

Weep No More, Old Lady - Mindwebs

Grass, Günter L.   (1927- )

Cat and Mouse - (Katz und Maus) - Book at Bedtime (BBC, 2004)
Tin Drum, The - (Die Blechtrommel) - BBC (1996); Classic Serial (BBC, 1999)

Green, Joseph L.   (1931- )

Treasure Hunt - Mindwebs

Greenberg, Joanne   (1932- )

Certain Distant Suns - Vanishing Point

Greene, Graham   (1904-1991)

See also the plot archives for: The Lives of Harry Lime (produced by Harry Alan Towers)
Brighton Rock - BBC (1994); NBC University Theater
Confidential Agent, The - Escape (as "Confidential Agent"); Studio One
England Made Me - NBC University Theater
Gun for Sale, A - Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players (as "This Gun for Hire"); Lux Radio Theatre (as "This Gun for Hire")
Heart of the Matter, The - Classic Serial (BBC, 2001)
Man Within, The - Suspense
Ministry of fear, The - NBC University Theater
Monsignor Quixote - BBC (1999)
_Orient Express - see "Stamboul Train"
Proof Positive - Black Mass
Stamboul Train - Escape (as "Orient Express")
Tenth Man, The - Classic Serial (BBC, 2004)
Third Man, The - Lux Radio Theatre; Theatre Guild on the Air
_This Gun for Hire - see "Gun for Sale, A"
When Greek Meets Greek - NBC Presents: Short Story; Theatre Royal

Grendon, Edward   ( - )

Crisis - Mindwebs

Griffith, George   (1857-1906)

Five Hundred Carats - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Five Hundred Carats")

Grubb, Davis   (1919-1980)

Horsehair Trunk, The - Sleep No More
Night of the Hunter, The - BBC (SNT-1993)
Return of Verge Likens - Beyond Midnight (as "Mr McGraw and His Victim")

Gruber, Frank   (1904-1969)

Thirteenth Floor, The - Beyond Midnight (as "The Bonanza")

Guin, Wyman    (1915-1989)

Volpla - X Minus One

Guitry, Sacha   (1885-1957)

Bonne Chance - Lux Radio Theatre (as "Lucky Partners")

Gunn, James   (1923- )

Cave of Night, The - X Minus One
Open Warfare - X Minus One
Tsylana - X Minus One
Wherever You May Be - X Minus One

Guthrie, A. B., Jr.   (1901-1991)

Big Sky, The - NBC University Theater
Way West, The - Hallmark Playhouse

Back to the Top

dividing line

Hagerup, Helge   (1933- )

Where the Frogs Fly - National Radio Theater

Haggard, Sir H. Rider   (1856-1925)

King Solomon's Mines - Afternoon Play (BBC, 2001); BBC (1990); General Mills Radio Adventure Theater; Lux Radio Theatre
She - BBC (2006); CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Escape

Hall, James Norman   (1887-1951)

Hurricane, The - Campbell Playhouse
Lost Island - Words at War
Mutiny on the Bounty - BBC (SNT-1973); Campbell Playhouse
No More Gas - Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players (as "The Tuttles of Tahiti")
_Tuttles of Tahiti, The - see "No More Gas"

Haldeman II, Jack C.   (1941-2002)

End-of-the-World-Rag, The - Mindwebs

Hale, Edward Everett   (1822-1909)

Man Without a Country, The - Family Theatre; Favorite Story; General Mills Radio Adventure Theater; Weird Circle; NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels

Hamilton, Edmond   (1904-1977)

Man Who Returned, The - Hall of Fantasy (lost); Mindwebs

Hamilton, Patrick   (1904-1962)

_Angel Street - see "Gas Light"
Gas Light - Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players; Lux Radio Theatre; NBC Presents: Best Plays (as "Angel Street"); Textron Theatre (as "Angel Street"); Theatre of Romance (as "Angel Street")
Rope - NBC Presents: Best Plays

Hammett, Dashiell   (1894-1961)

See also the plot archives for: The Adventures of Sam Spade; The Adventures of the Thin Man; The Fat Man
After the Thin Man - Lux Radio Theatre
Glass Key, The - Campbell Playhouse; Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players; Studio One
Maltese Falcon, The - Academy Award Theater ; BBC (SNT-1984, 1985); Hollywood Theater of the Ear; Lux Radio Theatre
Thin Man, The - Lux Radio Theatre
Too Many Have Lived - Black Mask Audio Magazine (Hollywood Theater of the Ear)
Two Sharp Knives - Suspense (x2)
Secret Agent X-9 - Afternoon Play (BBC, 1994)
Watch on the Rhine - Academy Award Theater; Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players

Harding, Lee   (1937- )

Quest - SF 68
Liberators, The - Mindwebs

Hardy, Thomas   (1840-1928)

Day after the Affair, The - BBC
Dynasts, The - Columbia Workshop
Far from the Madding Crowd - BBC (1975); Masterpiece Radio Theatre
Fiddler of the Reels, The - BBC (1990)
Life's Little Ironies - BBC (1998)
Mayor of Casterbridge, The - BBC (2008); Classic Serial (BBC, 1994); NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels; NBC University Theater
Pair of Blue Eyes, A - BBC (1983)
Return of the Native, The - NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels; Studio One
What the Shepherd Saw - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (based on "Far from the Madding Crowd" ??)
Withered Arm, The - BBC (2006); NBC University Theater; Nightfall (as "The Turn of the Blood")

Harris, Robert    (1957- )

Fatherland - BBC (1998)

Harrison, Harry   (1925-2012)

Ever-Branching Tree, The - Mindwebs
Technicolor Time Machine, The - Afternoon Play (BBC, 1991)

Harrison, M. John    (1945- )

Machine in Shaft Ten, The - Mindwebs

Harrison, William   (1933-2013)

Roller Ball Murder - Mindwebs

Hart, Moss   (1904-1961)

George Washington Slept Here - Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players; Theatre Guild on the Air
Lady in the Dark - Lux Radio Theatre; Theatre Guild on the Air
Man Who Came to Dinner, The - Hotpoint Holiday Special; Lux Radio Theatre; Theatre Guild on the Air; Theatre of Romance
You Can't Take It with You - Lux Radio Theatre; Theatre Guild on the Air

Harte, Bret   (1837-1902)

_Kiss of Salomy Jane, The - see "Salomy Jane"
Luck of Roaring Camp, The - Family Theatre; NBC University of the Air: American Novels; Railroad Hour (as "Roaring Camp"); Tell It Again; Theatre Royal
Outcasts of Poker Flat, The - Family Theatre; National Radio Theater; Theatre Royal
Postmistress of Laurel Run, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Family Theatre; Romance
Salomy Jane - Family Theatre (as "The Kiss of Salomy Jane")
Tennessee's Partner - Family Theatre

Hartley, L.P.   (1895-1972)

W.S. - Mysterious Circumstances (1963)

Harvey, Frank   (1913-1982)

Death Dust, The - SF 68

Harvey, William Fryer   (1885-1937)

August Heat - Blue Hours Productions; Hallmark Playhouse; Sleep No More; Suspense (x2)
Beast with Five Fingers, The - Fear on 4

Haviland-Taylor, Katharine   (1888-1941)

Failure, The - Hallmark Playhouse
Man to Remember, A - Lux Radio Theatre

Hawthorne, Nathaniel   (1804-1864)

Artist of the Beautiful, The - Vanishing Point (as part of the mini-series "Thrice Told tales")
Birthmark, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
_Burial of Roger Malvin, The - see "Roger Malvin's Burial"
_Curse of the Mantle, The - see "Lady Eleanore's Mantle"
David Swan - CBC Mystery Theater (as "The Strange History of David Swan")
*Deep Desire - Vanishing Point (as part of the mini-series "Thrice Told tales") (original title = ??)
Dr Heidegger's Experiment - CBC Mystery Theater; CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Favorite Story
Ethan Brand - Weird Circle (as "The Heart of Ethan Brand")
*Headless Clown, The - Vanishing Point (as part of the mini-series "Thrice Told tales") (original title = ??)
Heart of Ethan Brand, The - see "Ethan Brand"
House of the Seven Gables, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater; NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels
*Kiss of Death, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = "Rappaccini's Daughter" ??)
Lady Eleanore's Mantle - Weird Circle (as "The Curse of the Mantle")
Marble Faun, The - NBC University Theater
Mr Higginbotham's Catastrophe - CBC Mystery Theater
*Mysterious Hanging of Squire Huggins, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
*Never Marry a Spider - Vanishing Point (as part of the mini-series "Thrice Told tales") (original title = ??)
Rappaccini's Daughter - 19 Nocturne Boulevard (as "Il Professoro's Daughter"); Favorite Story; Vanishing Point (as part of the mini-series "Thrice Told tales"); Weird Circle; Witch's Tale
Roger Malvin's Burial - Weird Circle (as "The Burial of Roger Malvin")
Scarlet Letter, The - Mind's Eye; NBC University of the Air: American Novels; Playhouse 25
_Strange History of David Swann, The - see "David Swann"
*Strange Child - Vanishing Point (as part of the mini-series "Thrice Told tales") (original title = ??)
Young Goodman Brown - Nightfall

Hearn, Lafcadio   (1850-1904)

Soul of the Great Bell, The - Author's Playhouse; CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Fateful Bell")

Hecht, Ben   (1894-1964)

See also the plot archives for: The Jumbo Fire Chief Program
Actor's Blood - Suspense
Beyond Good and Evil - Mystery in the Air; Suspense
Crime without Passion - Suspense
_His Girl Friday - see "Front Page, The"
Front Page, The - Ford Theatre; Lux Radio Theatre; Lux Radio Theatre (as "His Girl Friday")
_Marvelous Barastro, The - see "Shadow, The"
Miracle in the Rain, A - Author's Playhouse
Rival Dummy, The - Mollé Mystery Theatre
Shadow, The - Mystery in the Air (as "The Marvelous Barastro"); Suspense (as "The Marvelous Barastro")
Spectre of the Rose - Inner Sanctum Mysteries

Heermann, Elizabeth Alexander    (circa 1931-2010)

Fifty-Two Weeks for Florette - NBC Presents: Short Story

Heggen, Thomas   (1918-1949)

Mister Roberts - NBC Presents: Best Plays

Heinlein, Robert A.   (1907-1988)

By His Bootstraps - 2000x; National Radio Theater
Destination Moon - Dimension X
Green Hills of Earth, The - CBS Radio Workshop; Dimension X (x2); X Minus One
Requiem - Beyond Tomorrow; Dimension X; SF 68 ??; X Minus One
Roads Must Roll, The - Dimension X; X Minus One
They - Mindwebs
Universe - Dimension X; X Minus One

Heller, Joseph   (1923-1999)

Catch-22 - Afternoon Play (BBC, 2003)

Hellman, Lillian   (1905-1984)

Another Part of the Forest - Lux Radio Theatre
Children's Hour, The - Lux Radio Theatre (as "These Three")
Dark Angel, The - Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players; Lux Radio Theatre
Little Foxes, The - Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players
North Star, The - Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players
_These Three - see "Children's Hour, The"
Watch on the Rhine - Academy Award Theater; Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players

Helwig, David   (1938-2018)

Unlived Lives - Vanishing Point, The (based on "Haunted by Lives Unlived" ?)

Hemingway, Ernest   (1899-1961)

Farewell to Arms, A - Ford Theatre; Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players; Lux Radio Theatre; NBC Star Playhouse; NBC University Theater; Studio One; Theatre Guild on the Air
Fifty Grand - Columbia Workshop; NBC Presents: Short Story
For Whom the Bell Tolls - Lux Radio Theatre; NBC University Theater
Killers, The - Columbia Workshop
Short, Happy Life of Francis Macomber, The - NBC University Theater (x2)
To Have and Have Not - Lux Radio Theatre

Henry, O.   (1862-1910)

_Alias Jimmy Valentine - see "Retrieved Reformation, A"
Cherchez la Femme - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Christmas by Injunction - Author's Playhouse
Departmental Case, A - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
_Don't Die without Me - see "Furnished Room, The"
Furnished Room, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "Don't Die without Me")
Gift of the Magi - Coronet Little Show; Words with Music
_Jimmy Valentine's Gamble - see "Retrieved Reformation, A"
Passing of Black Eagle, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Retrieved Reformation, A - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "Jimmy Valentine's Gamble"); Lux Radio Theatre (as "Alias Jimmy Valentine")
Third Ingredient, The - Hallmark Playhouse
Tobin's Palm - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Two Renegades - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
*Wanted, A Husband - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)

Henty, George Alfred   (1832-1902)

One of the 28th: A Tale of Waterloo - Adventure Ahead (as "One of the 28th")

Herbert, Frederick Hugh   (1897-1958)

See also the plot archives for: Meet Corliss Archer
For Love or Money - Theatre Guild on the Air

Hergé   (1907-1983)

Adventures of Tintin, The - BBC (1992, 1993)

Hergesheimer, Joseph   (1880-1954)

Token, The - General Electric Summer Theatre (possible audition); Romance
Wild Oranges - Escape (x2); Lady Esther Presents Orson Welles; Romance

Herman, Henry   (1832-1894)

Silver King, The - Great Plays

Heron, E.   (1851-1935)

*Once upon an Island - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
*Shining Man, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)

Heron, H.   (1876-1922)

*Once upon an Island - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
*Shining Man, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)

Hersey, John   (1914-1993)

Bell for Adano, A - NBC Presents: Best Plays; Theatre Guild on the Air

Heym, Stefan   (1913-2001)

Crusaders, The - NBC University Theater

Heyward, DuBose   (1885-1940)

Half-Pint Flask, The - Columbia Workshop

Hichens, Robert S.   (1864-1950)

Garden of Allah, The - Campbell Playhouse
How Love Came to Professor Guildea - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "Shadow of Love"); Escape (x2); Radio City Playhouse; Vanishing Point
Paradine Case, The - Lux Radio Theatre

High, Philip E.   (1914-2006)

Routine Exercise - SF 68

Highsmith, Patricia    (1921-1995)

Cry of the Owl, The - BBC (2002)
Ripley's Game - Book at Bedtime (BBC, 2004)
Strangers on a Train - Lux Radio Theatre (x2)

Hill, Douglas   (1935-2007)

Blade of the Poisoner - BBC (1997)

Hill, Richard   ( - )

Moth Race - Mindwebs

Hill, Susan   (1942- )

Autumn - BBC
Woman in Black, The - BBC (1993)

Hillerman, Tony   (1925-2008)

Blessing Way, The - Zero Hour

Hilton, James   (1900-1954)

Appassionata - Hallmark Playhouse
Good-bye, Mr Chips - Afternoon Play (BBC, 1991); Gulf Screen Guild Theatre; Hallmark Playhouse; Lux Radio Theatre; NBC University Theater; Theatre of Romance
Lost Horizon - Academy Award Theater; BBC (1981); Campbell Playhouse; Everything for the Boys; Favorite Story; Hallmark Playhouse; Lux Radio Theatre; NBC University Theater; Romance; Theatre of Romance
Random Harvest - General Electric Theater; Hallmark Playhouse; Lux Radio Theatre (x2); Matinee Theatre; Theatre of Romance; Vick's Matinee Theatre
Story of Dr Wassell, The - Lux Radio Theatre

Hladik, Tamara   ( - )

Emily 501 - Seeing Ear Theatre [author not confirmed]

Hoban, Russell   (1925-2011)

Riddley Walker - BBC (1996)

Hodgson, William Hope   (1877-1918)

Habitants of Middle Islet, The - Beyond Midnight (as "The Happy Return")
Stone Ship, The - Nightfall
Tropical Horror, A - 19 Nocturne Boulevard

Hoffmann, E. T. A.   (1776-1822)

Mines of Falun, The - (Die Bergwerke zu Falun) - CBC Mystery Theater
Sandman, The - (Der Sandmann) - Theatre 10.30

Hogg, James   (1770-1835)

Brownie of the Black Haggs, The - Darker Side of the Border (BBC, 2009)
Mysterious Bride, The - Weird Circle

Holding, Elisabeth Sanxay.   (1889-1955)

Strange Children, The - Haunted

Hollis, H. H.   (1921-1977)

Sword Game - Mindwebs

Holm, Anne   (1922-1998)

I Am David - (aka "North to Freedom") - Afternoon Play (BBC)

Holm, John Cecil   (1904-1981)

Three Men on a Horse - Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players; Theatre Guild on the Air

Homer   ( - )

Iliad, The - Afternoon Play (BBC, 2002)
Odyssey, The - Afternoon Play (BBC, 2004); General Mills Radio Adventure Theater (as "The Travels of Ulysses"); National Radio Theater (as "The Odyssey of Homer"); Tell It Again

Hood, Thomas   (1799-1845)

Tale of the Great Plague, A - Weird Circle (as "The Great Plague")

Hope, Anthony   (1863-1933)

Prisoner of Zenda, The - BBC (1967, SNT-1973, 2010); Brownstone Theater; CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Family Theatre; Hallmark Playhouse; Lux Radio Theatre; Screen Director's Playhouse; Screen Guild Theater
Rupert of Hentzau -- BBC (SNT-1973)

Hope, Edward    (1896-1958)

She Loves Me Not - Lux Radio Theatre; NBC Presents: Best Plays

Hopkinson, Nalo   (1960- )

Greedy Choke Puppy - Seeing Ear Theatre

Household, Geoffrey   (1900-1988)

Arabesque - Studio One
_Fortune of Vargas, The - see "Third Hour, The"
Hut, The - NBC Presents: Short Story
Rogue Male - BBC (1989); Book at Bedtime (BBC, 2004); Suspense
Rough Shoot, A - Escape
Taboo - Beyond Midnight (as "The Werewolf"); Escape
Third Hour, The - Escape (as "The Fortune of Vargas")
_Fortune of Vargas, The - see "Third Hour, The"
_Werewolf, The - see "Taboo"

