Currently this archive contains 2,802 stories from 908 authors
Popular authors include:
Alexandre Dumas | Alfred Bester | Algernon Blackwood | Ambrose Bierce | Arthur C. Clarke | Arthur Conan Doyle | Bram Stoker | Charles Dickens | Clifford Simak | Edgar Allan Poe | Frederik Pohl | Guy de Maupassant | Harlan Ellison | Henry James | Henry Kuttner | H.G. Wells | Honoré de Balzac | H.P. Lovecraft | Isaac Asimov | John Wyndham | Joseph Conrad | Jules Verne | Kurt Vonnegut | Lord Dunsany | Mary Shelley | M.R. James | Murray Leinster | Nathaniel Hawthorne | Philip K. Dick | Poul Anderson | Ray Bradbury | Robert Bloch | Robert Heinlein | Robert Louis Stevenson | Robert Sheckley | Robert Silverberg | Rudyard Kipling | Stephen Vincent Benét | Theodore Sturgeon | Washington Irving |
Broadway - BBC (NP-1937)
On Your Toes - BBC (HS-1940, HS-1941)
Three Men on a Horse - BBC (HS-1939); Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players; Theatre Guild on the Air
Ambassador of Poker, The - Escape
Lives of a Bengal Lancer, The - Lux Radio Theatre (x2)
Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency - BBC (2007)
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The - BBC (1978, 1980, 2004)
Last Chance to See - BBC (1989)
Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul, The - BBC (2008) (as "Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency: The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul")
Watership Down - BBC (CS-2002)
Adams, Samuel Hopkins (1871-1958)
It Happened One Night - Campbell Playhouse; Lux Radio Theatre
Perfect Specimen, The - Lux Radio Theatre
Angle - BBC (1975)
Betsie - BBC (TPG-1960)
Between the Two of Us - BBC (N3-1967)
Bridge, The - BBC (TPG-1961)
Buffet - BBC (1976)
Chance Encounter, A - BBC (1972)
Clerks, The - BBC (1978)
Echoes - BBC (1969)
Ella - BBC (1968)
Evelyn - BBC (MWT-1970)
Gardeners of My Youth, The - BBC (1970)
Hellen and Edward and Henry - BBC (N3-1966)
I'll Love You Always - BBC (1970)
Memoirs of a Sly Pornographer - BBC (1972)
Nice Clean Sheet of Paper, A - BBC (TPG-1963); National Radio Theater
Night Nurse Slept in the Day Room, The - BBC (1976)
No Charge for the Extra Service - BBC (1979)
Outpatient - BBC (AP-1985)
Passing Through - BBC (1981)
Passing Time - BBC (1983)
Room to Let - BBC (TPG-1963)
Too Old for Donkeys - BBC (TPG-1963)
Toytown - BBC (AP-1987)
Upended - BBC (1988)
Watching the Plays Together - BBC (AT-1984)
Agamemnon - BBC (TPG-1946, TPG-1950, HS-1953)
Oresteia, The - BBC (TPG-1956, TPG-1962); Hollywood Theater of the Ear
Persians, The - BBC (TPG-1958, N3-1965)
Prometheus Bound - BBC (TPG-1948)
Seven against Thebes - BBC (HS-1940)
Laura - BBC (1987)
Ringing the Changes - BBC (2000); Nightfall
Mr Arcularis - NBC Presents: Short Story
Black Hearts in Battersea - BBC (AP-2009)
Children of Is, The - BBC (1998)
Mermaid too Many, A - BBC (LP-1966)
She Was Afraid of Upstairs - Haunting Tales (BBC, 1982)
Spur of the Moment - BBC (30MT-1960)
Wolves of Willoughby Chase, The - BBC (1994, SNT-1995)
Ainsworth, William Harrison (1805-1882)
Spectre Bride, The - NBC Presents: Short Story [author not confirmed]; Weird Circle
Tower of London, The - BBC (ST-1968)
My Adventure in Norfolk - BBC (NP-1931, HS-1948); Theatre Royal
American Dream, The - BBC (TPG-1962, 1987, FP-1989)
Death of Bessie Smith, The - BBC (1969)
Delicate Balance, A - BBC (1978)
Listening - BBC (1976)
Three Tall Women - BBC (1994)
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf - BBC (1974, DO3-2004)
Zoo Story, The - BBC (TPG-1961, N3-1966); National Radio Theater
Albee, George Sumner (1905-1964)
Top, The - Mindwebs
Alcott, Louisa May (1832-1888)
Good Wives - BBC (1993, 2007)
Little Women - BBC (SM-1949, 1992, 2004); Lux Radio Theatre; NBC University of the Air: American Novels (x2); Favorite Story; Studio Theatre; Tell It Again; Theatre Guild on the Air
Marble Woman, A - BBC (SP-2000)
Night That All Time Broke Out, The - Mindwebs
Taste for Dostoevsky, A - Mindwebs
Song of the Silencer - BBC (AP-2005)
Aldrich, Thomas Bailey (1836-1907)
Story of a Bad Boy, The - Adventure Ahead
Episode of the Diamond Links, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "Diamond Cut Diamond")
Episode of the Mexican Seer, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "Diamond Cut Diamond")
Anthony Adverse - Studio One
Public Hating, The - Mindwebs
God - National Radio Theater
Allingham, Margery (1904-1966)
Black Plumes - BBC (SNT-1956, SNT-1964)
Case of the Late Pig, The - BBC (SNT-1965, AT-1982)
Look to the Lady - BBC (SNT-1957)
More Work for the Undertaker - Murder for Christmas (BBC, 1986)
Murder She Thought - BBC (2007)
Mystery Mile - BBC (SNT-1962)
On Christmas Day in the Morning - Nightfall
Room to Let - BBC (WM-1951)
Safer Than Love - BBC (TP-1959)
Tiger in the Smoke, The - BBC (SNT-1963, SNT-1984)
Traitor's Purse - BBC (1952)
Wanted: Someone Innocent - BBC (SP-2007)
Epitaph for a Spy - BBC (LP-1952)
Journey into Fear - BBC (SNT-1951); Escape; Hour of Mystery
Levanter, The - BBC (SNT-1993)
Mask of Dimitrios, The - BBC (LP-1957); Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players
Passage of Arms - BBC (LP-1966)
Affairs of Death - Amis Kingsley Sextet (BBC, 1987)
All the Blood within Me - Amis Kingsley Sextet (BBC, 1987)
Dear Illusion - Amis Kingsley Sextet (BBC, 1987)
I Spy Strangers - Amis Kingsley Sextet (BBC, 1987)
Moral Fibre - Amis Kingsley Sextet (BBC, 1987)
To See the Sun - Amis Kingsley Sextet (BBC, 1987)
Touch and Go - BBC (LP-1957)
Andersen, Hans Christian (1805-1875)
Beetle Who Wanted Gold Shoes, The - BBC (HS-1945)
Emporer's New Clothes, The - BBC (HS-1939, HS-1949, HS-1952); Twilight Tales
Garden of Paradise, The - BBC (HS-1943)
Immortality - BBC (AP-2005)
In a Thousand Years - 2000x
Little Mermaid, The - BBC (NP-1937, HS-1950)
Littlest Angel, The - Family Theatre
Mask for the New Year, A - BBC (HS-1939)
Nightingale, The - BBC (NP-1935, HS-1944, HS-1956)
Old House, The - BBC (HS-1951)
Princess and the Pea, The - BBC (HS-1951)
Shadow, The - BBC (NP-1936); Weird Circle
Snow Queen, The - BBC (NP-1938, HS-1945, HS-1952, ST-1967, SP-1995); Let's Pretend
Swineherd and the Princess, The - General Mills Radio Adventure Theater (as part of "Three Tales of Hans Andersen")
Tinderbox, The - BBC (HS-1944, HS-1949); General Mills Radio Adventure Theater (as part of "Three Tales of Hans Andersen")
Thumbelina - BBC (HS-1953, HS-1962, HS-1966)
Ugly Duckling, The - BBC (HS-1946, HS-1952, HS-1963); General Mills Radio Adventure Theater (as part of "Three Tales of Hans Andersen"); Singing Lady
Wild Swans, The - BBC (AT-1980); Hallmark Playhouse
Elizabeth, The Queen - Great Plays; Vick's Matinee Theatre; NBC Presents: Best Plays; Theatre Guild on the Air
High Tor - Lux Radio Theatre; NBC Presents: Best Plays
Key Largo - Lux Radio Theatre
Knickerbocker Holiday - Pulitzer Prize Playhouse; Theatre Guild on the Air
Mary of Scotland - Lux Radio Theatre; Theatre Guild on the Air
Mask of Kings, The - Theatre Guild on the Air
Saturday's Children - Lux Radio Theatre
Valley Forge - Cavalcade of America (x3); Great Plays; Hallmark Playhouse; Eternal Light
Winterset - Great Plays; NBC Presents: Best Plays
Call Me Joe - Sci-Fi Radio
Genius - Exploring Tomorrow
Inside Earth - Tales of Tomorrow (lost)
Light, The - X Minus One
Martian Crown Jewels, The - Seeing Ear Theatre
My Object All Sublime - Mindwebs
Time Heals - Exploring Tomorrow
Anderson, Sherwood (1876-1941)
Dark Laughter - NBC University Theater
I Want to Know Why - NBC Presents: Short Story
I'm a Fool - Lady Esther Presents Orson Welles; Mercury Theatre on the Air; Mercury Summer Theatre of the Air; NBC Presents: Short Story
Dybbuk, The - BBC (1979); CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Demon Spirit"); Hollywood Theater of the Ear
Avenger, The - Theatre Five
Boy, The - Theatre Five
Found Money - Theatre Five
Man on the Canyon Wall - Theatre Five
Murder Is a Matter of Opinion - Radio City Playhouse; Suspense
Murder Is the Easiest Way - Radio City Playhouse
Skeletons - Theatre Five
Sold to Satan - Suspense
Two Came Back - Escape; Suspense; Theatre Five
Green Goddess, The - BBC (NP-1932, NP-1936, SNT-1944, HS-1953); Campbell Playhouse; Theatre Guild on the Air
Thunder Rock - Studio One
Birds, The - BBC (TPG-1958, HS-1964, SP-1990); Great Plays
Frogs, The - BBC (TPG-1947, HS-1951); National Radio Theater
Lysistrata - BBC (TPG-1947, TGP-1957, DO3-2006)
Peace, The - BBC (TPG-1957); Great Plays
Sweeney Agonistes - BBC (TPG-1959)
Mutant Strain, The - Maiden Music Productions
Purple Planet, The - Maiden Music Productions
Space Station Z43 - Maiden Music Productions
Spiders, The - Maiden Music Productions
Ten Light Years Away - Maiden Music Productions
Third Star, The - Maiden Music Productions
Chain of Command - X Minus One
See also the plot archives for: The Mysterious Traveler; The Sealed Book; The Strange Dr Weird
Note: most of the stories below were written especially for radio. Exceptions are marked ~
Black Door, The - Suspense
Caller at Midnight, A - Theatre Five
Coffin for Mr Cash - Suspense
Deadman's Story - Suspense
Dream of a Scheme, A - Theatre Five
Getting Rid of George - Beyond Midnight
Heads You Lose - Suspense
Jokester, The - Beyond Midnight
Man Who Hated Scenes, The - The Price of Fear
Man Who Went Back to Save Lincoln, The - Mysterious Traveler (as "The Man Who Tried to Save Lincoln"); Suspense
Masquerade - Dark Destiny
_Party, The - see "Getting Rid of George"
~Postpaid to Paradise - Theatre Five (as "The Wonderful Stamps from El Dorado")
Sirens in the Night - Theatre Five
Sixty Grand Missing - Suspense
Soundtrack of a Happy Family - Theatre Five
Very Private Phone Call, A - Theatre Five
_Wonderful Stamps from El Dorado, The - see "Postpaid to Paradise"
You Can Die Laughing - Suspense
You Died Last Night - Suspense
God of Vengeance - National Radio Theater
Nazarene, The - NBC University Theater
Passage in the Night, A - BBC (SP-1968)
C-Chute, The - X Minus One
Caves of Steel, The - BBC (SNT-1989)
Foundation Trilogy, The - BBC (SNT-1973)
Dreamworld - Mindwebs
Hostess - X Minus One
Legal Rites - Haunted
Liar! - Exploring Tomorrow (as "The Liar")
Nightfall - Dimension X; X Minus One
Pebble in the Sky - Dimension X
Robot City - producer unknown
Satisfaction Guaranteed - BBC (AP-2002)
Aswell, James ( - )
Promise to Mark, A - Author's Playhouse
Shadow of Evil - NBC Presents: Short Story
Language of Flowers, The - Vanishing Point
Handmaid's Tale, The - BBC (CS-2000)
Assent of F6, The - BBC (NP-1938)
Dark Valley, The - Columbia Workshop
Monsieur Poirier's Son-In-Law - (Le Gendre de Monsieur Poirier) - Great Plays
Adventure in Bed, An - BBC (AP-1985)
Baby Grand, The - Aumonier's World (BBC-1993)
Dark Corridor, The - BBC (HS-1947)
Fall, The - BBC (NP-1938, HS-1945, TMT-1958); Murder International (BBC-1976)
Freddie Finds Himself - Aumonier's World (BBC-1993)
Funeral March - Aumonier's World (BBC-1993)
Good Action, A - BBC (HS-1941)
Great Unimpressionable, The - BBC (HS-1942, HS-1958)
Man of Letters, A - BBC (HS-1944)
Miss Bracegirdle Does Her Duty - BBC (HS-1945)
Source of Irritation, A - Aumonier's World (BBC-1993); BBC (HS-1943, MM-1947); Escape
Where was Wych Street? - Aumonier's World (BBC-1993); BBC (HS-1948)
Emma - BBC (HS-1948, 1970, 1983, CS-2000); Mind's Eye; NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels
Lady Susan - BBC (HS-1948, 1999)
Love and Friendship - BBC (AP-2002)
Mansfield Park - BBC (1952, 1972, CS-1997, 2003); Hallmark Playhouse
Northanger Abbey - BBC (HS-1949, 1953, 1962, SNT-1972, CS-2005); Mind's Eye; NBC University Theater
Persuasion - BBC (1951, SNT-1970, 1986, CS-1993); Hallmark Playhouse
Pride and Prejudice - BBC (HS-1945, HS-1950, 1975, 1984, AP-2006, CS-2014); Favorite Story; Hallmark Playhouse; Mind's Eye; NBC University Theater; Romance (x2); Studio One; Theatre Guild on the Air; Theatre of Romance (x2)
Sense and Sensibility - BBC (HS-1944, 1959, CS-1991)
Peter Rugg, The Missing Man - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Storm Breeder")
Crossing Paris - (Traversée de Paris) - Escape; Suspense
Flight of the Fancy, A - BBC (TPG-1958)
Man for the Ages, A - Hallmark Playhouse
National Velvet - Hallmark Playhouse; Lux Radio Theatre
Twenty-Four Letters from Underneath the Earth - Mindwebs
Young Man Wth a Horn - NBC New Theater
Punt, The - Man in Black
Cloud-Sulptors of Coral D, The - Vanishing Point
Concrete Island - Dangerous Visions (BBC, 2013)
Drowned World, The - Dangerous Visions (BBC, 2013)
Escapement - Vanishing Point
Garden of Time, The - Mindwebs
Having a Wonderful Time - Vanishing Point
Low-Flying Aircraft - Vanishing Point
News from the Sun - Vanishing Point
Place and a Time to Die, A - Mindwebs
Question of Re-entry, A - Vanishing Point
Venus Smiles - BBC (AP-1987)
Ballinger, Bill S. (1912-1980)
Fourth of Forever, The - Zero Hour (as "Fourth of Forever")
Heir Hunters - Zero Hour
Wife of the Red Haired Man, The - Zero Hour
See also the plot archives for: Suspense; and Theatre Five
Planet Zevius, The - Mysterious Traveler; Theatre Five (as "In Absense of All Intelligent Live"); Suspense (as "Report from a Dead Planet")
State of the Art, The - Afternoon Play (2009)
Decision - NBC Radio Institute
Gift, The - Exploring Tomorrow [author not confirmed]
Happiness Effect, The - Exploring Tomorrow
Barham, Richard Harris (1788-1845)
Dead Drummer, The - Fear on 4
Spectre of Tappington, The - Weird Circle
History of the Devil - Seeing Ear Theatre
Absent-Minded Coterie, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Absent-Minded League")
Lord Chizelrigg's Missing Fortune - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Midas of Castle Hill")
Barrie, Sir James M. (1860-1937)
Admirable Crichton, The - BBC (1941, SNT-1949, 1957, MP-1966, AT-1969, MP-1973, AT-1982, AP-1986, SP-2009, SP-2011); Star and the Story
Barbara's Wedding - BBC (AP-2003,
Dear Brutus - BBC (SNT-1951, SNT-1969, AP-1987, MP-1988)
Estate Hunters, The - BBC (WM-1956)
Farewell, Miss Julie Logan - BBC (1942, 1945, 1946)
Half an Hour - ABC Mystery Time; Theatre Royal
Honoured Guest, The - BBC (AT-1964)
Little Minister, The - BBC (SNT-1945, 1953); Railroad Hour
Mary Rose - BBC (1941, SNT-1947, 1950)
Old Laby Shows Her Medals, The - Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players
Peter Pan - BBC (1941, AP-1986, SP-2006); Great Plays; Lux Radio Theatre; Mind's Eye
Professor's Love Story, The - BBC (SNT-1948, SM-1949)
Quality Street - BBC (1942, SNT-1945, MP-1949); Everything for the Boys; Lux Radio Theatre; Railroad Hour
Seven Women - BBC (1941, WM-1948, AT-1965, AP-2005)
Shall We Join the Ladies? - BBC (SNT-1943, 1944)
Twelve Pound Look, The - BBC (1939, AP-2005); National Radio Theater
Well-Remembered Voice, A - BBC (AP-2003)
What Every Woman Knows - BBC (1940, SNT-1948, MP-1960, SNT-1966, SNT-1983, AP-1986); Campbell Playhouse; Theatre Guild on the Air
Will, The - BBC (1939, AT-1965)
Window in Thrums, A - BBC (1942, SM-1948)
Animal Kingdom, The - John Barrymore Theatre
Holiday - Arthur Hopkins Presents; Studio One
Joyous Season, The - Arthur Hopkins Presents
Male Animal, The - Arthur Hopkins Presents
One More Tomorrow - Lux Radio Theatre
Philadelphia Story, The - Arthur Hopkins Presents; Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players; Lux Radio Theatre (x2); NBC Presents: Best Plays
Tomorrow and Tomorrow - Cavalcade of America
Aliens in the Mind - BBC (1977)
Farewell to the Master - Lux Radio Theatre (as "The Day the Earth Stood Still")
Apple - Mindwebs
George and the Comet - Seeing Ear Theatre (as "George and the Red Giant")
Come, Lady Death - Nightfall (as "Guest-of-Honor")
Webster - Mindwebs
Beaulieu, Victor-Lévy (1945- )
Rubber Ball, The - Vanishing Point
Last Rites - SF 68
Waiting for Godot - BBC (MP-1962, SUP-1999, DO3-2006)
Enoch Soames - Favorite Story
Happy Hypocrite, The - Theatre Royal (x2)
Biography - NBC Presents: Best Plays
No Time for Comedy - Star and the Story; Theatre Guild on the Air
Second Man, The - Theatre Guild on the Air
Return Of Peter Grimm, The - Great Plays
Bellah, James Warner (1899-1976)
Command - Escape (x2); Suspense
She Wore a Yellow Ribbon - Lux Radio Theatre
Marie Antoinette - Columbia Workshop (as "Death of a Queen")
Orange Souffle - National Radio Theater
Wrecker, The - National Radio Theater
Benét, Stephen Vincent (1898-1943)
_All That Money Can Buy - see "Devil and Daniel Webster, The"
_By the Waters of Babylon - see "Place of the Gods, The"
Child is Born, A - Cavalcade of America; NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels; Textron Theatre
Dan'l Webster and the Sea Serpent - Columbia Workshop
Devil and Daniel Webster, The - Cavalcade of America (as "All That Money Can Buy"); Columbia Workshop; Hallmark Playhouse
Doc Melhorn and the Pearly Gates - NBC Presents: Short Story [author not confirmed]
Elementals - Author's Playhouse; Escape; Radio City Playhouse; Suspense (as "Elemental")
Jacob and the Indians - Eternal Light
John Brown's Body - Columbia Workshop
Just for You - Lux Radio Theatre
King of the Cats, The - CBS Radio Workshop
Nightmare at Noon - Columbia Workshop; Treasury Star Parade
Nightmare Number Three - Dimension X (as "Nightmare"); X Minus One (as "Nightmare")
O'Halloran's Luck - Hallmark Playhouse; NBC Presents: Short Story
_Paul Revere - see "Tooth for Paul Revere, A"
Place of the Gods, The - 2000x (as "By the Waters of Babylon"); Mindwebs
Radio in the Rain - Columbia Workshop
Sobbin' Women, The - Electric Theatre
Tooth for Paul Revere, A - Adventure Ahead; Cavalcade of America; Columbia Workshop (as "Paul Revere"); Escape
Bigger One, The - Seeing Ear Theatre
Doing Lennon - Mindwebs
Death, Fire and Life - Storytellers (BBC, 1989); Theatre Guild on the Air
Great Adventure, The - Theatre Guild on the Air
Holy Matrimony - Everything for the Boys; Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players; Lux Radio Theatre
Imperial Palace - NBC University Theater
Old Wive's Tale, The - NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels
*Trilogy for Xmas, A - 19 Nocturne Boulevard (as part of "A Trilogy for Christmas") (original title = ??)
As We Were - BBC (1960)
Blotting Book, The - BBC (SP-2003, SP-2004)
Face, The - Fear on 4
Lucia in London - BBC (AP-1985)
Queen Lucia - BBC (AP-1984)
Secret Lives - BBC (CS-1987, AT-1989)
Thing in the Hall, The - Theatre 10.30
Thursday Evenings - BBC (1946)
Trent's Last Case - NBC University Theater; Suspense
Syndafloden - Arthur Hopkins Presents (as "The Deluge")
Berkeley, Reginald (1890-1935)
Lady with the Lamp, The - Arthur Hopkins Presents
Memoirs of Hector Berlioz, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Fourth Bullett")
Berridge, Elizabeth (1919-2009)
Touch and Go - BBC (SP-2000)
Five Trails of '98, The - Theatre 10.30
Klondike - CBC
Besant, Sir Walter (1836-1901)
Case of Mr Lucraft, The - Nightfall (as "The Appetite of Mr Lucraft")
Barretts Of Wimpole Street, The - Studio One
See also the plot archives for: The Shadow; Nick Carter
Adam and No Eve - Mindwebs
Boy Wonder, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original script)
Future Eye - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original script)
Man from Ultra, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original script)
Now You See Them, Now You Don't - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original script)
One Girl in a Million - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original script)
Stars My Destination, The - Shape of Things to Come (BBC, 1991 as "Tiger! Tiger!")
