Mindwebs Episode Log
Mindwebs ran fram April of 1975 until early 1984. It consisted of 169 episodes, which were probably produced in 13 sets of 13 episodes. But the actual production dates and the original broadcast dates are unknown. However, the tapes in Michael Hanson's collection are numbered and those numbers seem to agree with documentation from WHA which lists the "WHA Tape Library Master" number for each episode. Those numbers match the order in which WMSE is re-broadcasting the series. Those are the numbers that are used in this table.
This table will be updated as new episodes are released by Michael Hanson and aired by WMSE.
Title links
=> go to the episode entry on the main
Mindwebs page.
Author links
=> go to the author entry on the
Famous Authors on Radio page.
YouTube story links
=> go to the selected video on the Plot Spot
YouTube channel.
YouTube playlist links
=> go to the album-based YouTube playlist associated with the selected story.