Housman, Laurence   (1865-1959)

Victoria Regina - Campbell Playhouse; NBC Presents: Best Plays

Houston, James D.   (1933-2009)

Gas Mask - Mindwebs

Howard, Robert E.   (1906-1936)

Fire of Asshurbanipal, The - Blue Hours Productions
Pigeons from Hell - Blue Hours Productions

Howard, Sidney   (1891-1939)

Late Christopher Bean, The - Arthur Hopkins Presents; Ford Theatre
Ned McCobb's Daughter - Theatre Guild on the Air
They Knew What They Wanted - Pulitzer Prize Plays; Theatre Guild on the Air
Yellow Jack - Arthur Hopkins Presents

Hubbard, L. Ron   (1911-1986)

Ole Doc Methuselah - 2000x
Professor Was a Thief, The - Dimension X

Hudson, Alec   ( - )

Up Periscope! - Escape

Hudson, W. H.   (1841-1922)

Green Mansions - Favorite Story

Hughes, Dorothy B.   (1904-1993)

Cross-Eyed Bear, The - Suspense
Fallen Sparrow, The - Lux Radio Theatre
Homecoming, The - Sleep No More (as "Homecoming")
In a Lonely Place - Suspense
Ride The Pink Horse - Lux Radio Theatre

Hughes, Fielden   ( - )

Dear Ghost... - Beyond Midnight (as "A True Ghost Story")

Hughes, Richard   (1900-1976)

Comedy of Danger, A - Columbia Workshop
High Wind in Jamaica, A - BBC (2000); NBC University Theater

Hughes, Rupert   (1872-1956)

Old Nest, The - Hallmark Playhouse

Hugo, Victor   (1802-1885)

_Bishop's Candlesticks, The - see "Les Miserables"
Hernani - Great Plays
Hunchback of Notre Dame, The - Afternoon Play (BBC); Classic Serial (2008); George Edwards Players
_Jean Valjean and the Bishop - see "Les Miserables"
Last Day of a Condemned Man, The - Weird Circle
Les Miserables - BBC (2002); CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Family Theatre (as "The Bishop's Candlesticks"); Favorite Story (as "Jean Valjean and the Bishop"); Lux Radio Theatre; Mercury Theatre (players); NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels; NBC University Theater (as "The Bishop's Candlesticks")
Ninety-Three - (Quatrevingt-treize) - NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels

Hull, Edna Mayne   (1905-1975)

Competition - Dimension X

Hull, Edith Maude   (1880-1947)

Sheik, The - Dangerously Yours

Hull, Helen R.   (1888-1971)

Clay-Shuttered Doors - Hallmark Playhouse

Hunt, Mabel Leigh   (1892-1971)

Have You Seen Tom Thumb? - Adventure Ahead

Huxley, Aldous   (1894-1963)

After Many a Summer Dies the Swan - NBC University Theater; NBC New Theater
Brave New World - CBS Radio Workshop; National Radio Theater; Shape of Things to Come (BBC, 1991)
Comfort - Columbia Workshop
Gioconda Smile, The - Afternoon Play (BBC, 1989); Mollé Mystery Theatre; Theatre Guild on the Air
Jacob's Hands - CBS Radio Workshop

Hyde, Dr Douglas   (1860-1949)

Teig O'Kane and the Corpse - (translated from the Irish by Dr Hyde) - Nightfall

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dividing line

Ibsen, Henrik   (1828-1906)

Doll's House, A - BBC; Earplay; Favorite Story; Great Plays; Lux Radio Theatre; Theatre Guild on the Air
Enemy of the People, An - National Radio Theater; Studio One
Ghosts - BBC (2000); National Radio Theater
Hedda Gabler - NBC University Theater
Lady from the Sea, The - BBC
Pillars of Society, The - Great Plays
Peer Gynt - Columbia Workshop; Great Plays

Ionesco, Eugène   (1909-1994)

Motor Show, The - National Radio Theater

Ingram, William   ( - )

Eye for an Eye, An - Price of Fear
Blind Man's Bluff - Price of Fear
Come as You Are - Price of Fear
Dead Man's Boots - Fear on 4
Goody Two Shoes - Price of Fear
Is There Anybody There? - Price of Fear
Mind Well the Tree - Fear on 4
Not Wanted on the Voyage - Price of Fear
Out of the Mouths - Price of Fear
Soul Music - Price of Fear
Family Album, The - Price of Fear
To My Dear, Dear Saladin - Price of Fear

Iles, Frances

See Cox, Anthony Berkeley

Innes, Hammond   (1913-1998)

Killer Mine, The - Escape

Irish, William

See Cornell Woolrich

Irving, Washington   (1783-1859)

Adventure of the German Student, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Guillotine"); Hermit's Cave (as "The Black Band"); We Know a Story (as "The Lady with the Velvet Collar")
_Black Band, The - see "Adventure of the German Student, The"
_Lady with the Velvet Collar - see "Adventure of the German Student, The"
Legend of Sleepy Hollow, The - Hallmark Playhouse; NBC University of the Air: American Novels; BBC; Favorite Story; Seeing Ear Theatre (as "Sleepy Hollow, The Legend")
*Phantom Picture, The - Weird Circle (original title = "The Adventure of the Mysterious Picture" ??)
Rip Van Winkle - Family Theatre; Great Plays; House of Mystery; Railroad Hour; Theatre Guild on the Air; NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels
Specter Bridegroom, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Family Theatre; Red Room: Ghost Stories for Christmas (WHD-2000)

Irwin, Margaret   (1889-1967)

Elizabeth, Captive Princess - Hallmark Playhouse

Isherwood, Christopher   (1904-1986)

Assent of F6, The - BBC (NP-1938)
Jacob's Hands - CBS Radio Workshop
I Am Waiting - Sleep No More
Mr Norris Changes Trains - Book at Bedtime (BBC, 2004)
Prater Violet - NBC University Theater

Ishiguro, Kazuo   (1954- )

Remains of the Day, The - BBC (2003)

Ives, David   (1950- )

Canvas - National Radio Theater

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dividing line

Jackson, Helen Hunt   (1830-1885)

Ramona - Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players; NBC University of the Air: American Novels

Jackson, Shirley   (1916-1965)

Lottery, The - NBC Presents: Short Story

Jacobs, W. W.   (1863-1943)

Circular Tour, The - Columbia Workshop
Interruption, The - Mystery in the Air
Jerry Bundler - Red Room: Ghost Stories for Christmas (WHD-2000)
Monkey's Paw, The - Afternoon Play (BBC); Mysterious Circumstances (BBC); Beyond Midnight; CBC Mystery Theater; CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Crack in the Wall"); Christopher Lee's Fireside Tales (BBC, 2004); Favorite Story; Fear on 4; Nightfall; Seeing Ear Theatre; Theatre 10.30

James, Henry   (1843-1916)

Ambassadors, The - NBC University Theater
American, The - NBC University Theater
Aspern Papers, The - Classic Serial (BBC, 1997); Theatre Royal
_Berkeley Square - see "Sense of the Past, The"
Confession - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = "Guest's Confession" ??)
Daisy Miller - NBC University Theater
_Edmund Orme - see "Sir Edmund Orme"
Four Meetings - On Stage with Elliott and Cathy Lewis; Theatre Royal
Ghostly Rental, The - Beyond Midnight (as "The House")
_Heiress, The - see "Washington Square"
_House, The - see "Ghostly Rental, The"
_I'll Never Forget You - see "Sense of the Past"
Jolly Corner, The - Black Mass
Liar, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Theatre Royal
*Locked Trunk, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
Maud-Evelyn - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Portrait of a Lady, The - NBC University Theater
*Portrait of Memory - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
Sense of the Past, The - Arthur Hopkins Presents (as "Berkeley Square"); Dangerously Yours (as "Berkeley Square"); Hallmark Playhouse (as "Berkeley Square"), Lux Radio Theatre (as "Berkeley Square"); Lux Radio Theatre (as "I'll Never Forget You")
Sir Edmund Orme - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "Edmund Orme")
Sir Dominick Ferrand - BBC
Third Person, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
*Tomorrow Is Never - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
*Tool Shed, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
Tragedy of Error, A - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Turn of the Screw, The - BBC (2004); Christmas Spirits (BBC, 1990); Favorite Story
Washington Square - Lux Radio Theatre (as "Heiress, The"); NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels
What Maisie Knew - Classic Serial (BBC, 2003)

James, M. R.   (1862-1936)

Ash Tree, The - Black Mass
Canon Alberic's Scrap-Book - Ghost Stories by M.R. James (BBC, 1997)
Casting the Runes - Blue Hours Productions; CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "This Will Kill You"); Escape; Red Room: Ghost Stories for Christmas (WHD-2000); M.R. James Stories (BBC, AT-1981, as "The Hex")
Count Magnus - Hall of Fantasy x2 (as "He Who Follows Me" and "The Steps That Follow Me"); Red Room: Ghost Stories for Christmas (WHD-2000)
Evening's Entertainment, An - Black Mass
_Figure in the Moonlight, The - see "Mezzotint, The"
Haunted Dolls' House, The - Ghost Stories by M.R. James (BBC, 1998)
_He Who Follows Me - see "Count Magnus"
_Hex, The - see "Casting the Runes"
Lost Hearts - 19 Nocturne Boulevard; Ghost Stories by M.R. James (BBC, 1997); M.R. James Stories (BBC, 2009)
Mezzotint, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Figure in the Moonlight")
Number 13 - M.R. James Stories (BBC, 2009)
Oh, Whistle, and I'll Come to You, My Lad - Mysterious Circumstances (1963) (as "Oh, Whistle, and I'll Come to You"); M.R. James Stories (BBC, 2009)
Rats - Ghost Stories by M.R. James (BBC, 1998)
Rose Garden, The - M.R. James Stories (BBC, 2009)
School Story, A - Ghost Stories by M.R. James (BBC, 1997)
_Steps That Follow Me, The - see "Count Magnus"
Tractate Middoth, The - M.R. James Stories (BBC, 2009)
School Story, A - Ghost Stories by M.R. James (BBC, 1997)
_This Will Kill You - see "Casting the Runes"
*Visions of Sir Philip Sydney - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)

Janifer, Laurence M.   (1933-2002)

Bible after Apocalypse, The - Mindwebs

Jerome, Jerome K.    (1859-1927)

Dancing Partner, The - Late Alfred Hitchcock Presents (BBC, 2010)
Man of Science, The - Christopher Lee's Fireside Tales (BBC, 2004)
Told after Supper - Christmas Spirits (BBC, 1990 as "After Supper Ghost Stories")
Three Men in a Boat - BBC (CS-2013)

Job, Thomas   (1901-1947)

Uncle Harry - NBC Presents: Best Plays

Johnson, Ben   (1573-1637)

Volpone, or the Foxe - Great Plays (as "Volpone")

Johnson, Robert Barbour   (1907-1987)

Far Below - Blue Hours Productions

Johnson, Dr Samuel   (1709-1784)

Lingering Expectation of an Heir, The - Weird Circle (as "Expectations of an Heir")

Jones, Diana Wynne    (1934-2011)

Witch Week - BBC (2012)

Jones, Henry Arthur   (1851-1929)

Michael's Lost Angel - National Radio Theater
Silver King, The - Great Plays

Jones, Langdon   (1942- )

Hall of Machines, The - Mindwebs

Joyce, James   (1882-1941)

Dubliners - Afternoon Play (BBC, 1998)
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, A - NBC University Theater

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dividing line

Kafka, Franz   (1883-1924)

Amerika - (Der Verschollene) - BBC (2006)
Burrow, The - (Der Bau) - Tales from the Shadows
Country Doctor, A - Black Mass; Seeing Ear Theatre
Judgement, The - (Das Urteil) - Black Mass; Tales from the Shadows
Metamorphosis - Mind's Eye
Trial, The - (Der Prozess) - Columbia Workshop

Kantor, MacKinlay   (1904-1977)

Forever Walking Free - Author's Playhouse

Kaufman, George S.   (1889-1961)

Beggar on Horseback - Great Plays
Dark Tower, The - Suspense
Dinner at Eight - Campbell Playhouse
Dulcy - Lux Radio Theatre (x2)
George Washington Slept Here - Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players; Theatre Guild on the Air
June Moon - Campbell Playhouse; Theatre of Romance
Man Who Came to Dinner, The - Hotpoint Holiday Special; Lux Radio Theatre; Theatre Guild on the Air; Theatre of Romance
Royal Family, The - Theatre Guild on the Air
Stage Door - Lux Radio Theatre; Theatre of Romance
To the Ladies - Lux Radio Theatre
You Can't Take It with You - Lux Radio Theatre; Theatre Guild on the Air

Kawalec, Julian   ( - )

I Kill Myself - Mindwebs

Keats, John   (1795-1821)

Eve of St Agnes, The - Columbia Workshop

Kelland, Clarence Budington   (1881-1964)

_Mr Deeds Goes to Town - see "Opera Hat"
Opera Hat - Campbell Playhouse (as "Mr Deeds Goes to Town"); Lux Radio Theatre (as "Mr Deeds Goes to Town")
Stand-In, The - Lux Radio Theatre

Keller, David H.   (1880-1966)

Worm, The - Mindwebs

Kelly, George Edward   (1887-1974)

Craig's Wife - Campbell Playhouse; Lux Radio Theatre (x2); NBC Presents: Best Plays
Show-Off, The - Theatre Guild on the Air

Kelly, James Patrick   (1951- )

Breakaway, Backdown - Seeing Ear Theatre
Carrion Death - Seeing Ear Theatre (as part of the "Tales from the Crypt" mini-series)
Feel the Zaz - Seeing Ear Theatre
Propagation of Light in a Vacuum, The - Seeing Ear Theatre
Think like a Dinosaur - Seeing Ear Theatre

Kennedy, Charles Rann   ( - )

Servant in the House, The - Great Plays
Terrible Meek, The - Columbia Workshop

Kersh, Gerald   (1911-1968)

Note on Danger B - Radio City Playhouse
Unsafe Deposit Box, The - 2000x (as "A Little Bank Deposit")

Kessel, John   (1950- )

Clean Escape, A - Seeing Ear Theatre

Kesselring, Joseph   (1902-1967)

Arsenic and Old Lace - NBC Presents: Best Plays

Keyes, Daniel   (1927- )

Flowers for Algernon - BBC (2003); Shape of Things to Come (BBC, 1991)

King, Laurie R   (1952- )

Beekeeper's Apprentice, The - BBC (2000)

King, Stephen   (1947- )

Children of the Corn - BBC (2004)
Misery - BBC (2004)
Mist, The - Cabinet of Doctor Fritz (ZBS Foundation)
Pet Sematary - BBC (1997)
Salem's Lot - BBC (1995)
Secret Window, Secret Garden - BBC (1995, 1999)

Kingsley, Charles   (1819-1875)

Westward Ho! - Hallmark Playhouse

Kingsley, Sidney   (1906-1995)

Dead End - Theatre Guild on the Air
Detective Story - Lux Radio Theatre; NBC Presents: Best Plays
Men in White - Cavalcade Of America; Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players; Lux Radio Theatre; NBC Presents: Best Plays; Pulitzer Prize Plays

Kipling, Rudyard   (1865-1936)

As Easy as ABC - 2000x
At the End of the Passage - CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Tales of the Supernatural (BBC)
Bisara of Pooree, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
*Boy Who Would Be a Sailor, The - General Mills Radio Adventure Theater (original title = ??)
Brushwood Boy, The - Columbia Workshop
By Word of Mouth - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Captains Courageous - General Mills Radio Adventure Theater
Drums of the Fore and Aft, The - Escape (x2)
Friend's Friend, A - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "That's What Friends Are For")
House Surgeon, The - Tales of the Supernatural (BBC)
Jungle Book, The - BBC (2011); General Mills Radio Adventure Theater (as "Mowgli"); General Mills Radio Adventure Theater (as "Tiger! Tiger!")
_Leopard Man, The - see "Mark of the Beast, The"
Light That Failed, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Favorite Story; NBC University Theater
Man Who Would Be King, The - Escape (x2); Suspense
Mark of the Beast, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Leopard Man"); Tales of the Supernatural (BBC)
Mary Postgate - Storytellers (BBC, 1988)
_Mowgli - see "Jungle Book, The"
My Own True Ghost Story - Tales of the Supernatural (BBC)
Namgay Doola - Family Theatre
Phantom Rickshaw, The - Favorite Story; Tales of the Supernatural (BBC)
_That's What Friends Are For - see "Friend's Friend, A"
They - Tales of the Supernatural (BBC)
_Tiger! Tiger! - see "Jungle Book, The"
Trilogy for Xmas, A - 19 Nocturne Boulevard (as part of "A Trilogy for Christmas") (original title = ?)
Wish House, The - Tales of the Supernatural (BBC)

Klein, Gérard   (1937- )

Valley of Echoes, The - (La vallée des échos) - Mindwebs

Kneale, Nigel   (1922-2006)

Oh, Mirror, Mirror - Black Mass (as "O, Mirror, Mirror")
Stone Tape, The - Fright Night (BBC, 2015)

Knight, Damon   (1922-2002)

Country of the Kind, The - Mindwebs
I See You - Mindwebs

Knight, Eric   (1897-1943)

Never Come Monday - Columbia Workshop
Sam Small's Better Half - Author's Playhouse; Columbia Workshop
This above All - Everything for the Boys; Lux Radio Theatre; Romance

Koch; Kenneth   (1925-2002)

George Washington Crossing the Delaware - National Radio Theater

Kompert, Leopold   (1822-1886)

Silent Woman, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater

Kopit, Arthur   (1937- )

Chamber Music - National Radio Theater

Kornbluth, C. M.   (1923-1958)