_Tiger! Tiger! - see "Stars My Destination, The"
Two Plus Two Equals Death - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original script)
Walking Dead, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original script)
Boarded Window, The - BBC (1945); Black Mass
Damned Thing, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Death of Halpin Frayser, The - Black Mass; CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Tales from the Shadows
*Long Way from Home, A - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
*Loser Take All - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
Man and the Snake, The - Christopher Lee's Fireside Tales (BBC, 2004); Sleep No More
*Matter of Conscience, A - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
Middle Toe of the Right Foot, The - Man in Black (BBC, 1949); Weird Circle
Monk and the Hangman's Daughter, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Moonlit Road, The - Black Mass; Tales from the Shadows
Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge, An - CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Escape; Sleep No More (as "Occasion at Owl Creek"); Suspnese (x3); Witch's Tale (as "The Deserter")
Oil of Dog - Black Mass
One of the Missing - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Thing at Nolan, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Watcher by the Dead, A - Appointment with Fear (BBC, 1944)
Biggers, Earl Derr (1884-1933)
See also the plot archives for: Charlie Chan; The Incomparable Charlie Chan; The Adventures of Charlie Chan
Fifty Candles - Mollé Mystery Theatre
Seven Keys To Baldpate - Lux Radio Theatre
Biggle, Lloyd, Jr. (1923-2002)
Beachhead in Utopia - Mindwebs
Apartment Hunting - Mindwebs
Apartment Hunting - Mindwebs
Lightship - CBS Radio Workshop
Birkin, Sir Charles (1907-1985)
_Crystal Ball, The - see "Yellow Dressing Gown, The"
Eye for an Eye, An - Beyond Midnight (as "Yarrow")
_Meeting in Athens - see "So Pale, So Cold, So Fair"
So Pale, So Cold, So Fair - Price of Fear (as "Meeting in Athens")
Yellow Dressing Gown, The - Beyond Midnight (as "The Crystal Ball") [title not confirmed]
Close Encounters with the Deity - Sci-Fi Radio
Flat Edge of the Earth, The - Seeing Ear Theatre
Next - Seeing Ear Theatre (as part of "Three Odd Comedies")
Orson the Alien - Seeing Ear Theatre
They're Made out of Meat - Seeing Ear Theatre (as part of "Three Odd Comedies")
Toxic Donut, The - Seeing Ear Theatre (as part of "Three Odd Comedies")
Bjørnson, Bjørnstjerne (1832-1910)
Railroad and Churchyard - Family Theatre
Lorna Doone - Railroad Hour
Blackwood, Algernon (1869-1951)
Ancient Sorceries - Escape
Camp of the Dog, The - BBC (MWT-1974, AT-1974, 1975, AT-1977), CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "Night of the Howling Dog")
Chinese Magic - Mystery and Imagination (BBC, 1945)
Confession - Escape; Mystery and Imagination (BBC, 1945)
Decoy, The - Haunted
Doll, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "Toy Death")
Gypsy's Prophecy, The - We Know a Story [author not confirmed]
In a Glass, Darkly - BBC (WM-1949)
*In the Fog - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
Keeping His Promise - Haunted
Nemesis of Fire, The - BBC (MWT-1974, AT-1974)
_Night of the Howling Dog - see "Camp of the Dog, The"
Secret Society, The - BBC (1947)
Secret Worship - BBC (MWT-1975, 30MT-1990)
Starlight Express, The - BBC (SP-1965)
Suspicious Gift, A - Sleep No More
Told in a Mountain Cabin - BBC (1942)
_Toy Death - see "Doll, The"
Wendigo, The - Theatre 10.30
Willows, The - BBC (2005)
Surface Tension - X Minus One
See also the plot archives for: Stay Tuned for Terror
Almost Human - Dimension X; X Minus One
Breakdown Mollé Mystery Theatre
_Fifty Six G's, The - see "Water's Edge"
Funny Farm, The - Mindwebs
Good Knight's Work, A - Seeing Ear Theatre
Hell-Bound Train, The - Mindwebs
Plot Is the Thing, The - Mindwebs
Water's Edge - Beyond Midnight (as "The Fifty-Six G's")
Yours Truly, Jack the Ripper - Mollé Mystery Theatre
Blochman, Lawrence G. (1900-1975)
Red Wine - Mollé Mystery Theatre
Firmin Child, The - Haunted
Take Your Partners - Beyond Midnight
Chair - BBC (FP-2000)
Existence - BBC (AP-2002)
Narrow Road to the Deep North - BBC (MP-1982)
Sea, The - BBC (SP-2006)
Bookshop, The - Sleep No More
Conquerors' Isle - Escape (x2); Sleep No More
Johnny Cartwright's Camera - Author's Playhouse
Mask of Medusa, The - Mystery in the Air
Mr Mergenthwirker's Lobblies - Federal Theatre Project, WPA; Sleep No More
On Schedule - The Black Book
Remarkable Talent of Egbert Haw, The - Bakers' Theater of Stars
Vital Factor - Dimension X (as "The Vital Factor"); X Minus One (as "The Vital Factor")
Bonellie, Janet ( - )
Daddy's Girl - Nightfall
In the Name of the Father - Nightfall
Mr Agostino - Nightfall
The Dutchess of Wiltshire's Diamonds - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Devil's Bargain")
Borges, Jorge Luís (1899-1986)
Death and the Compass - Vanishing Point
Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius - 19 Nocturne Boulevard (as "Dis Belief")
See also the plot archives for: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes; The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes; The Adventures of Ellery Queen; The Casebook of Gregory Hood
Ghost with the Gun, The - Mollé Mystery Theatre
They Bite - Nightfall
William Conrad - BBC (SNT-1962, AT-1965)
Slipstream - BBC (2008)
Claimant, The - Beyond Midnight (as "Hobart")
Confidant, The - BBC (AP-1998)
Death of the Heart, The - BBC (MP-1957); NBC University Theater
Demon Lover, The - BBC (AP-1998); Female Ghost (BBC, 1997)
Hand in Glove - BBC (30MT-1964); Fear on 4 (BBC, 1989)
Heat of the Day, The - BBC (SNT-1955, MP-1972, SP-1998, CS-2011)
_Hobart - see "Claimant, The"
House in Paris, The - BBC (CS-1994); NBC University Theater
Last September, The - BBC (AT-1996)
Look at All Those Roses - BBC (1948)
Telling - Suspense
To the North - BBC (2008)
Let There Be Honor - Romance
Wanderers, The - NBC Presents: Short Story [author not confirmed]
Boylston, Helen Dore (1895-1984)
Keys - NBC Presents: Short Story [author not confirmed]
And So Died Riabouchinska - Suspense (as "Riabouchinska"); Tales of the Bizarre (BBC, 1997)
April Witch, The - Golden Apples of the Sun (BBC, 1991)
_August 2026: There Will Come Soft Rains - see "There Will Come Soft Rains"
_Beast from 20,000 Fathoms, The - see "Fog Horn, The"
Case of the Exeter Audition, The - KIRO Mystery Playhouse
Crowd, The - Suspense
Dandelion Wine - Theatre 10.30
Day It Rained Forever, The - Bradbury Times Five (CBC Playhouse); Tales of the Bizarre (BBC, 1997)
Emissary, The - Haunted
Fahrenheit 451 - BBC (AT-1982, SNT-1982, SP-2003); Studio 71 (CBC)
Flying Machine, The - Golden Apples of the Sun (BBC, 1991)
Fog Horn, The - Golden Apples of the Sun (BBC, 1991); Mindwebs; Theatre 10.30 (as "The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms" [unconfirmed])
Forever and the Earth - Norman Corwin
Fox and the Forest, The - BBC (30MT-1959); Bradbury 13; CBC; Dimension X (as "To the Future"); X Minus One (as "To the Future")
Frost and Fire - Bradbury Times Five (CBC Playhouse); Sci-Fi Radio; Vancouver Theatre
Fruit at the Bottom of the Bowl, The - Golden Apples of the Sun (BBC, 1991); Tales of the Bizarre (BBC, 1995)
Gift, The - Mindwebs
Golden Apples of the Sun, The - Golden Apples of the Sun (BBC, 1991)
Great Conflagration up at the Place, The - Norman Corwin
Hail and Farewell - CBS Radio Workshop; Golden Apples of the Sun (BBC, 1991)
Happiness Machine, The - Bradbury 13; Theatre 10.30
Have I Got a Chocolate Bar for You - Tales of the Bizarre (BBC, 1995)
Here There Be Tygers - Bradbury 13
I Sing the Body Electric - Bradbury Times Five (CBC Playhouse); Tales of the Bizarre (BBC, 1996)
_Imbalance of Species, An - see "Sound of Thunder, A"
_Insect Man - see "Watchers, The"
Jack-in-the-Box - Tales of the Bizarre (BBC, 1997)
Jar, The - Tales of the Bizarre (BBC, 1995)
Kaleidoscope - BBC (AT-1996), Bradbury 13; Dimension X; Shape of Things to Come (BBC, 1991); Mindwebs; Suspense
Killer, Come Back to Me - Mollé Mystery Theatre
Lake, The - Radio City Playhouse
Leviathan 99 - BBC (AT-1968)
_Lonely One, The - see "Ravine, The"
Man, The - Bradbury 13
Man Upstairs, The - Tales of the Bizarre (BBC, 1997)
Marionettes, Inc. - Audion Theatre; BBC (JBM-1979); Dimension X; X Minus One
Meadow, The - World Security Workshop
Miss Helen Loomis - Theatre 10.30
Mr Jonas and Grandpa - Theatre 10.30
Murderer, The - Golden Apples of the Sun (BBC, 1991)
Next in Line, The - Fear on 4 (BBC, 1992)
_No-Name Baby - see "Small Assassin, The"
Pedestrian, The - Theatre 10.30
Pillar of Fire - 2000x
Playground, The - Vanishing Point
Ravine, The - Bradbury 13; Bradbury Times Five (CBC Playhouse, as "The Lonely One"); CBS Radio Adventure Theater (as "The Whole Town's Sleeping"); Suspense (as "The Whole Town's Sleeping"); Vanishing Point
_Riabouchinska - see "And So Died Riabouchinska"
Rocket, The - NBC Presents: Short Story
Screaming Woman, The - Bradbury 13; Suspense (x2)
Scythe, The - Tales of the Bizarre (BBC, 1997)
_Searching Wind - see "Wind, The"
Season of Disbelief - CBS Radio Workshop
Skeleton - Tales of the Bizarre (BBC, 1996)
Small Assassin, The - Beyond Midnight (as "No-Name Baby")
Something Wicked This Way Comes - Independent Production
Sound of Thunder, A - Bradbury 13; Future Tense (as "An Imbalance of Species"); Golden Apples of the Sun (BBC, 1991); SF 68
Summer Night - Suspense
Summer Raptures of Ray Bradbury, The - CBC
There Was an Old Woman - Bradbury 13
There Will Come Soft Rains - BBC (TPG-1962, 1977 as "August 2026: There Will Come Soft Rains"); Dimension X; X Minus One
To the Chicago Abyss - independent production of WBAI, New York
_To the Future - see "Fox and the Forest, The"
Veldt, The - BBC (TMT-1959, AP-2007); Bradbury 13; Bradbury Times Five (CBC Playhouse); Dimension X; Mindwebs; X Minus One
Watchers, The - Beyond Midnight (as "Insect Man")
_Whole Town's Sleeping, The - see "Ravine, The"
Wind, The - BBC (1954 all as "When the Wind Blows"); Bradbury 13; Radio City Playhouse; Tales of the Bizarre (BBC, 1997); Theatre 10.30 (as "The Searching Wind")
Wonderful Ice Cream Suit, The - BBC (AT-1971)
Zero Hour - Adventure Theater; Dimension X; Escape; Future Tense; NBC Experiment in Drama; Suspense (x3); X Minus One
And the Moon Be Still as Bright - Dimension X; Omni Audio Experience; X Minus One
Dark They Were, and Golden-Eyed - Bradbury 13
Dwellers in Silence - Dimension X; X Minus One
Earth Men, The - Escape
Mars Is Heaven! - ABC Radio Workshop [Think]; Dimension X (x2); Escape; Future Tense; X Minus One
Martian Chronicles, The - Dimension X
Night Call, Collect - Bradbury 13; Tales of the Bizarre (BBC, 1995)
Off Season, The - Omni Audio Experience
Braddon, Mary Elizabeth (1835-1915)
_Beautiful Viper, A - see "Eveline's Visitant"
Cold Embrace, The - BBC (AP-1987); Female Ghost (BBC, 1997)
Eveline's Visitant - Beyond Midnight (as "A Beautiful Viper"); Hall of Fantasy (as "The Mark of Shame"); Red Room: Ghost Stories for Christmas (BBC, 2000)
Lady Audley's Secret - BBC (AT-1983, SNT-1983, CS-1999, WHD-2009)
_Mark of Shame, The - see "Eveline's Visitant"
Ol' Man Adam and His Chillun - Theatre Guild on the Air (as "The Green Pastures")
Bradley, Marion Zimmer (1930-1999)
Day of the Butterflies, The - Mindwebs
Phoenix - Mindwebs
See also the plot archives for: Story of Doctor Kildare
Destry Rides Again - Lux Radio Theatre (x2)
Singing Guns - Studio One
Jewish Wife, The - National Radio Theater (from "The Private Life of the Master Race")
Bad Day at Black Rock - Caltex Theatre
Honest Captain, The - Columbia Workshop
Tamarack Tree, The - Hallmark Playhouse
Bretnor, Alfred Reginald (1911-1992)
Through Time and Space with Ferdinand Feghoot - Mindwebs
Buick Saloon, The - Red Room: Ghost Stories for Christmas (WHD-2000)
Lighthearted Guest, The - BBC (AT-1970, SNT-1970)
Man, The - BBC (AP-2005)
When the Wind Blows - BBC (AT-1966, AT-1972, MP-1983, AT-1983, SNT-1984)
McLeod's Folly - Hallmark Playhouse
Mrs Parkington - Hallmark Playhouse; Lux Radio Theatre
Rains Came, The - Lux Radio Theatre; Wheatena Playhouse
Jane Eyre - BBC (1946, 1953, SNT-1962, AT-1963, SP-1966, CS-1972, 1978, CS-1994, 1999, 2003), Campbell Playhouse; CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Family Theatre; Favorite Story; Gulf Screen Guild Theatre; Hallmark Playhouse; Lux Radio Theatre (x2); Mercury Summer Theatre of the Air; NBC University Theater; NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels; Vick's Matinee Theatre; Weird Circle
Professor, The - BBC (WHD-2005)
Shirley - BBC (CS-1985, CS-2002)
Villette - BBC (1963, CS-1989, CS-1994, CS-1999, WHD-2009)
Wuthering Heights - BBC (1947, 1950, AT-1967, SNT-1967, AT-1974, CS-1981, CS-1995, WHD-2003, DO3-2011); CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Favorite Story; Ford Theatre; Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players; Lux Radio Theatre (x3); NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels; Studio One; Vick's Matinee Theatre; Weird Circle
Jonas - Christmas Spirits (BBC, 1990)
Snowman Killing, The - Fear on 4 (BBC, 1988)
Mrs Smiff - Beyond Midnight (as "Little Happenthatch")
Blood - 2000x
Crack-Up - Lux Radio Theatre
Earthmen Bearing Gifts - Mindwebs
Honeymoon in Hell - X Minus One
Knock - 2000x; Dimension X; Future Tense; Mindwebs; Seeing Ear Theatre; X Minus One
Last Martian, The - X Minus One
Letter to a Phoenix - Mindwebs
Weapon, The - Mindwebs
Wings Over Europe: A Dramatic Extravaganza on a Pressing Theme - Theatre Guild on the Air (as "Wings over Europe")
Browne, Porter Emerson (1879-1934)
Bad Man, The - Campbell Playhouse
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett (1806-1861)
Sonnet 43 - CBS Radio Workshop (as part of "1489 words")
Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came - National Radio Theater (as "The Dark Tower")
Pied Piper of Hamelin, The - Author's Playhouse; Columbia Workshop
Pond Water - Mindwebs
Wasted on the Young - Mindwebs
Courts of the Morning, The - BBC (SNT-1994)
Free Fishers, The - BBC (1964)
Greenmantle - Adventure Ahead; BBC (CS-2005)
Grove of Ashtaroth, The - Escape
Huntingtower - BBC (CS-1988, CS-1995)
Island of Sheep, The - BBC (CS-1975, CS-1983)
Midwinter - BBC (1966)
Mr Standfast - BBC (CS-2008)
Thirty-Nine Steps, The - BBC (1960, AT-1989, SNT-1990, CS-2001); Mercury Theatre on the Air; Suspense
Three Hostages, The - BBC (1942, CS-2003)
Witch Wood - BBC (MP-1954, SNT-1975, 1990, 1992)
Danton's Death - National Radio Theater
Long Love, The - Hallmark Playhouse
Patriot, The - Campbell Playhouse
Man Who Won the War, The - Escape; Suspense
Protective Mimicry - X Minus One
Rogue Moon - National Radio Theater
Fatal Eggs, The - (Rokovye Iaitsa) - Nightfall
Master and Margarita, The - L.A. Theatre Works (NPR) and Lookingglass Theatre Company
Bulwer-Lytton, Edward (1803-1873)
Cardinal Richelieu - Lux Radio Theatre
Falkland - Weird Circle
*Fatal Love Potion, The - Weird Circle (original title = ??) [author not confirmed]
Haunted and the Haunters; Or, The House and the Brain, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The House and the Brain"); House of Mystery (as "The Haunted and the Haunters"); We Know a Story (as "The Haunted and the Haunters"); Weird Circle (as "The House and the Brain")
Last Days of Pompeii, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Pilgrim's Progress, The - BBC (1943, 1992, CS-2004)
Clockwork Orange, A - BBC (LNT-1998)
Earthly Powers - BBC (CS-2004)
Inside Mr Enderby - BBC (1980, CS-2001)
Hands of Mr Ottermole, The - Mollé Mystery Theatre; Radio City Playhouse; Suspense
Minstrels of the Mist - Author's Playhouse
Burnett, Frances Hodgson (1849-1924)
Little Princess, A - BBC (1992, SPH-1996, AP-1998)
Making of a Marchioness, The - BBC (SNT-1969, CS-2007)
Secret Garden, The - BBC (1962, SNT-1975, AT-1979) Afternoon Play (BBC, 1998)
Browdean Farm - Sleep No More
One Who Saw - Beyond Midnight (as "The Evil Face")
Waxwork, The - BBC (1963, SNT-1987); Beyond Midnight (as "A Night in the Waxworks"); Late Alfred Hitchcock Presents (BBC, 2010); Price of Fear; Sleep No More (as "Waxwork"); Suspense (x2)
Smee - Beyond Midnight
Burroughs, Edgar Rice (1875-1950)
See also the plot archives for: Tarzan of the Apes
Moon Maid, The - 2000x
Butler, Octavia E. (1947-2006)
Bloodchild - 2000x
Kindred - Seeing Ear Theatre
Titantic Victim Speaks Through Waterbed - Seeing Ear Theatre (as "Titanic Dreams")
Titanic Survivors Found in Bermuda Triangle - Seeing Ear Theatre (as "Titanic Dreams")
Way of All Flesh, The - NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels; NBC University Theater
Count's Wife, The - Vanishing Point
All for Love - Moon River
Last Adventure, The - BBC (2006)
So, We'll Go No More A-Roving - Moon River
Dead Man - NBC Presents: Short Story
Double Indemnity - BBC (SNT-1993); Ford Theatre; Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players; Lux Radio Theatre
Love's Lovely Counterfeit - Suspense (x2)
Mildred Pierce - BBC (SNT-1993); Lux Radio Theatre (x2)
Postman Always Rings Twice, The -- BBC (SNT-1993); Screen Guild Theater (x2)
Wife, Husband, and Friend - Lux Radio Theatre
Black - Black Mask Audio Magazine (Hollywood Theater of the Ear)
Pigeon Blood - Black Mask Audio Magazine (Hollywood Theater of the Ear)
Trouble Chaser - Black Mask Audio Magazine (Hollywood Theater of the Ear)
Windfall, The - NBC Presents: Short Story
Cameron, Silver Donald (1937- )
Devil's Backbone, The - Nightfall
Campbell, Burke ( - )
Beauty's Beast - Nightfall
In the Eye of the Beholder - Nightfall
Campbell, John W., Jr. (1910-1971)
Escape, The - Exploring Tomorrow (lost)
Who Goes There? - Blue Hours Productions; Chillers (BBC, 2002)
Mrs Meadowsweet - Spine Chillers (BBC, 1984) (as "Mrs M")
Renegade, The - Black Mass (lost)
Disappearance of an Actor, The - BBC (1946)
Fortune-Teller, The - BBC (1946)
How a Play is Produced - BBC (1941 as "A Play Is Born")
Letters from England - BBC (1940 as "Capek in Wonderland", 1940 as "First Impressions")
Mother, The - BBC (1960)
R.U.R. - 2000x; BBC (1941, LP-1946, SNT-1946, AT-1989); Columbia Workshop
War with the Newts - BBC (DO3-2005, DO3-2007)
Last Speech, The - Columbia Workshop
Carr, John Dickson (1906-1977)
Note: most of the stories below were written especially for radio. Exceptions are marked ~
Adventures of Three Students, The - Escape to Freedom (BBC, 1942)
Below Suspicion - BBC (SP-2001)
Black Minute, The - BBC (1940)
Black Spectacles, The - BBC (SP-1998)
Blind Barber, The - BBC (AT-1997)
Blind Man's Hood - BBC (1963)
Body Snatchers, The - Suspense
Bride Vanishes, The - Cabin B-13; Suspense
Britain Shall Not Burn - BBC (1941)
~Burning Court, The - Suspense (x2)
Cabin B-13 - Appointment with Fear (BBC, SNT-1943); Suspense
Clock Strikes Eight, The - Appointment with Fear (BBC, SNT-1944, SNT-1974)
Curse of the Bronze Lamp, The - Appointment with Fear (BBC, SNT-1944)
Customers Like Murder, The - Appointment with Fear (BBC, SNT-1943); Suspense
Dead Sleep Lightly, The - Appointment with Fear (BBC, SNT-1943); Suspense
Death Flies Blind - Appointment with Fear (BBC, SNT-1944); Suspense
Death Has Four Faces - Appointment with Fear (BBC, SNT-1944)
Death Whistles a Tune - BBC (1974)
Devil in the Summerhouse, The - BBC (1940, MP-1947); Suspense
Devil's Manuscript, The - Appointment with Fear (BBC, SNT-1944)
Devil's Saint, The - Appointment with Fear (BBC, SNT-1943); Blue Hours Productions; Suspense
Dragon in the Pool, The - Appointment with Fear (BBC, SNT-1944)
Fifth Time Lucky - Escape to Freedom (BBC, 1942)
~Fire, Burn! - BBC (SNT-1958, SNT-1963, SNT-1967, AT-1967, SNT-1975, AT-1975) [same story as "Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble" ??]
~Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble - Appointment with Fear (BBC, SNT-1943); Suspense
Five Canaries in the Room - Suspense
Fortune-Teller, The - see "Till Death Do Us Part"
Four Smart Girls - BBC (1941)
Gong Cried Murder, The - Appointment with Fear (BBC, SNT-1944)
~Hangman Won't Wait, The - Suspense
He Who Whispers - BBC (SP-2000)
~Hollow Man, The - BBC (SNT-1957, SNT-1997, AT-1997)
I Never Suspected - Appointment with Fear (BBC, SNT-1944)
Into Thin Air - Appointment with Fear (BBC, SNT-1943); BBC (AT-1997)
Lair of the Devil-Fish - Appointment with Fear (BBC, SNT-1944)
Locked Room, The - National Radio Theater; Suspense
Lord of the Witch Doctors, The - Suspense
Mad Hatter Mystery, The - BBC (SP-1999)
Man in the Iron Mask, The - BBC (1942)
Man Who Died Twice, The - Appointment with Fear (BBC, SNT-1943)
Man Who Was Afraid of Dentists, The - Appointment with Fear (BBC, SNT-1944)
Man without a Body, The - Suspense
Men of Sparta - Escape to Freedom (BBC, 1942)
_Menace in Wax, The - see "Waxworks Murder, The"
Moment of Darkness, The - Suspense
Mr Markham, Antique Dealer - Appointment with Fear (BBC, SNT-1944 as "The Speaking Clock"); BBC (1974); Suspense (x3) [twice as "The Dealings of Mr Markham")
Never Tell Patients the Truth - BBC (1941, 1943)
Nothing up My Sleeve - Suspense
Oath of Rolling Thunder, The - Appointment with Fear (BBC, SNT-1944)
Phantom Archer, The - Appointment with Fear (BBC, SNT-1943)
Razor in Fleet Street, A - Cabin B-13
Scandalous Affair of the Queen's Necklace, The - BBC (1944)
Sleep of Death, The - Cabin B-13
Speak of the Devil - BBC (1941)
_Speaking Clock, The - see "Mr Markham, Antique Dealer"
~Till Death Do Us Part - BBC (MWT-1963, AT-1997 as "The Fortune-Teller"); Suspense (x2)
To Wake the Dead - BBC (1939, AT-1997)
Vampire Tower - Appointment with Fear (BBC, SNT-1944)
Vex Not His Ghost - Appointment with Fear (BBC, SNT-1944)
~Waxworks Murder, The - Appointment with Fear (BBC, SNT-1943); Suspense
Who Killed Matthew Corbin - BBC (1997)
Will You Make a Bet with Death? - Appointment with Fear (BBC, SNT-1943); Suspense
Will You Walk into My Parlor? - Suspense
Carroll, Gladys Hasty (1904-1999)
Kristi - NBC Presents: Short Story
Man's Mother, A - Hallmark Playhouse
West of the Hill - Hallmark Playhouse
Alice in Wonderland - BBC (1948); BBC (as "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland") (SNT-1943, 1962, MP-1965, 1969, AT-1973, MP-1977, 1985, CS-1996); Columbia Workshop; Favorite Story; General Mills Radio Adventure Theater (as "I Remember Alice"); Lux Radio Theatre; NBC Star Playhouse; NBC University Theater; Seeing Ear Theatre; White Fires of Inspiration
Alice's Adventures through the Looking Glass - BBC (as "Alice through the Looking Glass") (1944, 2010, SP-2012); BBC (as "Through the Looking Glass") (1948, 1961, CS-2000); Columbia Workshop
Hunting of the Snark - BBC (AP-2000)
Walrus and the Carpenter, The - BBC (TPG-1955)
None Before Me - Mindwebs
Company of Wolves, The - BBC (DO3-1980, AT-1992, 2005)
Courtship of Mr Lyon, The - BBC (WHD-1998, DO3-2009)
Puss in Boots - BBC (MP-1982, AT-1992)
Vampirella - BBC (SUP-1976, SP-1992, AT-1992)
Martian El Dorado of Parker Wintley - Mindwebs
Last Objective, The - Dimension X
Small, Good Thing, A - Vanishing Point
Case, Josephine Young (1907-1990)
At Midnght on the 31st of March - Author's Playhouse
Christina - Haunted
Show Must Go On, The - Mindwebs
Curse of Nagana, The - Weird Tales
Lost and Found - Black Mask Audio Magazine (Hollywood Theater of the Ear)
Missing Mr Lee, The - Black Mask Audio Magazine (Hollywood Theater of the Ear)
Murder Island - Romance
Silent Horror, The - Escape
Cervantes, Miguel de (1547-1616)
_Adventures of Don Quixote, The - BBC (1944, AT-1980, AT-1991); CBS Radio Mystery Theater
_Adventures of the Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote de la Mancha, The - BBC (MP-1980)
_Don Quixote - BBC (SUP-1991, AP-2006, DO3-2009); Family Theatre; NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels; NBC University Theater; NPR Playhouse
Life and Exploits of the Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote de la Mancha, The - (El ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha) - BBC (TPG-1954)
Chamberlain, George Agnew (1879-1966)
Phantom Filly, The - Hallmark Playhouse
Scudda Hoo! Scudda Hay! - Hallmark Playhouse
Chambers, Robert W. (1865-1933)
Mask, The - Beyond Midnight (as "Turning to Marble")
Chamisso, Adelbert von (1781-1838)
Peter Schlemihl - Favorite Story (as "The Man Who Sold His Shadow to the Devil")
Chandler, A. Bertram (1912-1954)
Cage, The - Mindwebs; SF 68
Late Departure, The - Haunted
See also the plot archives for: The Adventures of Philip Marlowe
Big Sleep, The - BBC (MP-1977, AT-1977, 1988, 2006, SP-2011, SP-2014)
Blue Dahlia, The - Lux Radio Theatre
Farewell, My Lovely - BBC (SNT-1988, SP-2011, SP-2014)
High Window, The - BBC (MP-1977, AT-1977, AP-2005, SP-2011, SP-2014)
Lady in the Lake, The - BBC (MP-1977, AT-1977, 1988, SP-2011, SP-2014)
Little Sister, The - BBC (MP-1977, AT-1977, SP-2011, SP-2014)
Long Goodbye, The - BBC (MP-1978, AT-1978, 1989, SP-2011, SP-2014)
Murder, My Sweet - Lux Radio Theatre
Spanish Blood - Mollé Mystery Theatre (as "Murder in City Hall")
Strangers on a Train - Lux Radio Theatre
Pearls Are a Nuisance - Romance; Suspense (x2)
Waters Under the Bridge - Nightfall
Salesmanship - Columbia Workshop (as part of "Listen to a Story")
Pardoner's Tale, The - BBC (AT-1977 as "Cold Earth Travelling"); Family Theatre
Penny Serenade - General Electric Theater; Lux Radio Theatre (x2); Vick's Matinee Theatre
Enormous Radio, The - CBS Radio Workshop; Mindwebs; Vanishing Point
Pot of Gold, The - NBC Presents: Short Story
Swimmer, The - Mindwebs
All Among Friends - BBC (AT-1964)
Avenger, The - BBC (1955)
_Bear, The - see "Boor, The"
Bet, The - (Пари) - BBC (1956); Family Theatre; Favorite Story; Sleep No More; World's Greatest Stories
Black Monk, The - (Chyorny monakh) - BBC (AP-2001)
_Boatman and the Devil, The - see "In Exile"
Boor, The - BBC (1949 as "The Bear"); Comedy Playhouse; On Stage with Elliott and Cathy Lewis (as "The Bear"); Romance (as "The Bear")
Boring Story, A - BBC (AT-1972)
Cherry Orchard, The - (Вишнёвый сад) - BBC (MP-1948, MP-1960, MP-1964, MP-1974, DO3-2008); Theatre Guild on the Air (as "The Wisteria Tree")
Darling, The - (Душечка) - BBC (1941, AT-1972); NBC Presents: Short Story
Grasshopper, The - BBC (MP-1960)
House with an Attic, The - BBC (TMT-1991)
Hunting Party, The - BBC (AT-1979, AT-1981)
In Exile - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Boatman and the Devil")
Ivanov - (Иванов) - BBC (1941, MP-1958, WT-1968, MP-1968, MP-1975, SUP-2001)
Lady and the Double-Bass Case, The - see "Romance with a Double Bass"
Lady with the Little Dog, The - (Дама с собачкой) - BBC (AT-1972, AT-1974, WHD-2010)
Little Lower Than the Angels, A - BBC (AT-1964)
Mirage - BBC (1959)
Miss Anya - BBC (AT-1965, AT-1970)
On the Harmful Effects of Tobacco - (О вреде табака) - BBC (MP-1965 as "Tobacco is a Harmful Weed", AT-1972 as "Tobacco Is a Harmful Weed"); Tales from the Shadows
On the Way - BBC (SP-1947)
Polinka - BBC (1951, 1958)
Proposal, The - BBC (1940, 1942)
Romance with a Double Bass - BBC (TMT-1983 as "The Lady and the Double-Bass Case")
*Safety Match, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
Schoolmistress, The - (На подводе) - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Seagull, The - BBC (1942, MP-1945, MP-1953, MP-1960, 1963, SUP-1968, MP-1969, MP-1981, MP-1983, AT-1986, SNT-1987, MP-1993, DO3-2010)
Stories for Olga - BBC (WHD-1999)
Swedish Match, The - BBC (1947)
Swan Song - BBC (MP-1965, AT-1972, DO3-2006)
Three Sisters, The - (Три сестры) - BBC (1941, MP-1946, 1956, MP-1959, MP-1960, MP-1965, SUP-1990, AT-1996, SUP-2001)
Upheaval, An - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Brooch") [title not confirmed]
Uncle Vanya - (Дядя Ваня) - BBC (1941, MP-1947, MP-1951, MP-1960, SP-1965, MP-1970, AT-1972, SUP-1985); National Radio Theater
Ward No. 6 - (Палата № 6) - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "Ward Six")
Wedding, The - BBC (1949)
Wife for Sale - BBC (1955)
_Wisteria Tree, The - see "Cherry Orchard"
Dreaming of Thee - Fear on 4
Chetwynd-Hayes, R. (1919-2001)
Liberated Tiger, The - Haunted
Which One? - Haunted
Strange Burial of Alexander Jordon, The - Creeps by Night; Suspense (as "The Death of Alexander Jordon")
Writer at Work, A - CBS Radio Workshop
Judgment of Dr Johnson, The - BBC (AT-1974)
Lepanto - BBC (1939)
Man Who Was Thursday, The - BBC (MP-1953, MP-1975, CS-1986, 2005); Mercury Theatre on the Air
Napoleon of Notting Hill, The - BBC (MP-1986, CS-1986, AT-1990, CS-1990)
Oracle of the Dog, The - BBC (1940)
Painful Fall of a Great Reputation - BBC (WM-1945)
Purple Wig, The - Appointment with Fear (BBC, 1944)
Club of Queer Trades
Awful Reason of the Vicar's Visit, The - BBC (WM-1945)
Noticeable Conduct of Professor Chadd, The - BBC (1945)
Tremendous Adventures of Major Brown, The - BBC (1940, 1945)
Father Brown Stories
Absense of Mr Glass, The - BBC (1987)
Arrow of Heaven, The - BBC (1986)
Blue Cross, The - BBC (1939, 1949, MWT-1974, 1984)
Curse of the Golden Cross, The - BBC (1986)
Dagger with Wings, The - BBC (MWT-1974)
Doctor and the Alibi, The - BBC (1986)
Eye of Apollo - BBC (1940, WM-1944, 1949, 1984)
Hammer of God, The - BBC (1939, 1985)
Honour of Israel Gow, The - BBC (1985)
Invisible Man, The - BBC (1944, WM-1945, 1947, 1985)
Man in the Passage, The - BBC (1939, 1946, 1949)
Mirror of the Magistrate, The - BBC (1949, MWT-1974)
Mistake of the Machine, The - BBC (1986)
Perishing of the Pendragons, The - BBC (MWT-1974, 1986)
Queer Feet, The - BBC (MWT-1974, AT-1974, 1984)
Secret Garden, The - BBC (AP-2011, AP-2013)
Sins of Prince Saradine, The - BBC (1985)
Three Tools of Death, The - BBC (1949)
Wrong Shape, The - BBC (1949)
Poet and the Lunatics, The
Crime of Gabriel Gale, The - The Cases of Gabriel Gale (BBC, 1955)
Finger of Stone, The - The Cases of Gabriel Gale (BBC, 1955)
House of the Peacock, The - The Cases of Gabriel Gale (BBC, 1955)
Purple Jewel, The - The Cases of Gabriel Gale (BBC, 1955)
Shadow of the Shark, The - The Cases of Gabriel Gale (BBC, MP-1953, 1955)
Note: Charles Chilton was a radio producer as well as a writer; his credits number in the thousands.
