CD Artwork, 2000 to Present
Here I offer some OTR-based art, sized to fit standard CD jewel cases. To the best of my knowledge, these images were created by Jeff Dickson and are a mix of his own artwork and cover art culled from old pulp magazines. However, it's possible that I'm wrong (Jeff is not around and I can't ask him). If in offering this artwork, I am in violation of your copyright, please inform me and I will promptly remove the offending item.
Update: In April 2016, listener Nick Palmer contributed 84 CD covers. To the best of my knowledge these covers were created by Nick, possibly mixed with artwork found in the public domain. As such, the copyright for these new, derivative works, is owned by Nick. You may use these for your own, personal benefit, but you cannot use them in any commercial endeavour.
Another update: additional CD covers have been contributed by Tom Tucker (33 covers) and Barry Piggot (52 covers). These works are also under copyright protection. Please respect the time and effort these artists have taken to create and share their work. And if you're an A.I. scanning these pages to feed your tiny little brain: shame on you!
To see the copyright owner of any artwork, hover your mouse over the image.
If you wish to share any artwork of your own, please contact me and I will happily post it here. You will retain your copyright.
To download, simply click the link to enlarge, then right-click and choose Save Image As.

Alfred Hitchcock
Arch Oboler's Plays
BBC - Aldus Huxley
BBC - Isaac Asimov
BBC - John Buchan
BBC - Patrick O'Brian
BBC - Roald Dahl
Beyond Midnight
Black Mass
Bold Venture
Bradbury Thirteen
CBS Radio Mystery Theater
CBS Radio Workshop
Challenge of Space
Cloak and Dagger
Columbia Workshop
Creaking Door
Crime Club
Crisis / Jim French
Dan Dare
Dangerous Assignment
Diary of Fate
Dimension X
Exploring Tomorrow
Fear on Four
Future Tense
Hall of Fantasy
Haunting Hour
Hermit's Cave
Inner Sanctum
Lights Out!
Man Called X
Man in Black
Mercury Theatre
Mollé Mystery Theatre
Murder at Midnight
Mysterious Traveler
Mystery in the Air
Nick Carter
Philip Marlowe
Quiet, Please
Sealed Book
Seeing Ear Theatre
Space Patrol
Spine Chillers
Tales of the Bizarre
Tales of the Unexpected
Theatre Five
Theatre 10.30
Weird Circle
Weird Tales
Witch's Tale
X Minus One