Marching Morons, The - 2000x
Meeting, The - Mindwebs
Space Merchants, The - BBC (1957); CBS Radio Workshop

Krabbé, Tim   (1943- )

Vanishing, The - Saturday Play (BBC, 2013)

Krasna, Norman   (1919-1984)

Bride by Mistake - Lux Radio Theatre
Dear Ruth - Lux Radio Theatre
John Loves Mary - Lux Radio Theatre; NBC Presents: Best Plays
Mr and Mrs Smith - Lux Radio Theatre
Practically Yours - Lux Radio Theatre

Krucher, Joseph Howard   ( - )

Bride of Death, The - Weird Circle

Kummer, Clare   (1872-1958)

Her Master's Voice - Arthur Hopkins Presents
Successful Calamity, A - Arthur Hopkins Presents

Kuttner, Henry   (1915-1958)

Absalom - Mindwebs
Don't Look Now - Blue Hours Productions; Mindwebs
Graveyard Rats, The - Blue Hours Productions; With Book and Pipe
Housing Problem - CBS Radio Workshop
Proud Robot, The - 2000x
Twonky, The - Sci-Fi Radio
Vintage Season - Sci-Fi Radio

Kyne, Peter B.   (1880-1957)

One-Eighth Apache - Escape (lost)

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dividing line

La Barthe, Henri   (1887-1963)

Algiers - Campbell Playhouse; Lux Radio Theatre (x2)

Laclos, Pierre Choderlos de   (1741-1803)

Les Liaisons dangereuses - BBC (1998)

Lafferty, R. A.   (1914-2002)

Eurema's Dam - Mindwebs
Hands of the Man - Mindwebs

Lagerkvist, Pär   (1914-2002)

Sybil, The - National Radio Theater

Lamb, Harold   (1892-1962)

Three Good Witnesses, The - Escape (x2) (as "Three Good Witnesses")

Lampedusa, Giuseppe Tomasi di   (1896-1957)

Leopard, The - (Il Gattopardo) - BBC (1997)

Lane, Rose Wilder   (1886-1968)

Free Land - Hallmark Playhouse
Let the Hurricane Roar - Hallmark Playhouse

Lardner, Ring   (1885-1933)

Alibi Ike - Lux Radio Theatre; Studio One
Champion, The - NBC Presents: Short Story; NBC Star Playhouse; Screen Directors' Playhouse
Elmer the Great - Gulf Screen Guild Theatre; Hallmark Playhouse; Hollywood Star Time; Lux Rado Theatre
Frame-Up, A - NBC Presents: Short Story
Golden Honeymoon - Mercury Summer Theatre of the Air
June Moon - Campbell Playhouse; Theatre of Romance
Symptoms of Being 35 - Columbia Workshop

László, Miklós   (1903-1973)

Parfumerie - Lady Esther Presents The Screen Guild Players (as "The Shop around the Corner")

Latimer, Jonathan   (1906-1983)

Lady in the Morgue, The - Mollé Mystery Theatre (as "Lady in the Morgue")
Submarine Command - Lux Radio Theatre

Laurents, Arthur   (1917-2011)

Heart's Desire - Suspense
Home of the Brave - NBC Presents: Best Plays
Now Playing Tomorrow - Columbia Workshop

Lavery, Bryony   (1947- )

272 Attempts - BBC (2004)

Lawlor, Harold   (1910-1992)

Black Madonna, The - Blue Hours Productions

Lawrence, D. H.   (1885-1930)

Daughters of the Vicar - BBC (2007)
Rocking-Horse Winner, The - Columbia Workshop
Sons and Lovers - BBC (1978); Masterpiece Radio Theatre; NBC University Theater

Le Fanu, Joseph Sheridan   (1814-1873)

_Beast with Red Eyes, The - see "Green Tea"
Carmilla - BBC (2003); CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Columbia Workshop; Nightfall
Familiar, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Familiar Ghost")
Green Tea - Hall of Fantasy (as "The Beast with Red Eyes")
Man with the Claret Mark, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Schalcken the Painter - BBC (1979); Weird Circle (as "The Wooden Ghost") [original title possibly "Strange Event in the Life of Schalken the Painter"]
Shadow People, The - Hall of Fantasy (based on a character from Le Fanu's writings)
Sir Dominick's Bargain - Beyond Midnight (as "Sir Derminic's Bargain")
*Till Death Do Us Join - CBS Radio Mystery Theater [original title = ??]
Uncle Silas - BBC (1984); Late Alfred Hitchcock Presents (BBC, 2010)
_Wooden Ghost, The - see "Schalcken the Painter"

Le Guin, Ursula K.   (1929-2018)

April in Paris - Mindwebs
Diary of the Rose - Sci-Fi Radio
Dispossessed, The - Vanishing Point
End, The - Mindwebs
Field of Vision, The - Sci-Fi Radio
Vaster Than Empires and More Slow - 2000x
Wizard of Earthsea, A - BBC (1996)

Leacock, Stephen   (1869-1944)

My Financial Career - Hallmark Playhouse

Leblanc, Maurice   (1864-1941)

Case of the Forced Divorce, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (one of the adventures of the rascally Arsène Lupin)
Gettysburg Address, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (one of the adventures of the rascally Arsène Lupin)
My First Rogue - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (one of the adventures of the rascally Arsène Lupin)
Rivalry, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (one of the adventures of the rascally Arsène Lupin)

Lee, Tanith    (1947- )

Bitter Gale - BBC (MP-1977)
Death is King - BBC (AT-1979, MP-1979)
Red Wine - BBC (TMT-1977)
Silver Sky, The - BBC (AT-1980, SNT-1980)

Leiber, Fritz   (1910-1992)

Appointment in Tomorrow - X Minus One
Bread Overhead - 19 Nocturne Boulevard
Dead Man, The - Blue Hours Productions
Game for Motel Room - Mindwebs
Moon Is Green, The - Tales of Tomorrow; X Minus One
Night He Cried, The - Mindwebs
Pail of Air, A - Audion Theatre; Future Tense; X Minus One

Leinster, Murray   (1896-1975)

Castaway, The - SF 68
First Contact - Dimension X; Exploring Tomorrow; X Minus One
Footprints in the Snow - Hall of Fantasy (lost)
If You Was a Moklin - X Minus One
Logic Named Joe, A - Dimension X; X Minus One
Lost Race, The - Dimension X
Mad Planet, The - 2000x
Other Now, The - Tales of Tomorrow
Sam, This Is You - X Minus One

Lem, Stanisław    (1921-2006)

Solaris - BBC (CS-2007)

Leroux, Gaston   (1868-1927)

Phantom of the Opera, The - (Le Fantôme de l'Opéra) - CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Lux Radio Theatre

Leslie, Josephine   (1898-1979)

Ghost of Captain Gregg and Mrs Muir, The - BBC (SNT-1974); Lux Radio Theatre (as "The Ghost and Mrs Muir"); Screen Directors' Playhouse (as "The Ghost and Mrs Muir")

Lesser, Milton   (1928-2008)

Sense of Wonder, The - X Minus One

Level, Maurice   (1875-1926)

Debt Collector, The - Favorite Story
In the Darkroom - (Sous la lumière rouge) - Columbia Workshop (as "Double Exposure")
Man from Yesterday, The - Favorite Story

Levene, Philip   (1926-1973)

Cold Storage - Mysterious Circumstances (1973)

Levy, Benn   (1900-1973)

Mrs Moonlight - Lux Radio Theatre; Romance
Springtime for Henry - Theatre of Romance

Lewis and Clark   

Lewis and Clark - General Mills Radio Adventure Theater

Lewis, C. S.   (1898-1963)

Out of the Silent Planet - BBC (1977)
That Hideous Strength - Classic Serial (BBC, 1990)

Chronicles of Narnia
Chronicles of Narnia, The - BBC (2012)
Horse and His Boy, The - (book 5) - BBC (2006)
Last Battle, The - (book 7) - BBC (2006)
Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe, The - (book 1) - BBC (2006)
Magician's Nephew, The - (book 6) - BBC (2006)
Prince Caspian - (book 2) - BBC (2006)
Silver Chair, The - (book 4) - BBC (2006)
Voyage of the Dawn Treader, The - (book 3) - BBC (2006)

Lewis, Matthew Gregory    (1775-1818)

Spectre Bride, The - NBC Presents: Short Story [author not confirmed]

Lewis, Sinclair   (1885-1951)

Arrowsmith - Campbell Playhouse; Cavalcade of America; Ford Theatre; Hallmark Playhouse; Lady Esther Presents The Screen Guild Players; Lux Radio Theatre; NBC University Theater; Star and the Story
Babbitt - Studio One
Bethel Merriday - CBS Forecast
Dodsworth - Campbell Playhouse; Lux Radio Theatre; NBC University Theater; Studio One
Letter from the Queen, A - NBC Presents: Short Story
Main Street - NBC University Theater (x2)
Young Man Axelbrod - CBS Radio Workshop

Lister, T. H.   (1800-1842)

Dialogue for the Year 2130: Extracted from the Album of a Modern Sibyl, A - 2000x

Llewellyn, Richard   (1906-1983)

How Green Was My Valley - Lux Radio Theatre (x2); NBC University Theater
None but the Lonely Heart - Lux Radio Theatre

Locke, David M.   (1929- )

Power of the Sentence, The - Mindwebs

London, Jack   (1876-1916)

Bunches of Knuckles - Everything for the Boys (as "Knuckles")
Call of the Wild, The - BBC (2012)
Curious Fragment, A - 2000x
_Knuckles - see "Bunches of Knuckles"
_Sailor Who Wouldn't Give Up, The - see "Story of a Typhoon off the Coast of Japan"
Scarlet Plague, The - Escape
Sea Wolf, The - BBC (1991); General Mills Radio Adventure Theater; National Radio Theater; Screen Director's Playhouse
Story of a Typhoon off the Coast of Japan - General Mills Radio Adventure Theater (as "The Sailor Who Wouldn't Give Up")
To Build a Fire - Sleep No More

Long, Frank Belknap   (1901-1994)

Hounds of Tindalos, The - Blue Hours Productions
Unfinished, The - Mindwebs

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth    (1807-1882)

Courtship of Miles Standish, The - Family Theatre; Hallmark Playhouse
Evangeline - Cavalcade Of America (as "This Our Exile"); Family Theatre; Hallmark Playhouse
_Robert of Sicily - see "Tales of a Wayside Inn"
Tales of a Wayside Inn - Family Theatre (x2) (as "Robert of Sicily")
_This Our Exile - see "Evangeline"

Longus    (2nd Century AD ??)

Daphnis and Chloe - BBC (2006)

Lonsdale, Frederick    (1881-1954)

Last of Mrs Cheyney, The - Arthur Hopkins Presents; Lux Radio Theatre; Theatre Guild on the Air

Lord, Mindret   (1903-1955)

I Had an Alibi - Suspense
Wreck of the Old '97 - Suspense

Lortz, Richard   (1917-1980)

He Was a Good Boy - Theatre Five
Widow, The - Theatre Five

Lovecraft, H. P.   (1890-1937)

At the Mountains of Madness - Atlanta Radio Theatre Company; BBC; Dark Adventure Radio Theatre
Beyond the Wall of Sleep - Mindwebs (x2)
Call of Cthulhu, The - The Middlebury Radio Theater of Thrills and Suspense
Color Out of Space, The - Atlanta Radio Theatre Company
Cool Air - 19 Nocturne Boulevard (as "Chillin'"); Blue Hours Productions
_Chillin" - see "Cool Air"
Dunwich Horror, The - Atlanta Radio Theatre Company; BBC; Dark Adventure Radio Theatre; Suspense
Facts Concerning the Late Arthur Jermyn and His Family - 19 Nocturne Boulevard (as "The Facts Concerning...")
Haunter of the Dark, The - 19 Nocturne Boulevard
Herbert West—Reanimator - BBC (as "The Reanimator")
In the Walls of Eryx - 19 Nocturne Boulevard (as "Within the Walls of Eryx")
Lurking Fear, The - BBC
Nyarlathotep - Blue Hours Productions
Outsider, The - BBC; Black Mass; Tales from the Shadows
Picture in the House, The - 19 Nocturne Boulevard
_Reanimator, The - see "Herbert West: Reanimator"
Rats in the Walls, The - Atlanta Radio Theatre Company; BBC; Black Mass; Dark Adventure Radio Theatre; Tales from the Shadows
Shadow out of Time, The - Atlanta Radio Theatre Company
Shadow over Innsmouth, The - Atlanta Radio Theatre Company; BBC (2011); Dark Adventure Radio Theatre
Statement of Randolph Carter, The - BBC
Temple, The - 19 Nocturne Boulevard
Thing on the Doorstep, The - 19 Nocturne Boulevard; BBC
Tomb, The - BBC (2005)
*View from Within, The - 19 Nocturne Boulevard (original title = ??)
Young Man of Providence - BBC (one-hour documentary)
_Within the Walls of Eryx - see "In the Walls of Eryx"

Lowndes, Marie Belloc   (1868-1947)

Lodger, The - Afternoon Play (BBC, 2003); CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Mystery in the Air; Suspense (x3)
Story of Ivy, The - Suspense
Unrecorded Instance, An - Mysterious Circumstances (1963)

Lowry, Malcolm   (1909-1857)

Under The Volcano - Studio One

Luce, Clare Boothe   (1903-1987)

Kiss the Boys Goodbye - Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players; NBC Presents: Best Plays (x2)

Lyndon, Barré   (1896-1972)

Amazing Dr Clitterhouse, The - Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players; NBC Presents: Best Plays

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dividing line

MacArthur, Charles   (1895-1956)

See also the plot archives for: The Jumbo Fire Chief Program
Crime without Passion - Suspense
Front Page, The - Ford Theatre; Lux Radio Theatre; Lux Radio Theatre (as "His Girl Friday")

MacDonald, Betty   (1908-1958)

Egg and I, The - Hallmark Playhouse

MacDonald, John D.   (1916-1986)

Child Is Crying, A - Mindwebs
Impulse, The - Blue Hours Productions

MacDonald, Philip   (1900-1980)

Green and Gold String, The - Suspense

Machen, Arthur   (1863-1947)

Red Hand, The - Weird Circle

Machiavelli, Niccolò   (1469-1527)

Prince, The - Saturday Drama (BBC, 2013)

MacInnes, Helen   (1907-1985)

Rest and Be Thankful - Hallmark Playhouse

Mackenzie, Jean Kenyon    (1874-1936)

Trader's Wife, The - NBC Presents: Short Story

Mackin, Edward   (1929-2010)

Unremembered, The - Mindwebs

MacLean, Alistair    (1922-1987)

Guns of Navarone, The - BBC (1997)
H.M.S. Ulysses - BBC (1997)

MacLean, Katherine   (1925- )

Pictures Don't Lie - Future Tense; X Minus One
Snowball Effect, The - X Minus One

MacLeish, Archibald   (1892-1982)

Air Raid - CBS Radio Workshop; Columbia Workshop
American Name, The - NBC University of the Air: The American Story
America Was Promises - Columbia Workshop
Fall of the City, The - Columbia Workshop (x2); National Radio Theater
Great American Fourth of July Parade, The - Earplay
J. B. - Earplay

MacNeice, Louis   (1907-1963)

Dark Tower, The - National Radio Theater

Maeterlinck, Maurice   (1862-1949)

Blue Bird, The - Arthur Hopkins Presents; Great Plays

Maine, Charles Eric   (1921-1981)

Short Circuit - Beyond Midnight

Maggs, Dirk   (195x- )

Adventures of Superman, The (series 1) - BBC Radio 4 (1990)
Adventures of Superman, The (series 2) - BBC Radio 4 (1991)
Amazing Spiderman, The - BBC Radio 1 (1995)
American Werewolf In London, An - BBC Radio 1 (1997)
Batman: Knightfall - BBC Radio 1 (1994)
Batman: The Lazarus Syndrome - BBC Radio 4 (1989)
Gemini Apes, The - BBC (1998)
Independence Day UK - BBC Radio 1 (1996)
Superman on Trial - BBC Radio 4 (1988)

Malamud, Bernard   (1914-1986)

Magic Barrel, The - Studio One

Malmar, McKnight   ( - )

Storm, The - Sleep No More

Maltz, Albert   (1908-1985)

Red-Head Baker - Columbia Workshop

Malzberg, Barry N.   (1939- )

Running Around - Mindwebs
Over the Line - Mindwebs

Mann, Thomas   (1875-1955)

Disillusionment - Black Mass

Manzoni, Alessandro   (1785-1873)

Betrothed, The - (I Promessi Sposi) - NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels

Maples, Richard   ( - )

Scapegoat, The - X Minus One

Marlowe, Christopher    (1564-1593)

Edward II - Great Plays
Tamerlane - Great Plays
Tragical History of Doctor Faustus, The - Great Plays; Great Plays (as "Dr Faustus"); Weird Circle (as "The History of Dr John Faust")

Marquand, John P.   (1893-1960)

Coals to Newcastle - Columbia Workshop
H. M. Pulham, Esquire - Lux Radio Theatre; MGM Theatre of the Air
Point of No Return - NBC Theater; NBC University Theater
Wickford Point - Campbell Playhouse

Marryat, Frederick   (1792-1848)

*Bells, The - Witch's Tale [original title not confirmed]
White Wolf of the Hartz Mountains, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The White Wolf"); Weird Circle (as "The Werewolf"); Witch's Tale (as "The Werewolf")

Martini, Clem   (1956- )

Last Thirty Days of Charles L. Danforth, The - Vanishing Point

Martin, George   (1948- )

Ice Dragon, The - BBC

Martyr, Weston   (1885-1966)

Sleeping Draught, The - Escape (x2); Suspense

Masefield, John    (1878-1967)

Dauber - Columbia Workshop

Masters, Edgar Lee   (1868-1950)