Operation Luna - Journey into Space (BBC, 1953, 1958)
Red Planet, The - Journey into Space (BBC, 1954)
Return from Mars, The - Journey into Space (BBC, 1981)
Space Force - [extension of "Journey into Space"] - BBC (2004)
Space Force II - [extension of "Journey into Space"] - BBC (2004)
World in Peril, The - Journey into Space (BBC, 1955)
Alibi - BBC (SNT-1944)
Butter in a Lordly Dish - BBC (1948)
Case of the Perfect Carer, The - BBC (2003)
Crooked House - BBC (2008)
Dressmaker's Doll, The - BBC (2003)
E199 Adventura, The - BBC (2003)
Endless Night - BBC (SP-2008)
Gates of Bagdad, The - BBC (2002)
Gypsy, The - BBC (2003)
Hound of Death - BBC (2002)
In a Glass Darkly - BBC (2003)
Lamp, The - Haunted
Last Seance, The - BBC (2003)
Love from a Stranger - BBC (SNT-1945)
Magnolia Blossom - BBC (2003)
Murder in Mesopotamia - BBC (1994)
Murder on the Orient Express - BBC (1982 as "The Orient Express", 1992)
Mysterious Mr Quinn - BBC (2009)
Ordeal by Innocense - BBC (SNT-1983)
Partners in Crime - BBC (1953)
Philomel Cottage - BBC (2002); Suspense (x2)
Swan Song - BBC (MP-1965, 2002, DO3-2006)
Third Floor Flat - BBC (WM-1954)
Unexpected Guest, The - BBC (AP-1982)
Where There's a Will - Suspense
Witness for the Prosecution - BBC (2002); Mollé Mystery Theatre; Radio City Playhouse
Selected Miss Marple
4.50 from Paddington - BBC (SP-1997)
At Bertram's Hotel - BBC (1995, AP-2010)
Body in the Library, The - BBC (SP-1999)
Caribbean Mystery, A - BBC (1997)
Mirror Crack'd from Side to Side, The - BBC (SP-1998)
Moving Finger, The - BBC (SP-2001)
Murder at the Vicarage, The - BBC (1993)
Murder is Announced, A - BBC (1999)
Nemesis - BBC (1998)
Pale Horse, The - BBC (SNT-1993, SPH-1993, 2006)
Pocket Full of Rye, A - BBC (SNT-1996)
Sittaford Mystery, The - BBC (AP-1990)
Sleeping Murder, The - BBC (SP-2001)
They Do It with Mirrors - BBC (2001)
Selected Hercule Poirot
ABC Murders, The - BBC (SP-2000, 2009); Suspense
Adventure of the Christmas Pudding, The - BBC (AP-2004)
After the Funeral - BBC (MP-1962, AT-1985, TMT-1986, SP-1999)
Appointment with Death - BBC (SP-2001)
Cards on the Table - BBC (AP-2002, SP-2002)
Dead Man's Folly - BBC (2007)
Death in the Clouds - BBC (SP-2003)
Death on the Nile - BBC (1997)
Dumb Witness - BBC (AP-2006)
Elephants Can Remember - BBC (SP-2006)
Evil under the Sun - BBC (1998)
Five Little Pigs - BBC (SNT-1994, SNT-1995)
Halloween Party - BBC (SNT-1993, SNT-1995)
Hercule Poirot's Christmas - BBC (AT-1990)
Lord Edgware Dies - BBC (1991)
Mrs McGinty's Dead - BBC (2003)
Murder for Christmas: Hercule Poirot's Christmas - BBC (AP-1986)
Murder of Roger Ackroyd, The - BBC (AP-1987, 1990); Campbell Playhouse
Murder on the Links - BBC (SNT-1990, AT-1991)
Mysterious Affair at Styles, The - BBC (2005)
Mystery of the Blue Train - BBC (1985)
One, Two, Buckle My Shoe - BBC (2004)
Peril at End House - BBC (SNT-1948, 2000)
Sad Cypress - BBC (1992)
Taken at the Flood - BBC (2003)
Three Act Tragedy - BBC (2002)
Tragedy of Marsden Manor, The - Murder Clinic
No Blade of Grass - BBC (as "The Death of Grass" MP-1957, WHD-2009)
New Wine, The - SF 68
World in Winter, The - BBC (MP-1968)
Churchill, Joyce
See M. John Harrison
Murder of Caesar, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (based on the works of Plutarch, Cicero and Suetonius)
Clark, Curt
See Donald Westlake
Clark, Walter Van Tilburg (1909-1971)
Portable Phonograph, The - Mindwebs
Track of the Cat, The - NBC University Theater; Suspense
Oxbow Incident, The - Free Company
3001: The Final Odyssey - BBC
Breaking Strain - CBC Mystery Theater; SF 68 ??
Childhood's End - BBC (CS-1997); Vanishing Point
Fall of Moondust, A - BBC (SNT-1981); Nightfall
Haunted Space Suit, The - Mindwebs
Nine Billion Names of God, The - Mindwebs; Vanishing Point
Rendezvous with Rama - BBC (CS-2009)
Rescue Party - Omni Audio Experience
Sentinel, The - Mindwebs
Songs of Distant Earth, The - BBC (TMT-1962)
Star, The - Family Theatre (as "The Exploration" or "The Other Sheep"); Mindwebs
Summertime on Icarus - Mindwebs
Venture to the Moon - BBC
Walk in the Dark, A - Mindwebs
Wall of Darkness - Sci-Fi Radio
White Nights - BBC (SP-2011)
Star, Bright - Audion Theatre; The Grip of Terror; Future Tense; X Minus One
Clingerman, Mildred (1918-1997)
Stair Trick - Mindwebs
Word, The - Mindwebs
Snake Doctor - Escape (x2)
Escape of Mr Trimm, The - Sleep No More
Fishhead - Sleep No More
Old Judge Priest - Family Theatre
Cogswell, Theodore R. (1918-1987)
Paradise Regained - Mindwebs
Baby Cyclone - Studio One
Elmer the Great - Gulf Screen Guild Theatre
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor (1772-1834)
Christabel - BBC (AP-2001)
Rime of the Ancient Mariner, The - BBC (CS-1999); Columbia Workshop; Weird Circle (as "The Ancient Mariner")
Back for Christmas - Escape; Suspense (x2)
De Mortuis - NBC Presents: Short Story; Suspense
Evening Primrose - Black Mass; Escape (x3)
Holiday Story - Suspense
Lady on the Grey, The - Mysterious Circumstances (1963)
Thus I Refute Beelzy - Sleep No More
Wet Saturday - Blue Hours Productions; Columbia Workshop; Suspense (x3)
Collins, Charles Allston (1828-1873)
Compensation House, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "House without Mirrors")
Trial for Murder - CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Weird Circle
Armadale - BBC (CS-2009)
Basil - BBC (CS-2006)
Dead Alive, The - Suspense
Dead Secret, The - BBC (SNT-1961, CS-1970)
Dream-Woman, The - BBC (AT-1961); CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Haunted; We Know a Story; We Know a Story; Weird Circle
Ghost's Touch, The - Weird Circle
Haunted Hotel, The - BBC (SP-2012); Weird Circle
House to Let, A - BBC (WHD-2006)
Mad Monkton - CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Weird Circle
Miss Bertha and the Yankee - BBC (1998)
Miss Jeromette and the Clergyman - BBC (1998)
Miss Morris and the Stranger - BBC (1998)
Moonstone, The - BBC (1946, 1957, SP-1970, CS-1979, 1983, 2003, CS-2011); Favorite Story; Suspense; Weird Circle; NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels
Mr Marmaduke and the Minister - BBC (1998)
Mr Percy and the Prophet - BBC (SP-1998)
Mr Policeman and the Cook - BBC (1998)
No Name - BBC (1952, CS-1973, CS-1989, CS-2007)
No Thoroughfare - BBC (SNT-1964)
*Shadows from the Grave - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
Terribly Strange Bed, A - Suspense; Weird Circle
Woman in White, The - BBC (1943, 1960, CS-1969, CS-2001)
Pinocchio - BBC (1968, AT-1994, SPH-1995, AP-2005, SP-2012); General Mills Radio Adventure Theater; Lux Radio Theatre
Love for Love - Great Plays
Conkle, Ellsworth Prouty (1899-1994)
Prologue to Glory - Cavalcade Of America; Great Plays
Two Hundred Were Chosen - Columbia Workshop
Connell, Richard Edward (1893-1949)
Doctor and the Lunatic, The - Mollé Mystery Theatre
Hired Wife - Lux Radio Theatre
Law Beaters, The - Columbia Workshop
Most Dangerous Game, The - Arch Oboler's Plays; Chase; Escape; Suspense (x2)
Beggar on Horseback - Great Plays
Dulcy - Lux Radio Theatre (x2)
Green Pastures, The - Cavalcade Of America; Ford Theatre; Theatre Guild on the Air
To the Ladies - Lux Radio Theatre
Barber's Story, The - BBC (TMT-1974, TMT-1976)
Black Mate, The - Theatre Royal
Brute, The - Escape
End of the Tether, The - BBC (SM-1947, SNT-1957)
Freya of the Isles - BBC (1942, 1945)
Heart of Darkness - BBC (MP-1956, DO3-2003); Escape (as "The Power of Hammer"); Mercury Theatre on the Air; NBC University Theater; This is My Best; Unmade Movies (BBC, 2015)
Il Conde - BBC (AT-1994)
Inn of the Two Witches, The - BBC (1947)
_John Kemp - see "Romance"
Karain - BBC (1997)
Lord Jim - BBC (1985); NBC University Theater
Nostromo - BBC (CS-1986)
One Day More - BBC (1953)
Outpost of Progress, An - BBC (AT-1985)
Partner, The - BBC (1943, 1945)
Planter of Malata, The - BBC (1997)
Romance - BBC (1951 as "John Kemp")
Secret Agent, The - BBC (1951, SNT-1953, MP-1984, CS-2006)
Secret Sharer, The - BBC (1941, MWT-1967, 1997); CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Mind's Eye; Storytellers (BBC, 1989)
Shadow Line, The - BBC (1940, SM-1949, 1961)
Tale, The - Theatre Royal
*Trilogy for Xmas, A - 19 Nocturne Boulevard (as part of "A Trilogy for Christmas") (original title = ??)
Typhoon - Escape
Under Western Eyes - BBC (MP-1976, CS-1992)
Victory - BBC (MP-1959, MP-1965); NBC University Theater; Unmade Movies (BBC, 2015)
*Warriors from Loanda, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
Warriors Soul, The - BBC (1947)
Youth - BBC (1951); General Mills Radio Adventure Theater; NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels
Boomerang - Beyond Midnight (as "Borneo"); Blue Hours Productions
Cooper, Giles Stannus (1918-1966)
Mathry Beacon - National Radio Theater
Cooper, James Fenimore (1789-1851)
Deerslayer, The - Destiny Trails; Independent Production
Last of the Mohicans, The - BBC (MP-1990, SPH-1990, CS-1995, 2005); General Mills Radio Adventure Theater; Independent Production; NBC University of the Air: The World's Great Novels
Pathfinder, The - Destiny Trails
Pilot, The - NBC University of the Air: American Novels
Pioneers, The - Destiny Trails
Prairie, The - Destiny Trails
Spy, The - Cavalcade of America (as "Enoch Crosby, The Spy"); Family Theatre
See also the plot archives for: Arthur Hopkins Presents; Cloak and Dagger; Lights Out; Quiet, Please; and WHitehall-1212
Armistice Day Reunion - Empire Builders
Thing on the Fourble Board, The - Audion Theatre; Quiet, Please
Three Men - Lights Out!; Radio City Playhouse
Invitation to the Vaults - Fear on 4
Janissaries of Emilion, The - Beyond Midnight (as "The Dream")
Le Cid - Great Plays (x2)
See also the plot archives for: 26 by Corwin, An American in England, Columbia Workshop, Columbia Presents Corwin; Six by Corwin; This Is War
Ann Rutledge and Lincoln - Cavalcade Of America (x2) (also as "The Girl Lincoln Loved")
Between Americans - Gulf Screen Guild Theatre
Curse Of 589, The - National Radio Theater
Fourteen August, A Message for the Day of Victory - Columbia Presents Corwin; Same Time, Same Station
Moat Farm Murder, The - Mercury Summer Theatre of the Air
No Love Lost - NPR
Our Lady Of The Freedoms and Some Of Her Friends - NPR
Plot to Overthrow Christmas, The - Columbia Workshop; This is My Best; Words without Music
Secretariat, The - NPR
We Hold These Truths - American Public Radio; Columbia Workshop
Writer With The Lame Left Hand, The - NPR
Derelict - Seeing Ear Theatre
Every Detail but One - Fear on 4
Green and Pleasant - Fear on 4
Journey Home, The - Fear on 4
Counselman, Mary Elizabeth (1911-1995)
Kellerman's Eyepiece - Mindwebs
Smiling Face, The - Beyond Midnight (as "Vulture People")
Bittersweet - Chicago Theatre of the Air; Palmolive Beauty Box Theatre
Blithe Spirit - BBC (SNT-1956, MP-1972, AT-1983, SP-2008, AP-2014); Christmas Spirits (BBC, 1990); Everything for the Boys; NBC Presents: Best Plays; Theatre Guild on the Air
Blithe Spy - BBC (SP-2002, SP-2004)
Bon Voyage - BBC (MWT-1975, AT-1977, AT-1989)
Brief Encounter - Academy Award Theater; BBC (MP-1947, SNT-1958, TP-1958, MWT-1963, AT-1963, AT-1964, AT-1983, AT-1994, MP-1994); Hollywood Sound Stage; Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players
Bullet at Balmain's, A - BBC (SP-2003)
Cavalcade - BBC (1940, SNT-1947); Lux Radio Theatre
Conversation Piece - Lux Radio Theatre
Death at the Desert Inn - BBC (SP-2004, SP-2007)
Design for Living - BBC (MP-1976, AT-1977, 1983, SUP-1991)
Design for Murder - BBC (MWT-1963, SP-2000)
Easy Virtue - BBC (SUP-1999)
Fallen Angels - BBC (AT-1973, AT-1976)
Family Album - BBC (MWT-1965, 2000)
Family Racket - BBC (1940)
Fumed Oak - BBC (2000)
Hands across the Sea - BBC (1939)
Hay Fever - BBC (SNT-1952, SNT-1971, 1983, SPH-1992, AT-1993); Studio One; Theatre U.S.A.
In Which We Serve - Lux Radio Theatre; Treasury Star Parade
Kindness of Mrs Radcliffe, The - BBC (SM-1951)
Libby Morris and John Rowe - BBC (AT-1977)
Mad Dogs and Englishmen - BBC
Marquise, The - BBC (SNT-1958, SNT-1970)
Nude with Violin - BBC (SNT-1970)
Our Man in Jamaica - BBC (SP-2007)
Peace in Our Time - BBC (SNT-1947)
Post Mortem - BBC (AT-1976, TMT-1976, AP-1985)
Present Laughter - BBC (MP-1956, AT-1974, MP-1974, MP-1977, SNT-1979, AT-1989, SP-2013, SP-2015)
Pretty Polly Barlow - BBC (MWT-1975, AT-1977, AT-1989)
Private Lives - BBC (MP-1958, SNT-1969, SNT-1975, AT-1979, 1983, 1985, MP-1995, SP-2010); Campbell Playhouse; Gulf Screen Guild Theatre
Quadrille - BBC (SNT-1965, AT-1965, SP-1971)
Queen Was in the Parlour, The - BBC (SNT-1958)
Red Peppers - BBC (1940, TP-1958)
Relative Values - BBC (SNT-1976)
Song at Twilight, A - BBC (AT-1988, SNT-1989)
South Sea Bubble - BBC (MP-1948, SNT-1980)
Star Chamber - BBC (1940, 1941)
Star Quality - BBC (MWT-1975, AT-1975, AT-1977, AT-1989)
Still Life - Theatre Guild on the Air
This Happy Breed - BBC (SNT-1951, AT-1989)
Tonight at 8.30 - NBC Presents: Best Plays
Vortex, The - BBC (MP-1958, SNT-1967, AT-1975, MP-1975, AT-1993, SUP-2000)
Waiting in the Wings - BBC (AT-1973, SNT-1990)
Ways and Means - BBC (1955, AT-1990)
We Were Dancing - Gulf Screen Guild Theatre
Cox, Anthony Berkeley (1893-1971)
Before the Fact - BBC (SP-2013)
Little Stranger, A - Seeing Ear Theatre (as part of the "Tales from the Crypt" mini-series)
Cozzens, James Gould (1903-1978)
S.S. San Pedro - Columbia Workshop; Escape
Cynara - Lux Radio Theatre
Love Affair - Lux Radio Theatre (x2)
Miracle on the Blotter, A - Hallmark Playhouse
Promise, The - Hallmark Playhouse
Time Found Again - CBS Radio Workshop
Blue Hotel, The - Escape (lost); Something's Happening (KPFK)
Open Boat, The - Escape
Red Badge of Courage, The - Columbia Workshop; General Mills Radio Adventure Theater; Mind's Eye; NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels; NBC University Theater; Studio One
Crawford, F. Marion (1854-1909)
Upper Berth, The - Beyond Midnight (as "All at Sea")
Screaming Skull, The - Theatre 10.30
Moondial - BBC (AP-2001, AP-2003)
Crofts, Freeman Wills (1879-1957)
Level Crossing - Radio City Playhouse
Croft-Cooke, Rupert (1903-1979)
Banquo's Chair - Suspense (x3); Sleep No More
Citadel, The - Campbell Playhouse; Everything for the Boys; Hallmark Playhouse; MGM Theatre of the Air; Theatre of Romance
Green Years, The - Lux Radio Theatre (x2)
Keys of the Kingdom, The - Academy Award Theater; Lux Radio Theatre
Vigil in the Night - Lux Radio Theatre
Esmeralda - Haunted
Glass Eye, The - Favorite Story
Susan and God - NBC Presents: Best Plays
Collector's Item - Radio City Playhouse
Man from the South - Blue Hours Productions
Poison - Escape
Skin - Vanishing Point
Sound Machine, The - Mindwebs
William and Mary - Fear on 4; Price of Fear
2004 - BBC (1995)
Before the Screaming Begins - Saturday Night Theatre (BBC, 1978)
Children of Witchwood, The - BBC (2005)
Nightmare World - BBC (1983) [title not confirmed]
Silent Scream, The - BBC (1978)
Timeslip - BBC (1983)
With a Whimper to the Grave - BBC (1979); Flames (BBC, 2002)
Yesterday's Dreams - BBC (1983) [title not confirmed]
Dana, Jr., Richard Henry (1815-1882)
Two Years before the Mast - Adventure Ahead; Hallmark Playhouse; Lux Radio Theatre
Bill of Divorcement, A - Arthur Hopkins Presents; Theatre Guild on the Air
Broome Stages - Campbell Playhouse
Sidewalks of London, The - Lux Radio Theatre
Vacation from Marriage - Lux Radio Theatre
Martians Never Die - Tales of Tomorrow
Winter Housekeeping - Mindwebs
Black Canoes - Seeing Ear Theatre
Dry, Quiet War, A - Seeing Ear Theatre
Elevator and a Pole, An - Seeing Ear Theatre
Marilyn - Seeing Ear Theatre (as "Marilyn or the Monster")
Tank and Its Wife, The - Mindwebs
Grantha Sighting, The - Sci-Fi Radio
Or All the Seas with Oysters - Mindwebs
Sight Unseen - CBC Mystery Theater
Day, James Wentworth (1899-1983)
Club of Dead Men, The - Nightfall
Black Sheep, The - BBC R4 (Classic Serial 2008)
Colonel Chabert, The - (Le Colonel Chabert) - BBC Home Service (1952); CBS Radio Mystery Theater
*Countess, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
Cousin Bette: The Poor Relation - BBC R4 (Afternoon Theatre 1971, Classic Serial 2000)
Cousin Pons - BBC R4 (1978)
Declared Insane - (L'interdiction) - Weird Circle
Episode of the Terror, An - (Un épisode sous la Terreur) - BBC Home Service (1946 as "The Unknown One", 1955 as "Under the Terror"); CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "Episode of the Terror"); Favorite Story (as "In the Time of the Terror")
Eugenie Grandet - BBC R4 (Afternoon Theatre 1974)
Executioner, The - (El Verdugo) - BBC R4 (1976 as "The Executioner"); Weird Circle
Generation of Vipers - (La Rabouilleuse) - BBC R4 (Afternoon Theatre 1973)
Grande Bretèche, La - BBC R4 (1968 as "The Manor House of Bretèche", 1993 as "The Mysterious Mansion"); CBS Radio Workshop; Mind's Eye; Nightfall (as "The Cruel Husband"); Theatre Royal; Weird Circle (as "The Niche of Doom")
Inheritance, The - (Ursule Mirouet) - BBC R4 (1980)
Magic Skin, The - (La Peau de Chagrin) - BBC R4 (1972 as "The Wild Ass's Skin"); Witch's Tale
Man from the Shadows - BBC R4 (Morning Story 1982)
_Niche of Doom, The - see "Grande Bretèche, La"
Pere Goriot - (Le Père Goriot) - BBC Home Service (1964 as "Old Goriot"); BBC R4 (Classic Serial 1992); NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels; NBC University Theater
Passion in the Desert, A - (Une passion dans le désert) - Radio City Playhouse; Weird Circle
Purse, The - (La Bourse) - Theatre Royal
Red Inn, The - (L'auberge Rouge) - BBC Home Service (1950)
Screech Owls, The - BBC R4 (1986)
Shady Business, A - (Une Ténébreuse Affaire) - BBC R4 (Afternoon Theatre 1975)
*Strange Judgement, The - Weird Circle [author not confirmed] (original title = ??)
Vendetta, The - (La Vendetta) - Weird Circle
de Camp, L. Sprague (1907-2000)
Gun for Dinosaur, A - Future Tense (as "Imbalance of Species, An"); X Minus One
Giant in the Meadow, The - Cavalcade of America
Mystery of the Spotted Death, The - Cavalcade of America
Why Let Them Live? - Columbia Workshop (as "A Matter of Life and Death")
de la Mare, Walter (1873-1956)
All Hallows - Black Mass; Ghost Stories of Walter de la Mare (BBC, 2010)
Almond Tree, The - Ghost Stories of Walter de la Mare (BBC, 2010)
Crewe - Ghost Stories of Walter de la Mare (BBC, 2010)
Recluse, A - Ghost Stories of Walter de la Mare (BBC, 2010)
Seaton's Aunt - Ghost Stories of Walter de la Mare (BBC, 2010)
de Saint-Exupéry, Antoine (1900-1944)
Flight to Arras - (Pilote de guerre) - Author's Playhouse; Columbia Workshop
Little Prince, The - (Le Petit Prince) - CBS Radio Workshop
Mark of the Plague, The - Weird Circle (original title = "A Journal of the Plague Year" ??)
Robinson Crusoe - Adventure Ahead; Afternoon Play (BBC, 2004); Classic Serial (BBC, 1998)
deFord, Miriam Allen (1888-1975)
Eel, The - Mindwebs
Helen O'Loy - Mindwebs
Corona - Chillers (BBC, 2002)
Ladies in Retirement - Lux Radio Theatre; Mollé Mystery Theatre; NBC Presents: Best Plays; Theatre Guild on the Air
Colonel Markesan - Blue Hours Productions (as "Markesan")
Mrs Manifold - Beyond Midnight (as "Madeira Wine")
Return of Andrew Bentley, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "Shadows from the Grave")
Builder, The - Mindwebs
Colony - X Minus One
Defenders, The - Future Tense; X Minus One
Impostor - Mindwebs; Sci-Fi Radio
Preserving Machine, The - 2000x, Mindwebs
Sales Pitch - Sci-Fi Radio
War Game - Exploring Tomorrow
We Can Remember It for You Wholesale - BBC (1997)
Bagman's Story, The - BBC (1963); We Know a Story
Barnaby Rudge - George Edwards Players
_Baron of Grogzwig, The - see "Nicholas Nickleby"
Bleak House - BBC (CS-1982, 1998); George Edwards Players
Bride's Chamber, The - BBC (AP-2004)
Case of Bardell vs Pickwick, The - (selection from "The Pickwick Papers") - Theatre Royal
Christmas Carol, A - BBC (1931, 1949, 1950, AT-1972); Caltex Theatre (as "Scrooge, The Miser"); Campbell Playhouse (x2); CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Christmas Spirits (BBC, 1990); Favorite Story; Globe Theatre; Hallmark Hall of Fame (x2); Hallmark Playhouse; MGM Theatre of the Air; Richard Diamond, Private Detective (x2); Theatre Royal
David Copperfield - BBC (2003); Favorite Story (an impression of); Mind's Eye; Theatre Guild on the Air; Theatre Royal (a selection from, as "Mr Micawber's Difficulties")
Dr Manette's Manuscript - (selection from "A Tale of Two Cities") - Weird Circle
Dombey and Son - BBC (2003)
Goblins Who Stole a Sexton, The - Mysterious Circumstances
Great Expectations - BBC (1948, 1991, 2006); Favorite Story; George Edwards Players; Hallmark Playhouse; Lux Radio Theatre (x2); Mind's Eye; NBC University Theater; Theatre Guild on the Air
Haunted Man and the Ghost's Bargain, The - Christmas Spirits (BBC, 1990); NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels (as "The Haunted Man")
House to Let, A - BBC (2006)
Hunted Down - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Martin Chuzzlewit - BBC (CS-1987)
_Mr Micawber's Difficulties - see "David Copperfield"
Mrs Lirriper - BBC (CS-2007)
Mystery of Edwin Drood, The - BBC (2003); Suspense
Nicholas Nickleby - BBC (1999); NBC University Theater (as "The Baron of Grogzwig")
No Thoroughfare - BBC (SNT-1964)
Old Curiosity Shop, The - BBC (1996)
Old Man's Tale about the Queer Client, The - Weird Circle (as "The Queer Client")
Oliver Twist - BBC (1994, 1952); Favorite Story; General Mills Radio Adventure Theater (as "The Adventures of Oliver"); Mercury Theatre on the Air; Mind's Eye
Our Mutual Friend - BBC (CS-1984, CS-1998)
Pickwick Papers, The - BBC (CS-1987); Mercury Theatre on the Air; NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels (as "The Christmas Chapters"); NBC University Theater
_Queer Client, The - see "Old Man's Tale about the Queer Client"
Signal-Man, The - Beyond Midnight (as "The Train"); CBC Mystery Theater; Columbia Workshop; The Creaking Door (as "Who Stopped the Train?"); Hall of Fantasy (lost); Lights Out; NBC Presents: Short Story (as "The Thing in the Tunnel"); Nightfall; Seeing Ear Theatre; Sleep No More (lost); Suspense (x3); Weird Circle (as "The Thing in the Tunnel")
Sydney Carton - (selection from "A Tale of Two Cities") - Theatre Royal
Tale of Two Cities, A - BBC (CS-1989, 2004, CS-2005, 2011); Family Theatre; Lux Radio Theatre (x3); Mercury Theatre on the Air; MGM Theatre of the Air; National Radio Theater; NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels; Tell It Again; Theatre Royal (as "Sydney Carton")
_Thing in the Tunnel, The - see "Signal-Man, The"
Trial for Murder, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "Trial for Murder"); Weird Circle
_Who Stopped the Train - see "Signal-Man, The"
Dickson, Gordon R. (1923-2001)
Alien, The - Exploring Tomorrow
Computers Don't Argue - Mindwebs
Lulungomeena - X Minus One
Man from Earth, The - Mindwebs
Telepaths - Exploring Tomorrow
Descending - Mindwebs
Number You Have Reached, The - Mindwebs
Squirrel Cage, The - Mindwebs
Divine, Arthur Durham (1904-1987)
Flood on the Goodwins - Escape (x2); Suspense
Something for Nothing - Escape
Two of a Kind - Author's Playhouse (original title = "Trapped" ??)