Epitaphs - CBS Radio Workshop (from "Spoon River Anthology")

Masters, John   (1914-1983)

Deceivers, The - BBC (1985)

Mather, Berkely    (1909-1996)

Returned Without Thanks - Mysterious Circumstances (1967)

Matheson, Richard    (1926-2013)

Third from the Sun - Audion Theatre; Future Tense
Born of Man and Woman - Audion Theatre; Future Tense; Halloween Horror; Mindwebs

Maugham, W. Somerset   (1874-1965)

Christmas Holiday - Lux Radio Theatre
Circle, The - Arthur Hopkins Presents
Colonel's Lady, The - Theatre Royal
Facts of Life - BBC (1996)
Letter, The - Arthur Hopkins Presents; Hollywood Star Time; Lux Radio Theatre (x3); Mollé Mystery Theatre; Theatre Guild on the Air
Of Human Bondage - Everything for the Boys; Ford Theatre; NBC University Theater
Outstation, The - Escape
Razor's Edge, The - Lux Radio Theatre
Too Many Husbands - Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players (x2)
Vessel of Wrath, The - Escape

Maupassant, Guy de   (1850-1893)

Artist, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Coward, A - Sleep No More (as "The Coward")
*Debt of Gratitude, A - We Know a Story (original title = ??)
_Diamond Necklace, The - see "Necklace, The"
Diary of a Madman, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
_Graveyard, The - see "What is a Dream?"
Hand, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Weird Circle
Horla, The - (Le Horla) - Bay Area Radio Drama; Blue Hours Productions; CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Columbia Workshop; Inner Sanctum Mysteries; Mystery in the Air; One Act Audio Theatre; Weird Circle
Little Louise Roque - Theatre Royal (as "Little Louise")
Mademoiselle Fifi - Family Theatre
Necklace, The - (La Parure) - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Diamond Necklace"); Favorite Story; Family Theatre
Piece of String, A - Favorite Story; Mystery in the Air
*Revenge Is Sweet - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
Rope of Hair, The - NBC Presents: Short Story; Weird Circle
Vendetta, The - Favorite Story
What is a Dream? - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Graveyard")

Maurois, André   (1885-1967)

House, The - Columbia Workshop

Maximov, Herman   ( - )

Ultimate Threshold, The - (Последний порог) - Vanishing Point

May, Julian   (1931- )

Dune Roller, The - BBC (1961)

McCulley, Johnston   (1883-1958)

Mark of Zorro, The - Hollywood Theater of the Ear

McIntosh, J. T.   (1925-2008)

Hallucination Orbit - X Minus One

McKenty, Jack   ( - )

$1,000 a Plate - X Minus One

Melchior, Ib   (1917- )

Racer, The - Mindwebs

Melville, Herman   (1819-1891)

Bartleby, The Scrivener - Black Mass; Classic Serial (BBC, 2004); Chatterbox Audio Theater; Favorite Story (as "The Strange Mr Bartleby"); Theatre Royal (as "Bartleby")
Bell-Tower, The - NBC Presents: Short Story; Weird Circle
Benito Cereno - Mind's Eye
Moby Dick - BBC; NBC University of the Air: American Novels; Columbia Workshop; Family Theatre; Favorite Story; General Mills Radio Adventure Theater; Mercury Summer Theatre of the Air; NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels; NBC University Theater; Tell It Again
_Strange Mr Bartleby, The - see "Bartleby, The Scrivener"

Mencken, H. L.   (1880-1956)

Bring on the Angels - CBS Radio Workshop

Meredith, George   (1828-1909)

Diana of the Crossways - NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels

Merrick, Leonard   (1864-1939)

Judgement of Paris, The - Favorite Story

Mérimée, Prosper   (1803-1870)

Bronze Venus, The - (La Vénus d'Ille) - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Vénus d'Ille"); Witch's Tale
Carmen - Romance
Colomba - Romance
Mateo Falcone - Weird Circle
Mozart and Salieri - BBC
Shot, The - Weird Circle (as "The Pistol-Shot") [By Alexander Pushkin, translated from the Russian by Prosper Mérimée.]

Merril, Judith   (1923-1997)

That Only a Mother - Mindwebs

Michener, James A.   (1907-1997)

Scuttlebutt - NBC Presents: Short Story

Miller, Albert G.   (1905-1982)

Bad News for Mrs Bristol - Theatre Five
Charlie, The Beautiful Machine - Theatre Five
Greener Pastures - Theatre Five
Land of Milk and Honey - Theatre Five
Lovers, Villains, and Fools - CBS Radio Workshop
Man Who Loved Jellyroll, The - Theatre Five
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall - Theatre Five
Mr Horn's Holiday - Theatre Five
Walls of Poison Ivy, The - Theatre Five

Miller, Arthur   (1915-2005)

All My Sons - Lux Radio Theatre; NBC Presents: Best Plays
Death of a Salesman - Soundstage
Hook, The - Unmade Movies (BBC, 2015)
Pussycat and the Expert Plumber Who Was a Man, The - Columbia Workshop
William Ireland's Confession - Columbia Workshop

Miller, Jason   (1939-2001)

Lou Gehrig Did Not Die of Cancer - National Radio Theater

Miller, Lion   (1908-1987)

Available Data on the Worp Reaction, The - Mindwebs

Miller, Walter M., Jr.   (1923-1996)

Canticle for Leibowitz, A - NPR
Dark Benediction - Sci-Fi Radio
Will, The - SF 68

Milne, Walter A. A.   (1882-1956)

Michael and Mary - Ford Theatre; Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players; Screen Guild Theatre
Mr Pim Passes By - Arthur Hopkins Presents
Toad of Toad Hall - BBC (SNT-1973)
Ugly Duckling, The - National Radio Theater

Molière   (1622-1673)

Bourgeois Gentilhomme, Le - Great Plays
Doctor in Spite of Himself, The - (Le Médecin malgré lui) - Lux Radio Theatre (as "The Physician in Spite of Himself"); NBC University Theater
Don Juan - (Dom Juan ou le Festin de pierre) - National Radio Theater
Imaginary Invalid, The - Great Plays; National Radio Theater
Misanthrope, The - BBC
_Physician in Spite of Himself, The - see "Doctor in Spite of Himself"
School for Husbands, The - Great Plays

Molnár, Ferenc   (1878-1952)

I'll Be Yours - Lux Radio Theatre
Liliom - Campbell Playhouse; Great Plays
Swan, The - Arthur Hopkins Presents; Great Plays

Moore, C. L.   (1911-1987)

Absalom - Mindwebs
Proud Robot, The - 2000x
Vintage Season - Sci-Fi Radio
Shambleau - 2000x
Twonky - Sci-Fi Radio

Moore, Clement Clarke   (1779-1863)

Night before Christmas, The - Suspense (as "'Twas the Night before Christmas")

Moore, George   (1852-1933)

Clerk's Quest, The - Sleep No More

Moore, Mavor   (1919-2006)

Book of Hell, The - Nightfall

Moore, Ward   (1903-1978)

Rebel - Mindwebs

Morgan, Charles   (1894-1958)

Portrait in a Mirror - NBC University Theater

Morgan, Elizabeth   ( - )

According to the Regulations - BBC ??
Anastasia Rees - BBC ??
Dear Countess - BBC ??
French Correction, The - BBC ??
It's Warm and There’s Company - BBC ??
Lot 132 - Price of Fear
Responses - BBC ??
Spring can Wait - BBC ??
Tom Tiddler’s Pool - BBC ??

Morley, Christopher   (1890-1957)

Kitty Foyle - Academy Award Theater; Hallmark Playhouse; Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players; Lux Radio Theatre; Studio One
Parnassus on Wheels - Hallmark Playhouse

Morrison, William   (1906-1980)

Country Doctor - SF 68 (as "Space Cow")

Morrow, James   (1947- )

Daughter Earth - Seeing Ear Theatre
Diary of a Mad Deity - Seeing Ear Theatre

Morrow, William   (1854-1923)

Permanent Man, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = "The Monster Maker" ??) [author not confirmed]

Mortimer, John   (1923-2009)

Dock Brief, The - National Radio Theater
I Spy - National Radio Theater

Muller, Romeo   (1928-1992) ??

Bright House, New House - Theatre Five
Country Boy - Theatre Five
Discotheque - Theatre Five
Ed's War - Theatre Five
Little Game on Saturday Mornings, A - Theatre Five
Little Girl, Little Girl - Theatre Five
Lorna Is a Strange Child - Theatre Five
Make My Name Clean - Theatre Five
Mama's Girl - Theatre Five
Nightmare at 26,000 - Theatre Five
Toby's Wonderful Egg - Theatre Five
Underdeveloped Nation - Theatre Five

Munro, H. H.

See Saki

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Nahin, Paul J.   (1940- )

What Really Caused the Energy Crisis - Mindwebs

Nathan, Robert   (1894-1985)

Bishop's Wife, The - Lux Radio Theatre (x3)
One More Spring - Lux Radio Theatre; Studio One
Pride of Carrots, A - CBS Radio Workshop (as "A Pride of Carrots, or Venus Well Served")
Portrait of Jennie - Columbia Workshop; Lux Radio Theatre; Screen Directors' Playhouse
Weans, The - CBS Radio Workshop (as "Report on the Weans")

Nesbit, E.   (1858-1924)

Amulet, The - Afternoon Play (BBC, 1999)
Five Children and It - BBC (AP-1999)
John Charrington's Wedding - Beyond Midnight (as "The Wedding"); Christopher Lee's Fireside Tales (BBC, 2004)
Magic City, The - Afternoon Play (BBC, 2002)
Man-Size in Marble - BBC; Beyond Midnight (as "The Marble Knights"); CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Female Ghost (BBC, 1997); Hall of Fantasy
Railway Children, The - General Mills Radio Adventure Theater

Neville, Kris Ottman   (1925-1980)

Night of the Nickel Beer, The - Mindwebs

Newman, Robert   (1909-1988)

Note: most of the stories below were written especially for radio. Exceptions are marked ~
Blood of Cain - Inner Sanctum Mystery
Corridor of Doom - Inner Sanctum Mystery
Dark Chamber, The - Inner Sanctum Mystery
Dead Hand, The - Murder at Midnight
Dead Man's Plot - Inner Sanctum Mystery
Dead Reckoning - Inner Sanctum Mystery
Death across the Board - Inner Sanctum Mystery; Murder at Midnight
Death by Scripture - Inner Sanctum Mystery
Death in the Depths - Inner Sanctum Mystery
Death Ship, The - Inner Sanctum Mystery
Desert Death - Inner Sanctum Mystery
Dream of Death - Theatre Five
Eye of Kali, The - Theatre Five
Fix, The - Theatre Five
Heavy Death - Murder at Midnight
House Where Death Lived, The - Murder at Midnight
Island of Death, The - Inner Sanctum Mystery
Island of the Dead - Murder at Midnight
Kabbala, The - Murder at Midnight
Man Who Was Death, The - Murder at Midnight
Sending, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Sybil of Sycamore Lane, The - Theatre Five
_Terror from Beyond - see "Terror out of Space"
Terror out of Space - Murder at Midnight; Theatre Five (as "Terror from Beyond")
Thing Inside, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Tomorrow 6-1212 - Theatre Five
Victim, The - Theatre Five

Nichols, Robert   (1893-1944)

Wings Over Europe: A Dramatic Extravaganza on a Pressing Theme - Theatre Guild on the Air (as "Wings over Europe")

Niland, D'Arcy   (1917-1967)

Big Smoke, The - Caltex Theatre

Niven, Larry   (1938- )

Singularities Make Me Nervous - Mindwebs

Norton, Mary   (1903-1992)

Borrowers, The - BBC (2008)

Nourse, Alan Edward   (1928-1992)

Coffin Cure, The - X Minus One
Prime Difference - X Minus One

Nolan, William F.   (1928- )

And Miles to Go Before I Sleep - 2000x; Mindwebs (as "Promises to Keep: A Science Fiction Drama")
Happily Ever After - Mindwebs

Nordhoff, Charles   (1887-1947)

Hurricane, The - Campbell Playhouse
Mutiny on the Bounty - BBC (SNT-1973); Campbell Playhouse
No More Gas - Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players (as "The Tuttles of Tahiti")

Norman, James   ( - )

Nightwalkers, The - Escape (as "He Who Rides the Tiger")

Norris, Kathleen   (1880-1966)

Mother - Hallmark Playhouse
Only Unto Him - Radio City Playhouse

Northcote, Amyas   (1864-1923)

Brickett Bottom - Beyond Midnight (as "The Paxton's House"); CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Phantom House")

Noyes, Alfred   (1880-1958)

Midnight Express - Mindwebs
Log of the Evening Star, The - Escape
Highwayman, The - CBS Radio Workshop (as part of "1489 Words"); Dangerously Yours; Vick's Matinee Theatre

Nugent, Elliott   (1896-1980)

Male Animal, The - NBC Presents: Best Plays

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dividing line

Oboler, Arch   (1907-1987)

See also the plot archives for: Arch Oboler's Plays; The Devil and Mr O; Drop Dead! An Exercise In Horror; Everyman's Theater; Everything for the Boys; Four for the Fifth; Lights Out!; and Plays for Americans

Adolf and Mrs. Runyon - Plays for Americans
Alter Ego - Texaco Star Theatre
Beautiful Lady - Curtain Time [author not confirmed]
Bread on the Waters - Columbia Workshop
Engulfed Cathedral, The - The Eleventh Hour
Johnny Quinn, U.S.N. - Plays for Americans
_Last Survivor, The - see "Night of the Auk"
Letter at Midnight, A - Plays for Americans
Lord Marley's Guest - The Eleventh Hour
Miracle in B-3 - Plays for Americans; To the President
Mr Ginsburg - Yarns for Yanks
Night of the Auk - Arch Oboler's Plays (as "Rocket from Manhattan"); Lights Out! (as "Rocket from Manhattan"); Mysterious Traveler (as "The Last Survivor")
Old Boy, The - Sears Radio Theater [author not confirmed]
Projective Mr Drogan, The - The Eleventh Hour
Word, The - ABC Radio Workshop [Think], Lights Out

O'Brien, Fitz-James   (1828-1862)

Diamond Lens, The - Favorite Story; Weird Circle
_Doll, The - see "Wondersmith, The"
Man Who Made Gold, The - Favorite Story
Terrible Night, A - Weird Circle
What Was It? - Haunted; Weird Circle
Wondersmith, The - Weird Circle

Offen, Ron   (1828-1862)

Last Celebration, The - National Radio Theater

Oliver, Chad   (1928-1993)

Final Exam - Mindwebs

O'Neill, Eugene   (1888-1953)

Ah, Wilderness! - Arthur Hopkins Presents; Campbell Playhouse; Ford Theatre; Theatre Guild on the Air; Studio One
Anna Christie - Arthur Hopkins Presents; Ford Theatre; Lux Radio Theatre
Beyond the Horizon - Arthur Hopkins Presents; NBC Presents: Eugene O'Neill; Theatre Guild on the Air
Bound East for Cardiff - Bay Area Radio Drama; NBC Presents: Best Plays
Emperor Jones, The - Bay Area Radio Drama; National Radio Theater; Theatre Guild on the Air
Fountain, The - NBC Presents: Eugene O'Neill
Hairy Ape, The - Bay Area Radio Drama; National Radio Theater
Hughie - Bay Area Radio Drama
In the Zone - Bay Area Radio Drama
Lazarus Laughed - Bay Area Radio Drama
Long Day's Journey into Night - BBC
Long Voyage Home, The - Bay Area Radio Drama; NBC Presents: Best Plays
Moon of the Caribbees, The - Bay Area Radio Drama
Strange Interlude - Pulitzer Prize Plays; Theatre Guild on the Air
Oedipus Story, The - CBS Radio Workshop (excerpts from Sophocles and Eugene O'Neil)
Quintero Directs O'Neill - Bay Area Radio Drama
Where the Cross Is Made - Theatre Guild on the Air

Onions, Oliver   (1873-1961)

Beckoning Fair One, The - Mollé Mystery Theatre

Oppenheim, E. Phillips   (1866-1946)

Great Impersonation, The - Escape

Orr, Mary   (1910-2006)

Wisdom of Eve, The - Lux Radio Theatre (as "All about Eve"); Radio City Playhouse; Theatre Guild on the Air (as "All about Eve")

Orwell, George   (1903-1950)

Keep the Aspidistra Flying - Storytellers (BBC, 1988)
Nineteen Eighty-Four - NBC University Theater (as "1984"); Theatre Guild on the Air (as "1984")

Osborn, Paul   (1901-1988)

On Borrowed Time - NBC Presents: Best Plays
Mornings at Seven - Theatre Guild on the Air

O'Sullivan, Vincent   (1968-1940)

Bargain of Rupert Orange, The - Beyond Midnight (as "Rupert Orange")

Otis, James   (1848-1912)

Toby Tyler, or Ten Weeks with a Circus - Adventure Ahead

Oursler, Fulton    (1893-1952)

Father Flanagan of Boys Town - Hallmark Playhouse

Oursler, Will   (1913-1985)

Father Flanagan of Boys Town - Hallmark Playhouse

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dividing line

Padgett, Lewis

See Henry Kuttner

Pagnol, Marcel   (1895-1974)

Topaze - Studio One

Pain, Barry   (1864-1928)

Rose Rose - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "Goddess of Death")

Palin, Michael   (1943- )

Hemingway's Chair - BBC (2013)

Paretsky, Sara   (1947- )

Deadlock - BBC (1993)

Parker, Dorothy   (1893-1967)

Apartment to Let - Columbia Workshop
Dorothy Parker's Poetry - Lady Esther Presents Orson Welles (as "If in Years to Come")

Patchen, Kenneth   ( - )

City Wears a Slouch Hat, The - Columbia Workshop

Patrick, John   (1905-1995)

See also the plot archives for: Cecil and Sally
Hasty Heart, The - NBC Presents: Best Plays
Willow and I, The - Theatre Guild on the Air

Peake, Mervyn   (1911-1968)

Gormenghast - BBC (1984, 2000)
Titus Groan - BBC (1984, 2000)

Pearce, Philippa    (1920-2006)

At the River-Gates - Haunting Tales (BBC)
Tom's Midnight Garden - BBC (1997)

Pemberton, Victor   (1931- )

Night of the Wolf - BBC (1984)
Shadow of the Pharaoh, The - BBC (1972)
Slide, The - BBC (1966)

Pepys, Samuel   (1633-1703)

Fire of London - Saturday Drama (BBC, 2013)

Peretz, I. L.   (1852-1915)

Bonche Schweig - Hollywood Theater of the Ear; National Radio Theater
If Not Higher - Hollywood Theater of the Ear; National Radio Theater

Petch, Steve   ( - )

Beyond the Law - Nightfall
Lost Door, The - Vanishing Point
Shining Path, THe - Vanishing Point

Peterson, Len   (1917-2008)

Joke's on Guess Who?, The - Sears Radio Theater
They're All Afraid - NBC Presents: Short Story

Phelps, A. H., Jr.   ( - )

Merchants of Venus, The - X Minus One (as "The Merchant of Venus")

Philips, Judson P.   (1903-1989)

Challenge to the Listener - Mollé Mystery Theatre

Phillips, Peter   (1920-2012)

Field Study - X Minus One

Pinero, Arthur Wing   (1855-1934)

Enchanted Cottage, The - General Electric Theater; Gulf Screen Guild Theatre; Lux Radio Theatre
Second Mrs Tanqueray, The - Great Plays
Thunderbolt, The - Great Plays
Trelawney of the Wells - Great Plays
Widow of Wasdale Head, The - Author's Playhouse

Pinter, Harold   (1930-2008)

Slight Ache, A - National Radio Theater

Piper, H. Beam   (1904-1964)

Time and Time Again - Dimension X; X Minus One

Pirkis, Catherine Louisa   (1839-1910)

Murder at Troyte's Hill, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "Murder at Troyte's Hill")

Plachta, Dannie   ( - )

Revival Meeting - 2000x

Plath, Sylvia   (1932-1963)

Bell Jar, The - BBC

Platt, Kin   (1911-2003)

Greatest Short Stories. D Princess Stakes Murder, The - Zero Hour

Plutarch   (46-120 AD)

Murder of Caesar, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (based on the works of Plutarch, Cicero and Suetonius)

Poe, Edgar Allan   (1809-1849)

Annabel Lee - Sleep No More
Berenice - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Bell Room, The - BBC
Black Cat, The - Australian Columbia transcription; CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Christopher Lee's Fireside Tales (BBC, 2004); Hall of Fantasy (lost); Hollywood's Open House; Mystery in the Air; We Know a Story
_Case of Chateau-Margaux, The - see "Thou Art the Man"
_Case of Monsieur Valdemar, The - see "Facts in the Case of M Valdemar"
Cask of Amontillado, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Earplay (as part of "Three Tales of Edgar Allan Poe"); Hall of Fantasy (x5); Hollwood Theatre of the Ear; Mollé Mystery Theatre; National Radio Theater; NBC Presents: Short Story; NBC University Theater (as part of "Tales of Edgar Allan Poe"); Sleep No More (lost); Weird Circle
Facts in the Case of M Valdemar, The - Weird Circle (as "The Case of Monsieur Valdemar")
Fall of the House of Usher, The - BBC (2004); CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Earplay (as part of "Three Tales of Edgar Allan Poe"); Escape; National Radio Theater; NBC Presents: Short Story; NBC University Theater (as part of "Tales of Edgar Allan Poe"); Weird Circle
Gold-Bug, The - BBC (2001); Family Theatre; General Mills Radio Adventure Theater; Hall of Fantasy (lost); Mind's Eye
Hop-Frog - 19 Nocturne Boulevard (as "Poe-etic Justice")
Imp of the Perverse, The - Black Mass; NPR Horror House
Ligeia - We Know a Story; Weird Circle (as "The Returned")
Man of the Crowd, The - Black Mass (as "The Man in the Crowd"); Tales from the Shadows
Manuscript Found in a Bottle - Black Mass
Masque of the Red Death, The - Tales of Mystery and Imagination (CBC); CBS Radio Mystery Theater; NPR; Sleep No More (lost)
Metzengerstein - Columbia Workshop; Weird Circle (as "The Tapestry Horse")
Morella - We Know a Story
Murders in the Rue Morgue, The - BBC (2000); CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Weird Circle
Mystery of Marie Rogêt, The - BBC (as "The Real Mystery of Marie Roget"); Suspense (x2)
Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket, The - Weird Circle (as "Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym")
Never Bet the Devil Your Head - CBS Radio Workshop
Noseology - NBC University Theater (as part of "Tales of Edgar Allan Poe")
Oblong Box, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater; NBC Presents: Short Story; Weird Circle
Pit and the Pendulum, The - Appointment with Fear (BBC, SNT-1943); CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Sleep No More (lost); Suspense (x4)
Predicament, A - Black Mass; Tales from the Shadows
Premature Burial, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Hollywood's Open House
Purloined Letter, The - National Radio Theater; NBC University Theater
Raven, The - Tales from the Tomb
_Returned, The - see "Ligeia"
Strange Case of Edgar Allan Poe, The - (BBC, 1984—fictionalized investigation into Poe's death, by Christopher Cook)
System of Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether, The - Earplay (as part of "Three Tales of Edgar Allan Poe"); National Radio Theater
_Tapestry Horse, The - see "Metzengerstein"
Tell-Tale Heart, The - Appointment with Fear (BBC, 1944); BBC (1987); Black Mass, CBC Mystery Theater; CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Columbia Workshop; Favorite Story; Hall of Fantasy (x3); Inner Sanctum Mysteries; Mercury Summer Theatre of the Air; Mystery in the Air; NBC Presents: Short Story; Nightfall; Seeing Ear Theatre; Sleep No More (lost); Tales from the Shadows; Weird Circle
Thou Art the Man - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Case of Chateau-Margaux")
William Wilson - Weird Circle

Pohl, Frederik   (1919-2013)

Haunted Corpse, The - X Minus One
Mapmakers, The - X Minus One
Midas Plague, The - Afternoon Play (BBC); Shape of Things to Come (BBC, 1991)
Meeting, The - Mindwebs
Space Merchants, The - BBC (1957); CBS Radio Workshop
Target One - X Minus One
Tunnel Under the World - BBC (2000); Future Tense; X Minus One (x2)

Porges, Arthur   (1915-2006)

Fly, The - Mindwebs

Porter, Katherine Anne   (1890-1980)

Flowering Judas - NBC University Theater
Jilting of Granny Weatherall, The - Sleep No More
Noon Wine - NBC University Theater
Pale Horse, Pale Rider - NBC University Theater

Post, Melville Davisson   (1869-1930)

Doomdorf Murder, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Sealed Room Murder") [part of the Uncle Abner series of stories]
Great Cipher, The - Appointment with Fear (BBC, 1944)

Powell, Richard P.   (1908-1999)

Death Talks out of Turn - Mollé Mystery Theatre

Power, Patricia   ( - )

Face of the Foe - Zero Hour

Powers, William T.   (1926-2013)

Allegory - Mindwebs

Pratchett, Terry   (1948- )

Amazing Maurice And His Educated Rodents, The - BBC (2003)
Guards! Guards! - BBC (1992)
Mort - BBC (2004)
Night Watch - BBC (2008)
Only You Can Save Mankind - BBC (2003)
Small Gods - BBC (2006)

Pratt, Fletcher   (1897-1956)

Dr Grimshaw's Sanitarium - Dimension X; Future Tense; X Minus One
Man of Action - Cavalcade of America
Preble's Boys - Hallmark Playhouse

Priest, Christopher   (1943- )

Run, The - Mindwebs

Priestley, J. B.   (1894-1984)

Angel Pavement - NBC University Theater
Bobby Parkinson - BBC (1947)
Dangerous Corner - BBC (1984)
Demon King, The - Mysterious Circumstances (1962)
Dunkirk - BBC (1940)
Germany - BBC (194x)
Good Companions, The - Classic Serial (BBC, 2002)
Grey Ones, The - Haunted
Inspector Calls, An - BBC (1960, 2004)
Laburnam Grove - Studio One
Lost Empires - Classic Serial (BBC, 1999)
Private Rooms - Theatre Royal
West Riding - BBC (1947)

Prince, Alison   (1931- )

Baby-Sitter, The - Haunting Tales (BBC)

Pronzini, Bill   (1943- )

Dry Spell - Mindwebs
Evergreen Library, The - Mindwebs
Paxton's World - Mindwebs

Proust, Marcel   (1871-1922)

In Search of Lost Time - Classic Serial (BBC, 2005)

Pullman, Philip   (1946- )

Amber Spyglass, The - BBC (book 3 of His Dark Materials trilogy) (2003)
Northern Lights - BBC (book 1 of His Dark Materials trilogy) (2003)
Subtle Knife, The - BBC (book 2 of His Dark Materials trilogy) (2003)

Purdy, Al   ( - )

Undertaker, The - Nightfall

Pushkin, Alexander   (1799-1837)

_Last Duel, The - see "Shot, The"
_Pistol Shot, The - see "Shot, The"
Shot, The - (Выстрел) - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Last Duel"); Suspense (x2); Weird Circle (as "The Pistol-Shot")
Queen of Spades, The - (Пиковая дама) - CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Favorite Story; Mystery in the Air; Theatre Royal; We Know a Story; Witch's Tale (lost)

Back to the Top

dividing line

Quattrochi, Frank   ( - )

Sea Legs - X Minus One

Quiller-Couch, Arthur   (1863-1944)

Pair of Hands, A - Haunted
Roll-Call of the Reef, The - Favorite Story

Quinn, Seabury   (1889-1969)

Pledged to the Dead - Blue Hours Productions

Back to the Top

dividing line

Racine, Jean   (1639-1699)

Phaedra - National Radio Theater

Radcliffe, Robert   ( - )

Great Escape: The Justice - Saturday Drama (BBC, 2013)

Rankin, Ian   (1960- )

Death Is Not the End - (an Inspector Rebus story) - BBC (2004)
Serpent's Back, The - BBC (1995)
Third Gentleman, The - BBC (1997)

Raphaelson, Samson   (1894-1983)

Accent on Youth - John Barrymore Theatre; NBC Presents: Best Plays
Jazz Singer, The - Lux Radio Theatre (x2)
Skylark - Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players; NBC Presents: Best Plays

Rasovsky, Yuri   (1944-2012)

Cabinet of Dr Caligari, The - Hollywood Theater of the Ear; National Radio Theater
Courier: Cultural Resistance to Genocide, The - National Radio Theater
Dateline 1787 - National Radio Theater
Ghastly Double Murder in Famed Detective's Flat - Hollywood Theater of the Ear
It Came from Outer Pinsk - 2000x
Mark of Zorro, The - Hollywood Theater of the Ear
Millennium Bug - 2000x
Millennium Bug II - 2000x
Noch Kolatski, Interplanetary Adventurer - National Radio Theater
Sentience Today - 2000x
Sweeney Todd and the String of Pearls - Hollywood Theater of the Ear
Treasure of the Midas Nebula, The - National Radio Theater
Why Support for Public Radio Must Increase in the Next Century - 2000x

Rattigan, Terence   (1911-1977)

Breaking The Sound Barrier - Lux Radio Theatre
Browning Version, The - BBC (1981, 2011); Lux Radio Theatre
Cause Célèbre - Earplay
Separate Tables - BBC
Winslow Boy, The - Afternoon Play (BBC); Lux Radio Theatre; Theatre Guild on the Air

Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnan   (1896-1953)

Crop of Beans, A - Columbia Workshop
Yearling, The - Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players; Lux Radio Theatre

Reade, Charles   ( - )

Cloister and the Hearth, The - NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels
Knightsbridge Mystery, The - Weird Circle

Reed, Kit   (1932- )

Food Farm, The - Mindwebs

Remi, Georges   

See Hergé

Rice, Craig   (1908-1957)

Murder through the Looking Glass - Suspense

Rice, Elmer   (1892-1967)

Adding Machine, The - National Radio Theater
Counsellor-at-Law - Campbell Playhouse; Ford Theatre
Street Scene - Arthur Hopkins Presents; Theatre Guild on the Air

Rice, James   (1843-1882)

Case of Mr Lucraft, The - Nightfall (as "The Appetite of Mr Lucraft")

Richards, Laura E.   (1850-1943)

Captain January - Hallmark Playhouse; Lux Radio Theatre

Richardson, Samuel   (1689-1761)

Pamela: Or, Virtue Rewarded - BBC (2004)

Ridley, Arnold   (1896-1984)

Ghost Train, The - BBC (1998)

Riggs, Lynn   (1899-1954)

Roadside - Arthur Hopkins Presents

Ritchie, Jack   (1922-1983)

Remains to Be Seen - Price of Fear

Roberts, Elizabeth Madox   (1881-1941)

Time of Man, The - NBC University Theater; NBC New Theater

Roberts, Kenneth Lewis   (1885-1957)

Rabble in Arms - Campbell Playhouse

Robertson, George    ( - )

Angel's Kiss - Nightfall
Shortwave Goodbye, A - Nightfall
Willoughby Obsession, The - Nightfall

Robinson, Edwin Arlington   (1869-1935)

Tristram - Columbia Workshop

Robinson, Frank M.   (1926- )

Girls from Earth, The - Tales of Tomorrow; X Minus One
Hunting Season, The - 2000x
Reluctant Heroes, The - X Minus One
Untitled Story - Dimension X

Robinson, Kim Stanley   (1952- )

Lucky Strike, The - Seeing Ear Theatre

Robinson, Lennox   (1886-1958)

White-Headed Boy, The - Great Plays

Robinson, Spider   (1948- )

Antinomy - Vanishing Point

Rocklynne, Ross   (1913-1988)

Jaywalker - X Minus One

Rogers, Stan   (1949-1983)

Harris and the Mare - Nightfall
Stan Rogers Concert - Vanishing Point

Rogers, Will   (1879-1935)

See also the plot archives for: Club Car Special
Autobiography of Will Rogers, The - Hallmark Playhouse
Will Rogers Says... - ??

Roidt, Dennis   ( - )

Green Vase, The - Beyond Midnight (as "Lanceford House")

Romains, Jules   (1885-1972)

Doctor Knock, or the Triumph of Medicine - (Knock ou le Triomphe de la médecine) - National Radio Theater (as "Knock"); Theatre Royal (as "Doctor Knock")

Rosa, João Guimarães   (1908-1967)

Third Bank Of the River, The - Vanishing Point

Rosner, Karl   (1873-1951)

Versegy Case, The - Der Fall Versegy - CBS Radio Mystery Theater

Ross, Marty   ( - )

Blood and Stone - 3Dhorrorfi (2010)
Catch my Breath - BBC (2007)
Ghost Zone - BBC (2004)
Hundred Miles, A - BBC (2002)
Medusa on the Beach - Wireless Theatre Company (2009)

Rostand, Edmond   (1868-1918)

Cyrano de Bergerac - BBC (MP-1966, MP-1973, MP-1990, CS-1998, DO3-2008); Brownstone Theatre; CBC; Family Theatre; Favorite Story; General Electric Theater; Great Plays (x2); Indiana University Radio Workshop; Theatre Guild on the Air

Runyon, Damon   (1880-1946)

See also the plot archives for: The Damon Runyon Theatre
Butch Minds the Baby - Screen Directors' Playhouse
Lady for a Day - Lux Radio Theatre
Lemon Drop Kid, The - Lux Radio Theatre
Sorrowful Jones - Lux Radio Theatre
Slight Case of Murder - Old Gold Comedy Theater
Three Wise Guys - Whistler (author not confirmed)
Very Honorable Guy, A - Columbia Workshop

Russ, Joanna   (1937-2011)

When It Changed - Mindwebs

Russell, John   (1885-1956)

Adversary, The - Escape
Bird of Paradise, The - Escape
Fourth Man, The - Escape (x3)
Jetsam - Escape
Price of the Head, The - Escape (x2)
Red Mark, The - Escape

Back to the Top

dividing line

Saberhagen, Fred   (1930-2007)

Young Girl at an Open Half-Door - Mindwebs

Saki   (1870-1916)

Bertie's Christmas Eve - BBC
Chronicles Of Clovis, The - BBC (1995)
Clovis in the Country - BBC [title not confirmed]
Esmé - Black Mass; Tales from the Shadows
Gabriel-Ernest - National Radio Theater
Interlopers, The - National Radio Theater
Lumber Room, The - BBC
Open Window, The - Mercury Theatre on the Air
Playboy of the Weekend World, The - BBC [title not confirmed]
Saki Quartette, The - 19 Nocturne Boulevard (original title = ??)
Seven Cream Jugs, The - BBC
Seventh Pullet, The - Eleventh Hour [title not confirmed]
Sredni Vashtar - Late Alfred Hitchcock Presents (BBC, 2010)
Tobermory - National Radio Theater
Unrest-Cure, The - BBC

Samuels, Arthur   ( - )

Child's Play - Nightfall
Repossession, The - Nightfall
Reverse Image - Nightfall
This One Will Kill You - Nightfall
Weather Station Four - Nightfall

Sandburg, Carl   (1878-1967)

Abraham Lincoln: The Prairie Years - Hallmark Playhouse (as "The Prairie Years")
Abraham Lincoln: The War Years - Cavalcade of America; Cavalcade of Americade (as "Abraham Lincoln and the War Years")
Carl Sandburg's 79th Birthday - CBS Radio Workshop
Keepsakes - Cavalcade of America
In the Best Tradition - Cavalcade of America
Native Land - Cavalcade of America
People, Yes, The - Columbia Workshop; Columbia Workshop (as "Free Speech")
Story of Nancy Hanks, The - Cavalcade of America
With Malice Towards None - Cavalcade of America