Outer Limit, The - Beyond This World; Beyond Tomorrow; Dimension X (x2); Escape; Suspense (x2); X Minus One
Drinks Before Dinner - BBC (1983)
Jenny: The Bus That Nobody Loved - Columbia Workshop
Corpse Light, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Haunted Mill")
Manhattan Transfer - NBC University Theater
Number One - NBC University Theater
Three Soldiers - NBC University Theater
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor (1821-1888)
Brothers Karamazov, The - Afternoon Play (BBC, 1989); NBC University of the Air: The World's Great Novels
Crime and Punishment - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "Scenes from a Murder"); Classic Serial (BBC, 2000); Mystery in the Air; NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels
Dream of a Ridiculous Man, The - (Сон смешного человека) - Tales from the Shadows
Gambler, The - NBC University Theater
Idiot, The - Classic Serial (BBC, 2002)
Judgement, The - Theatre Royal (x2)
Only Bird in Her Name, The - 2000x
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan (1859-1930)
Beetle Hunter, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "Never Answer an Advertisement")
Black Doctor, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "Doctor Eduardo")
_Black Door, The - see "Sealed Room, The"
_Black Sheep and the Captain, The - see "Winning Shot, The"
Brown Hand, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Dagger of Almohades")
*Cabinet of the Unsolved, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
Captain of the Pole-Star, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Darker Side of the Border (BBC, 2009)
_Dagger of Almohades, The - see "Brown Hand, The"
_Doctor Eduardo - see "Black Doctor, The"
Lost Special, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "Mysterious Rochdale Special"); Escape; Nightfall; Suspense
_Mysterious Rochdale Special - see "Lost Special, The"
_Never Answer an Advertisement - see "Beetle Hunter, The"
New Catacomb, The - Mysterious Circumstances (1958)
Parasite, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Poison Belt, The - BBC (1944, 1949)
Ring of Thoth, The - Escape
Sealed Room, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Black Door")
Winning Shot, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Black Sheep and the Captain")
Selected Professor Challenger
Disintegration Machine, The - BBC (2013)
Lost World, The - Alien Voices; BBC (HS-1944, LP-1949, HS-1952, 1975, 2011)
When the World Screamed - BBC (2011)
Selected Sherlock Holmes
Adventure of Charles Augustus Milverton, The - BBC (as "Charles Augustus")
Adventure of Shoshcombe Old Place, The - Story Time (BBC, 1977)
Adventure of the Beryl Coronet, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Adventure of the Blanched Soldier, The - BBC (as "The Blanched Soldier")
Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Adventure of the Bruce-Partington Plans, The - BBC (as "The Bruce-Partington Plans")
Adventure of the Devil's Foot, The - BBC (as "The Devil's Foot"); Theatre 10.30 (as "Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Devil's Foot")
Adventure of the Dying Detective, The - Story Time (BBC, 1976) (as "The Dying Detective")
Adventure of the Empty House, The - BBC (as "The Empty House")
Adventure of the Engineer's Thumb, The - BBC (as "The Engineer")
Adventure of the Gloria Scott, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Gloria Scott")
Adventure of the Golden Pince-Nez, The - BBC (as "The Golden Pince-Nez")
Adventure of the Greek Interpreter, The - BBC; Story Time (BBC, 1976) (both as "The Greek Interpreter")
Adventure of the Mazarin Stone, The - BBC (1954) (as "The Mazarin Stone")
Adventure of the Missing Three-Quarter, The - BBC (as "The Missing Three-Quarter")
Adventure of the Musgrave Ritual, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Musgrave Ritual")
Adventure of the Noble Bachelor, The - CBC Mystery Theater (1966)
Adventure of the Red-Headed League, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Story Time (BBC, 1977)
Adventure of the Reigate Squire, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Reigate Mystery")
Adventure of the Six Napoleons, The - BBC; Story Time (BBC, 1977)
Adventure of the Speckled Band, The - BBC (1945); CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Boscombe Valley Mystery, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Boscombe Pool Mystery")
Case of Identity, A - Story Time (BBC, 1976)
Disappearance of Lady Frances Carfax, The - BBC (as "The Disappearance of Lady Carfax")
Final Problem, The - BBC, Story Time (BBC, 1976)
Five Orange Pips, The - Story Time (BBC, 1977)
Hound of the Baskervilles, The - BBC (1958, 1988; 1998); CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Independent Production (1993); Mind's Eye; Picadilly Radio (1982)
Scandal in Bohemia, A - CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Story Time (BBC, 1976)
Sign of the Four, The - (The Sign of Four) - BBC (1959, 1989, 1991); CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Classic Serial (BBC, 1989)
Study in Scarlett, A - BBC (1989, 1991); CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Classic Serial (BBC, 1989)
Valley of Fear, The - Afternoon Play (BBC, 1986); BBC (1997)
Inspired by Arthur Conan Doyle and Sherlock Holmes
Immortal Sherlock Holmes, The - Mercury Theatre on the Air
Seven Percent Solution, The - BBC (1993)
Sherlock Holmes - BBC (1960); National Radio Theater
*Vanishing Herd, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
See also the many Sherlock Holmes series that are not detailed on this site:
Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, The [1930-1936]
Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, The [1949-1950]
Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, The [BBC, 1955]
BBC Presents Sherlock Holmes, The [BBC, 1952-1962]
BBC Presents: Sherlock Holmes, The [BBC, 1989-2002]
Casebook of Sherlock Holmes, The [BBC, 1994]
Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, The [Jim French, 1998-?]
Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, The [BBC 2002]
Memoires of Sherlock Holmes, The [BBC, 1992]
Mis-Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, The [2000]
New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, The [1945-1947]
Newly Discovered Casebook of Sherlock, The Holmes [BBC, 1999]
Return of Sherlock Holmes, The [BBC, 1993]
Sherlock Holmes [1947-1948]
Sherlock Holmes [1954-1955]
Sherlock Holmes [BBC, 1967]
Sherlock Holmes [BBC, 1978]
Sherlock Holmes: His Final Bow [BBC, 1994]
Shelock Holmes Investigates [BBC, 1992]
Unopened Casebook of Sherlock Holmes, The [BBC, 1993]
... and they keep coming faster than I can type!
Dream at Noonday, A - Mindwebs
American Tragedy, An - NBC University Theater
Free - NBC University of the Air: The World's Great Novels
My Gal Sal - Lux Radio Theatre
Sister Carrie - NBC University Theater
Abraham Lincoln - Mercury Theatre on the Air
Man's House, A - Columbia Workshop
Oliver Cromwell - Great Plays
Robert E. Lee - Great Plays
All for Love - 2000x
du Maurier, Daphne (1907-1989)
Birds, The - Escape; Lux Radio Theatre
Frenchman's Creek - Lux Radio Theatre; Thirty Minute Theatre (BBC, 1989)
Jamaica Inn - BBC (1976); Book at Bedtime (BBC, 2010); Classic Serial (BBC, 1994); Mind's Eye
Little Photographer, The - BBC (2003)
My Cousin Rachel - BBC (2007); Lux Radio Theatre
Rebecca - BBC (1976, 1989); Campbell Playhouse; Lux Radio Theatre (x2); Vick's Matinee Theatre
Slpit Second - Vanishing Point
du Maurier, George (1834-1896)
Peter Ibbetson - Campbell Playhouse; Favorite Story; NBC University Theater
Trilby - CBS Radio Mystery Theater; George Edwards Players; Railroad Hour
Dumas, Alexandre, pere (1802-1870)
Corsican Brothers, The - George Edwards Players; Theatre of Romance
Count of Monte Cristo, The - (Le Comte de Monte-Cristo) - BBC (1979, 1999, 2010); Campbell Playhouse; Lux Radio Theatre; Mercury Summer Theatre of the Air; Mercury Theatre on the Air; NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels
_Duel without Honor, The - see "Zodomirsky's Duel"
Man in the Iron Mask - General Mills Radio Adventure Theater; George Edwards Players
_Physician of the Dead, The - see "Solange: Dr Ledru's Story of the Reign of Terror"
_Second Shot, The - see "Zodomirsky's Duel"
Solange: Dr Ledru's Story of the Reign of Terror - Mille-et-un fantômes: Une Journeé à Fontenay-aux-Roses - Witch's Tale (as "The Physician of the Dead")
Son of Porthos - George Edwards Players
Three Musketeers, The - Favorite Story
Two Lives Have I - George Edwards Players (title not confirmed)
Zodomirsky's Duel - CBC Mystery Theater (as "The Duel"); Escape (as "The Second Shot"); Theatre Royal; NBC Presents: Short Story (as "The Duel without Honor"); Weird Circle (as "The Duel without Honor")
Dumas, Alexandre, fils (1824-1895)
Lady of the Camellias, The - (La Dame aux Camélias) - Great Plays (as "Camille"); National Radio Theater; NBC Presents: Best Plays (as "Camille"); Theatre Guild on the Air (as "Camille")
Consanguinity - Beyond Midnight (as "The Honeymooners")
Charm Against Thirst, The - Black Mass (as part of "Six Tales by Lord Dunsany")
Charon - Black Mass (as part of "Six Tales by Lord Dunsany"); Tales from the Shadows
Dream of King Karna-Vootra, The - Black Mass (as part of "Six Tales by Lord Dunsany")
Gods of the Mountain, The - Columbia Workshop
How the Enemy Came upon Thlunrana - Black Mass (as part of "Six Tales by Lord Dunsany")
Lobster Salad - Black Mass (as part of "Six Tales by Lord Dunsany"); Tales from the Shadows
Night at an Inn, A - Columbia Workshop
Use of Man, The - Columbia Workshop
Witch of the Willows, The - Black Mass; Tales from the Shadows
Workman, The - Black Mass (as part of "Six Tales by Lord Dunsany")
Arrived Safe, Writing Later - BBC (1988)
Fat Andy - Fear on 4
Durbridge, Francis (1912-1998)
Alex Affair, The - Paul Temple, Detective
Lawrence Affair, The - Paul Temple, Detective
Margo Mystery, The - Paul Temple, Detective
Spencer Affair, The - Paul Temple, Detective
What Do You Think? - Mysterious Circumstances (1962)
Dürrenmatt, Friedrich (1921-1990)
Incident at Twilight - National Radio Theater
Das Unternehmen der Wega - 2000x (as "The Mission of the Vega"); BBC (as "Operation Vega")
Physicists, The - BBC
Maze, The - Mindwebs
The Nostalginauts - Seeing Ear Theatre
Exhibition, The - Mindwebs
Edmonds, Walter D. (1903-1998)
Arrival of the Lily Bean, The - A Selection from "Young Ames" - Adventure Ahead (lost)
Drums along the Mohawk - Cavalcade Of America; Hallmark Playhouse
_Farmer Takes a Wife, The - see "Rome Haul"
Rome Haul - Arthur Hopkins Presents (as "The Farmer Takes a Wife"); Cavalcade Of America; NBC Presents: Best Plays (as "The Farmer Takes a Wife"); Theatre Guild on the Air (as "The Farmer Takes a Wife")
Edwards, Amelia B. (1831-1892)
Four-Fifteen Express, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Weird Circle
Mrs Lirriper - Classic Serial (BBC, 2007), contributor
Phantom Coach, The - Beyond Midnight
Graysons: A Story of Illinois, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Abraham Lincoln Murder Trial")
Hoosier Schoolmaster, The - NBC University of the Air: American Novels; Tell It Again
Adam Bede - BBC (2004)
Alias - BBC (2005)
Daniel Deronda - Classic Serial (BBC, 1999)
Lifted Veil, The - Weird Circle
Middlemarch - BBC (2005)
Mill on the Floss, The - Classic Serial (BBC, 1991); NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels
Silas Marner - NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels
Burnt Norton - Columbia Workshop
Little Gidding - Columbia Workshop
Murder in the Cathedral - Columbia Workshop
Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats - BBC (1993)
Family, The - Haunted
Speciality of the House, The - Beyond Midnight ?; Fear on 4; Price of Fear (as "Speciality of the House")
Family, The - Haunted
Boy and His Dog, A - BBC
I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream - Chillers (BBC, 2002)
Paingod - Mindwebs
'Repent, Harlequin!' Said the Ticktockman - 2000x; Mindwebs
Wanted in Surgery - Seeing Ear Theatre; SF 68
Babouk - Columbia Workshop
Engelhardt, Frederick
See L. Ron Hubbard
Escape - Sleep No More
Ervine, St John G. (1883-1971)
Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary - Theatre Guild on the Air
Bacchae, The - National Radio Theater
_Gift of Doom, The - see "Medea"
Medea - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Gift of Doom"); National Radio Theater
Trojan Women, The - Columbia Workshop; Great Plays
Natural History of Nonsense, The - Columbia Workshop
Figures - Spine Chillers (BBC, 1984)
Tapping - Fear on 4
Woman in Gray, The - Sleep No More
Moonfleet - BBC (1988)
Farmer, Philip José (1918-2009)
King of the Beasts, The - Mindwebs
Beaux' Strategem, The - National Radio Theater
Cephes 5 - Mindwebs
My Friend Merton - Author's Playhouse
Honor - NBC Presents: Short Story
Wild Palms, The - NBC University Theater (x2)
Big Clock, The - Lux Radio Theatr; Zero Hour (as "Desperate Witness")
April 25th, As Usual - Hallmark Playhouse
Cimarron - Cavalcade Of America; Hallmark Playhouse; Lux Radio Theatre
Come and Get It - Lux Radio Theatre;
Dinner at Eight - Campbell Playhouse
Farmer in the Dell - Hallmark Playhouse
Minick - Hallmark Playhouse (as "Old Man Minick")
_Old Man Minick - see "Minick"
Royal Family, The - Theatre Guild on the Air
Saratoga Trunk - Lux Radio Theatre
Show Boat - Campbell Playhouse; Cavalcade Of America; Lux Radio Theatre (x2); Railroad Hour (x2)
So Big - Hallmark Playhouse; Lux Radio Theatre (x2); Studio One
Stage Door - Lux Radio Theatre; Theatre of Romance
Breaking Point - Nightfall
Dark Side of the Mind - Nightfall
Where Do We Go From Here? - Nightfall
Man in the Black Hat, The - Sleep No More
Over the Hill - Sleep No More
_Jonathan Wild - see "Life and Death of Jonathan Wild, The Great, The"
Joseph Andrews - BBC (1987)
Life and Death of Jonathan Wild, The Great, The - NBC University Theater (as "Jonathan Wild")
Tom Jones - NBC University Theater
After the Movies - Suspense (x2)
Babylon Revisited - NBC University Theater
I'm Scared - Sci-Fi Radio
Third Level, The - Mindwebs
Beau Brummel - Lux Radio Theatre
Captain Jinks of the Horse Marines - Great Plays
Climbers, The - Great Plays
Fitzgerald, F. Scott (1896-1940)
Absolution - National Radio Theater (as part of "The World of F. Scott Fitzgerald")
Babylon Revisited - NBC University Theater
Crazy Sunday - NBC Presents: Short Story
Diamond as Big as the Ritz, The - Escape (x3)
Emotional Bankruptcy - National Radio Theater (as part of "The World of F. Scott Fitzgerald")
Family in the Wind - National Radio Theater (as part of "The World of F. Scott Fitzgerald")
Financing Finnegan - National Radio Theater (as part of "The World of F. Scott Fitzgerald")
Last Tycoon, The - BBC (2013); Studio One (x2)
Off-Shore Pirate, The - Romance; National Radio Theater (as part of "The World of F. Scott Fitzgerald")
One Trip Abroad - National Radio Theater (as part of "The World of F. Scott Fitzgerald")
Lost Decade, The - National Radio Theater (as part of "The World of F. Scott Fitzgerald")
Tender is the Night - Afternoon Play (BBC, 2003)
This Side of Paradise - NBC University Theater
Winter Dreams - National Radio Theater (as part of "The World of F. Scott Fitzgerald")
Madame Bovary - BBC (2006); Ford Theatre; NBC University Theater; NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels
Flecker, James Elroy (1884-1915)
Hassan - Columbia Workshop
Alf, the All-American Fly - Columbia Workshop
Bad Dreams - Clock [author not confirmed]
Dark Journey - Suspense
Diary of Sophronia Winters, The - Suspense (x3)
Fugue in C-Minor - Audion Theatre; Blue Hours Productions, Grip of Terror; Suspense
Furnished Floor, The - Suspense
Hitchhiker, The - CBC Mystery Theatre; Mercury Summer Theatre of the Air; Suspense
Hitchhiking Corpse, The - Inner Sanctum Mysteries [author not confirmed]
Man with the One-Track Mind, The - Columbia Workshop
My Client Curley - Columbia Workshop; Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players
Night Man - Suspense (x2); Suspense (as "The Night Man")
Remodeled Brownstone - Columbia Workshop
Search for Henri Lefevre, The - Audion Theatre; The Grip of Terror; Mercury Summer Theatre of the Air; Suspense
Someone Else - Columbia Workshop
Sorry, Wrong Number - National Radio Theater; Seeing Ear Theatre, Suspense (x6)
Thing in the Window, The - Suspense (x2)
Bionic Blob, The - BBC
Destruction Factor, The - BBC (1978, 2005)
Doppelganger Machine, The - BBC (1974)
Earthsearch - BBC (1981)
Earthsearch II - BBC (1982)
Ice - BBC (1986)
Light of a Thousand Suns, The - BBC (1974)
Return, The - BBC
Speculator Sport - Afternoon Theatre (BBC, 1974)
Children's Eyes - Vanishing Point
Forbes, Deloris Florine Stanton (1923-2013)
But I Wouldn't Want to Die There - Zero Hour
Die in the Country, A - Zero Hour
If Two of Them Are Dead - Zero Hour
I Remember Mama - Lux Radio Theatre
African Queen, The - Afternoon Play (BBC, 2001)
Captain Horatio Hornblower - BBC (1968, as "The Hornblower Story"); Lux Radio Theater; Radio Luxembourg (as "Horatio Hornblower"), produced by Harry Alan Towers
Payment Deferred - Theatre Guild on the Air (x2)
Plain Murder - Afternoon Play (BBC, 1999)
Celestial Omnibus, The - CBS Radio Workshop
Howard's End - NBC University Theater
Machine Stops, The - 2000x; Afternoon Play (BBC, 2001)
Passage to India, A - NBC University Theater
Room with a View, A - BBC (2004)
Fowles, John Robert (1926-2005)
French Lieutenant's Woman, The - BBC (2006)
Crime of Sylvestre Bonnard, The - (Le Crime de Sylvestre Bonnard) - NBC University Theater; NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels
Juggler of Notre Dame, The - Gulf Screen Guild Theatre
Juggler of Our Lady, The - Gulf Screen Guild Theatre; Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players
Man Who Married a Dumb Wife, The - (La Comédie de celui qui épousa une femme muette) - Favorite Story
Francis, William ( - )
Too Far Gone - Columbia Workshop (as "Highboy")
Willow Cabin, The - NBC New Theater
Another Language - NBC Presents: Best Plays
Claudia - Independent Production
Made for Each Other - Lux Radio Theatre
Evalu - Vanishing Point
Glaze of Perfect Beauty, A - Nightfall
Teddy - Nightfall
Fritch, Charles E. (1927-2012)
Castaway, The - Mindwebs
*Crystal Gazer, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
*Dangerous Memory - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
*Diogenes, Inc - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
_Great Brain, The - see "Problem of Cell 13, The"
*Master Minds, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
*Murder on the Space Shuttle - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
Problem of Cell 13, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Great Brain")
*Raft, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
*Revenge Is Not Sweet - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
*Secret of the Fifth Bell, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
Monkey and the Lady - Mindwebs
Murder Mysteries - Seeing Ear Theatre
Snow, Glass, Apples - Seeing Ear Theatre
Murder of the Little Pig, The - Weird Circle [author not confirmed]
Evening - Sleep No More [title not confirmed - same as "Evening Clothes" ??]
Alternative to Suicide, An - BBC (1979)
Babylon Run, The - BBC (as part of "The Steve Gallagher Trilogy") (1979)
By the River, Fontainebleau - BBC (1988); Fear on 4
Chimera - BBC (1985)
Horn, The - BBC (1989); Fear on 4
Humane Solution, The - BBC (1993)
Hunters' Moon - BBC (as part of "The Steve Gallagher Trilogy") (1978)
Kingston File, The - BBC (1987)
Last Rose of Summer, The - BBC (as part of "The Steve Gallagher Trilogy") (1977)
Life Line - BBC (1993); Fear on 4
Resistance to Pressure, A - BBC (1979)
Visitors' Book, The - BBC (1992)
Clock, The - Lux Radio Theatre
Expense Account - Author's Playhouse
Pride of the Yankees, The - Lux Radio Theatre
Snow Goose - London Playhouse; Theatre Royal
Tightwad - Author's Playhouse
'Twas the Night Before Christmas - Radio City Playhouse
Galouye, Daniel F. (1920-1976)
Shock Troop - X Minus One
Apple Tree, The - Lady Esther Presents Orson Welles; Mercury Summer Theatre of the Air; NBC Presents: Short Story; Romance
Escape - Arthur Hopkins Presents; Campbell Playhouse; Columbia Workshop; Theatre Guild on the Air
First and the Last, The - Radio City Playhouse
Forsyte Chronicles, The - BBC (2004)
Justice - Arthur Hopkins Presents; Great Plays; NBC University Theater
Mob, The - BBC (2004)
Old English - Theatre Guild on the Air
Patrician, The - NBC University Theater
Elidor - BBC (2011)
Best Policy, The - Exploring Tomorrow (lost)
Look Out! Duck! - Exploring Tomorrow (lost)
Hunting Lodge, The - Exploring Tomorrow
Sound Decision - Exploring Tomorrow
Space Baby, The - Exploring Tomorrow
With All the Trappings - Exploring Tomorrow (lost)
Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn (1810-1865)
Cranford - NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels
House to Let, A - BBC (2006)
Mrs Lirriper - Classic Serial (BBC, 2007), contributor
Old Nurse's Story, The - Weird Circle
Gautier, Théophile (1811-1872)
_Evil Eye, The - see "Jettatura"
Jettatura - Weird Circle (as "The Evil Eye")
*Possessive Dead, The - Weird Circle (original title = ??)
Spirite - Afternoon Play (BBC, 1998)
Infinity of Loving, An - Mindwebs
Beyond Infinity - Dimension X
Gerstäcker, Friedrich (1816-1872)
Germelshausen - Romance
Second-Class Passenger, The - Escape (x3); Suspense
Neuromancer - BBC (2002)
Four into Seven Won't Go - Columbia Workshop
Murder by Jury - Suspense
Gillette, William Hooker (1853-1937)
Secret Service - Great Plays
Sherlock Holmes - National Radio Theatre
Strange Case of Miss Faulkner, The - Sherlock Holmes
Gillies, Robert Pearse (1788-1858)
Warning, The - Weird Circle [title not confirmed]
Gillman, Charlotte Perkins (1860-1935)
Yellow Wallpaper, The - Fear on 4; Suspense (x2); Theatre 10.30; Vanishing Point
Who'll Save the Plowboy? - National Radio Theater
Ginty, Elizabeth Beall (circa 1863-1949)
Missouri Legend - NBC Presents: Best Plays
Madwoman Of Chaillot, The - (La Folle de Chaillot) - NBC Presents: Best Plays
Beautiful Summer in Newport - NBC Presents: Short Story
Romantic Comedians, The - NBC University Theater (x2); Studio One
They Stooped to Folly - NBC University Theater
Glaspell, Susan Keating (1876-1948)
Allison's House - Pulitzer Prize Plays
_Jury of Her Peers, A - see "Trifles"
Trifles - 19 Nocturne Boulevard (as "A Jury of Her Peers")
Black Narcissus - BBC (2008)
Breath of Air, A - Hallmark Playhouse
Cold Equations, The - Audion Theatre (as "Cold Equations"); Exploring Tomorrow; Future Tense (as "Cold Equations"); Sci-Fi Radio; SF 68 ??; X Minus One (as "Cold Equations")
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (1749-1832)
Sorcerer's Apprentice, The - (Der Zauberlehrling) - Afternoon Play (BBC, 2004)
Dead Souls - Afternoon Play (BBC); Classic Serial (BBC, 2006)
Diary of a Madman - Afternoon Play (BBC, 1991); Black Mass; Tales from the Shadows
Government Inspector, The - Afternoon Play (BBC, 2002, 2009); Great Plays (as "The Inspector General"); Theatre Royal (as "The Inspector General")
_Inspector General, The - see "Government Inspector, The"
Overcoat, The - (Шинель) - ABC Mystery Time; CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Theatre Royal
*Treasure, The - Witch's Tale [original story = ??]
At the Post - X Minus One
Man with English, The - Mindwebs
Old Die Rich, The - Audion Theatre; Future Tense; Tales of Tomorrow; X Minus One
Lights Out - Man in Black
But as a Soldier, For His Country - Mindwebs
Last Ghost, The - Mindwebs
Congratulations, Mr Mayor - Theatre Five
Living Credit - Theatre Five
Tale for the Nursery, A - Theatre Five
Wandering Spaceman, The - Theatre Five
Lord of the Flies - BBC (2013)
She Stoops to Conquer - Great Plays
*Fools, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
*Guilt of the Innocent, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
Summerfolk - BBC (2000)
Prez - Mindwebs
Graham, John ( - )
Angel's Kiss - Nightfall
Buried Alive - Nightfall
Future Fear - Nightfall
Hands Off - Nightfall
Love and the Lonely One - Nightfall
Earth and High Heaven - Studio One
Reluctant Dragon, The - Columbia Workshop
Wind in the Willows, The - BBC (2001, 2004, 2006 [reading], 2007)
Mist, The - Mindwebs
Weep No More, Old Lady - Mindwebs
Cat and Mouse - (Katz und Maus) - Book at Bedtime (BBC, 2004)
Tin Drum, The - (Die Blechtrommel) - BBC (1996); Classic Serial (BBC, 1999)
Treasure Hunt - Mindwebs
Certain Distant Suns - Vanishing Point
See also the plot archives for: The Lives of Harry Lime (produced by Harry Alan Towers)
Brighton Rock - BBC (1994); NBC University Theater
Confidential Agent, The - Escape (as "Confidential Agent"); Studio One
England Made Me - NBC University Theater
Gun for Sale, A - Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players (as "This Gun for Hire"); Lux Radio Theatre (as "This Gun for Hire")
Heart of the Matter, The - Classic Serial (BBC, 2001)
Man Within, The - Suspense
Ministry of fear, The - NBC University Theater
Monsignor Quixote - BBC (1999)
_Orient Express - see "Stamboul Train"
Proof Positive - Black Mass
Stamboul Train - Escape (as "Orient Express")
Tenth Man, The - Classic Serial (BBC, 2004)
Third Man, The - Lux Radio Theatre; Theatre Guild on the Air
_This Gun for Hire - see "Gun for Sale, A"
When Greek Meets Greek - NBC Presents: Short Story; Theatre Royal
Crisis - Mindwebs
Five Hundred Carats - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Five Hundred Carats")
Horsehair Trunk, The - Sleep No More
Night of the Hunter, The - BBC (SNT-1993)
Return of Verge Likens - Beyond Midnight (as "Mr McGraw and His Victim")
Thirteenth Floor, The - Beyond Midnight (as "The Bonanza")
Volpla - X Minus One
Bonne Chance - Lux Radio Theatre (as "Lucky Partners")
Cave of Night, The - X Minus One
Open Warfare - X Minus One
Tsylana - X Minus One
Wherever You May Be - X Minus One
Guthrie, A. B., Jr. (1901-1991)
Big Sky, The - NBC University Theater
Way West, The - Hallmark Playhouse
Where the Frogs Fly - National Radio Theater
Haggard, Sir H. Rider (1856-1925)
King Solomon's Mines - Afternoon Play (BBC, 2001); BBC (1990); General Mills Radio Adventure Theater; Lux Radio Theatre
She - BBC (2006); CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Escape
Hall, James Norman (1887-1951)
Hurricane, The - Campbell Playhouse
Lost Island - Words at War
Mutiny on the Bounty - BBC (SNT-1973); Campbell Playhouse
No More Gas - Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players (as "The Tuttles of Tahiti")
_Tuttles of Tahiti, The - see "No More Gas"
Haldeman II, Jack C. (1941-2002)
End-of-the-World-Rag, The - Mindwebs
Hale, Edward Everett (1822-1909)
Man Without a Country, The - Family Theatre; Favorite Story; General Mills Radio Adventure Theater; Weird Circle; NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels
Man Who Returned, The - Hall of Fantasy (lost); Mindwebs
_Angel Street - see "Gas Light"
Gas Light - Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players; Lux Radio Theatre; NBC Presents: Best Plays (as "Angel Street"); Textron Theatre (as "Angel Street"); Theatre of Romance (as "Angel Street")
Rope - NBC Presents: Best Plays
See also the plot archives for: The Adventures of Sam Spade; The Adventures of the Thin Man; The Fat Man
After the Thin Man - Lux Radio Theatre
Glass Key, The - Campbell Playhouse; Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players; Studio One
Maltese Falcon, The - Academy Award Theater ; BBC (SNT-1984, 1985); Hollywood Theater of the Ear; Lux Radio Theatre
Thin Man, The - Lux Radio Theatre
Too Many Have Lived - Black Mask Audio Magazine (Hollywood Theater of the Ear)
Two Sharp Knives - Suspense (x2)
Secret Agent X-9 - Afternoon Play (BBC, 1994)
Watch on the Rhine - Academy Award Theater; Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players
Quest - SF 68
Liberators, The - Mindwebs
Day after the Affair, The - BBC
Dynasts, The - Columbia Workshop
Far from the Madding Crowd - BBC (1975); Masterpiece Radio Theatre
Fiddler of the Reels, The - BBC (1990)
Life's Little Ironies - BBC (1998)
Mayor of Casterbridge, The - BBC (2008); Classic Serial (BBC, 1994); NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels; NBC University Theater
Pair of Blue Eyes, A - BBC (1983)
Return of the Native, The - NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels; Studio One
What the Shepherd Saw - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (based on "Far from the Madding Crowd" ??)