Sansom, William   (1912-1976)

Vertical Ladder, The - Mindwebs

Saroyan, William   (1908-1981)

Hello Out There - BBC
Human Comedy, The - Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players
My Heart's in the Highlands - Columbia Workshop [author not confirmed]
Radio Play - Columbia Workshop
Time of Your Life, The - Theatre Guild on the Air

Sartre, Jean-Paul   (1905-1980)

Chips Are Down, The - NBC University Theater

Saunders, James   ( - )

Child Crying, A - Fear on 4
Day at the Dentist's, A - Fear on 4 (based on an idea of Arch Oboler's)
Random Moments in a May Garden - BBC

Sawyer, Robert J.   (1960- )

Birth - Deep Night

Saxton, Josephine   (1935- )

Nature Boy - Mindwebs

Sayers, Dorothy L.   (1893-1957)

Blood Sacrifice - Suspense
Fountain Plays, The - Suspense (x2)
Man Who Knew How, The - Suspense
Suspicion - Suspense (x2)

Selected Lord Peter Wimsey
Busman's Honeymoon - BBC (1981)
Cave of Ali Baba, The - Suspense
Clouds of Witness - BBC (1974)
Five Red Herrings, The - BBC (1978)
Have His Carcase - BBC (1981)
Murder Must Advertise - BBC (1979)
Nine Tailors, The - BBC (1980)
Strong Poison - BBC (1976)
Unnatural Death - BBC (1975)
Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club, The - BBC (1975)
Whose Body - Afternoon Play (BBC, 1974, 1987)

Schaefer, Jack   (1907-1991)

Shane - Saturday Drama (BBC, 2013); Lux Radio Theatre

Schary, Dore   (1905-1980)

Human Angle, The - Columbia Workshop

Schiller, Friedrich   (1759-1805)

Mary Stuart - Great Plays

Schisgal, Murray   (1926- )

Old Jew, The - National Radio Theater

Schmitz, James   (1911-1981)

Caretaker - X Minus One

Schnitzler, Arthur   (1862-1931)

Anatol - Mercury Theatre on the Air (as "The Affairs of Anatole")
Lieutenant Gustl - Storytellers (BBC, )
Ronde, La - National Radio Theater

Schorer, Mark   (1908-1977)

Colonel Markesan - Blue Hours Productions (as "Markesan")
Return of Andrew Bentley, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "Shadows from the Grave")

Schweitzer, Britt   ( - )

En Passant - Mindwebs

Scortia, Thomas N.   (1926-1986)

Icebox Blonde, The - Mindwebs

Scott, Sir Walter   (1771-1832)

Fair Maid of Perth, The - BBC (CS-2013)
_Feast of Redgauntlet, The - see "Wandering Willie's Tale"
_From My Appointed Place Below - see "Wandering Willie's Tale"
Heart of Midlothian, The - NBC University Theater
_It's Hell to Pay the Piper - see "Wandering Willie's Tale"
Ivanhoe - Family Theatre; General Mills Radio Adventure Theater
Kenilworth - NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels
Lady of the Lake - Hallmark Playhouse
Lochinvar - Family Theatre
Rob Roy - BBC (AP-2002, CS-2013)
St Ronan's Well - Australian Columbia transcription
Wandering Willie's Tale - (from the novel Redgauntlet) - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "It's Hell to Pay the Piper"); Nightfall (as "From My Appointed Place Below"); Weird Circle (as "The Feast of Redgauntlet")
Waverley - BBC (1994, CS-2013)

Scotten, H. F.   ( - )

Thing in the House, The - Hall of Fantasy (lost)

Sellings, Arthur   (1911-1968)

Category Inventors, The - X Minus One (as "The Category Inventor")
Homecoming - SF 68
Proxies, The - BBC (1964)

Seth, Vikram   (1952- )

Suitable Boy, A - BBC (2002)

Seuss, Dr   (1904-1991)

500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins, The - Columbia Workshop
And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street - Columbia Workshop

Shaara, Michael   (1928-1988)

Grenville's Planet - SF 68
Soldier Boy - X Minus One

Shakespeare, William   (1564-1616)

As You like It - BBC (1978); Columbia Workshop
Merchant of Venice, The - BBC (1977, 1980)
Merry Wives of Windsor, The - BBC (1970)
Midsummer Night's Dream, A - BBC (1970, 1981); Great Plays; National Radio Theater
Much Ado about Nothing - BBC (1962, 1970)
Taming of the Shrew - BBC (1962); Columbia Workshop; John Barrymore Theatre; Great Plays
Tempest, The - BBC (1964, 1988); Great Plays; National Radio Theater

Henry IV - BBC (1980, 2002)
Henry V - BBC (1976)
King John - BBC (1998)
Richard II - Arthur Hopkins Presents; BBC (1979)
Richard III - BBC (1985); CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Prince of Evil"); Columbia Workshop (as "The Tragedy of King Richard III")

Anthony and Cleopatra - BBC (1974); CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Serpent of the Nile")
Coriolanus - BBC (1979)
Hamlet - BBC (1975; 1992); CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "Long Live the King Is Dead"); Columbia Workshop; Theatre Guild on the Air
Julius Caesar - BBC (1972, 1979); CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Assassination"); Family Theatre; Mercury Theatre on the Air; NBC Star Playhouse
King Lear - BBC (1983, 1987, 1994); Mercury Summer Theatre of the Air (as "Scenes from King Lear")
Macbeth - BBC (1966, 1979, 1984); CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "Murder Most Foul"); NBC Presents: Best Plays; Theatre Guild on the Air
Othello - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Green-Eyed Monster"); Suspense
Romeo and Juliet - BBC (2003); CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Love Song of Death"); Great Plays; Mercury Summer Theatre of the Air; Stage Forty-Seven (CBC)

Shaw, George Bernard   (1856-1950)

Arms and the Man - National Radio Theater
Apple Cart, The - BBC (1980)
Back to Methuselah - Great Plays
Candida - Theatre Guild on the Air
Cashel Byron's Profession - Favorite Story; Hallmark Playhouse
Devil's Disciple, The - National Radio Theater; Sunday Play (BBC, 2000)
Major Barbara - BBC (1990)
Man and Superman - BBC: Earplay
Man of Destiny - National Radio Theater
Mrs Warren's Profession - BBC (2004)
Pygmalion - Afternoon Play (BBC, 2004); BBC (1968, 1994); Lux Radio Theatre; Theatre Guild on the Air
Saint Joan - Hollywood Theater of the Ear
Thing Happens: A.D. 2170, The - (from Back to Methuselah) - 2000x (as "The Thing Happens")

Shaw, Bob   (1931-1996)

Light of Other Days - Mindwebs; Sci-Fi Radio
Who Goes Here? - Shape of Things to Come (BBC, 1991)

Shaw, Irwin   (1913-1984)

Act of Faith - Columbia Workshop; Lest We Forget; Studio One
Bury the Dead - Columbia Workshop
Supply and Demand - Columbia Workshop

Sheckley, Robert   (1928-2005)

Bad Medicine - X Minus One
Death Wish - X Minus One
Early Model - X Minus One
Gray Flannel Armor - Audion Theatre (as "The Romance Game"); X Minus One
Gun without a Bang, The - Mindwebs
Language of Love, The - Mindwebs
Lifeboat Mutiny, The - X Minus One
Native Problem, The - X Minus One
Petrified World, The - Mindwebs
Protection - Future Tense; X Minus One
Restricted Area - Mindwebs
Seventh Victim, The - Future Tense; X Minus One
Shape - Sci-Fi Radio
Skulking Permit - X Minus One (x2)
Something for Nothing - X Minus One
Trap - X Minus One (as "The Trap")
Watchbird - 2000x; SF 68; Tales of Tomorrow
Wind Is Rising, A - X Minus One

Shelley, Mary   (1797-1851)

Frankenstein - 19 Nocturne Boulevard (as "Set Piece"); BBC (1994); CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "Frankenstein Revisited"); Favorite Story; George Edwards Players; Mind's Eye (as "The Original Frankenstein"); National Radio Theater; NBC Presents: Short Story; Suspense (x2); Weird Circle; Witch's Tale
Frankenstein Revisited - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Is This Murder? - Quiet, Please
Transformation, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater

Shelton, Vaughan   ( - )

Point of Departure - X Minus One

Shepard, Lucius   (1947- )

Delta Sly Honey - Chillers (BBC, 2002)
Jaguar Hunter, The - Seeing Ear Theatre

Sheridan, Richard   (1751-1816)

School for Scandal, The - Great Plays (x2)

Sherriff, R. C.   (1896-1975)

Home at Seven - BBC (1966)
Journey's End - BBC (1990)
St Helena - NBC Presents: Best Plays

Sherwood, Robert E.   (1896-1955)

Abe Lincoln in Illinois - Ford Theatre; Lux Radio Theatre
Petrified Forest, The - Arthur Hopkins Presents; BBC (LP-1951); Everything for the Boys; Gulf Screen Guild Theatre; Lux Radio Theatre (x2); NBC Presents: Best Plays
There Shall Be No Night - Let's Face the Facts (as "There Will Be No Night"); NBC Presents: Best Plays
Waterloo Bridge - Hallmark Playhouse; Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players

Shute, Nevil   (1899-1960)

No Highway - Lux Radio Theatre (as "No Highway in the Sky")
Pied Piper - Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players; Lux Radio Theatre (x2)
Town Like Alice, A - Afternoon Theatre (BBC, 1967)

Silverberg, Robert   (1935- )

After the Myths Went Home - Mindwebs
Collecting Team - Exploring Tomorrow (lost)
*Country Boy - Exploring Tomorrow (original title = ??)
Destination Arcturus - Exploring Tomorrow (lost)
Double Dare - Future Tense; X Minus One
Dying Inside - BBC (2001)
Fly away Home - Exploring Tomorrow (lost)
Good News from the Vatican - Blackstone Audio (as a part of "Three by Silverberg")
His Head in the Clouds - Exploring Tomorrow (lost)
Iron Chancellor, The - Renaissance Radio (X Minus One Revival)
Look Homeward, Spaceman - Mindwebs
Invaders from Earth - Exploring Tomorrow (as "The Mimic")
_Martian Queen - see "Sound Decision"
_Mimic, The - see "Invaders from Earth"
Moon is New, The - Exploring Tomorrow (as "The Moon Is Red")
_Moon is Red - see "Moon is New"
No Way Out - Exploring Tomorrow
Old Man, The - Exploring Tomorrow (lost)
Precedent - Exploring Tomorrow (lost)
Secret Sharer, The - Blackstone Audio (as a part of "Three by Silverberg")
Sleep and a Forgetting, A - 2000x
Sound Decision - Exploring Tomorrow
Sourdough - Exploring Tomorrow (lost)
Sundance - Sci-Fi Radio
To See the Invisible Man - Mindwebs
To the Dark Star - Mindwebs
We Are for the Dark - Blackstone Audio (as a part of "Three by Silverberg")
When We Went to See the End of the World - Mindwebs

Simak, Clifford D.   (1904-1988)

Courtesy - Dimension X; X Minus One
Desertion - Mindwebs
Drop Dead - X Minus One
How-2 - X Minus One
Junkyard - Independent Production (Radio Enthusiasts of Puget Sound, 1997); X Minus One
Lulu - X Minus One
Project Mastodon - X Minus One

Singer, Isaac Bashevis   (1902-1991)

Gimpel, The Fool - Earplay
Shiddah and Kuziba - Black Mass

Siodmak, Curt   (1902-2000)

Donovan's Brain - Suspense (x2)

Slesar, Henry   (1927-2002)

See also the plot archives for: CBS Radio Mystery Theater; The Voice of the Army
Behind the Locked Door - Beyond Midnight (as "The House Was a Sphinx"); CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Locked Room")
Candidate, The - Beyond Midnight (as "A Man's Worth")
Last Escape, The - Beyond Midnight (as "Fellini the Great"); CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Merchant - 2000x

Smith, Betty   (1896-1972)

Tree Grows in Brooklyn, A - Hallmark Playhouse; Studio One

Smith, Clark Ashton   (1893-1961)

Return of the Sorcerer, The - Blue Hours Productions

Smith, Cordwainer   (1913-1966)

Ballad of Lost C'Mell, The - Sci-Fi Radio

Smith, Dean Wesley   (1950- )

In the Shade of the Slowboat Man - Seeing Ear Theatre

Smith, Dodie   (1896-1990)

Call It a Day - Theatre Guild on the Air
Autumn Crocus - NBC Presents: Best Plays

Smith, Edward Percy   (1891-1968)

Ladies in Retirement - Mollé Mystery Theatre; NBC Presents: Best Plays

Smith, Evelyn   (1927-2000)

Man's Best Friend - X Minus One

Smith, George H.   (1922-1996)

In the Imagicon - Mindwebs

Smith, George O.   (1911-1981)

Meddler's Moon - Exploring Tomorrow

Sohl, Jerry   (1913-2002)

Seventh Order, The - X Minus One

Sophocles   (407 BC-405 BC)

Antigone - Afternoon Play (BBC); CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Way To Dusty Death"); Great Plays
Electra - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "A House Divided")
_House Divided, A - see "Electra"
Oedipus the King - Afternoon Play (BBC, 2004); also Afternoon Play (BBC, 1993) (as "King Oedipus"); CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "So Shall Ye Reap"); Mind's Eye
_So Shall Ye Reap - see "Oedipus the King"
_Way to Dusty Death - see "Antigone"

Southwold, Stephen   (1887-1964)

Three Pair of Heels - NBC Presents: Short Story

Spectorsky, A. C.   (1910-1972)

Exurbanites, The - CBS Radio Workshop

Spencer, William   ( - )

Eternal Machines, The - Mindwebs

Spewack, Bella    (1899-1990)

Boy Meets Girl - Theatre Guild on the Air
My Favorite Wife - Lux Radio Theatre

Spewack, Samuel   (1899-1971)

Boy Meets Girl - Theatre Guild on the Air
My Favorite Wife - Lux Radio Theatre

Spinrad, Norman   (1940- )

Carcinoma Angels - Mindwebs
Night in Elf Hill, A - Mindwebs
Rules of the Road, The - Mindwebs
Subjectivity - Mindwebs

St Clair, Margaret   (1911-1995)

Perfectionist, The - Late Alfred Hitchcock Presents (BBC, 2010)

St Davids, Lord   ( - )

Pure Gold - Mindwebs

St Joseph, Ellis   (1911-1993)

Passenger to Bali, A - Mercury Theatre on the Air

Starrett, Vincent   (1886-1974)

Eleventh Juror, The - Mollé Mystery Theatre
Fugitive, The - Escape

Stauderman, Bruce Ford   ( - )

Thanks for the Memories - Columbia Workshop

Steele, Allen   (1958- )

Death of Captain Future, The - Seeing Ear Theatre

Steele, Wilbur Daniel   (1886-1970)

Drink of Water, A - Columbia Workshop (x2)
Footfalls - Suspense
How Beautiful the Shoes - NBC Presents: Short Story [author not confirmed]
Luck - Columbia Workshop; Radio City Playhouse
Sooth - Columbia Workshop (as "Prophecy")
Woman at Seven Brothers, The - Author's Playhouse

Steinbeck, John   (1902-1968)

Grapes of Wrath, The - Afternoon Play (BBC, 2002); NBC University Theater
Harness, The - NBC Presents: Short Story
Leader of the People, The - NBC Presents: Short Story (from the novella, The Red Pony)
Lifeboat - Screen Directors' Playhouse
Medal for Benny, A - Lux Radio Theatre
Of Mice and Men - NBC Presents: Best Plays; Theatre Guild on the Air
Snake, The - Mindwebs
Viva Zapata! - Lux Radio Theatre

Stewart, Bruce   ( - )

Omegapoint - Saturday Night Theatre (BBC, 1975)
Tor Sands Experience, The - Afternoon Theatre (BBC, 1979)

Sitwell, Edith   (1887-1964)

Façade - National Radio Theater

Street, James   (1903-1954 )

Biscuit Eater, The - Adventure Ahead; NBC Presents: Short Story
I am Not a Stranger - NBC Presents: Short Story
That Old Gordon Place - Author's Playhouse

Strindberg, August   (1849-1912)

Stronger, The - CBS Radio Workshop

Stendhal   (1783-1842)

Red and the Black, The - (Le Rouge et le Noir) - BBC (1982); NBC University Theater

Stephens, Frances   ( - )

Only a Child - Haunted

Stephenson, Carl   (1893- )

Leiningen Versus the Ants - Escape (x4); Lux Radio Theatre (as "The Naked Jungle"); Mystery in the Air; Suspense (x2)
_Naked Jungle, The - see "Leiningen Versus the Ants"

Sterne, Laurence   (1713-1768)

Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, The - BBC (as "Tristram Shandy") (2004); Theatre Royal (as "My Uncle Toby"); NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels (as "Tristram Shandy")
_My Uncle Toby - see "Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, The"
Sentimental Journey through France and Italy, A - Theatre Royal (as "A Sentimental Journey")
_Tristram Shandy - see "Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, The"

Stevenson, Robert Louis   (1850-1894)

_Ace of Death - see "Suicide Club, The"
Beach of Falesá, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Black Arrow - Australian Columbia transcription; Family Theatre (as "The Black Arrow"); General Mills Radio Adventure Theater; George Edwards Players
Body Snatcher, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Body Snatchers"); Red Room: Ghost Stories for Christmas (WHD-2000); Nightfall; Suspense (as "The Body Snatchers")
Bottle Imp, The - BBC (1994); CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Imp in the Bottle"); Favorite Story; Mollé Mystery Theatre; Tales of Mystery and Imagination (CBC); Witch's Tale (as "The Wonderful Bottle")
_Cezar Curse, The - see "Olalla"
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde - BBC (1930, 1944, 1956, 1966, 1985, 1993, 1994, 1996); CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Favorite Story; George Edwards Players; Mind's Eye; Monterey Soundworks; NBC Presents: Short Story (as "The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde"); Theatre Guild on the Air (as "The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde"); Tell It Again; Theatre Royal; Weird Circle
Dynamiter, The - Favorite Story
_Imp in the Bottle, The - see "Bottle Imp"
Kidnapped - General Mills Radio Adventure Theater; George Edwards Players; Hollywood Star Time; NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels
Lodging for the Night, A - Family Theatre; Favorite Story (as "Lodging for a Night")
Markheim - BBC (1994); CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "Markheim: Man or Monster?"); Chatterbox Theater; Hall of Fantasy; Mysterious Circumstances; National Radio Theater; Theatre Royal; Weird Circle
Master of Ballantrae, The - Classic Serial (BBC, 2004)
Olalla - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Cezar Curse"); Darker Side of the Border (BBC, 2009)
Sire de Malétroit's Door, The - Appointment with Fear (BBC, 1944); CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Escape; Family Theatre (as "The Door"); Favorite Story; Theatre Royal (x2); Playhouse of World Famous Authors
Suicide Club, The - ABC Mystery Time; CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Favorite Story; Murder at Midnight (as "The Ace of Death"); Theatre Royal
Treasure Island - BBC (1984, 1990); Family Theatre; General Mills Radio Adventure Theater; Lux Radio Theatre; Mercury Theatre on the Air; Mind's Eye; Playhouse of Favorites
Treasure of Franchard, The - NBC University Theater
Wrong Box, The - BBC (1998)
Young Man with the Cream Tarts, The - Escape

Stockton, Frank Richard   (1834-1902)

Casting away of Mrs Lecks and Mrs Aleshine, The - Favorite Story
Lady or the Tiger?, The - On Stage
My Terminal Moraine - Family Theatre
Transferred Ghost, The - NBC Presents: Short Story

Stoker, Bram   (1847-1912)

Coming of Abel Behenna, The - Midnight Tales (BBC, 1990)
Dracula - 19 Nocturne Boulevard (as "Dracula Dot Com"); BBC (1979, 1984, 1994); CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Earplay; Mercury Theatre on the Air; Mind's Eye; National Radio Theater
Dream in the Dead House, The - Midnight Tales (BBC, 1990)
Dream of Red Hands, A - Midnight Tales (BBC, 1990)
Judge's House, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Fear on 4; Hall of Fantasy; Haunted
Secret of the Growing Gold, The - Midnight Tales (BBC, 1990)
Squaw, The - Midnight Tales (BBC, 1990); Black Mass; Price of Fear (as "Cat's Cradle")

Stone, Irving   (1903-1989)

Immortal Wife - Cavalcade of America; Hallmark Playhouse
Lust for Life - Arch Oboler's Plays
President's Lady, The - Lux Radio Theatre

Stong, Phil   (1899-1957)

State Fair - General Electric Theater; Lux Rado Theatre; Theatre Guild on the Air (x2)

Straczynski, J. Michael   (1954- )

Alpha and Omega of David Wells, The - Seeing Ear Theatre (as part of the "City of Dreams" mini-series)
Damned Are Playing at Godzilla's Tonight, The - Seeing Ear Theatre (as part of the "City of Dreams" mini-series)
MCSD 00121J - Seeing Ear Theatre (as part of the "City of Dreams" mini-series)
Night Calls - Seeing Ear Theatre (as part of the "City of Dreams" mini-series)
Question of Conscience, A - Alien Worlds
Rolling Thunder - Seeing Ear Theatre (as part of the "City of Dreams" mini-series)
Samuel Beckett, Your Ride Is Here - Seeing Ear Theatre (as part of the "City of Dreams" mini-series)

Stribling, T. S.   (1881-1965)

Passage to Benares, A - Suspense
Green Splotches, The - Escape (as "Green Splotches")

Sturgeon, Theodore   (1918-1985)

Affair with a Green Monkey - Mindwebs
Hurricane Trio - 2000x
_Incident at Switchpath - see "Sky Was Full of Ships, The"
Mr Costello, Hero - X Minus One
Saucer of Loneliness, A - Mindwebs; Future Tense (as "Saucer of Loneliness"); X Minus One (as "Saucer of Loneliness")
Sky Was Full of Ships, The - Beyond Tomorrow (as "Incident at Switchpath"); Mindwebs
Stars are the Styx, The - Tales of Tomorrow (lost); X Minus One
That Low - Hour 25

Suetonius   (69-122 AD)

Murder of Caesar, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (based on the works of Plutarch, Cicero and Suetonius)

Sullivan, A. M.   (1896-1980)

Day in Manhattan, A - Columbia Workshop
Wings for an Eagle - Columbia Workshop

Sutherland, James   (1948- )

Swords of Ifthan - Mindwebs

Suzuki, Koji   (1957- )

Ring, The - Fright Night (BBC, 2015)

Swain, Virginia   (1899-1968)

Aunt Cassie - Sleep No More

Swift, Jonathan   (1667-1745)

Gulliver's Travels - Book at Bedtime (BBC, 2002); Columbia Workshop (as "A Voyage to Lilliput") and (as "Voyage to Brobdingnag"); Favorite Story; General Mills Radio Adventure Theater; NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels; NBC University Theater (x2); Tell It Again
_Voyage to Brobdingnag - see "Gulliver's Travels"
_Voyage to Lilliput, A - see "Gulliver's Travels"

Synge, John Millington   (1871-1909)

Playboy of the Western World, The - Great Plays
Well of the Saints, The - Columbia Workshop; Great Plays

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dividing line

Tall, Stephen   (1908-1981)

Lights on Precipice Peak, The - X Minus One

Tarkington, Booth   (1869-1946)

Alice Adams - Gulf Screen Guild Theatre; Lux Radio Theatre; Theatre Guild on the Air
Gentle Julia - Studio One
Hunted, The - Studio One
Magnificent Ambersons, The - Campbell Playhouse
Monsieur Beaucaire - Dangerously Yours; Hallmark Playhouse; Lux Radio Theatre
Penrod - NBC University Theater
Plutocrat, The - Lux Radio Theatre
Presenting Lily Mars - Lux Radio Theatre
Seventeen - Mercury Theatre on the Air

Taylor, Drew Hayden   (1962- )

Fearless Warriors - Deep Night (as "Ice Screams")

Tenn, William   (1920-2010)

Betelgeuse Bridge - Tales of Tomorrow
Child's Play - Dimension X; Seeing Ear Theatre; X Minus One
Discovery of Morniel Mathaway, The - Audion Theatre; Future Tense; X Minus One
Venus Is a Man's World - Audion Theatre; Future Tense; X Minus One

Tepperman, Emile C.   (1899-1951)

Dead Man's Deal - Inner Sanctum Mysteries
Detour to Terror - Inner Sanctum Mysteries
Don't Dance on My Grave - Inner Sanctum Mysteries
Eight Steps to Murder - Inner Sanctum Mysteries
I Walk in the Night - Inner Sanctum Mysteries
Make Ready My Grave - Inner Sanctum Mysteries
Man Who Couldn't Die, The - Inner Sanctum Mysteries (as "Elixir Number Four")
Man Who Couldn't Lose, The - Suspense (x2)
Murder Comes at Midnight - Inner Sanctum Mysteries (author not confirmed)
No Coffin for the Dead - Inner Sanctum Mysteries
Sell Me Your Life - Suspense
Shroud for Sarah, A - Suspense
Skeleton Bay - Inner Sanctum Mysteries (x2)
Terror by Night - Inner Sanctum Mysteries (x2)
Till Death Do Us Part - Inner Sanctum Mysteries (x3)
Win, Place and Murder - Suspense

Thackeray, William Makepeace   (1811-1863)

Barry Lyndon - Afternoon Play (BBC); Classic Serial (BBC, 2003)
History of Henry Esmond, Esquire, The - NBC University Theater
Rose and the Ring, The - Classic Serial (BBC, 1999)
Vanity Fair - Campbell Playhouse; Favorite Story; Theatre Royal (as "Becky Sharp"); NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels

Thomas, Audrey   (1935- )

In the Groove - Vanishing Point
Woman In Black Velvet, The - Vanishing Point

Thomas, Theodore L.   (1920-2005)

Paradise Regained - Mindwebs
Test - Mindwebs

Thurber, James   (1894-1961)

Friend to Alexander, A - Sleep No More; Suspense (x3)
Male Animal, The - NBC Presents: Best Plays
Secret Life of Walter Mitty, The - Camel Cigarettes' Screen Guild Players
Thirteen Clocks, The - BBC
You Could Look It Up - CBS Radio Workshop; Hallmark Playhouse; NBC Presents: Short Story

Tieck, Johann Ludwig   (1773-1853)

Goblet, The - Weird Circle

Timperley, Rosemary   (1920-1988)

Channel Crossing - Haunted
Harry - Beyond Midnight
Listen to the Silence - Haunted
Little Girl Lost - Haunted
Mists of Memory - Haunted
Walk on the Water - Haunted

Tiptree, James, Jr.   (1915-1987)

Houston, Houston, Do You Read? - BBC; Sci-Fi Radio
Yanqui Doodle - Sci-Fi Radio

Tolkien, J. R. R.   (1892-1973)

Hobbit, The - BBC (1968); NPR (1980)
Homecoming Of Beorhtnoth Beorhthelm's Son, The - BBC
Lord of the Rings, The - BBC (1981, 2002); NPR (1980)

Tolstoy, Leo   (1828-1910)

*All Things Are Possible - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
Anna Karenina - Classic Serial (BBC, 2005); Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players; Masterpiece Radio Theatre; MGM Theatre of the Air
_Cobbler In The Window, The - see "Where Love Is, God Is"
God Knows the Truth, but Won't Tell Anybody - Favorite Story (as "God Sees the Truth, but Waits")
Hadji Murat - Afternoon Play (BBC); Classic Serial (BBC, 2003)
How Much Land Does a Man Need? - (Много ли человеку земли нужно?) - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Kreutzer Sonata, The - NBC University Theater
*Much Too Much - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
Redemption - Arthur Hopkins Presents; Great Plays
Three Deaths - Mind's Eye
War and Peace - Classic Serial (BBC, 1997); NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels
Where Love Is, God Is - Family Theatre (as "The Cobbler in the Window" and "The Cobbler's Window")

Tomlinson, H. M.   (1873-1958)

Gallions Reach - NBC University Theater

Toudouze, George G.   (1877-1972)

Three Skeleton Key - Escape (x3); The Grip of Terror; One Act Audio Theatre; Sleep No More; Suspense (x2)


14th Century Japanese Plays
Noh Plays of Japan - CBS Radio Workshop

Arabian Nights
1001 Arabian Nights - Favorite Story
Aladdin and His Wonderful Lamp - General Mills Radio Adventure Theater; George Edwards Players
Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves - General Mills Radio Adventure Theater
Caliph of Baghdad, The - General Mills Radio Adventure Theater
Fisherman and the Genie, The - Columbia Workshop
Voyages of Sinbad, The - Escape; Tell It Again

Boy David - General Mills Radio Adventure Theater
Coat of Many Colors, A - General Mills Radio Adventure Theater
Daniel the Oracle - General Mills Radio Adventure Theater
Esther - Columbia Workshop [Norman Corwin]
Job - Columbia Workshop [Norman Corwin]
Samson - Columbia Workshop [Norman Corwin]
Son of Man, A - General Mills Radio Adventure Theater

Brothers Grimm
Master Thief, The - General Mills Radio Adventure Theater
Valiant Little Tailor, The - General Mills Radio Adventure Theater

Folk Tales
Cinderella - CBS Radio Workshop (as "Speaking of Cinderella"); General Mills Radio Adventure Theater; Hallmark Playhouse
Three Times Magic - General Mills Radio Adventure Theater
Ballad of Barbara Allen, The - NBC Presents: Best Plays (as "The Dark of the Moon"); Suspense (as "The Death of Barbara Allen")
Teig O'Kane and the Corpse - (translated from the Irish by Dr Douglas Hyde) - Nightfall

Greek Mythology
Jason and the Golden Fleece - Columbia Workshop (as "Jason Was a Man")

Cassidy and the Devil - Columbia Workshop
Flying Dutchman, The - Witch's Tale
Jamie Freel - Favorite Story
Lamed Wufniks, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Thirty-Sixth Man")
Legend of the Two Morning Stars, The - CBS Radio Workshop (as "Star Boy")
Robin Hood - Escape (as "Robert of Huntington"); Family Theatre
Wild Huntsman, The - Hall of Fantasy

Treadwell, Sophie   (1885-1970)

Machinal - Arthur Hopkins Presents

Trumbo, Dalton   (1905-1976)

Johnny Got His Gun - Arch Oboler's Plays

Turgenev, Ivan   (1818-1883)

Quiet Backwater, A - BBC Home Service (Afternoon Theatre, 1964)
Strange Story, A - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "Sophia and the Pilgrim")

Twain, Mark   (1835-1910)

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - Campbell Playhouse (as "Huckleberry Finn"); Favorite Story (as "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn"); NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels; NBC University Theater (x2) (as "Huckleberry Finn")
Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The - NBC University of the Air: American Novels; Favorite Story (as "Tom Sawyer")
Belated Russian Passport, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Russian Passport")
Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, A - CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Favorite Story; Ford Theatre; NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels; NBC University Theater
Curious Experience, A - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
*Dead House, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
Eternal Joan, The - CBS Radio Workshop [by Henry E. Fritsch, but includes comments by Mark Twain]
*Goddess Caper, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
_Huckleberry Finn - see "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn"
Is He Living or Is He Dead? - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Innocents Abroad - Railroad Hour
Journalism in Tennessee - Columbia Workshop (as part of "Listen to a Story")
Life on the Mississippi - Cavalcade Of America; NBC University of the Air: American Novels
Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Favorite Story (as "The Man Who Corrupted Hadleyburg"); NBC University Theater
Million Pound Bank Note, The - Railroad Hour
Mrs McWilliams and the Lightening - National Radio Theater
Mysterious Stranger, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Roughing It - CBS Radio Workshop
Russian Passport, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Prince and the Pauper, The - Family Theatre; Tell It Again
Some Learned Fables for Good Old Boys and Girls - 2000x (as "A Learned Fable")
Stolen White Elephant, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater; National Radio Theater (as "The Case of the Stolen White Elephant")
Successful Agent, The - Columbia Workshop (as part of "Listen to a Story")
_Tom Sawyer - see "Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The"
Tom Sawyer, Detective - CBS Radio Mystery Theater

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dividing line

Van Doren, Carl   (1885-1950)

Benjamin Franklin - Hallmark Playhouse
Mutiny in January - Cavalcade Of America (as "The Wise, Mad General")
Washington and The Traitor - Cavalcade Of America (as "The Wise, Mad General")

Van Druten, John   (1901-1957)

Bell, Book and Candle - BBC (1968, 1997)
Damask Cheek, The - Theatre Guild on the Air
Lucky Partners - Lux Radio Theatre
Old Acquaintance - Lux Radio Theatre
There's Always Juliet - NBC Presents: Best Plays
Voice of the Turtle, The - NBC Presents: Best Plays

van Vogt, A. E.   (1912-2000)

Dear Pen Pal - 2000x
Far Centaurus - Challenge of Space

Vance, Jack   (1916-2013)

Moon Moth, The - Seeing Ear Theatre
Potters of Firsk, The - Dimension X

Vane, Sutton   (1888-1963)

Outward Bound - Columbia Workshop; NBC Presents: Best Plays

Vercoe, Anthony   ( - )

Flies - Black Mass (as "The Flies")

Verne, Jules   (1828-1905)

20,000 Leagues under the Sea - (Vingt Mille Lieues sous les mers) - BBC (1945, 1955, 1972); Family Theatre (x2); Favorite Story; General Mills Radio Adventure Theater; Hallmark Playhouse
Around the World in Eighty Days - (Le Tour du monde en quatre-vingts jours) - CBC; Favorite Story; Hallmark Playhouse; Mercury Summer Theatre of the Air; Mercury Theatre on the Air; Tell It Again; This Is My Best
Dr Ox's Experiment - BBC (1998)
Journey to the Center of the Earth - (Voyage au centre de la Terre) - Alien Voices; BBC (1946, 1955, 1963, 1968, 1994); General Mills Radio Adventure Theater
In the Year 2889 - (La Journée d'un journaliste américain en 2890) - 2000x
*Intruder, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
Mysterious Island, The - (L'Île mystérieuse) - CBS Radio Mystery Theater

Vickers, Roy   (1889-1965)

Man Who Murdered in Public, The - Mollé Mystery Theatre (author not confirmed)
Merry Widower, The - Suspense

Virgil   (70 BC-19 BC)

Aeneid, The - Classic Serial (BBC, 1999)
Rubber Trumpet, The - Suspense (as "The Merry Widower")

Voltaire   (1694-1778)

Candide - (Candide, ou l'Optimisme) - Book at Bedtime (BBC, 1997); NBC University Theater (x2); On Stage

von Harbou, Thea   (1888-1954)

Metropolis - BBC (2006)

Vonnegut, Kurt, Jr.   (1922-2007)

Big Trip Up Yonder, The - 2000x (as "Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow"
Harrison Bergeron - Mindwebs
Report on the Barnhouse Effect, The - Dimension X (as "Report on the Barnhouse Effect")
Thanasphere - BBC (2005)

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dividing line

Wade, Martyn   ( - )

Routine Operation, A - Fear on 4
Soul Searching - Fear on 4

Wakefield, Herbert Russell   (1888-1965)