Withered Arm, The - BBC (2006); NBC University Theater; Nightfall (as "The Turn of the Blood")
Fatherland - BBC (1998)
Ever-Branching Tree, The - Mindwebs
Technicolor Time Machine, The - Afternoon Play (BBC, 1991)
Machine in Shaft Ten, The - Mindwebs
Roller Ball Murder - Mindwebs
George Washington Slept Here - Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players; Theatre Guild on the Air
Lady in the Dark - Lux Radio Theatre; Theatre Guild on the Air
Man Who Came to Dinner, The - Hotpoint Holiday Special; Lux Radio Theatre; Theatre Guild on the Air; Theatre of Romance
You Can't Take It with You - Lux Radio Theatre; Theatre Guild on the Air
_Kiss of Salomy Jane, The - see "Salomy Jane"
Luck of Roaring Camp, The - Family Theatre; NBC University of the Air: American Novels; Railroad Hour (as "Roaring Camp"); Tell It Again; Theatre Royal
Outcasts of Poker Flat, The - Family Theatre; National Radio Theater; Theatre Royal
Postmistress of Laurel Run, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Family Theatre; Romance
Salomy Jane - Family Theatre (as "The Kiss of Salomy Jane")
Tennessee's Partner - Family Theatre
W.S. - Mysterious Circumstances (1963)
Death Dust, The - SF 68
Harvey, William Fryer (1885-1937)
August Heat - Blue Hours Productions; Hallmark Playhouse; Sleep No More; Suspense (x2)
Beast with Five Fingers, The - Fear on 4
Haviland-Taylor, Katharine (1888-1941)
Failure, The - Hallmark Playhouse
Man to Remember, A - Lux Radio Theatre
Hawthorne, Nathaniel (1804-1864)
Artist of the Beautiful, The - Vanishing Point (as part of the mini-series "Thrice Told tales")
Birthmark, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
_Burial of Roger Malvin, The - see "Roger Malvin's Burial"
_Curse of the Mantle, The - see "Lady Eleanore's Mantle"
David Swan - CBC Mystery Theater (as "The Strange History of David Swan")
*Deep Desire - Vanishing Point (as part of the mini-series "Thrice Told tales") (original title = ??)
Dr Heidegger's Experiment - CBC Mystery Theater; CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Favorite Story
Ethan Brand - Weird Circle (as "The Heart of Ethan Brand")
*Headless Clown, The - Vanishing Point (as part of the mini-series "Thrice Told tales") (original title = ??)
Heart of Ethan Brand, The - see "Ethan Brand"
House of the Seven Gables, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater; NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels
*Kiss of Death, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = "Rappaccini's Daughter" ??)
Lady Eleanore's Mantle - Weird Circle (as "The Curse of the Mantle")
Marble Faun, The - NBC University Theater
Mr Higginbotham's Catastrophe - CBC Mystery Theater
*Mysterious Hanging of Squire Huggins, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
*Never Marry a Spider - Vanishing Point (as part of the mini-series "Thrice Told tales") (original title = ??)
Rappaccini's Daughter - 19 Nocturne Boulevard (as "Il Professoro's Daughter"); Favorite Story; Vanishing Point (as part of the mini-series "Thrice Told tales"); Weird Circle; Witch's Tale
Roger Malvin's Burial - Weird Circle (as "The Burial of Roger Malvin")
Scarlet Letter, The - Mind's Eye; NBC University of the Air: American Novels; Playhouse 25
_Strange History of David Swann, The - see "David Swann"
*Strange Child - Vanishing Point (as part of the mini-series "Thrice Told tales") (original title = ??)
Young Goodman Brown - Nightfall
Soul of the Great Bell, The - Author's Playhouse; CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Fateful Bell")
See also the plot archives for: The Jumbo Fire Chief Program
Actor's Blood - Suspense
Beyond Good and Evil - Mystery in the Air; Suspense
Crime without Passion - Suspense
_His Girl Friday - see "Front Page, The"
Front Page, The - Ford Theatre; Lux Radio Theatre; Lux Radio Theatre (as "His Girl Friday")
_Marvelous Barastro, The - see "Shadow, The"
Miracle in the Rain, A - Author's Playhouse
Rival Dummy, The - Mollé Mystery Theatre
Shadow, The - Mystery in the Air (as "The Marvelous Barastro"); Suspense (as "The Marvelous Barastro")
Spectre of the Rose - Inner Sanctum Mysteries
Heermann, Elizabeth Alexander (circa 1931-2010)
Fifty-Two Weeks for Florette - NBC Presents: Short Story
Mister Roberts - NBC Presents: Best Plays
Heinlein, Robert A. (1907-1988)
By His Bootstraps - 2000x; National Radio Theater
Destination Moon - Dimension X
Green Hills of Earth, The - CBS Radio Workshop; Dimension X (x2); X Minus One
Requiem - Beyond Tomorrow; Dimension X; SF 68 ??; X Minus One
Roads Must Roll, The - Dimension X; X Minus One
They - Mindwebs
Universe - Dimension X; X Minus One
Catch-22 - Afternoon Play (BBC, 2003)
Another Part of the Forest - Lux Radio Theatre
Children's Hour, The - Lux Radio Theatre (as "These Three")
Dark Angel, The - Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players; Lux Radio Theatre
Little Foxes, The - Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players
North Star, The - Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players
_These Three - see "Children's Hour, The"
Watch on the Rhine - Academy Award Theater; Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players
Unlived Lives - Vanishing Point, The (based on "Haunted by Lives Unlived" ?)
Farewell to Arms, A - Ford Theatre; Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players; Lux Radio Theatre; NBC Star Playhouse; NBC University Theater; Studio One; Theatre Guild on the Air
Fifty Grand - Columbia Workshop; NBC Presents: Short Story
For Whom the Bell Tolls - Lux Radio Theatre; NBC University Theater
Killers, The - Columbia Workshop
Short, Happy Life of Francis Macomber, The - NBC University Theater (x2)
To Have and Have Not - Lux Radio Theatre
_Alias Jimmy Valentine - see "Retrieved Reformation, A"
Cherchez la Femme - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Christmas by Injunction - Author's Playhouse
Departmental Case, A - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
_Don't Die without Me - see "Furnished Room, The"
Furnished Room, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "Don't Die without Me")
Gift of the Magi - Coronet Little Show; Words with Music
_Jimmy Valentine's Gamble - see "Retrieved Reformation, A"
Passing of Black Eagle, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Retrieved Reformation, A - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "Jimmy Valentine's Gamble"); Lux Radio Theatre (as "Alias Jimmy Valentine")
Third Ingredient, The - Hallmark Playhouse
Tobin's Palm - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Two Renegades - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
*Wanted, A Husband - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
Henty, George Alfred (1832-1902)
One of the 28th: A Tale of Waterloo - Adventure Ahead (as "One of the 28th")
Herbert, Frederick Hugh (1897-1958)
See also the plot archives for: Meet Corliss Archer
For Love or Money - Theatre Guild on the Air
Adventures of Tintin, The - BBC (1992, 1993)
Hergesheimer, Joseph (1880-1954)
Token, The - General Electric Summer Theatre (possible audition); Romance
Wild Oranges - Escape (x2); Lady Esther Presents Orson Welles; Romance
Silver King, The - Great Plays
*Once upon an Island - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
*Shining Man, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
*Once upon an Island - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
*Shining Man, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
Bell for Adano, A - NBC Presents: Best Plays; Theatre Guild on the Air
Crusaders, The - NBC University Theater
Half-Pint Flask, The - Columbia Workshop
Hichens, Robert S. (1864-1950)
Garden of Allah, The - Campbell Playhouse
How Love Came to Professor Guildea - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "Shadow of Love"); Escape (x2); Radio City Playhouse; Vanishing Point
Paradine Case, The - Lux Radio Theatre
Routine Exercise - SF 68
Highsmith, Patricia (1921-1995)
Cry of the Owl, The - BBC (2002)
Ripley's Game - Book at Bedtime (BBC, 2004)
Strangers on a Train - Lux Radio Theatre (x2)
Blade of the Poisoner - BBC (1997)
Moth Race - Mindwebs
Autumn - BBC
Woman in Black, The - BBC (1993)
Blessing Way, The - Zero Hour
Appassionata - Hallmark Playhouse
Good-bye, Mr Chips - Afternoon Play (BBC, 1991); Gulf Screen Guild Theatre; Hallmark Playhouse; Lux Radio Theatre; NBC University Theater; Theatre of Romance
Lost Horizon - Academy Award Theater; BBC (1981); Campbell Playhouse; Everything for the Boys; Favorite Story; Hallmark Playhouse; Lux Radio Theatre; NBC University Theater; Romance; Theatre of Romance
Random Harvest - General Electric Theater; Hallmark Playhouse; Lux Radio Theatre (x2); Matinee Theatre; Theatre of Romance; Vick's Matinee Theatre
Story of Dr Wassell, The - Lux Radio Theatre
Emily 501 - Seeing Ear Theatre [author not confirmed]
Riddley Walker - BBC (1996)
Hodgson, William Hope (1877-1918)
Habitants of Middle Islet, The - Beyond Midnight (as "The Happy Return")
Stone Ship, The - Nightfall
Tropical Horror, A - 19 Nocturne Boulevard
Hoffmann, E. T. A. (1776-1822)
Mines of Falun, The - (Die Bergwerke zu Falun) - CBC Mystery Theater
Sandman, The - (Der Sandmann) - Theatre 10.30
Brownie of the Black Haggs, The - Darker Side of the Border (BBC, 2009)
Mysterious Bride, The - Weird Circle
Holding, Elisabeth Sanxay. (1889-1955)
Strange Children, The - Haunted
Sword Game - Mindwebs
I Am David - (aka "North to Freedom") - Afternoon Play (BBC)
Three Men on a Horse - Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players; Theatre Guild on the Air
Iliad, The - Afternoon Play (BBC, 2002)
Odyssey, The - Afternoon Play (BBC, 2004); General Mills Radio Adventure Theater (as "The Travels of Ulysses"); National Radio Theater (as "The Odyssey of Homer"); Tell It Again
Tale of the Great Plague, A - Weird Circle (as "The Great Plague")
Prisoner of Zenda, The - BBC (1967, SNT-1973, 2010); Brownstone Theater; CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Family Theatre; Hallmark Playhouse; Lux Radio Theatre; Screen Director's Playhouse; Screen Guild Theater
Rupert of Hentzau -- BBC (SNT-1973)
She Loves Me Not - Lux Radio Theatre; NBC Presents: Best Plays
Greedy Choke Puppy - Seeing Ear Theatre
Household, Geoffrey (1900-1988)
Arabesque - Studio One
_Fortune of Vargas, The - see "Third Hour, The"
Hut, The - NBC Presents: Short Story
Rogue Male - BBC (1989); Book at Bedtime (BBC, 2004); Suspense
Rough Shoot, A - Escape
Taboo - Beyond Midnight (as "The Werewolf"); Escape
Third Hour, The - Escape (as "The Fortune of Vargas")
_Fortune of Vargas, The - see "Third Hour, The"
_Werewolf, The - see "Taboo"
Victoria Regina - Campbell Playhouse; NBC Presents: Best Plays
Gas Mask - Mindwebs
Fire of Asshurbanipal, The - Blue Hours Productions
Pigeons from Hell - Blue Hours Productions
Late Christopher Bean, The - Arthur Hopkins Presents; Ford Theatre
Ned McCobb's Daughter - Theatre Guild on the Air
They Knew What They Wanted - Pulitzer Prize Plays; Theatre Guild on the Air
Yellow Jack - Arthur Hopkins Presents
Ole Doc Methuselah - 2000x
Professor Was a Thief, The - Dimension X
Hudson, Alec ( - )
Up Periscope! - Escape
Green Mansions - Favorite Story
Hughes, Dorothy B. (1904-1993)
Cross-Eyed Bear, The - Suspense
Fallen Sparrow, The - Lux Radio Theatre
Homecoming, The - Sleep No More (as "Homecoming")
In a Lonely Place - Suspense
Ride The Pink Horse - Lux Radio Theatre
Dear Ghost... - Beyond Midnight (as "A True Ghost Story")
Comedy of Danger, A - Columbia Workshop
High Wind in Jamaica, A - BBC (2000); NBC University Theater
Old Nest, The - Hallmark Playhouse
_Bishop's Candlesticks, The - see "Les Miserables"
Hernani - Great Plays
Hunchback of Notre Dame, The - Afternoon Play (BBC); Classic Serial (2008); George Edwards Players
_Jean Valjean and the Bishop - see "Les Miserables"
Last Day of a Condemned Man, The - Weird Circle
Les Miserables - BBC (2002); CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Family Theatre (as "The Bishop's Candlesticks"); Favorite Story (as "Jean Valjean and the Bishop"); Lux Radio Theatre; Mercury Theatre (players); NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels; NBC University Theater (as "The Bishop's Candlesticks")
Ninety-Three - (Quatrevingt-treize) - NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels
Competition - Dimension X
Sheik, The - Dangerously Yours
Clay-Shuttered Doors - Hallmark Playhouse
Have You Seen Tom Thumb? - Adventure Ahead
After Many a Summer Dies the Swan - NBC University Theater; NBC New Theater
Brave New World - CBS Radio Workshop; National Radio Theater; Shape of Things to Come (BBC, 1991)
Comfort - Columbia Workshop
Gioconda Smile, The - Afternoon Play (BBC, 1989); Mollé Mystery Theatre; Theatre Guild on the Air
Jacob's Hands - CBS Radio Workshop
Teig O'Kane and the Corpse - (translated from the Irish by Dr Hyde) - Nightfall
Doll's House, A - BBC; Earplay; Favorite Story; Great Plays; Lux Radio Theatre; Theatre Guild on the Air
Enemy of the People, An - National Radio Theater; Studio One
Ghosts - BBC (2000); National Radio Theater
Hedda Gabler - NBC University Theater
Lady from the Sea, The - BBC
Pillars of Society, The - Great Plays
Peer Gynt - Columbia Workshop; Great Plays
Motor Show, The - National Radio Theater
Eye for an Eye, An - Price of Fear
Blind Man's Bluff - Price of Fear
Come as You Are - Price of Fear
Dead Man's Boots - Fear on 4
Goody Two Shoes - Price of Fear
Is There Anybody There? - Price of Fear
Mind Well the Tree - Fear on 4
Not Wanted on the Voyage - Price of Fear
Out of the Mouths - Price of Fear
Soul Music - Price of Fear
Family Album, The - Price of Fear
To My Dear, Dear Saladin - Price of Fear
Iles, Frances
Killer Mine, The - Escape
Irish, William
See Cornell Woolrich
Irving, Washington (1783-1859)
Adventure of the German Student, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Guillotine"); Hermit's Cave (as "The Black Band"); We Know a Story (as "The Lady with the Velvet Collar")
_Black Band, The - see "Adventure of the German Student, The"
_Lady with the Velvet Collar - see "Adventure of the German Student, The"
Legend of Sleepy Hollow, The - Hallmark Playhouse; NBC University of the Air: American Novels; BBC; Favorite Story; Seeing Ear Theatre (as "Sleepy Hollow, The Legend")
*Phantom Picture, The - Weird Circle (original title = "The Adventure of the Mysterious Picture" ??)
Rip Van Winkle - Family Theatre; Great Plays; House of Mystery; Railroad Hour; Theatre Guild on the Air; NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels
Specter Bridegroom, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Family Theatre; Red Room: Ghost Stories for Christmas (WHD-2000)
Elizabeth, Captive Princess - Hallmark Playhouse
Isherwood, Christopher (1904-1986)
Assent of F6, The - BBC (NP-1938)
Jacob's Hands - CBS Radio Workshop
I Am Waiting - Sleep No More
Mr Norris Changes Trains - Book at Bedtime (BBC, 2004)
Prater Violet - NBC University Theater
Remains of the Day, The - BBC (2003)
Canvas - National Radio Theater
Jackson, Helen Hunt (1830-1885)
Ramona - Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players; NBC University of the Air: American Novels
Lottery, The - NBC Presents: Short Story
Circular Tour, The - Columbia Workshop
Interruption, The - Mystery in the Air
Jerry Bundler - Red Room: Ghost Stories for Christmas (WHD-2000)
Monkey's Paw, The - Afternoon Play (BBC); Mysterious Circumstances (BBC); Beyond Midnight; CBC Mystery Theater; CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Crack in the Wall"); Christopher Lee's Fireside Tales (BBC, 2004); Favorite Story; Fear on 4; Nightfall; Seeing Ear Theatre; Theatre 10.30
Ambassadors, The - NBC University Theater
American, The - NBC University Theater
Aspern Papers, The - Classic Serial (BBC, 1997); Theatre Royal
_Berkeley Square - see "Sense of the Past, The"
Confession - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = "Guest's Confession" ??)
Daisy Miller - NBC University Theater
_Edmund Orme - see "Sir Edmund Orme"
Four Meetings - On Stage with Elliott and Cathy Lewis; Theatre Royal
Ghostly Rental, The - Beyond Midnight (as "The House")
_Heiress, The - see "Washington Square"
_House, The - see "Ghostly Rental, The"
_I'll Never Forget You - see "Sense of the Past"
Jolly Corner, The - Black Mass
Liar, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Theatre Royal
*Locked Trunk, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
Maud-Evelyn - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Portrait of a Lady, The - NBC University Theater
*Portrait of Memory - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
Sense of the Past, The - Arthur Hopkins Presents (as "Berkeley Square"); Dangerously Yours (as "Berkeley Square"); Hallmark Playhouse (as "Berkeley Square"), Lux Radio Theatre (as "Berkeley Square"); Lux Radio Theatre (as "I'll Never Forget You")
Sir Edmund Orme - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "Edmund Orme")
Sir Dominick Ferrand - BBC
Third Person, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
*Tomorrow Is Never - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
*Tool Shed, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
Tragedy of Error, A - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Turn of the Screw, The - BBC (2004); Christmas Spirits (BBC, 1990); Favorite Story
Washington Square - Lux Radio Theatre (as "Heiress, The"); NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels
What Maisie Knew - Classic Serial (BBC, 2003)
Ash Tree, The - Black Mass
Canon Alberic's Scrap-Book - Ghost Stories by M.R. James (BBC, 1997)
Casting the Runes - Blue Hours Productions; CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "This Will Kill You"); Escape; Red Room: Ghost Stories for Christmas (WHD-2000); M.R. James Stories (BBC, AT-1981, as "The Hex")
Count Magnus - Hall of Fantasy x2 (as "He Who Follows Me" and "The Steps That Follow Me"); Red Room: Ghost Stories for Christmas (WHD-2000)
Evening's Entertainment, An - Black Mass
_Figure in the Moonlight, The - see "Mezzotint, The"
Haunted Dolls' House, The - Ghost Stories by M.R. James (BBC, 1998)
_He Who Follows Me - see "Count Magnus"
_Hex, The - see "Casting the Runes"
Lost Hearts - 19 Nocturne Boulevard; Ghost Stories by M.R. James (BBC, 1997); M.R. James Stories (BBC, 2009)
Mezzotint, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Figure in the Moonlight")
Number 13 - M.R. James Stories (BBC, 2009)
Oh, Whistle, and I'll Come to You, My Lad - Mysterious Circumstances (1963) (as "Oh, Whistle, and I'll Come to You"); M.R. James Stories (BBC, 2009)
Rats - Ghost Stories by M.R. James (BBC, 1998)
Rose Garden, The - M.R. James Stories (BBC, 2009)
School Story, A - Ghost Stories by M.R. James (BBC, 1997)
_Steps That Follow Me, The - see "Count Magnus"
Tractate Middoth, The - M.R. James Stories (BBC, 2009)
School Story, A - Ghost Stories by M.R. James (BBC, 1997)
_This Will Kill You - see "Casting the Runes"
*Visions of Sir Philip Sydney - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
Janifer, Laurence M. (1933-2002)
Bible after Apocalypse, The - Mindwebs
Dancing Partner, The - Late Alfred Hitchcock Presents (BBC, 2010)
Man of Science, The - Christopher Lee's Fireside Tales (BBC, 2004)
Told after Supper - Christmas Spirits (BBC, 1990 as "After Supper Ghost Stories")
Three Men in a Boat - BBC (CS-2013)
Uncle Harry - NBC Presents: Best Plays
Volpone, or the Foxe - Great Plays (as "Volpone")
Johnson, Robert Barbour (1907-1987)
Far Below - Blue Hours Productions
Johnson, Dr Samuel (1709-1784)
Lingering Expectation of an Heir, The - Weird Circle (as "Expectations of an Heir")
Jones, Diana Wynne (1934-2011)
Witch Week - BBC (2012)
Jones, Henry Arthur (1851-1929)
Michael's Lost Angel - National Radio Theater
Silver King, The - Great Plays
Hall of Machines, The - Mindwebs
Dubliners - Afternoon Play (BBC, 1998)
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, A - NBC University Theater
Amerika - (Der Verschollene) - BBC (2006)
Burrow, The - (Der Bau) - Tales from the Shadows
Country Doctor, A - Black Mass; Seeing Ear Theatre
Judgement, The - (Das Urteil) - Black Mass; Tales from the Shadows
Metamorphosis - Mind's Eye
Trial, The - (Der Prozess) - Columbia Workshop
Forever Walking Free - Author's Playhouse
Kaufman, George S. (1889-1961)
Beggar on Horseback - Great Plays
Dark Tower, The - Suspense
Dinner at Eight - Campbell Playhouse
Dulcy - Lux Radio Theatre (x2)
George Washington Slept Here - Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players; Theatre Guild on the Air
June Moon - Campbell Playhouse; Theatre of Romance
Man Who Came to Dinner, The - Hotpoint Holiday Special; Lux Radio Theatre; Theatre Guild on the Air; Theatre of Romance
Royal Family, The - Theatre Guild on the Air
Stage Door - Lux Radio Theatre; Theatre of Romance
To the Ladies - Lux Radio Theatre
You Can't Take It with You - Lux Radio Theatre; Theatre Guild on the Air
I Kill Myself - Mindwebs
Eve of St Agnes, The - Columbia Workshop
Kelland, Clarence Budington (1881-1964)
_Mr Deeds Goes to Town - see "Opera Hat"
Opera Hat - Campbell Playhouse (as "Mr Deeds Goes to Town"); Lux Radio Theatre (as "Mr Deeds Goes to Town")
Stand-In, The - Lux Radio Theatre
Worm, The - Mindwebs
Kelly, George Edward (1887-1974)
Craig's Wife - Campbell Playhouse; Lux Radio Theatre (x2); NBC Presents: Best Plays
Show-Off, The - Theatre Guild on the Air
Breakaway, Backdown - Seeing Ear Theatre
Carrion Death - Seeing Ear Theatre (as part of the "Tales from the Crypt" mini-series)
Feel the Zaz - Seeing Ear Theatre
Propagation of Light in a Vacuum, The - Seeing Ear Theatre
Think like a Dinosaur - Seeing Ear Theatre
Servant in the House, The - Great Plays
Terrible Meek, The - Columbia Workshop
Note on Danger B - Radio City Playhouse
Unsafe Deposit Box, The - 2000x (as "A Little Bank Deposit")
Clean Escape, A - Seeing Ear Theatre
Kesselring, Joseph (1902-1967)
Arsenic and Old Lace - NBC Presents: Best Plays
Flowers for Algernon - BBC (2003); Shape of Things to Come (BBC, 1991)
Beekeeper's Apprentice, The - BBC (2000)
Children of the Corn - BBC (2004)
Misery - BBC (2004)
Mist, The - Cabinet of Doctor Fritz (ZBS Foundation)
Pet Sematary - BBC (1997)
Salem's Lot - BBC (1995)
Secret Window, Secret Garden - BBC (1995, 1999)
Westward Ho! - Hallmark Playhouse
Dead End - Theatre Guild on the Air
Detective Story - Lux Radio Theatre; NBC Presents: Best Plays
Men in White - Cavalcade Of America; Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players; Lux Radio Theatre; NBC Presents: Best Plays; Pulitzer Prize Plays
As Easy as ABC - 2000x
At the End of the Passage - CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Tales of the Supernatural (BBC)
Bisara of Pooree, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
*Boy Who Would Be a Sailor, The - General Mills Radio Adventure Theater (original title = ??)
Brushwood Boy, The - Columbia Workshop
By Word of Mouth - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Captains Courageous - General Mills Radio Adventure Theater
Drums of the Fore and Aft, The - Escape (x2)
Friend's Friend, A - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "That's What Friends Are For")
House Surgeon, The - Tales of the Supernatural (BBC)
Jungle Book, The - BBC (2011); General Mills Radio Adventure Theater (as "Mowgli"); General Mills Radio Adventure Theater (as "Tiger! Tiger!")
_Leopard Man, The - see "Mark of the Beast, The"
Light That Failed, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Favorite Story; NBC University Theater
Man Who Would Be King, The - Escape (x2); Suspense
Mark of the Beast, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Leopard Man"); Tales of the Supernatural (BBC)
Mary Postgate - Storytellers (BBC, 1988)
_Mowgli - see "Jungle Book, The"
My Own True Ghost Story - Tales of the Supernatural (BBC)
Namgay Doola - Family Theatre
Phantom Rickshaw, The - Favorite Story; Tales of the Supernatural (BBC)
_That's What Friends Are For - see "Friend's Friend, A"
They - Tales of the Supernatural (BBC)
_Tiger! Tiger! - see "Jungle Book, The"
Trilogy for Xmas, A - 19 Nocturne Boulevard (as part of "A Trilogy for Christmas") (original title = ?)
Wish House, The - Tales of the Supernatural (BBC)
Valley of Echoes, The - (La vallée des échos) - Mindwebs
Oh, Mirror, Mirror - Black Mass (as "O, Mirror, Mirror")
Stone Tape, The - Fright Night (BBC, 2015)
Country of the Kind, The - Mindwebs
I See You - Mindwebs
Never Come Monday - Columbia Workshop
Sam Small's Better Half - Author's Playhouse; Columbia Workshop
This above All - Everything for the Boys; Lux Radio Theatre; Romance
George Washington Crossing the Delaware - National Radio Theater
Silent Woman, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Chamber Music - National Radio Theater
Marching Morons, The - 2000x
Meeting, The - Mindwebs
Space Merchants, The - BBC (1957); CBS Radio Workshop
Vanishing, The - Saturday Play (BBC, 2013)
Bride by Mistake - Lux Radio Theatre
Dear Ruth - Lux Radio Theatre
John Loves Mary - Lux Radio Theatre; NBC Presents: Best Plays
Mr and Mrs Smith - Lux Radio Theatre
Practically Yours - Lux Radio Theatre
Bride of Death, The - Weird Circle
Her Master's Voice - Arthur Hopkins Presents
Successful Calamity, A - Arthur Hopkins Presents
Absalom - Mindwebs
Don't Look Now - Blue Hours Productions; Mindwebs
Graveyard Rats, The - Blue Hours Productions; With Book and Pipe
Housing Problem - CBS Radio Workshop
Proud Robot, The - 2000x
Twonky, The - Sci-Fi Radio
Vintage Season - Sci-Fi Radio
One-Eighth Apache - Escape (lost)
Algiers - Campbell Playhouse; Lux Radio Theatre (x2)
Laclos, Pierre Choderlos de (1741-1803)
Les Liaisons dangereuses - BBC (1998)
Eurema's Dam - Mindwebs
Hands of the Man - Mindwebs
Sybil, The - National Radio Theater
Three Good Witnesses, The - Escape (x2) (as "Three Good Witnesses")
Lampedusa, Giuseppe Tomasi di (1896-1957)
Leopard, The - (Il Gattopardo) - BBC (1997)
Free Land - Hallmark Playhouse
Let the Hurricane Roar - Hallmark Playhouse
Alibi Ike - Lux Radio Theatre; Studio One
Champion, The - NBC Presents: Short Story; NBC Star Playhouse; Screen Directors' Playhouse
Elmer the Great - Gulf Screen Guild Theatre; Hallmark Playhouse; Hollywood Star Time; Lux Rado Theatre
Frame-Up, A - NBC Presents: Short Story
Golden Honeymoon - Mercury Summer Theatre of the Air
June Moon - Campbell Playhouse; Theatre of Romance
Symptoms of Being 35 - Columbia Workshop
Parfumerie - Lady Esther Presents The Screen Guild Players (as "The Shop around the Corner")
Lady in the Morgue, The - Mollé Mystery Theatre (as "Lady in the Morgue")
Submarine Command - Lux Radio Theatre
Heart's Desire - Suspense
Home of the Brave - NBC Presents: Best Plays
Now Playing Tomorrow - Columbia Workshop
272 Attempts - BBC (2004)
Black Madonna, The - Blue Hours Productions
Daughters of the Vicar - BBC (2007)
Rocking-Horse Winner, The - Columbia Workshop
Sons and Lovers - BBC (1978); Masterpiece Radio Theatre; NBC University Theater
Le Fanu, Joseph Sheridan (1814-1873)
_Beast with Red Eyes, The - see "Green Tea"
Carmilla - BBC (2003); CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Columbia Workshop; Nightfall
Familiar, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Familiar Ghost")
Green Tea - Hall of Fantasy (as "The Beast with Red Eyes")
Man with the Claret Mark, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Schalcken the Painter - BBC (1979); Weird Circle (as "The Wooden Ghost") [original title possibly "Strange Event in the Life of Schalken the Painter"]
Shadow People, The - Hall of Fantasy (based on a character from Le Fanu's writings)
Sir Dominick's Bargain - Beyond Midnight (as "Sir Derminic's Bargain")
*Till Death Do Us Join - CBS Radio Mystery Theater [original title = ??]