Ghost Hunt - Suspense
Red Lodge - Blue Hours Productions
Nurse's Tale - BBC (1946)

Walker, Mike   ( - )

2025 - BBC (1998)
Alpha - BBC (2001)
_Cold Earth Travelling - see Chaucer, Geoffrey "Pardoner's Tale, The"
Omega - BBC

Wallace, Edgar   (1875-1932)

Case of the Frightened Lady, The - Mollé Mystery Theatre (as "Criminal at Large")

Wallace, F. L.   (1915-2004)

End As a World - X Minus One
Student Body - X Minus One

Wallace, Lew   (1827-1905)

Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ - BBC (1995) (as "Ben Hur"); Favorite Story (as "Ben Hur"); Hallmark Playhouse (as "Ben Hur")

Wallmann, Jeffrey M.   (1941- )

Evergreen Library, The - Mindwebs

Walpole, Hugh   (1884-1941)

Tarn, The - Red Room: Ghost Stories for Christmas (WHD-2000)
Vanessa - Campbell Playhouse

Walter, Elizabeth   ( -2006)

Spider, The - Beyond Midnight (as "Spider-Phobia")

Walton, Bryce   (1918-1988)

Man with the X-Ray Eyes, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Never Hang Another - [original title unconfirmed] - Beyond Midnight (as "The Sheriff's Wife"); CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Hanging Sheriff"); Theatre Five (as "Jailbreak")
Victim, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Woman Who Wanted to Live, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater

Walton, William   (1902-1983)

Façade - National Radio Theater

Warburton, Nick   ( - )

His Last Card - Fear on 4
Making Sacrifices - Fear on 4
Music Lovers - Fear on 4
Mustard Seed - Afternoon Play (BBC, 2004)
On Mardle Fen, series 1-6 - BBC (2008, 2011, 2012, 2012, 2013, 2013)
Perfect Home - Man in Black

Warren, Robert Penn   (1905-1989)

All the King's Men - NBC University Theater
At Heaven's Gate - NBC University Theater

Watkin, Lawrence Edward   (1901-1981)

On Borrowed Time - NBC Presents: Best Plays

Waugh, Evelyn   (1903-1966)

Brideshead Revisited - Classic Serial (BBC, 2003)
Handful of Dust, A - Columbia Workshop
Man Who Liked Dickens, The - Escape; Suspense; Vanishing Point
Sword of Honour - Afternoon Play (BBC, 2004)

Webb, Mary   (1881-1927)

Mr Tallent's Ghost - Red Room: Ghost Stories for Christmas (WHD-2000)
Precious Bane - NBC University Theater

Weinbaum, Stanley G.   (1902-1935)

Adaptive Ultimate, The - Escape
Brink of Infinity, The - Mindwebs

Wells, H. G.   (1866-1946)

Ann Veronica - BBC (1987)
_City of the Dead - see "In the Abyss"
Country of the Blind, The - BBC (1933, 1945, 1946, 1954, 1959, 1966); Author's Playhouse; CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "Search for Eden"); Escape (x3); Favorite Story (as "Strange Valley"); Suspense (x2); Theatre Royal
Crystal Egg, The - Theatre 10.30
Door in the Wall, The - BBC (2001); BBC (1991) [reading]
Dream of Armageddon, A - 2000x; Escape
First Men in the Moon, The - Alien Voices; BBC (1948, 1953, 1954, 1981, 1996, 1999)
*Flash Point - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
Flowering of the Strange Orchid, The - BBC (1986); Sleep No More
Food of the Gods, The - BBC
_Forever Man, The - see "Story of the Late Mr Elvesham, The"
History of Mr Polly, The - BBC (as "Mr Polly") (1989); NBC University Theater
In the Abyss - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "City of the Dead"); Mindwebs
_Inexperienced Ghost, The - see "Story of the Inexperienced Ghost, The"
Invisible Man, The - Alien Voices; Atlanta Radio Theatre Company; BBC (1948); Mind's Eye
Island of Dr Moreau, The - Atlanta Radio Theatre Company; BBC (2008); CBC;
Jimmy Goggles the God - Escape
Kipps - BBC (1988, 2003)
*Long, Long, Sleep, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
Magic Shop, The - BBC (1986); Favorite Story; Tales of Mystery and Imagination (CBC)
Man Who Could Work Miracles, The - BBC (NP-1934, HS-1944, HS-1956); CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Escape (x2); Mind's Eye; Seeing Ear Theatre; Theatre Royal
Moth, The - BBC (1985) [reading]
_Mr Poly - see "History of Mr Polly"
New Accelerator, The - BBC (2006)
Pearl of Love, The - BBC [reading]
Pollock and the Porroh Man - Dark Ventures; Escape
Plattner Story, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "Watchers of the Living")
Purple Pileus, The - BBC (1935, 1937, 1939, 1944, 1963)
Red Room, The - BBC; Beyond Midnight (as "The Yellow Room"); Nightfall (as "The Room")
_Room, The - see "Red Room, The"
Sea Raiders, The - BBC (2006)
_Search for Eden - see "Country of the Blind, The"
*Secret Chamber, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (author not confirmed; original title = ??)
Sleeper Awakes, The - BBC (1972)
Star, The - BBC
Stolen Bady, The - BBC (1985) [reading]
Story of the Inexperienced Ghost, The - Author's Playhouse (as "The Inexperienced Ghost"); Haunted (as "The Inexperienced Ghost")
Story of the Late Mr Elvesham, The - BBC (1985) [reading]; Beyond Midnight (as "The Late Mr Elsham"); CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Forever Man", inspired by)
_Strange Valley - see "Country of the Blind"
Temptation of Haringay - BBC (1985) [reading]
Things to Come - BBC
Time Machine, The - Alien Voices; Atlanta Radio Theatre Company; BBC (1974, 1994); Escape (x2); Favorite Story; Hall of Fantasy (lost); Seeing Ear Theatre
Tono-Bungay - BBC (1951, 1952, 1966, 1973, 1993); NBC University Theater
Truth about Pyecraft, The - BBC (1946, 1949, 1953, 1965); Vanishing Point
War in the Air, The - BBC
War of the Worlds, The - BBC (1950, 1967, 1987); CBC (1997); Hour 25; Independent Production (by Radio Enthusiasts of Puget Sound, 2000); L.A. Theatre Works (NPR), Lux Radio Theatre (as "War of the Worlds"); Mercury Theatre on the Air
_Watchers of the Living - see "Plattner Story, The"
Wonderful Visit, The - Storytellers (BBC, 1988)
_Yellow Room, The - see "Red Room, The"

Wentz, Roby   ( - )

Fury and Sound - Blue Hours Productions

Werfel, Franz   (1890-1945)

Jacobowsky and the Colonel - Theatre Guild on the Air
Song of Bernadette, The - Hollywood Star Time; Lux Radio Theatre

West, J. Anthony   (1932- )

George - Black Mass (as "Atrophy")

West, Rebecca   (1892-1983)

Salt of the Earth, The - Storytellers (BBC, 1988)
There Is No Conversation - NBC University Theater

Westall, Robert   (1929-1993)

St Austin Friars - Fear on 4

Westlake, Donald E.   (1933-2008)

Nackles - Mindwebs
Winner, The - Mindwebs

Wharton, Edith   (1862-1937)

Afterward - Afternoon Play (BBC); CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Female Ghost (BBC, 1997); Hallmark Playhouse
Age of Innocence, The - BBC (2007); Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players; NBC University Theater; Theatre Guild on the Air
Beast, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = "The Blond Beast" ??)
_Blond Beast, The - see "Beast, The"
_Castle Kerfol - see "Kerfol"
Ethan Frome - NBC Presents: Best Plays
_Gilbert Stuart, The - see "Recovery, The"
Guilty - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
House of Mirth, The - Masterpiece Theatre; NBC University Theater, Theatre Guild on the Air
House of the Dead Heart, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Kerfol - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "Castle Kerfol")
Lady Maid's Bell, The - Nightfall (as "The Maid's Bell")
_Maid's Bell, The - see "Lady Maid's Bell, The"
Man in the Black Cap, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Old Maid, The - Lux Radio Theatre; Theatre Guild on the Air
Recovery, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Gilbert Stuart") [original title not confirmed]

Wheeler, Hugh   (1912-1987)

Look, We've Come Through! - National Radio Theater

White, E. B.   (1899-1985)

Charlotte's Web - Afternoon Play (BBC, 2005)

White, Leslie T.   (1903-1967)

Radio Patrol - Mollé Mystery Theatre

White, T. H.   (1906-1964)

Sword in the Stone, The - Afternoon Play (BBC, 1981)

White, Ted   (1938- )

Phoenix - Mindwebs

Wilde, Oscar   (1854-1900)

Canterville Ghost, The - 19 Nocturne Boulevard; CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Christmas Spirits (BBC, 1990); Lux Radio Theatre; Theatre Royal
Fisherman and His Soul, The - Columbia Workshop
Happy Prince, The - Columbia Workshop; Family Theatre; Railroad Hour
Ideal Husband, An - Theatre Guild on the Air
Importance of Being Earnest, The - BBC (2005); Favorite Story; Railroad Hour; Theatre Guild on the Air
Lady Windermere's Fan - BBC
Lord Arthur Savile's Crime - BBC (2006); Theatre Royal
Picture of Dorian Gray, The - ABC Mystery Time; BBC (1999, 2004); CBS Radio Mystery Theater
*Saxon Curse, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)

Wilde, Percival   (1887-1953)

Adventure of the Fallen Angels, The - Columbia Workshop
Finger of God, The - Columbia Workshop

Wilder, Laura Ingalls   (1867-1957)

Long Winter, The - Hallmark Playhouse
On the Banks of Plum Creek - Afternoon Play (BBC, 2003)

Wilder, Thornton   (1897-1975)

Happy Journey to Trenton and Camden, The - Textron Theatre; Columbia Workshop
Ides of March, The - NBC University Theater (x2)
Our Town - Arthur Hopkins Presents; Campbell Playhouse; Lux Radio Theatre; Theatre Guild on the Air (x2)
Shadow of a Doubt - Ford Theatre; Lux Radio Theatre

Wilhelm, Kate   (1928- )

Andover and the Android - SF 68
Jenny with Wings - SF 68

Williams, Arthur   ( - )

Being a Murderer Myself - Late Alfred Hitchcock Presents (BBC, 2010)

Williams, Ben Ames   (1889-1953)

Leave Her to Heaven - Lux Radio Theatre (x2)
Piano, The - NBC Presents: Short Story
Seat of Violence, The - NBC Presents: Short Story

Williams, Emlyn   (1905-1987)

Corn Is Green, The - BBC (SNT-1945); Lux Radio Theatre (x2); Theatre Guild on the Air
Night Must Fall - BBC (SNT-1985); Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players; Mollé Mystery Theatre; NBC Presents: Best Plays; Suspense

Williams, Tennessee   (1911-1983)

Glass Menagerie, The - BBC (1999); Lux Radio Theatre; NBC Presents: Best Plays; Theatre Guild on the Air
Spring Storm - BBC (2007)
Summer and Smoke - NBC Presents: Best Plays
Rose Tattoo, The - NBC Presents: Best Plays

Williamson, Jack   (1908-2006)

Metal Man, The - Mindwebs
With Folded Hands - Dimension X; Future Tense

Willis, Connie   (1945- )

Even the Queen - 2000x
Fire Watch - Seeing Ear Theatre

Wilson, F. Paul   (1946- )

Derelict - Seeing Ear Theatre

Wilson, Richard   (1920-1987)

Inside Story - X Minus One

Wilson, Snoo   (1948-2013)

Spaceache - Shape of Things to Come (BBC, 1991)

Wister, Owen   (1860-1938)

Virginian, The - General Electric Theater; Hallmark Playhouse; Lux Radio Theatre

Wodehouse, P. G.    (1881-1975)

Galahad at Blandings - Afternoon Play (BBC)
Leave It to Jeeves - Forecast (pilot)

Wolfe, Gene   (1931- )

Remembrance to Come - Mindwebs

Wolfe, Thomas   (1900-1938)

Farewell to Altamont - (sequence from "Look Homeward, Angel") - Columbia Workshop
Thunder of Imperial Names, The - CBS Radio Workshop (as part of "1489 words")
You Can't Go Home Again - NBC University Theater
Wolfiana - Columbia Workshop--26 by Corwin

Wollheim, Donald   (1914-1990)

Embassy, The - Dimension X; X Minus One

Woolf, Virginia   (1882-1941)

Haunted House, A - Black Mass
Mrs Dalloway - NBC University Theater
Night and Day - Afternoon Play (BBC); Classic Serial (BBC, 1990)
To the Lighthouse - Classic Serial (BBC, 2002)

Woollcott, Alexander   (1887-1943)

Dark Tower, The - Suspense

Woolrich, Cornell   (1903-1968)

After-Dinner Story - Suspense
Angel Face - Suspense
Black Angel, The - Suspense (x2) (as "Eve")
Black Curtain, The - Suspense (x3)
Black Path of Fear, The - Suspense (x2)
Book That Squealed, The - Suspense (as "Library Book")
Bride Wore Black, The - Mollé Mystery Theatre [author not confirmed]
Corpse and the Kid, The - Blue Hours Productions
Deadline at Dawn - Mollé Mystery Theatre; Suspense
Death Is Caused, A - Mollé Mystery Theatre
Death Rose, The - Suspense (as "The White Rose Murders")
Dilemma of the Dead Lady - Radio City Playhouse (as "Wardrobe Trunk")
Dime a Dance - Suspense
_Eve - see "Black Angel, The"
Finger of Doom - Escape; Suspense (as "I Won't Take a Minute")
_I Won't Take a Minute - see "Finger of Doom"
I Wouldn't Be in Your Shoes - Mollé Mystery Theatre [author not confirmed]
If the Dead Could Talk - Suspense
_Last Night - see "Red Tide, The"
Leg Man - Mollé Mystery Theatre
_Library Book - see "Book That Squealed, The"
Lie, The - Suspense
Marijuna - Mollé Mystery Theatre [author not confirmed]
Momentum - Suspense
Night Has a Thousand Eyes; The - Screen Directors' Playhouse [author not confirmed]
Night Reveals, The - Blue Hours Productions; Suspense (x3)
Nightmare - Mollé Mystery Theatre; Suspense (x2)
Papa Benjamin - Escape (x2)
Phantom Lady, The - Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players; Lux Radio Theatre
Post Mortem - Suspense
Red Tide, The - Mollé Mystery Theatre (as "Last Night"); Suspense (as "Last Night")
Singing Walls, The - Suspense (x2)
They Call Me Patrice - Suspense
Three O'Clock - Sleep No More; Suspense
Two Men in a Furnished Room - Mollé Mystery Theatre (x2)
_Wardrobe Trunk - see "Dilemma of the Dead Lady"
_White Rose Murders, The - see "Death Rose, The"
You Take Ballistics - Suspense
You'll Never See Me Again - Suspense (x2)

Worts, George F.   (1892-1967)

Sunk - Escape (as "Letter from Jason")

Wren, Percival C.   (1875-1941)

Beau Geste - Campbell Playhouse; Escape

Wykes, Alan   (1914-1993)

Nightmare - Black Mass

Wylie, Philip   (1902-1971)

Answer, The - SF 68
Springtime In The Rockies - Lux Radio Theatre

Wyndham, John   (1903-1969)

Chocky - BBC (1968, 1975, 1998)
Chrysalids, The - BBC (1970, 1980, 2004); Nightfall (re-broadcast of 1980 BBC version); Shape of Things to Come (BBC)
Consider Her Ways - BBC (1985)
Day of the Triffids, The - BBC (1953, 1957, 1969, 1971, 1973, 2001)
Kraken Wakes, The - BBC (LP-1954, LNT-1998); CBC (1965)
Meteor - Vanishing Point
Midwich Cuckoos, The - BBC (1982, 2003)
Pawley's Peepholes - BBC (1968, 1975)
Survival - Fear on 4; SF 68
Trouble with Lichen, The - BBC (1962)

Wynne-Jones, Tim   (1948- )

Mr Gendelman Crashes a Party - Vanishing Point
Road Ends at the Sea, The - Nightfall
Strange Odyssey of Lennis Freed, The - Nightfall
Testing of Stanley Teagarden, The - Vanishing Point
Thinking Room, The - Nightfall

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Yates, Katherine   (1865-1951)

Under the Hau Tree - Beyond Midnight (as "Under the Hull Tree")

Yeats, William Butler   (1865-1939)

Dreaming of the Bones, The - National Radio Theater
Purgatory - National Radio Theater
Words upon the Windowpane, The - National Radio Theater

Young, Wayland   ( - )

Choice, The - 2000x

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Zarr, George   ( - )

First and Last Musical on Mars, The - Seeing Ear Theatre
Jumping Niagara Falls - Seeing Ear Theatre
Meet the Neighbor - Seeing Ear Theatre
Orson the Alien - Seeing Ear Theatre
Time's Arrow, Time's Spiral - Seeing Ear Theatre
Too Late, an Experiment in Sound Theatre - Seeing Ear Theatre

Zelazny, Roger   (1937-1995)

Collector's Fevor - 2000x
Corrida - Mindwebs
Devil Car - Mindwebs
Great Slow Kings, The - Mindwebs
Home is the Hangman - Sci-Fi Radio
Lucifer - Mindwebs

Zola, Émile   (1840-1902)

_Corpse That Would Not Die, The - see "Thérèse Raquin"
La Bete Humaine - Classic Serial (BBC, 1993)
L'Assommoir - BBC (2004)
Death Of Olivier Bécaille, The - Sleep No More
Nana - Afternoon Play (BBC); Classic Serial (BBC, 2002)
Thérèse Raquin - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Corpse That Would Not Die")

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