Uncle Silas - BBC (1984); Late Alfred Hitchcock Presents (BBC, 2010)
_Wooden Ghost, The - see "Schalcken the Painter"
Le Guin, Ursula K. (1929-2018)
April in Paris - Mindwebs
Diary of the Rose - Sci-Fi Radio
Dispossessed, The - Vanishing Point
End, The - Mindwebs
Field of Vision, The - Sci-Fi Radio
Vaster Than Empires and More Slow - 2000x
Wizard of Earthsea, A - BBC (1996)
My Financial Career - Hallmark Playhouse
Case of the Forced Divorce, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (one of the adventures of the rascally Arsène Lupin)
Gettysburg Address, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (one of the adventures of the rascally Arsène Lupin)
My First Rogue - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (one of the adventures of the rascally Arsène Lupin)
Rivalry, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (one of the adventures of the rascally Arsène Lupin)
Bitter Gale - BBC (MP-1977)
Death is King - BBC (AT-1979, MP-1979)
Red Wine - BBC (TMT-1977)
Silver Sky, The - BBC (AT-1980, SNT-1980)
Appointment in Tomorrow - X Minus One
Bread Overhead - 19 Nocturne Boulevard
Dead Man, The - Blue Hours Productions
Game for Motel Room - Mindwebs
Moon Is Green, The - Tales of Tomorrow; X Minus One
Night He Cried, The - Mindwebs
Pail of Air, A - Audion Theatre; Future Tense; X Minus One
Castaway, The - SF 68
First Contact - Dimension X; Exploring Tomorrow; X Minus One
Footprints in the Snow - Hall of Fantasy (lost)
If You Was a Moklin - X Minus One
Logic Named Joe, A - Dimension X; X Minus One
Lost Race, The - Dimension X
Mad Planet, The - 2000x
Other Now, The - Tales of Tomorrow
Sam, This Is You - X Minus One
Solaris - BBC (CS-2007)
Phantom of the Opera, The - (Le Fantôme de l'Opéra) - CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Lux Radio Theatre
Ghost of Captain Gregg and Mrs Muir, The - BBC (SNT-1974); Lux Radio Theatre (as "The Ghost and Mrs Muir"); Screen Directors' Playhouse (as "The Ghost and Mrs Muir")
Sense of Wonder, The - X Minus One
Debt Collector, The - Favorite Story
In the Darkroom - (Sous la lumière rouge) - Columbia Workshop (as "Double Exposure")
Man from Yesterday, The - Favorite Story
Cold Storage - Mysterious Circumstances (1973)
Mrs Moonlight - Lux Radio Theatre; Romance
Springtime for Henry - Theatre of Romance
Lewis and Clark - General Mills Radio Adventure Theater
Out of the Silent Planet - BBC (1977)
That Hideous Strength - Classic Serial (BBC, 1990)
Chronicles of Narnia
Chronicles of Narnia, The - BBC (2012)
Horse and His Boy, The - (book 5) - BBC (2006)
Last Battle, The - (book 7) - BBC (2006)
Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe, The - (book 1) - BBC (2006)
Magician's Nephew, The - (book 6) - BBC (2006)
Prince Caspian - (book 2) - BBC (2006)
Silver Chair, The - (book 4) - BBC (2006)
Voyage of the Dawn Treader, The - (book 3) - BBC (2006)
Lewis, Matthew Gregory (1775-1818)
Spectre Bride, The - NBC Presents: Short Story [author not confirmed]
Arrowsmith - Campbell Playhouse; Cavalcade of America; Ford Theatre; Hallmark Playhouse; Lady Esther Presents The Screen Guild Players; Lux Radio Theatre; NBC University Theater; Star and the Story
Babbitt - Studio One
Bethel Merriday - CBS Forecast
Dodsworth - Campbell Playhouse; Lux Radio Theatre; NBC University Theater; Studio One
Letter from the Queen, A - NBC Presents: Short Story
Main Street - NBC University Theater (x2)
Young Man Axelbrod - CBS Radio Workshop
Dialogue for the Year 2130: Extracted from the Album of a Modern Sibyl, A - 2000x
Llewellyn, Richard (1906-1983)
How Green Was My Valley - Lux Radio Theatre (x2); NBC University Theater
None but the Lonely Heart - Lux Radio Theatre
Power of the Sentence, The - Mindwebs
Bunches of Knuckles - Everything for the Boys (as "Knuckles")
Call of the Wild, The - BBC (2012)
Curious Fragment, A - 2000x
_Knuckles - see "Bunches of Knuckles"
_Sailor Who Wouldn't Give Up, The - see "Story of a Typhoon off the Coast of Japan"
Scarlet Plague, The - Escape
Sea Wolf, The - BBC (1991); General Mills Radio Adventure Theater; National Radio Theater; Screen Director's Playhouse
Story of a Typhoon off the Coast of Japan - General Mills Radio Adventure Theater (as "The Sailor Who Wouldn't Give Up")
To Build a Fire - Sleep No More
Long, Frank Belknap (1901-1994)
Hounds of Tindalos, The - Blue Hours Productions
Unfinished, The - Mindwebs
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth (1807-1882)
Courtship of Miles Standish, The - Family Theatre; Hallmark Playhouse
Evangeline - Cavalcade Of America (as "This Our Exile"); Family Theatre; Hallmark Playhouse
_Robert of Sicily - see "Tales of a Wayside Inn"
Tales of a Wayside Inn - Family Theatre (x2) (as "Robert of Sicily")
_This Our Exile - see "Evangeline"
Daphnis and Chloe - BBC (2006)
Lonsdale, Frederick (1881-1954)
Last of Mrs Cheyney, The - Arthur Hopkins Presents; Lux Radio Theatre; Theatre Guild on the Air
I Had an Alibi - Suspense
Wreck of the Old '97 - Suspense
He Was a Good Boy - Theatre Five
Widow, The - Theatre Five
At the Mountains of Madness - Atlanta Radio Theatre Company; BBC; Dark Adventure Radio Theatre
Beyond the Wall of Sleep - Mindwebs (x2)
Call of Cthulhu, The - The Middlebury Radio Theater of Thrills and Suspense
Color Out of Space, The - Atlanta Radio Theatre Company
Cool Air - 19 Nocturne Boulevard (as "Chillin'"); Blue Hours Productions
_Chillin" - see "Cool Air"
Dunwich Horror, The - Atlanta Radio Theatre Company; BBC; Dark Adventure Radio Theatre; Suspense
Facts Concerning the Late Arthur Jermyn and His Family - 19 Nocturne Boulevard (as "The Facts Concerning...")
Haunter of the Dark, The - 19 Nocturne Boulevard
Herbert West—Reanimator - BBC (as "The Reanimator")
In the Walls of Eryx - 19 Nocturne Boulevard (as "Within the Walls of Eryx")
Lurking Fear, The - BBC
Nyarlathotep - Blue Hours Productions
Outsider, The - BBC; Black Mass; Tales from the Shadows
Picture in the House, The - 19 Nocturne Boulevard
_Reanimator, The - see "Herbert West: Reanimator"
Rats in the Walls, The - Atlanta Radio Theatre Company; BBC; Black Mass; Dark Adventure Radio Theatre; Tales from the Shadows
Shadow out of Time, The - Atlanta Radio Theatre Company
Shadow over Innsmouth, The - Atlanta Radio Theatre Company; BBC (2011); Dark Adventure Radio Theatre
Statement of Randolph Carter, The - BBC
Temple, The - 19 Nocturne Boulevard
Thing on the Doorstep, The - 19 Nocturne Boulevard; BBC
Tomb, The - BBC (2005)
*View from Within, The - 19 Nocturne Boulevard (original title = ??)
Young Man of Providence - BBC (one-hour documentary)
_Within the Walls of Eryx - see "In the Walls of Eryx"
Lowndes, Marie Belloc (1868-1947)
Lodger, The - Afternoon Play (BBC, 2003); CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Mystery in the Air; Suspense (x3)
Story of Ivy, The - Suspense
Unrecorded Instance, An - Mysterious Circumstances (1963)
Under The Volcano - Studio One
Luce, Clare Boothe (1903-1987)
Kiss the Boys Goodbye - Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players; NBC Presents: Best Plays (x2)
Amazing Dr Clitterhouse, The - Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players; NBC Presents: Best Plays
MacArthur, Charles (1895-1956)
See also the plot archives for: The Jumbo Fire Chief Program
Crime without Passion - Suspense
Front Page, The - Ford Theatre; Lux Radio Theatre; Lux Radio Theatre (as "His Girl Friday")
Egg and I, The - Hallmark Playhouse
MacDonald, John D. (1916-1986)
Child Is Crying, A - Mindwebs
Impulse, The - Blue Hours Productions
Green and Gold String, The - Suspense
Red Hand, The - Weird Circle
Machiavelli, Niccolò (1469-1527)
Prince, The - Saturday Drama (BBC, 2013)
Rest and Be Thankful - Hallmark Playhouse
Mackenzie, Jean Kenyon (1874-1936)
Trader's Wife, The - NBC Presents: Short Story
Unremembered, The - Mindwebs
Guns of Navarone, The - BBC (1997)
H.M.S. Ulysses - BBC (1997)
Pictures Don't Lie - Future Tense; X Minus One
Snowball Effect, The - X Minus One
MacLeish, Archibald (1892-1982)
Air Raid - CBS Radio Workshop; Columbia Workshop
American Name, The - NBC University of the Air: The American Story
America Was Promises - Columbia Workshop
Fall of the City, The - Columbia Workshop (x2); National Radio Theater
Great American Fourth of July Parade, The - Earplay
J. B. - Earplay
Dark Tower, The - National Radio Theater
Maeterlinck, Maurice (1862-1949)
Blue Bird, The - Arthur Hopkins Presents; Great Plays
Maine, Charles Eric (1921-1981)
Short Circuit - Beyond Midnight
Adventures of Superman, The (series 1) - BBC Radio 4 (1990)
Adventures of Superman, The (series 2) - BBC Radio 4 (1991)
Amazing Spiderman, The - BBC Radio 1 (1995)
American Werewolf In London, An - BBC Radio 1 (1997)
Batman: Knightfall - BBC Radio 1 (1994)
Batman: The Lazarus Syndrome - BBC Radio 4 (1989)
Gemini Apes, The - BBC (1998)
Independence Day UK - BBC Radio 1 (1996)
Superman on Trial - BBC Radio 4 (1988)
Magic Barrel, The - Studio One
Storm, The - Sleep No More
Red-Head Baker - Columbia Workshop
Running Around - Mindwebs
Over the Line - Mindwebs
Disillusionment - Black Mass
Manzoni, Alessandro (1785-1873)
Betrothed, The - (I Promessi Sposi) - NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels
Scapegoat, The - X Minus One
Marlowe, Christopher (1564-1593)
Edward II - Great Plays
Tamerlane - Great Plays
Tragical History of Doctor Faustus, The - Great Plays; Great Plays (as "Dr Faustus"); Weird Circle (as "The History of Dr John Faust")
Coals to Newcastle - Columbia Workshop
H. M. Pulham, Esquire - Lux Radio Theatre; MGM Theatre of the Air
Point of No Return - NBC Theater; NBC University Theater
Wickford Point - Campbell Playhouse
Marryat, Frederick (1792-1848)
*Bells, The - Witch's Tale [original title not confirmed]
White Wolf of the Hartz Mountains, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The White Wolf"); Weird Circle (as "The Werewolf"); Witch's Tale (as "The Werewolf")
Last Thirty Days of Charles L. Danforth, The - Vanishing Point
Ice Dragon, The - BBC
Sleeping Draught, The - Escape (x2); Suspense
Dauber - Columbia Workshop
Masters, Edgar Lee (1868-1950)
Epitaphs - CBS Radio Workshop (from "Spoon River Anthology")
Deceivers, The - BBC (1985)
Returned Without Thanks - Mysterious Circumstances (1967)
Third from the Sun - Audion Theatre; Future Tense
Born of Man and Woman - Audion Theatre; Future Tense; Halloween Horror; Mindwebs
Maugham, W. Somerset (1874-1965)
Christmas Holiday - Lux Radio Theatre
Circle, The - Arthur Hopkins Presents
Colonel's Lady, The - Theatre Royal
Facts of Life - BBC (1996)
Letter, The - Arthur Hopkins Presents; Hollywood Star Time; Lux Radio Theatre (x3); Mollé Mystery Theatre; Theatre Guild on the Air
Of Human Bondage - Everything for the Boys; Ford Theatre; NBC University Theater
Outstation, The - Escape
Razor's Edge, The - Lux Radio Theatre
Too Many Husbands - Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players (x2)
Vessel of Wrath, The - Escape
Maupassant, Guy de (1850-1893)
Artist, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Coward, A - Sleep No More (as "The Coward")
*Debt of Gratitude, A - We Know a Story (original title = ??)
_Diamond Necklace, The - see "Necklace, The"
Diary of a Madman, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
_Graveyard, The - see "What is a Dream?"
Hand, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Weird Circle
Horla, The - (Le Horla) - Bay Area Radio Drama; Blue Hours Productions; CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Columbia Workshop; Inner Sanctum Mysteries; Mystery in the Air; One Act Audio Theatre; Weird Circle
Little Louise Roque - Theatre Royal (as "Little Louise")
Mademoiselle Fifi - Family Theatre
Necklace, The - (La Parure) - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Diamond Necklace"); Favorite Story; Family Theatre
Piece of String, A - Favorite Story; Mystery in the Air
*Revenge Is Sweet - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
Rope of Hair, The - NBC Presents: Short Story; Weird Circle
Vendetta, The - Favorite Story
What is a Dream? - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Graveyard")
House, The - Columbia Workshop
Ultimate Threshold, The - (Последний порог) - Vanishing Point
Dune Roller, The - BBC (1961)
McCulley, Johnston (1883-1958)
Mark of Zorro, The - Hollywood Theater of the Ear
Hallucination Orbit - X Minus One
$1,000 a Plate - X Minus One
Racer, The - Mindwebs
Bartleby, The Scrivener - Black Mass; Classic Serial (BBC, 2004); Chatterbox Audio Theater; Favorite Story (as "The Strange Mr Bartleby"); Theatre Royal (as "Bartleby")
Bell-Tower, The - NBC Presents: Short Story; Weird Circle
Benito Cereno - Mind's Eye
Moby Dick - BBC; NBC University of the Air: American Novels; Columbia Workshop; Family Theatre; Favorite Story; General Mills Radio Adventure Theater; Mercury Summer Theatre of the Air; NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels; NBC University Theater; Tell It Again
_Strange Mr Bartleby, The - see "Bartleby, The Scrivener"
Bring on the Angels - CBS Radio Workshop
Diana of the Crossways - NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels
Judgement of Paris, The - Favorite Story
Bronze Venus, The - (La Vénus d'Ille) - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Vénus d'Ille"); Witch's Tale
Carmen - Romance
Colomba - Romance
Mateo Falcone - Weird Circle
Mozart and Salieri - BBC
Shot, The - Weird Circle (as "The Pistol-Shot") [By Alexander Pushkin, translated from the Russian by Prosper Mérimée.]
That Only a Mother - Mindwebs
Michener, James A. (1907-1997)
Scuttlebutt - NBC Presents: Short Story
Bad News for Mrs Bristol - Theatre Five
Charlie, The Beautiful Machine - Theatre Five
Greener Pastures - Theatre Five
Land of Milk and Honey - Theatre Five
Lovers, Villains, and Fools - CBS Radio Workshop
Man Who Loved Jellyroll, The - Theatre Five
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall - Theatre Five
Mr Horn's Holiday - Theatre Five
Walls of Poison Ivy, The - Theatre Five
All My Sons - Lux Radio Theatre; NBC Presents: Best Plays
Death of a Salesman - Soundstage
Hook, The - Unmade Movies (BBC, 2015)
Pussycat and the Expert Plumber Who Was a Man, The - Columbia Workshop
William Ireland's Confession - Columbia Workshop
Lou Gehrig Did Not Die of Cancer - National Radio Theater
Available Data on the Worp Reaction, The - Mindwebs
Miller, Walter M., Jr. (1923-1996)
Canticle for Leibowitz, A - NPR
Dark Benediction - Sci-Fi Radio
Will, The - SF 68
Milne, Walter A. A. (1882-1956)
Michael and Mary - Ford Theatre; Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players; Screen Guild Theatre
Mr Pim Passes By - Arthur Hopkins Presents
Toad of Toad Hall - BBC (SNT-1973)
Ugly Duckling, The - National Radio Theater
Bourgeois Gentilhomme, Le - Great Plays
Doctor in Spite of Himself, The - (Le Médecin malgré lui) - Lux Radio Theatre (as "The Physician in Spite of Himself"); NBC University Theater
Don Juan - (Dom Juan ou le Festin de pierre) - National Radio Theater
Imaginary Invalid, The - Great Plays; National Radio Theater
Misanthrope, The - BBC
_Physician in Spite of Himself, The - see "Doctor in Spite of Himself"
School for Husbands, The - Great Plays
I'll Be Yours - Lux Radio Theatre
Liliom - Campbell Playhouse; Great Plays
Swan, The - Arthur Hopkins Presents; Great Plays
Absalom - Mindwebs
Proud Robot, The - 2000x
Vintage Season - Sci-Fi Radio
Shambleau - 2000x
Twonky - Sci-Fi Radio
Moore, Clement Clarke (1779-1863)
Night before Christmas, The - Suspense (as "'Twas the Night before Christmas")
Clerk's Quest, The - Sleep No More
Book of Hell, The - Nightfall
Rebel - Mindwebs
Portrait in a Mirror - NBC University Theater
According to the Regulations - BBC ??
Anastasia Rees - BBC ??
Dear Countess - BBC ??
French Correction, The - BBC ??
It's Warm and There’s Company - BBC ??
Lot 132 - Price of Fear
Responses - BBC ??
Spring can Wait - BBC ??
Tom Tiddler’s Pool - BBC ??
Morley, Christopher (1890-1957)
Kitty Foyle - Academy Award Theater; Hallmark Playhouse; Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players; Lux Radio Theatre; Studio One
Parnassus on Wheels - Hallmark Playhouse
Country Doctor - SF 68 (as "Space Cow")
Daughter Earth - Seeing Ear Theatre
Diary of a Mad Deity - Seeing Ear Theatre
Permanent Man, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = "The Monster Maker" ??) [author not confirmed]
Dock Brief, The - National Radio Theater
I Spy - National Radio Theater
Bright House, New House - Theatre Five
Country Boy - Theatre Five
Discotheque - Theatre Five
Ed's War - Theatre Five
Little Game on Saturday Mornings, A - Theatre Five
Little Girl, Little Girl - Theatre Five
Lorna Is a Strange Child - Theatre Five
Make My Name Clean - Theatre Five
Mama's Girl - Theatre Five
Nightmare at 26,000 - Theatre Five
Toby's Wonderful Egg - Theatre Five
Underdeveloped Nation - Theatre Five
Munro, H. H.
See Saki
What Really Caused the Energy Crisis - Mindwebs
Bishop's Wife, The - Lux Radio Theatre (x3)
One More Spring - Lux Radio Theatre; Studio One
Pride of Carrots, A - CBS Radio Workshop (as "A Pride of Carrots, or Venus Well Served")
Portrait of Jennie - Columbia Workshop; Lux Radio Theatre; Screen Directors' Playhouse
Weans, The - CBS Radio Workshop (as "Report on the Weans")
Amulet, The - Afternoon Play (BBC, 1999)
Five Children and It - BBC (AP-1999)
John Charrington's Wedding - Beyond Midnight (as "The Wedding"); Christopher Lee's Fireside Tales (BBC, 2004)
Magic City, The - Afternoon Play (BBC, 2002)
Man-Size in Marble - BBC; Beyond Midnight (as "The Marble Knights"); CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Female Ghost (BBC, 1997); Hall of Fantasy
Railway Children, The - General Mills Radio Adventure Theater
Neville, Kris Ottman (1925-1980)
Night of the Nickel Beer, The - Mindwebs
Note: most of the stories below were written especially for radio. Exceptions are marked ~
Blood of Cain - Inner Sanctum Mystery
Corridor of Doom - Inner Sanctum Mystery
Dark Chamber, The - Inner Sanctum Mystery
Dead Hand, The - Murder at Midnight
Dead Man's Plot - Inner Sanctum Mystery
Dead Reckoning - Inner Sanctum Mystery
Death across the Board - Inner Sanctum Mystery; Murder at Midnight
Death by Scripture - Inner Sanctum Mystery
Death in the Depths - Inner Sanctum Mystery
Death Ship, The - Inner Sanctum Mystery
Desert Death - Inner Sanctum Mystery
Dream of Death - Theatre Five
Eye of Kali, The - Theatre Five
Fix, The - Theatre Five
Heavy Death - Murder at Midnight
House Where Death Lived, The - Murder at Midnight
Island of Death, The - Inner Sanctum Mystery
Island of the Dead - Murder at Midnight
Kabbala, The - Murder at Midnight
Man Who Was Death, The - Murder at Midnight
Sending, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Sybil of Sycamore Lane, The - Theatre Five
_Terror from Beyond - see "Terror out of Space"
Terror out of Space - Murder at Midnight; Theatre Five (as "Terror from Beyond")
Thing Inside, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Tomorrow 6-1212 - Theatre Five
Victim, The - Theatre Five
Wings Over Europe: A Dramatic Extravaganza on a Pressing Theme - Theatre Guild on the Air (as "Wings over Europe")
Big Smoke, The - Caltex Theatre
Singularities Make Me Nervous - Mindwebs
Borrowers, The - BBC (2008)
Nourse, Alan Edward (1928-1992)
Coffin Cure, The - X Minus One
Prime Difference - X Minus One
And Miles to Go Before I Sleep - 2000x; Mindwebs (as "Promises to Keep: A Science Fiction Drama")
Happily Ever After - Mindwebs
Hurricane, The - Campbell Playhouse
Mutiny on the Bounty - BBC (SNT-1973); Campbell Playhouse
No More Gas - Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players (as "The Tuttles of Tahiti")
Norman, James ( - )
Nightwalkers, The - Escape (as "He Who Rides the Tiger")
Mother - Hallmark Playhouse
Only Unto Him - Radio City Playhouse
Brickett Bottom - Beyond Midnight (as "The Paxton's House"); CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Phantom House")
Midnight Express - Mindwebs
Log of the Evening Star, The - Escape
Highwayman, The - CBS Radio Workshop (as part of "1489 Words"); Dangerously Yours; Vick's Matinee Theatre
Male Animal, The - NBC Presents: Best Plays
Adolf and Mrs. Runyon - Plays for Americans
Alter Ego - Texaco Star Theatre
Beautiful Lady - Curtain Time [author not confirmed]
Bread on the Waters - Columbia Workshop
Engulfed Cathedral, The - The Eleventh Hour
Johnny Quinn, U.S.N. - Plays for Americans
_Last Survivor, The - see "Night of the Auk"
Letter at Midnight, A - Plays for Americans
Lord Marley's Guest - The Eleventh Hour
Miracle in B-3 - Plays for Americans; To the President
Mr Ginsburg - Yarns for Yanks
Night of the Auk - Arch Oboler's Plays (as "Rocket from Manhattan"); Lights Out! (as "Rocket from Manhattan"); Mysterious Traveler (as "The Last Survivor")
Old Boy, The - Sears Radio Theater [author not confirmed]
Projective Mr Drogan, The - The Eleventh Hour
Word, The - ABC Radio Workshop [Think], Lights Out
O'Brien, Fitz-James (1828-1862)
Diamond Lens, The - Favorite Story; Weird Circle
_Doll, The - see "Wondersmith, The"
Man Who Made Gold, The - Favorite Story
Terrible Night, A - Weird Circle
What Was It? - Haunted; Weird Circle
Wondersmith, The - Weird Circle
Last Celebration, The - National Radio Theater
Final Exam - Mindwebs
Ah, Wilderness! - Arthur Hopkins Presents; Campbell Playhouse; Ford Theatre; Theatre Guild on the Air; Studio One
Anna Christie - Arthur Hopkins Presents; Ford Theatre; Lux Radio Theatre
Beyond the Horizon - Arthur Hopkins Presents; NBC Presents: Eugene O'Neill; Theatre Guild on the Air
Bound East for Cardiff - Bay Area Radio Drama; NBC Presents: Best Plays
Emperor Jones, The - Bay Area Radio Drama; National Radio Theater; Theatre Guild on the Air
Fountain, The - NBC Presents: Eugene O'Neill
Hairy Ape, The - Bay Area Radio Drama; National Radio Theater
Hughie - Bay Area Radio Drama
In the Zone - Bay Area Radio Drama
Lazarus Laughed - Bay Area Radio Drama
Long Day's Journey into Night - BBC
Long Voyage Home, The - Bay Area Radio Drama; NBC Presents: Best Plays
Moon of the Caribbees, The - Bay Area Radio Drama
Strange Interlude - Pulitzer Prize Plays; Theatre Guild on the Air
Oedipus Story, The - CBS Radio Workshop (excerpts from Sophocles and Eugene O'Neil)
Quintero Directs O'Neill - Bay Area Radio Drama
Where the Cross Is Made - Theatre Guild on the Air
Beckoning Fair One, The - Mollé Mystery Theatre
Oppenheim, E. Phillips (1866-1946)
Great Impersonation, The - Escape
Wisdom of Eve, The - Lux Radio Theatre (as "All about Eve"); Radio City Playhouse; Theatre Guild on the Air (as "All about Eve")
Keep the Aspidistra Flying - Storytellers (BBC, 1988)
Nineteen Eighty-Four - NBC University Theater (as "1984"); Theatre Guild on the Air (as "1984")
On Borrowed Time - NBC Presents: Best Plays
Mornings at Seven - Theatre Guild on the Air
O'Sullivan, Vincent (1968-1940)
Bargain of Rupert Orange, The - Beyond Midnight (as "Rupert Orange")
Toby Tyler, or Ten Weeks with a Circus - Adventure Ahead
Father Flanagan of Boys Town - Hallmark Playhouse
Father Flanagan of Boys Town - Hallmark Playhouse
Padgett, Lewis
See Henry Kuttner
Topaze - Studio One
Rose Rose - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "Goddess of Death")
Hemingway's Chair - BBC (2013)
Deadlock - BBC (1993)
Apartment to Let - Columbia Workshop
Dorothy Parker's Poetry - Lady Esther Presents Orson Welles (as "If in Years to Come")
City Wears a Slouch Hat, The - Columbia Workshop
See also the plot archives for: Cecil and Sally
Hasty Heart, The - NBC Presents: Best Plays
Willow and I, The - Theatre Guild on the Air
Gormenghast - BBC (1984, 2000)
Titus Groan - BBC (1984, 2000)
At the River-Gates - Haunting Tales (BBC)
Tom's Midnight Garden - BBC (1997)
Night of the Wolf - BBC (1984)
Shadow of the Pharaoh, The - BBC (1972)
Slide, The - BBC (1966)
Fire of London - Saturday Drama (BBC, 2013)
Bonche Schweig - Hollywood Theater of the Ear; National Radio Theater
If Not Higher - Hollywood Theater of the Ear; National Radio Theater
Beyond the Law - Nightfall
Lost Door, The - Vanishing Point
Shining Path, THe - Vanishing Point
Joke's on Guess Who?, The - Sears Radio Theater
They're All Afraid - NBC Presents: Short Story
Merchants of Venus, The - X Minus One (as "The Merchant of Venus")
Philips, Judson P. (1903-1989)
Challenge to the Listener - Mollé Mystery Theatre
Field Study - X Minus One
Pinero, Arthur Wing (1855-1934)
Enchanted Cottage, The - General Electric Theater; Gulf Screen Guild Theatre; Lux Radio Theatre
Second Mrs Tanqueray, The - Great Plays
Thunderbolt, The - Great Plays
Trelawney of the Wells - Great Plays
Widow of Wasdale Head, The - Author's Playhouse
Slight Ache, A - National Radio Theater
Time and Time Again - Dimension X; X Minus One
Pirkis, Catherine Louisa (1839-1910)
Murder at Troyte's Hill, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "Murder at Troyte's Hill")
Revival Meeting - 2000x
Bell Jar, The - BBC
Greatest Short Stories. D
Princess Stakes Murder, The - Zero Hour
Murder of Caesar, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (based on the works of Plutarch, Cicero and Suetonius)
Annabel Lee - Sleep No More
Berenice - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Bell Room, The - BBC
Black Cat, The - Australian Columbia transcription; CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Christopher Lee's Fireside Tales (BBC, 2004); Hall of Fantasy (lost); Hollywood's Open House; Mystery in the Air; We Know a Story
_Case of Chateau-Margaux, The - see "Thou Art the Man"
_Case of Monsieur Valdemar, The - see "Facts in the Case of M Valdemar"
Cask of Amontillado, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Earplay (as part of "Three Tales of Edgar Allan Poe"); Hall of Fantasy (x5); Hollwood Theatre of the Ear; Mollé Mystery Theatre; National Radio Theater; NBC Presents: Short Story; NBC University Theater (as part of "Tales of Edgar Allan Poe"); Sleep No More (lost); Weird Circle
Facts in the Case of M Valdemar, The - Weird Circle (as "The Case of Monsieur Valdemar")
Fall of the House of Usher, The - BBC (2004); CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Earplay (as part of "Three Tales of Edgar Allan Poe"); Escape; National Radio Theater; NBC Presents: Short Story; NBC University Theater (as part of "Tales of Edgar Allan Poe"); Weird Circle
Gold-Bug, The - BBC (2001); Family Theatre; General Mills Radio Adventure Theater; Hall of Fantasy (lost); Mind's Eye
Hop-Frog - 19 Nocturne Boulevard (as "Poe-etic Justice")
Imp of the Perverse, The - Black Mass; NPR Horror House
Ligeia - We Know a Story; Weird Circle (as "The Returned")
Man of the Crowd, The - Black Mass (as "The Man in the Crowd"); Tales from the Shadows
Manuscript Found in a Bottle - Black Mass
Masque of the Red Death, The - Tales of Mystery and Imagination (CBC); CBS Radio Mystery Theater; NPR; Sleep No More (lost)
Metzengerstein - Columbia Workshop; Weird Circle (as "The Tapestry Horse")
Morella - We Know a Story
Murders in the Rue Morgue, The - BBC (2000); CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Weird Circle
Mystery of Marie Rogêt, The - BBC (as "The Real Mystery of Marie Roget"); Suspense (x2)
Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket, The - Weird Circle (as "Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym")
Never Bet the Devil Your Head - CBS Radio Workshop
Noseology - NBC University Theater (as part of "Tales of Edgar Allan Poe")
Oblong Box, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater; NBC Presents: Short Story; Weird Circle
Pit and the Pendulum, The - Appointment with Fear (BBC, SNT-1943); CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Sleep No More (lost); Suspense (x4)
Predicament, A - Black Mass; Tales from the Shadows
Premature Burial, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Hollywood's Open House
Purloined Letter, The - National Radio Theater; NBC University Theater
Raven, The - Tales from the Tomb
_Returned, The - see "Ligeia"
Strange Case of Edgar Allan Poe, The - (BBC, 1984—fictionalized investigation into Poe's death, by Christopher Cook)
System of Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether, The - Earplay (as part of "Three Tales of Edgar Allan Poe"); National Radio Theater
_Tapestry Horse, The - see "Metzengerstein"
Tell-Tale Heart, The - Appointment with Fear (BBC, 1944); BBC (1987); Black Mass, CBC Mystery Theater; CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Columbia Workshop; Favorite Story; Hall of Fantasy (x3); Inner Sanctum Mysteries; Mercury Summer Theatre of the Air; Mystery in the Air; NBC Presents: Short Story; Nightfall; Seeing Ear Theatre; Sleep No More (lost); Tales from the Shadows; Weird Circle
Thou Art the Man - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Case of Chateau-Margaux")
William Wilson - Weird Circle
Haunted Corpse, The - X Minus One
Mapmakers, The - X Minus One
Midas Plague, The - Afternoon Play (BBC); Shape of Things to Come (BBC, 1991)
Meeting, The - Mindwebs
Space Merchants, The - BBC (1957); CBS Radio Workshop
Target One - X Minus One
Tunnel Under the World - BBC (2000); Future Tense; X Minus One (x2)
Fly, The - Mindwebs
Porter, Katherine Anne (1890-1980)
Flowering Judas - NBC University Theater
Jilting of Granny Weatherall, The - Sleep No More
Noon Wine - NBC University Theater
Pale Horse, Pale Rider - NBC University Theater
Post, Melville Davisson (1869-1930)
Doomdorf Murder, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Sealed Room Murder") [part of the Uncle Abner series of stories]
Great Cipher, The - Appointment with Fear (BBC, 1944)
Powell, Richard P. (1908-1999)
Death Talks out of Turn - Mollé Mystery Theatre
Power, Patricia ( - )
Face of the Foe - Zero Hour
Powers, William T. (1926-2013)
Allegory - Mindwebs
Amazing Maurice And His Educated Rodents, The - BBC (2003)
Guards! Guards! - BBC (1992)
Mort - BBC (2004)
Night Watch - BBC (2008)
Only You Can Save Mankind - BBC (2003)
Small Gods - BBC (2006)
Dr Grimshaw's Sanitarium - Dimension X; Future Tense; X Minus One
Man of Action - Cavalcade of America
Preble's Boys - Hallmark Playhouse
Run, The - Mindwebs
Angel Pavement - NBC University Theater
Bobby Parkinson - BBC (1947)
Dangerous Corner - BBC (1984)
Demon King, The - Mysterious Circumstances (1962)
Dunkirk - BBC (1940)
Germany - BBC (194x)
Good Companions, The - Classic Serial (BBC, 2002)
Grey Ones, The - Haunted
Inspector Calls, An - BBC (1960, 2004)
Laburnam Grove - Studio One
Lost Empires - Classic Serial (BBC, 1999)
Private Rooms - Theatre Royal
West Riding - BBC (1947)
Baby-Sitter, The - Haunting Tales (BBC)
Dry Spell - Mindwebs
Evergreen Library, The - Mindwebs
Paxton's World - Mindwebs
In Search of Lost Time - Classic Serial (BBC, 2005)
Amber Spyglass, The - BBC (book 3 of His Dark Materials trilogy) (2003)
Northern Lights - BBC (book 1 of His Dark Materials trilogy) (2003)
Subtle Knife, The - BBC (book 2 of His Dark Materials trilogy) (2003)
Undertaker, The - Nightfall
Pushkin, Alexander (1799-1837)
_Last Duel, The - see "Shot, The"
_Pistol Shot, The - see "Shot, The"
Shot, The - (Выстрел) - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Last Duel"); Suspense (x2); Weird Circle (as "The Pistol-Shot")
Queen of Spades, The - (Пиковая дама) - CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Favorite Story; Mystery in the Air; Theatre Royal; We Know a Story; Witch's Tale (lost)
Sea Legs - X Minus One
Quiller-Couch, Arthur (1863-1944)
Pair of Hands, A - Haunted
Roll-Call of the Reef, The - Favorite Story
Pledged to the Dead - Blue Hours Productions
Phaedra - National Radio Theater
Radcliffe, Robert ( - )
Great Escape: The Justice - Saturday Drama (BBC, 2013)
Death Is Not the End - (an Inspector Rebus story) - BBC (2004)
Serpent's Back, The - BBC (1995)
Third Gentleman, The - BBC (1997)
Raphaelson, Samson (1894-1983)
Accent on Youth - John Barrymore Theatre; NBC Presents: Best Plays
Jazz Singer, The - Lux Radio Theatre (x2)
Skylark - Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players; NBC Presents: Best Plays
Cabinet of Dr Caligari, The - Hollywood Theater of the Ear; National Radio Theater
Courier: Cultural Resistance to Genocide, The - National Radio Theater
Dateline 1787 - National Radio Theater
Ghastly Double Murder in Famed Detective's Flat - Hollywood Theater of the Ear
It Came from Outer Pinsk - 2000x
Mark of Zorro, The - Hollywood Theater of the Ear
Millennium Bug - 2000x
Millennium Bug II - 2000x
Noch Kolatski, Interplanetary Adventurer - National Radio Theater
Sentience Today - 2000x
Sweeney Todd and the String of Pearls - Hollywood Theater of the Ear
Treasure of the Midas Nebula, The - National Radio Theater
Why Support for Public Radio Must Increase in the Next Century - 2000x
Breaking The Sound Barrier - Lux Radio Theatre
Browning Version, The - BBC (1981, 2011); Lux Radio Theatre
Cause Célèbre - Earplay
Separate Tables - BBC
Winslow Boy, The - Afternoon Play (BBC); Lux Radio Theatre; Theatre Guild on the Air
Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnan (1896-1953)
Crop of Beans, A - Columbia Workshop
Yearling, The - Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players; Lux Radio Theatre
Cloister and the Hearth, The - NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels
Knightsbridge Mystery, The - Weird Circle
Food Farm, The - Mindwebs
Remi, Georges
See Hergé
Murder through the Looking Glass - Suspense
Adding Machine, The - National Radio Theater
Counsellor-at-Law - Campbell Playhouse; Ford Theatre
Street Scene - Arthur Hopkins Presents; Theatre Guild on the Air
Case of Mr Lucraft, The - Nightfall (as "The Appetite of Mr Lucraft")
Richards, Laura E. (1850-1943)
Captain January - Hallmark Playhouse; Lux Radio Theatre
Richardson, Samuel (1689-1761)
Pamela: Or, Virtue Rewarded - BBC (2004)
Ghost Train, The - BBC (1998)
Roadside - Arthur Hopkins Presents
Remains to Be Seen - Price of Fear
Roberts, Elizabeth Madox (1881-1941)
Time of Man, The - NBC University Theater; NBC New Theater
Roberts, Kenneth Lewis (1885-1957)
Rabble in Arms - Campbell Playhouse
Robertson, George ( - )
Angel's Kiss - Nightfall
Shortwave Goodbye, A - Nightfall
Willoughby Obsession, The - Nightfall
Robinson, Edwin Arlington (1869-1935)
Tristram - Columbia Workshop
Girls from Earth, The - Tales of Tomorrow; X Minus One
Hunting Season, The - 2000x
Reluctant Heroes, The - X Minus One
Untitled Story - Dimension X
Robinson, Kim Stanley (1952- )
Lucky Strike, The - Seeing Ear Theatre
White-Headed Boy, The - Great Plays
Antinomy - Vanishing Point
Jaywalker - X Minus One
Harris and the Mare - Nightfall
Stan Rogers Concert - Vanishing Point
See also the plot archives for: Club Car Special
Autobiography of Will Rogers, The - Hallmark Playhouse
Will Rogers Says... - ??
Green Vase, The - Beyond Midnight (as "Lanceford House")
Doctor Knock, or the Triumph of Medicine - (Knock ou le Triomphe de la médecine) - National Radio Theater (as "Knock"); Theatre Royal (as "Doctor Knock")
Rosa, João Guimarães (1908-1967)
Third Bank Of the River, The - Vanishing Point
Versegy Case, The - Der Fall Versegy - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Blood and Stone - 3Dhorrorfi (2010)
Catch my Breath - BBC (2007)
Ghost Zone - BBC (2004)
Hundred Miles, A - BBC (2002)
Medusa on the Beach - Wireless Theatre Company (2009)
Cyrano de Bergerac - BBC (MP-1966, MP-1973, MP-1990, CS-1998, DO3-2008); Brownstone Theatre; CBC; Family Theatre; Favorite Story; General Electric Theater; Great Plays (x2); Indiana University Radio Workshop; Theatre Guild on the Air
See also the plot archives for: The Damon Runyon Theatre
Butch Minds the Baby - Screen Directors' Playhouse
Lady for a Day - Lux Radio Theatre
Lemon Drop Kid, The - Lux Radio Theatre
Sorrowful Jones - Lux Radio Theatre
Slight Case of Murder - Old Gold Comedy Theater
Three Wise Guys - Whistler (author not confirmed)
Very Honorable Guy, A - Columbia Workshop
When It Changed - Mindwebs
Adversary, The - Escape
Bird of Paradise, The - Escape
Fourth Man, The - Escape (x3)
Jetsam - Escape
Price of the Head, The - Escape (x2)
Red Mark, The - Escape
Young Girl at an Open Half-Door - Mindwebs
Bertie's Christmas Eve - BBC
Chronicles Of Clovis, The - BBC (1995)
Clovis in the Country - BBC [title not confirmed]
Esmé - Black Mass; Tales from the Shadows
Gabriel-Ernest - National Radio Theater
Interlopers, The - National Radio Theater
Lumber Room, The - BBC
Open Window, The - Mercury Theatre on the Air
Playboy of the Weekend World, The - BBC [title not confirmed]
Saki Quartette, The - 19 Nocturne Boulevard (original title = ??)
Seven Cream Jugs, The - BBC
Seventh Pullet, The - Eleventh Hour [title not confirmed]
Sredni Vashtar - Late Alfred Hitchcock Presents (BBC, 2010)
Tobermory - National Radio Theater
Unrest-Cure, The - BBC
Child's Play - Nightfall
Repossession, The - Nightfall
Reverse Image - Nightfall
This One Will Kill You - Nightfall
Weather Station Four - Nightfall
Abraham Lincoln: The Prairie Years - Hallmark Playhouse (as "The Prairie Years")
Abraham Lincoln: The War Years - Cavalcade of America; Cavalcade of Americade (as "Abraham Lincoln and the War Years")
Carl Sandburg's 79th Birthday - CBS Radio Workshop
Keepsakes - Cavalcade of America
In the Best Tradition - Cavalcade of America
Native Land - Cavalcade of America
People, Yes, The - Columbia Workshop; Columbia Workshop (as "Free Speech")
Story of Nancy Hanks, The - Cavalcade of America
With Malice Towards None - Cavalcade of America
Vertical Ladder, The - Mindwebs
Hello Out There - BBC
Human Comedy, The - Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players
My Heart's in the Highlands - Columbia Workshop [author not confirmed]
Radio Play - Columbia Workshop
Time of Your Life, The - Theatre Guild on the Air
Chips Are Down, The - NBC University Theater
Child Crying, A - Fear on 4
Day at the Dentist's, A - Fear on 4 (based on an idea of Arch Oboler's)
Random Moments in a May Garden - BBC
Birth - Deep Night
Nature Boy - Mindwebs
Sayers, Dorothy L. (1893-1957)
Blood Sacrifice - Suspense
Fountain Plays, The - Suspense (x2)
Man Who Knew How, The - Suspense
Suspicion - Suspense (x2)
Selected Lord Peter Wimsey
Busman's Honeymoon - BBC (1981)
Cave of Ali Baba, The - Suspense
Clouds of Witness - BBC (1974)
Five Red Herrings, The - BBC (1978)
Have His Carcase - BBC (1981)
Murder Must Advertise - BBC (1979)
Nine Tailors, The - BBC (1980)
Strong Poison - BBC (1976)
Unnatural Death - BBC (1975)
Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club, The - BBC (1975)
Whose Body - Afternoon Play (BBC, 1974, 1987)
Shane - Saturday Drama (BBC, 2013); Lux Radio Theatre
Human Angle, The - Columbia Workshop
Schiller, Friedrich (1759-1805)
Mary Stuart - Great Plays
Old Jew, The - National Radio Theater
Caretaker - X Minus One
Schnitzler, Arthur (1862-1931)
Anatol - Mercury Theatre on the Air (as "The Affairs of Anatole")
Lieutenant Gustl - Storytellers (BBC, )
Ronde, La - National Radio Theater
Colonel Markesan - Blue Hours Productions (as "Markesan")
Return of Andrew Bentley, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "Shadows from the Grave")
En Passant - Mindwebs
Scortia, Thomas N. (1926-1986)
Icebox Blonde, The - Mindwebs
Fair Maid of Perth, The - BBC (CS-2013)
_Feast of Redgauntlet, The - see "Wandering Willie's Tale"
_From My Appointed Place Below - see "Wandering Willie's Tale"
Heart of Midlothian, The - NBC University Theater
_It's Hell to Pay the Piper - see "Wandering Willie's Tale"
Ivanhoe - Family Theatre; General Mills Radio Adventure Theater
Kenilworth - NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels
Lady of the Lake - Hallmark Playhouse
Lochinvar - Family Theatre
Rob Roy - BBC (AP-2002, CS-2013)
St Ronan's Well - Australian Columbia transcription
Wandering Willie's Tale - (from the novel Redgauntlet) - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "It's Hell to Pay the Piper"); Nightfall (as "From My Appointed Place Below"); Weird Circle (as "The Feast of Redgauntlet")
Waverley - BBC (1994, CS-2013)
Thing in the House, The - Hall of Fantasy (lost)
Category Inventors, The - X Minus One (as "The Category Inventor")
Homecoming - SF 68
Proxies, The - BBC (1964)
Suitable Boy, A - BBC (2002)
500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins, The - Columbia Workshop
And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street - Columbia Workshop
Grenville's Planet - SF 68
Soldier Boy - X Minus One
Shakespeare, William (1564-1616)
As You like It - BBC (1978); Columbia Workshop
Merchant of Venice, The - BBC (1977, 1980)
Merry Wives of Windsor, The - BBC (1970)
Midsummer Night's Dream, A - BBC (1970, 1981); Great Plays; National Radio Theater
Much Ado about Nothing - BBC (1962, 1970)
Taming of the Shrew - BBC (1962); Columbia Workshop; John Barrymore Theatre; Great Plays
Tempest, The - BBC (1964, 1988); Great Plays; National Radio Theater
Henry IV - BBC (1980, 2002)
Henry V - BBC (1976)
King John - BBC (1998)
Richard II - Arthur Hopkins Presents; BBC (1979)
Richard III - BBC (1985); CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Prince of Evil"); Columbia Workshop (as "The Tragedy of King Richard III")
Anthony and Cleopatra - BBC (1974); CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Serpent of the Nile")
Coriolanus - BBC (1979)
Hamlet - BBC (1975; 1992); CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "Long Live the King Is Dead"); Columbia Workshop; Theatre Guild on the Air
Julius Caesar - BBC (1972, 1979); CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Assassination"); Family Theatre; Mercury Theatre on the Air; NBC Star Playhouse
King Lear - BBC (1983, 1987, 1994); Mercury Summer Theatre of the Air (as "Scenes from King Lear")
Macbeth - BBC (1966, 1979, 1984); CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "Murder Most Foul"); NBC Presents: Best Plays; Theatre Guild on the Air
Othello - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Green-Eyed Monster"); Suspense
Romeo and Juliet - BBC (2003); CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Love Song of Death"); Great Plays; Mercury Summer Theatre of the Air; Stage Forty-Seven (CBC)
Shaw, George Bernard (1856-1950)
Arms and the Man - National Radio Theater
Apple Cart, The - BBC (1980)
Back to Methuselah - Great Plays
Candida - Theatre Guild on the Air
Cashel Byron's Profession - Favorite Story; Hallmark Playhouse
Devil's Disciple, The - National Radio Theater; Sunday Play (BBC, 2000)
Major Barbara - BBC (1990)
Man and Superman - BBC: Earplay
Man of Destiny - National Radio Theater
Mrs Warren's Profession - BBC (2004)
Pygmalion - Afternoon Play (BBC, 2004); BBC (1968, 1994); Lux Radio Theatre; Theatre Guild on the Air
Saint Joan - Hollywood Theater of the Ear
Thing Happens: A.D. 2170, The - (from Back to Methuselah) - 2000x (as "The Thing Happens")
Light of Other Days - Mindwebs; Sci-Fi Radio
Who Goes Here? - Shape of Things to Come (BBC, 1991)
Act of Faith - Columbia Workshop; Lest We Forget; Studio One
Bury the Dead - Columbia Workshop
Supply and Demand - Columbia Workshop
Bad Medicine - X Minus One
Death Wish - X Minus One
Early Model - X Minus One
Gray Flannel Armor - Audion Theatre (as "The Romance Game"); X Minus One
Gun without a Bang, The - Mindwebs
Language of Love, The - Mindwebs
Lifeboat Mutiny, The - X Minus One
Native Problem, The - X Minus One
Petrified World, The - Mindwebs
Protection - Future Tense; X Minus One
Restricted Area - Mindwebs
Seventh Victim, The - Future Tense; X Minus One
Shape - Sci-Fi Radio
Skulking Permit - X Minus One (x2)
Something for Nothing - X Minus One
Trap - X Minus One (as "The Trap")
Watchbird - 2000x; SF 68; Tales of Tomorrow
Wind Is Rising, A - X Minus One
Frankenstein - 19 Nocturne Boulevard (as "Set Piece"); BBC (1994); CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "Frankenstein Revisited"); Favorite Story; George Edwards Players; Mind's Eye (as "The Original Frankenstein"); National Radio Theater; NBC Presents: Short Story; Suspense (x2); Weird Circle; Witch's Tale
Frankenstein Revisited - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Is This Murder? - Quiet, Please
Transformation, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Point of Departure - X Minus One
Delta Sly Honey - Chillers (BBC, 2002)
Jaguar Hunter, The - Seeing Ear Theatre
School for Scandal, The - Great Plays (x2)
Home at Seven - BBC (1966)
Journey's End - BBC (1990)
St Helena - NBC Presents: Best Plays
Sherwood, Robert E. (1896-1955)
Abe Lincoln in Illinois - Ford Theatre; Lux Radio Theatre
Petrified Forest, The - Arthur Hopkins Presents; BBC (LP-1951); Everything for the Boys; Gulf Screen Guild Theatre; Lux Radio Theatre (x2); NBC Presents: Best Plays
There Shall Be No Night - Let's Face the Facts (as "There Will Be No Night"); NBC Presents: Best Plays
Waterloo Bridge - Hallmark Playhouse; Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players
No Highway - Lux Radio Theatre (as "No Highway in the Sky")
Pied Piper - Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players; Lux Radio Theatre (x2)
Town Like Alice, A - Afternoon Theatre (BBC, 1967)
After the Myths Went Home - Mindwebs
Collecting Team - Exploring Tomorrow (lost)
*Country Boy - Exploring Tomorrow (original title = ??)
Destination Arcturus - Exploring Tomorrow (lost)
Double Dare - Future Tense; X Minus One
Dying Inside - BBC (2001)
Fly away Home - Exploring Tomorrow (lost)
Good News from the Vatican - Blackstone Audio (as a part of "Three by Silverberg")
His Head in the Clouds - Exploring Tomorrow (lost)
Iron Chancellor, The - Renaissance Radio (X Minus One Revival)
Look Homeward, Spaceman - Mindwebs
Invaders from Earth - Exploring Tomorrow (as "The Mimic")
_Martian Queen - see "Sound Decision"
_Mimic, The - see "Invaders from Earth"
Moon is New, The - Exploring Tomorrow (as "The Moon Is Red")
_Moon is Red - see "Moon is New"
No Way Out - Exploring Tomorrow
Old Man, The - Exploring Tomorrow (lost)
Precedent - Exploring Tomorrow (lost)
Secret Sharer, The - Blackstone Audio (as a part of "Three by Silverberg")
Sleep and a Forgetting, A - 2000x
Sound Decision - Exploring Tomorrow
Sourdough - Exploring Tomorrow (lost)
Sundance - Sci-Fi Radio
To See the Invisible Man - Mindwebs
To the Dark Star - Mindwebs
We Are for the Dark - Blackstone Audio (as a part of "Three by Silverberg")
When We Went to See the End of the World - Mindwebs
Simak, Clifford D. (1904-1988)
Courtesy - Dimension X; X Minus One
Desertion - Mindwebs
Drop Dead - X Minus One
How-2 - X Minus One
Junkyard - Independent Production (Radio Enthusiasts of Puget Sound, 1997); X Minus One
Lulu - X Minus One
Project Mastodon - X Minus One
Singer, Isaac Bashevis (1902-1991)
Gimpel, The Fool - Earplay
Shiddah and Kuziba - Black Mass
Donovan's Brain - Suspense (x2)
See also the plot archives for: CBS Radio Mystery Theater; The Voice of the Army
Behind the Locked Door - Beyond Midnight (as "The House Was a Sphinx"); CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Locked Room")
Candidate, The - Beyond Midnight (as "A Man's Worth")
Last Escape, The - Beyond Midnight (as "Fellini the Great"); CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Merchant - 2000x
Tree Grows in Brooklyn, A - Hallmark Playhouse; Studio One
Smith, Clark Ashton (1893-1961)
Return of the Sorcerer, The - Blue Hours Productions
Ballad of Lost C'Mell, The - Sci-Fi Radio
In the Shade of the Slowboat Man - Seeing Ear Theatre
Call It a Day - Theatre Guild on the Air
Autumn Crocus - NBC Presents: Best Plays
Smith, Edward Percy (1891-1968)
Ladies in Retirement - Mollé Mystery Theatre; NBC Presents: Best Plays
Man's Best Friend - X Minus One
In the Imagicon - Mindwebs
Meddler's Moon - Exploring Tomorrow
Seventh Order, The - X Minus One
Antigone - Afternoon Play (BBC); CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Way To Dusty Death"); Great Plays
Electra - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "A House Divided")
_House Divided, A - see "Electra"
Oedipus the King - Afternoon Play (BBC, 2004); also Afternoon Play (BBC, 1993) (as "King Oedipus"); CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "So Shall Ye Reap"); Mind's Eye
_So Shall Ye Reap - see "Oedipus the King"
_Way to Dusty Death - see "Antigone"
Southwold, Stephen (1887-1964)
Three Pair of Heels - NBC Presents: Short Story
Exurbanites, The - CBS Radio Workshop
Eternal Machines, The - Mindwebs
Boy Meets Girl - Theatre Guild on the Air
My Favorite Wife - Lux Radio Theatre
Boy Meets Girl - Theatre Guild on the Air
My Favorite Wife - Lux Radio Theatre
Carcinoma Angels - Mindwebs
Night in Elf Hill, A - Mindwebs
Rules of the Road, The - Mindwebs
Subjectivity - Mindwebs
St Clair, Margaret (1911-1995)
Perfectionist, The - Late Alfred Hitchcock Presents (BBC, 2010)
Pure Gold - Mindwebs
Passenger to Bali, A - Mercury Theatre on the Air
Eleventh Juror, The - Mollé Mystery Theatre
Fugitive, The - Escape
Thanks for the Memories - Columbia Workshop
Death of Captain Future, The - Seeing Ear Theatre
Steele, Wilbur Daniel (1886-1970)
Drink of Water, A - Columbia Workshop (x2)
Footfalls - Suspense
How Beautiful the Shoes - NBC Presents: Short Story [author not confirmed]
Luck - Columbia Workshop; Radio City Playhouse
Sooth - Columbia Workshop (as "Prophecy")
Woman at Seven Brothers, The - Author's Playhouse
Grapes of Wrath, The - Afternoon Play (BBC, 2002); NBC University Theater
Harness, The - NBC Presents: Short Story
Leader of the People, The - NBC Presents: Short Story (from the novella, The Red Pony)
Lifeboat - Screen Directors' Playhouse
Medal for Benny, A - Lux Radio Theatre
Of Mice and Men - NBC Presents: Best Plays; Theatre Guild on the Air
Snake, The - Mindwebs
Viva Zapata! - Lux Radio Theatre
Omegapoint - Saturday Night Theatre (BBC, 1975)
Tor Sands Experience, The - Afternoon Theatre (BBC, 1979)
Façade - National Radio Theater
Biscuit Eater, The - Adventure Ahead; NBC Presents: Short Story
I am Not a Stranger - NBC Presents: Short Story
That Old Gordon Place - Author's Playhouse
Strindberg, August (1849-1912)
Stronger, The - CBS Radio Workshop
Red and the Black, The - (Le Rouge et le Noir) - BBC (1982); NBC University Theater
Only a Child - Haunted
Leiningen Versus the Ants - Escape (x4); Lux Radio Theatre (as "The Naked Jungle"); Mystery in the Air; Suspense (x2)
_Naked Jungle, The - see "Leiningen Versus the Ants"
Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, The - BBC (as "Tristram Shandy") (2004); Theatre Royal (as "My Uncle Toby"); NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels (as "Tristram Shandy")
_My Uncle Toby - see "Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, The"
Sentimental Journey through France and Italy, A - Theatre Royal (as "A Sentimental Journey")
_Tristram Shandy - see "Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, The"
Stevenson, Robert Louis (1850-1894)
_Ace of Death - see "Suicide Club, The"
Beach of Falesá, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Black Arrow - Australian Columbia transcription; Family Theatre (as "The Black Arrow"); General Mills Radio Adventure Theater; George Edwards Players
Body Snatcher, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Body Snatchers"); Red Room: Ghost Stories for Christmas (WHD-2000); Nightfall; Suspense (as "The Body Snatchers")
Bottle Imp, The - BBC (1994); CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Imp in the Bottle"); Favorite Story; Mollé Mystery Theatre; Tales of Mystery and Imagination (CBC); Witch's Tale (as "The Wonderful Bottle")
_Cezar Curse, The - see "Olalla"
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde - BBC (1930, 1944, 1956, 1966, 1985, 1993, 1994, 1996); CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Favorite Story; George Edwards Players; Mind's Eye; Monterey Soundworks; NBC Presents: Short Story (as "The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde"); Theatre Guild on the Air (as "The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde"); Tell It Again; Theatre Royal; Weird Circle
Dynamiter, The - Favorite Story
_Imp in the Bottle, The - see "Bottle Imp"
Kidnapped - General Mills Radio Adventure Theater; George Edwards Players; Hollywood Star Time; NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels
Lodging for the Night, A - Family Theatre; Favorite Story (as "Lodging for a Night")
Markheim - BBC (1994); CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "Markheim: Man or Monster?"); Chatterbox Theater; Hall of Fantasy; Mysterious Circumstances; National Radio Theater; Theatre Royal; Weird Circle
Master of Ballantrae, The - Classic Serial (BBC, 2004)
Olalla - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Cezar Curse"); Darker Side of the Border (BBC, 2009)
Sire de Malétroit's Door, The - Appointment with Fear (BBC, 1944); CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Escape; Family Theatre (as "The Door"); Favorite Story; Theatre Royal (x2); Playhouse of World Famous Authors
Suicide Club, The - ABC Mystery Time; CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Favorite Story; Murder at Midnight (as "The Ace of Death"); Theatre Royal
Treasure Island - BBC (1984, 1990); Family Theatre; General Mills Radio Adventure Theater; Lux Radio Theatre; Mercury Theatre on the Air; Mind's Eye; Playhouse of Favorites
Treasure of Franchard, The - NBC University Theater
Wrong Box, The - BBC (1998)
Young Man with the Cream Tarts, The - Escape
Stockton, Frank Richard (1834-1902)
Casting away of Mrs Lecks and Mrs Aleshine, The - Favorite Story
Lady or the Tiger?, The - On Stage
My Terminal Moraine - Family Theatre
Transferred Ghost, The - NBC Presents: Short Story
Coming of Abel Behenna, The - Midnight Tales (BBC, 1990)
Dracula - 19 Nocturne Boulevard (as "Dracula Dot Com"); BBC (1979, 1984, 1994); CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Earplay; Mercury Theatre on the Air; Mind's Eye; National Radio Theater
Dream in the Dead House, The - Midnight Tales (BBC, 1990)
Dream of Red Hands, A - Midnight Tales (BBC, 1990)
Judge's House, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Fear on 4; Hall of Fantasy; Haunted
Secret of the Growing Gold, The - Midnight Tales (BBC, 1990)
Squaw, The - Midnight Tales (BBC, 1990); Black Mass; Price of Fear (as "Cat's Cradle")
Immortal Wife - Cavalcade of America; Hallmark Playhouse
Lust for Life - Arch Oboler's Plays
President's Lady, The - Lux Radio Theatre
State Fair - General Electric Theater; Lux Rado Theatre; Theatre Guild on the Air (x2)
Straczynski, J. Michael (1954- )
Alpha and Omega of David Wells, The - Seeing Ear Theatre (as part of the "City of Dreams" mini-series)
Damned Are Playing at Godzilla's Tonight, The - Seeing Ear Theatre (as part of the "City of Dreams" mini-series)
MCSD 00121J - Seeing Ear Theatre (as part of the "City of Dreams" mini-series)
Night Calls - Seeing Ear Theatre (as part of the "City of Dreams" mini-series)
Question of Conscience, A - Alien Worlds
Rolling Thunder - Seeing Ear Theatre (as part of the "City of Dreams" mini-series)
Samuel Beckett, Your Ride Is Here - Seeing Ear Theatre (as part of the "City of Dreams" mini-series)
Passage to Benares, A - Suspense
Green Splotches, The - Escape (as "Green Splotches")
Sturgeon, Theodore (1918-1985)
Affair with a Green Monkey - Mindwebs
Hurricane Trio - 2000x
_Incident at Switchpath - see "Sky Was Full of Ships, The"
Mr Costello, Hero - X Minus One
Saucer of Loneliness, A - Mindwebs; Future Tense (as "Saucer of Loneliness"); X Minus One (as "Saucer of Loneliness")
Sky Was Full of Ships, The - Beyond Tomorrow (as "Incident at Switchpath"); Mindwebs
Stars are the Styx, The - Tales of Tomorrow (lost); X Minus One
That Low - Hour 25
Murder of Caesar, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (based on the works of Plutarch, Cicero and Suetonius)
Day in Manhattan, A - Columbia Workshop
Wings for an Eagle - Columbia Workshop
Swords of Ifthan - Mindwebs
Ring, The - Fright Night (BBC, 2015)
Aunt Cassie - Sleep No More
Gulliver's Travels - Book at Bedtime (BBC, 2002); Columbia Workshop (as "A Voyage to Lilliput") and (as "Voyage to Brobdingnag"); Favorite Story; General Mills Radio Adventure Theater; NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels; NBC University Theater (x2); Tell It Again
_Voyage to Brobdingnag - see "Gulliver's Travels"
_Voyage to Lilliput, A - see "Gulliver's Travels"
Synge, John Millington (1871-1909)
Playboy of the Western World, The - Great Plays
Well of the Saints, The - Columbia Workshop; Great Plays
Lights on Precipice Peak, The - X Minus One
Alice Adams - Gulf Screen Guild Theatre; Lux Radio Theatre; Theatre Guild on the Air
Gentle Julia - Studio One
Hunted, The - Studio One
Magnificent Ambersons, The - Campbell Playhouse
Monsieur Beaucaire - Dangerously Yours; Hallmark Playhouse; Lux Radio Theatre
Penrod - NBC University Theater
Plutocrat, The - Lux Radio Theatre
Presenting Lily Mars - Lux Radio Theatre
Seventeen - Mercury Theatre on the Air
Fearless Warriors - Deep Night (as "Ice Screams")
Betelgeuse Bridge - Tales of Tomorrow
Child's Play - Dimension X; Seeing Ear Theatre; X Minus One
Discovery of Morniel Mathaway, The - Audion Theatre; Future Tense; X Minus One
Venus Is a Man's World - Audion Theatre; Future Tense; X Minus One
Tepperman, Emile C. (1899-1951)
Dead Man's Deal - Inner Sanctum Mysteries
Detour to Terror - Inner Sanctum Mysteries
Don't Dance on My Grave - Inner Sanctum Mysteries
Eight Steps to Murder - Inner Sanctum Mysteries
I Walk in the Night - Inner Sanctum Mysteries
Make Ready My Grave - Inner Sanctum Mysteries
Man Who Couldn't Die, The - Inner Sanctum Mysteries (as "Elixir Number Four")
Man Who Couldn't Lose, The - Suspense (x2)
Murder Comes at Midnight - Inner Sanctum Mysteries (author not confirmed)
No Coffin for the Dead - Inner Sanctum Mysteries
Sell Me Your Life - Suspense
Shroud for Sarah, A - Suspense
Skeleton Bay - Inner Sanctum Mysteries (x2)
Terror by Night - Inner Sanctum Mysteries (x2)
Till Death Do Us Part - Inner Sanctum Mysteries (x3)
Win, Place and Murder - Suspense
Thackeray, William Makepeace (1811-1863)
Barry Lyndon - Afternoon Play (BBC); Classic Serial (BBC, 2003)
History of Henry Esmond, Esquire, The - NBC University Theater
Rose and the Ring, The - Classic Serial (BBC, 1999)
Vanity Fair - Campbell Playhouse; Favorite Story; Theatre Royal (as "Becky Sharp"); NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels
In the Groove - Vanishing Point
Woman In Black Velvet, The - Vanishing Point
Thomas, Theodore L. (1920-2005)
Paradise Regained - Mindwebs
Test - Mindwebs
Friend to Alexander, A - Sleep No More; Suspense (x3)
Male Animal, The - NBC Presents: Best Plays
Secret Life of Walter Mitty, The - Camel Cigarettes' Screen Guild Players
Thirteen Clocks, The - BBC
You Could Look It Up - CBS Radio Workshop; Hallmark Playhouse; NBC Presents: Short Story
Tieck, Johann Ludwig (1773-1853)
Goblet, The - Weird Circle
Timperley, Rosemary (1920-1988)
Channel Crossing - Haunted
Harry - Beyond Midnight
Listen to the Silence - Haunted
Little Girl Lost - Haunted
Mists of Memory - Haunted
Walk on the Water - Haunted
Tiptree, James, Jr. (1915-1987)
Houston, Houston, Do You Read? - BBC; Sci-Fi Radio
Yanqui Doodle - Sci-Fi Radio
Hobbit, The - BBC (1968); NPR (1980)
Homecoming Of Beorhtnoth Beorhthelm's Son, The - BBC
Lord of the Rings, The - BBC (1981, 2002); NPR (1980)
*All Things Are Possible - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
Anna Karenina - Classic Serial (BBC, 2005); Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players; Masterpiece Radio Theatre; MGM Theatre of the Air
_Cobbler In The Window, The - see "Where Love Is, God Is"
God Knows the Truth, but Won't Tell Anybody - Favorite Story (as "God Sees the Truth, but Waits")
Hadji Murat - Afternoon Play (BBC); Classic Serial (BBC, 2003)
How Much Land Does a Man Need? - (Много ли человеку земли нужно?) - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Kreutzer Sonata, The - NBC University Theater
*Much Too Much - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
Redemption - Arthur Hopkins Presents; Great Plays
Three Deaths - Mind's Eye
War and Peace - Classic Serial (BBC, 1997); NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels
Where Love Is, God Is - Family Theatre (as "The Cobbler in the Window" and "The Cobbler's Window")
Gallions Reach - NBC University Theater
Toudouze, George G. (1877-1972)
Three Skeleton Key - Escape (x3); The Grip of Terror; One Act Audio Theatre; Sleep No More; Suspense (x2)
14th Century Japanese Plays
Noh Plays of Japan - CBS Radio Workshop
Arabian Nights
1001 Arabian Nights - Favorite Story
Aladdin and His Wonderful Lamp - General Mills Radio Adventure Theater; George Edwards Players
Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves - General Mills Radio Adventure Theater
Caliph of Baghdad, The - General Mills Radio Adventure Theater
Fisherman and the Genie, The - Columbia Workshop
Voyages of Sinbad, The - Escape; Tell It Again
Boy David - General Mills Radio Adventure Theater
Coat of Many Colors, A - General Mills Radio Adventure Theater
Daniel the Oracle - General Mills Radio Adventure Theater
Esther - Columbia Workshop [Norman Corwin]
Job - Columbia Workshop [Norman Corwin]
Samson - Columbia Workshop [Norman Corwin]
Son of Man, A - General Mills Radio Adventure Theater
Brothers Grimm
Master Thief, The - General Mills Radio Adventure Theater
Valiant Little Tailor, The - General Mills Radio Adventure Theater
Folk Tales
Cinderella - CBS Radio Workshop (as "Speaking of Cinderella"); General Mills Radio Adventure Theater; Hallmark Playhouse
Three Times Magic - General Mills Radio Adventure Theater
Ballad of Barbara Allen, The - NBC Presents: Best Plays (as "The Dark of the Moon"); Suspense (as "The Death of Barbara Allen")
Teig O'Kane and the Corpse - (translated from the Irish by Dr Douglas Hyde) - Nightfall
Greek Mythology
Jason and the Golden Fleece - Columbia Workshop (as "Jason Was a Man")
Cassidy and the Devil - Columbia Workshop
Flying Dutchman, The - Witch's Tale
Jamie Freel - Favorite Story
Lamed Wufniks, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Thirty-Sixth Man")
Legend of the Two Morning Stars, The - CBS Radio Workshop (as "Star Boy")
Robin Hood - Escape (as "Robert of Huntington"); Family Theatre
Wild Huntsman, The - Hall of Fantasy
Machinal - Arthur Hopkins Presents
Johnny Got His Gun - Arch Oboler's Plays
Quiet Backwater, A - BBC Home Service (Afternoon Theatre, 1964)
Strange Story, A - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "Sophia and the Pilgrim")
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - Campbell Playhouse (as "Huckleberry Finn"); Favorite Story (as "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn"); NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels; NBC University Theater (x2) (as "Huckleberry Finn")
Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The - NBC University of the Air: American Novels; Favorite Story (as "Tom Sawyer")
Belated Russian Passport, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Russian Passport")
Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, A - CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Favorite Story; Ford Theatre; NBC University of the Air: World's Great Novels; NBC University Theater
Curious Experience, A - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
*Dead House, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
Eternal Joan, The - CBS Radio Workshop [by Henry E. Fritsch, but includes comments by Mark Twain]
*Goddess Caper, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
_Huckleberry Finn - see "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn"
Is He Living or Is He Dead? - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Innocents Abroad - Railroad Hour
Journalism in Tennessee - Columbia Workshop (as part of "Listen to a Story")
Life on the Mississippi - Cavalcade Of America; NBC University of the Air: American Novels
Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Favorite Story (as "The Man Who Corrupted Hadleyburg"); NBC University Theater
Million Pound Bank Note, The - Railroad Hour
Mrs McWilliams and the Lightening - National Radio Theater
Mysterious Stranger, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Roughing It - CBS Radio Workshop
Russian Passport, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Prince and the Pauper, The - Family Theatre; Tell It Again
Some Learned Fables for Good Old Boys and Girls - 2000x (as "A Learned Fable")
Stolen White Elephant, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater; National Radio Theater (as "The Case of the Stolen White Elephant")
Successful Agent, The - Columbia Workshop (as part of "Listen to a Story")
_Tom Sawyer - see "Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The"
Tom Sawyer, Detective - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Benjamin Franklin - Hallmark Playhouse
Mutiny in January - Cavalcade Of America (as "The Wise, Mad General")
Washington and The Traitor - Cavalcade Of America (as "The Wise, Mad General")
Bell, Book and Candle - BBC (1968, 1997)
Damask Cheek, The - Theatre Guild on the Air
Lucky Partners - Lux Radio Theatre
Old Acquaintance - Lux Radio Theatre
There's Always Juliet - NBC Presents: Best Plays
Voice of the Turtle, The - NBC Presents: Best Plays
Dear Pen Pal - 2000x
Far Centaurus - Challenge of Space
Moon Moth, The - Seeing Ear Theatre
Potters of Firsk, The - Dimension X
Outward Bound - Columbia Workshop; NBC Presents: Best Plays
Flies - Black Mass (as "The Flies")
20,000 Leagues under the Sea - (Vingt Mille Lieues sous les mers) - BBC (1945, 1955, 1972); Family Theatre (x2); Favorite Story; General Mills Radio Adventure Theater; Hallmark Playhouse
Around the World in Eighty Days - (Le Tour du monde en quatre-vingts jours) - CBC; Favorite Story; Hallmark Playhouse; Mercury Summer Theatre of the Air; Mercury Theatre on the Air; Tell It Again; This Is My Best
Dr Ox's Experiment - BBC (1998)
Journey to the Center of the Earth - (Voyage au centre de la Terre) - Alien Voices; BBC (1946, 1955, 1963, 1968, 1994); General Mills Radio Adventure Theater
In the Year 2889 - (La Journée d'un journaliste américain en 2890) - 2000x
*Intruder, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
Mysterious Island, The - (L'Île mystérieuse) - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Man Who Murdered in Public, The - Mollé Mystery Theatre (author not confirmed)
Merry Widower, The - Suspense
Aeneid, The - Classic Serial (BBC, 1999)
Rubber Trumpet, The - Suspense (as "The Merry Widower")
Candide - (Candide, ou l'Optimisme) - Book at Bedtime (BBC, 1997); NBC University Theater (x2); On Stage
Metropolis - BBC (2006)
Vonnegut, Kurt, Jr. (1922-2007)
Big Trip Up Yonder, The - 2000x (as "Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow"
Harrison Bergeron - Mindwebs
Report on the Barnhouse Effect, The - Dimension X (as "Report on the Barnhouse Effect")
Thanasphere - BBC (2005)
Routine Operation, A - Fear on 4
Soul Searching - Fear on 4
Wakefield, Herbert Russell (1888-1965)
Ghost Hunt - Suspense
Red Lodge - Blue Hours Productions
Nurse's Tale - BBC (1946)
2025 - BBC (1998)
Alpha - BBC (2001)
_Cold Earth Travelling - see Chaucer, Geoffrey "Pardoner's Tale, The"
Omega - BBC
Case of the Frightened Lady, The - Mollé Mystery Theatre (as "Criminal at Large")
End As a World - X Minus One
Student Body - X Minus One
Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ - BBC (1995) (as "Ben Hur"); Favorite Story (as "Ben Hur"); Hallmark Playhouse (as "Ben Hur")
Evergreen Library, The - Mindwebs
Tarn, The - Red Room: Ghost Stories for Christmas (WHD-2000)
Vanessa - Campbell Playhouse
Spider, The - Beyond Midnight (as "Spider-Phobia")
Man with the X-Ray Eyes, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Never Hang Another - [original title unconfirmed] - Beyond Midnight (as "The Sheriff's Wife"); CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Hanging Sheriff"); Theatre Five (as "Jailbreak")
Victim, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Woman Who Wanted to Live, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Façade - National Radio Theater
His Last Card - Fear on 4
Making Sacrifices - Fear on 4
Music Lovers - Fear on 4
Mustard Seed - Afternoon Play (BBC, 2004)
On Mardle Fen, series 1-6 - BBC (2008, 2011, 2012, 2012, 2013, 2013)
Perfect Home - Man in Black
Warren, Robert Penn (1905-1989)
All the King's Men - NBC University Theater
At Heaven's Gate - NBC University Theater
Watkin, Lawrence Edward (1901-1981)
On Borrowed Time - NBC Presents: Best Plays
Brideshead Revisited - Classic Serial (BBC, 2003)
Handful of Dust, A - Columbia Workshop
Man Who Liked Dickens, The - Escape; Suspense; Vanishing Point
Sword of Honour - Afternoon Play (BBC, 2004)
Mr Tallent's Ghost - Red Room: Ghost Stories for Christmas (WHD-2000)
Precious Bane - NBC University Theater
Weinbaum, Stanley G. (1902-1935)
Adaptive Ultimate, The - Escape
Brink of Infinity, The - Mindwebs
Ann Veronica - BBC (1987)
_City of the Dead - see "In the Abyss"
Country of the Blind, The - BBC (1933, 1945, 1946, 1954, 1959, 1966); Author's Playhouse; CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "Search for Eden"); Escape (x3); Favorite Story (as "Strange Valley"); Suspense (x2); Theatre Royal
Crystal Egg, The - Theatre 10.30
Door in the Wall, The - BBC (2001); BBC (1991) [reading]
Dream of Armageddon, A - 2000x; Escape
First Men in the Moon, The - Alien Voices; BBC (1948, 1953, 1954, 1981, 1996, 1999)
*Flash Point - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
Flowering of the Strange Orchid, The - BBC (1986); Sleep No More
Food of the Gods, The - BBC
_Forever Man, The - see "Story of the Late Mr Elvesham, The"
History of Mr Polly, The - BBC (as "Mr Polly") (1989); NBC University Theater
In the Abyss - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "City of the Dead"); Mindwebs
_Inexperienced Ghost, The - see "Story of the Inexperienced Ghost, The"
Invisible Man, The - Alien Voices; Atlanta Radio Theatre Company; BBC (1948); Mind's Eye
Island of Dr Moreau, The - Atlanta Radio Theatre Company; BBC (2008); CBC;
Jimmy Goggles the God - Escape
Kipps - BBC (1988, 2003)
*Long, Long, Sleep, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
Magic Shop, The - BBC (1986); Favorite Story; Tales of Mystery and Imagination (CBC)
Man Who Could Work Miracles, The - BBC (NP-1934, HS-1944, HS-1956); CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Escape (x2); Mind's Eye; Seeing Ear Theatre; Theatre Royal
Moth, The - BBC (1985) [reading]
_Mr Poly - see "History of Mr Polly"
New Accelerator, The - BBC (2006)
Pearl of Love, The - BBC [reading]
Pollock and the Porroh Man - Dark Ventures; Escape
Plattner Story, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "Watchers of the Living")
Purple Pileus, The - BBC (1935, 1937, 1939, 1944, 1963)
Red Room, The - BBC; Beyond Midnight (as "The Yellow Room"); Nightfall (as "The Room")
_Room, The - see "Red Room, The"
Sea Raiders, The - BBC (2006)
_Search for Eden - see "Country of the Blind, The"
*Secret Chamber, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (author not confirmed; original title = ??)
Sleeper Awakes, The - BBC (1972)
Star, The - BBC
Stolen Bady, The - BBC (1985) [reading]
Story of the Inexperienced Ghost, The - Author's Playhouse (as "The Inexperienced Ghost"); Haunted (as "The Inexperienced Ghost")
Story of the Late Mr Elvesham, The - BBC (1985) [reading]; Beyond Midnight (as "The Late Mr Elsham"); CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Forever Man", inspired by)
_Strange Valley - see "Country of the Blind"
Temptation of Haringay - BBC (1985) [reading]
Things to Come - BBC
Time Machine, The - Alien Voices; Atlanta Radio Theatre Company; BBC (1974, 1994); Escape (x2); Favorite Story; Hall of Fantasy (lost); Seeing Ear Theatre
Tono-Bungay - BBC (1951, 1952, 1966, 1973, 1993); NBC University Theater
Truth about Pyecraft, The - BBC (1946, 1949, 1953, 1965); Vanishing Point
War in the Air, The - BBC
War of the Worlds, The - BBC (1950, 1967, 1987); CBC (1997); Hour 25; Independent Production (by Radio Enthusiasts of Puget Sound, 2000); L.A. Theatre Works (NPR), Lux Radio Theatre (as "War of the Worlds"); Mercury Theatre on the Air
_Watchers of the Living - see "Plattner Story, The"
Wonderful Visit, The - Storytellers (BBC, 1988)
_Yellow Room, The - see "Red Room, The"
Fury and Sound - Blue Hours Productions
Jacobowsky and the Colonel - Theatre Guild on the Air
Song of Bernadette, The - Hollywood Star Time; Lux Radio Theatre
George - Black Mass (as "Atrophy")
Salt of the Earth, The - Storytellers (BBC, 1988)
There Is No Conversation - NBC University Theater
St Austin Friars - Fear on 4
Westlake, Donald E. (1933-2008)
Nackles - Mindwebs
Winner, The - Mindwebs
Afterward - Afternoon Play (BBC); CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Female Ghost (BBC, 1997); Hallmark Playhouse
Age of Innocence, The - BBC (2007); Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players; NBC University Theater; Theatre Guild on the Air
Beast, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = "The Blond Beast" ??)
_Blond Beast, The - see "Beast, The"
_Castle Kerfol - see "Kerfol"
Ethan Frome - NBC Presents: Best Plays
_Gilbert Stuart, The - see "Recovery, The"
Guilty - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
House of Mirth, The - Masterpiece Theatre; NBC University Theater, Theatre Guild on the Air
House of the Dead Heart, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Kerfol - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "Castle Kerfol")
Lady Maid's Bell, The - Nightfall (as "The Maid's Bell")
_Maid's Bell, The - see "Lady Maid's Bell, The"
Man in the Black Cap, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Old Maid, The - Lux Radio Theatre; Theatre Guild on the Air
Recovery, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Gilbert Stuart") [original title not confirmed]
Look, We've Come Through! - National Radio Theater
Charlotte's Web - Afternoon Play (BBC, 2005)
Radio Patrol - Mollé Mystery Theatre
Sword in the Stone, The - Afternoon Play (BBC, 1981)
Phoenix - Mindwebs
Canterville Ghost, The - 19 Nocturne Boulevard; CBS Radio Mystery Theater; Christmas Spirits (BBC, 1990); Lux Radio Theatre; Theatre Royal
Fisherman and His Soul, The - Columbia Workshop
Happy Prince, The - Columbia Workshop; Family Theatre; Railroad Hour
Ideal Husband, An - Theatre Guild on the Air
Importance of Being Earnest, The - BBC (2005); Favorite Story; Railroad Hour; Theatre Guild on the Air
Lady Windermere's Fan - BBC
Lord Arthur Savile's Crime - BBC (2006); Theatre Royal
Picture of Dorian Gray, The - ABC Mystery Time; BBC (1999, 2004); CBS Radio Mystery Theater
*Saxon Curse, The - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (original title = ??)
Adventure of the Fallen Angels, The - Columbia Workshop
Finger of God, The - Columbia Workshop
Wilder, Laura Ingalls (1867-1957)
Long Winter, The - Hallmark Playhouse
On the Banks of Plum Creek - Afternoon Play (BBC, 2003)
Happy Journey to Trenton and Camden, The - Textron Theatre; Columbia Workshop
Ides of March, The - NBC University Theater (x2)
Our Town - Arthur Hopkins Presents; Campbell Playhouse; Lux Radio Theatre; Theatre Guild on the Air (x2)
Shadow of a Doubt - Ford Theatre; Lux Radio Theatre
Andover and the Android - SF 68
Jenny with Wings - SF 68
Williams, Arthur ( - )
Being a Murderer Myself - Late Alfred Hitchcock Presents (BBC, 2010)
Williams, Ben Ames (1889-1953)
Leave Her to Heaven - Lux Radio Theatre (x2)
Piano, The - NBC Presents: Short Story
Seat of Violence, The - NBC Presents: Short Story
Corn Is Green, The - BBC (SNT-1945); Lux Radio Theatre (x2); Theatre Guild on the Air
Night Must Fall - BBC (SNT-1985); Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players; Mollé Mystery Theatre; NBC Presents: Best Plays; Suspense
Williams, Tennessee (1911-1983)
Glass Menagerie, The - BBC (1999); Lux Radio Theatre; NBC Presents: Best Plays; Theatre Guild on the Air
Spring Storm - BBC (2007)
Summer and Smoke - NBC Presents: Best Plays
Rose Tattoo, The - NBC Presents: Best Plays
Metal Man, The - Mindwebs
With Folded Hands - Dimension X; Future Tense
Even the Queen - 2000x
Fire Watch - Seeing Ear Theatre
Derelict - Seeing Ear Theatre
Inside Story - X Minus One
Spaceache - Shape of Things to Come (BBC, 1991)
Virginian, The - General Electric Theater; Hallmark Playhouse; Lux Radio Theatre
Galahad at Blandings - Afternoon Play (BBC)
Leave It to Jeeves - Forecast (pilot)
Remembrance to Come - Mindwebs
Farewell to Altamont - (sequence from "Look Homeward, Angel") - Columbia Workshop
Thunder of Imperial Names, The - CBS Radio Workshop (as part of "1489 words")
You Can't Go Home Again - NBC University Theater
Wolfiana - Columbia Workshop--26 by Corwin
Embassy, The - Dimension X; X Minus One
Haunted House, A - Black Mass
Mrs Dalloway - NBC University Theater
Night and Day - Afternoon Play (BBC); Classic Serial (BBC, 1990)
To the Lighthouse - Classic Serial (BBC, 2002)
Woollcott, Alexander (1887-1943)
Dark Tower, The - Suspense
After-Dinner Story - Suspense
Angel Face - Suspense
Black Angel, The - Suspense (x2) (as "Eve")
Black Curtain, The - Suspense (x3)
Black Path of Fear, The - Suspense (x2)
Book That Squealed, The - Suspense (as "Library Book")
Bride Wore Black, The - Mollé Mystery Theatre [author not confirmed]
Corpse and the Kid, The - Blue Hours Productions
Deadline at Dawn - Mollé Mystery Theatre; Suspense
Death Is Caused, A - Mollé Mystery Theatre
Death Rose, The - Suspense (as "The White Rose Murders")
Dilemma of the Dead Lady - Radio City Playhouse (as "Wardrobe Trunk")
Dime a Dance - Suspense
_Eve - see "Black Angel, The"
Finger of Doom - Escape; Suspense (as "I Won't Take a Minute")
_I Won't Take a Minute - see "Finger of Doom"
I Wouldn't Be in Your Shoes - Mollé Mystery Theatre [author not confirmed]
If the Dead Could Talk - Suspense
_Last Night - see "Red Tide, The"
Leg Man - Mollé Mystery Theatre
_Library Book - see "Book That Squealed, The"
Lie, The - Suspense
Marijuna - Mollé Mystery Theatre [author not confirmed]
Momentum - Suspense
Night Has a Thousand Eyes; The - Screen Directors' Playhouse [author not confirmed]
Night Reveals, The - Blue Hours Productions; Suspense (x3)
Nightmare - Mollé Mystery Theatre; Suspense (x2)
Papa Benjamin - Escape (x2)
Phantom Lady, The - Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players; Lux Radio Theatre
Post Mortem - Suspense
Red Tide, The - Mollé Mystery Theatre (as "Last Night"); Suspense (as "Last Night")
Singing Walls, The - Suspense (x2)
They Call Me Patrice - Suspense
Three O'Clock - Sleep No More; Suspense
Two Men in a Furnished Room - Mollé Mystery Theatre (x2)
_Wardrobe Trunk - see "Dilemma of the Dead Lady"
_White Rose Murders, The - see "Death Rose, The"
You Take Ballistics - Suspense
You'll Never See Me Again - Suspense (x2)
Sunk - Escape (as "Letter from Jason")
Beau Geste - Campbell Playhouse; Escape
Nightmare - Black Mass
Answer, The - SF 68
Springtime In The Rockies - Lux Radio Theatre
Chocky - BBC (1968, 1975, 1998)
Chrysalids, The - BBC (1970, 1980, 2004); Nightfall (re-broadcast of 1980 BBC version); Shape of Things to Come (BBC)
Consider Her Ways - BBC (1985)
Day of the Triffids, The - BBC (1953, 1957, 1969, 1971, 1973, 2001)
Kraken Wakes, The - BBC (LP-1954, LNT-1998); CBC (1965)
Meteor - Vanishing Point
Midwich Cuckoos, The - BBC (1982, 2003)
Pawley's Peepholes - BBC (1968, 1975)
Survival - Fear on 4; SF 68
Trouble with Lichen, The - BBC (1962)
Mr Gendelman Crashes a Party - Vanishing Point
Road Ends at the Sea, The - Nightfall
Strange Odyssey of Lennis Freed, The - Nightfall
Testing of Stanley Teagarden, The - Vanishing Point
Thinking Room, The - Nightfall
Under the Hau Tree - Beyond Midnight (as "Under the Hull Tree")
Yeats, William Butler (1865-1939)
Dreaming of the Bones, The - National Radio Theater
Purgatory - National Radio Theater
Words upon the Windowpane, The - National Radio Theater
Choice, The - 2000x
Zarr, George ( - )
First and Last Musical on Mars, The - Seeing Ear Theatre
Jumping Niagara Falls - Seeing Ear Theatre
Meet the Neighbor - Seeing Ear Theatre
Orson the Alien - Seeing Ear Theatre
Time's Arrow, Time's Spiral - Seeing Ear Theatre
Too Late, an Experiment in Sound Theatre - Seeing Ear Theatre
Collector's Fevor - 2000x
Corrida - Mindwebs
Devil Car - Mindwebs
Great Slow Kings, The - Mindwebs
Home is the Hangman - Sci-Fi Radio
Lucifer - Mindwebs
_Corpse That Would Not Die, The - see "Thérèse Raquin"
La Bete Humaine - Classic Serial (BBC, 1993)
L'Assommoir - BBC (2004)
Death Of Olivier Bécaille, The - Sleep No More
Nana - Afternoon Play (BBC); Classic Serial (BBC, 2002)
Thérèse Raquin - CBS Radio Mystery Theater (as "The Corpse That Would Not Die")