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Updated the Famous Authors on Radio page with (3) new credits, based on feedback from sharp-eared listener Ed Frond.
CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Added (1) new plotline and (1) new review for a Dark Fantasy episode, courtesy of george K.
Dark Fantasy
Added (1) new review for a Nightfall episode, courtesy of mark W.
Added (1) new review for a Mindwebs episode, courtesy of Prophet Wing.
Added (1) new plotline for a Theatre Five episode, courtesy of chris M.
Theatre Five
Added (1) new review for a Alien Worlds episode, courtesy of raymond H.
Alien Worlds
Added (1) new plotline for a Vanishing Point episode.
Vanishing Point
Received a very nice email from Maolsheachlann OCeallaigh asking for the plot details of a radio episode which was almost unlistenable due to extremely poor audio quality. This prompted me to create a new page, Spoilers, where I can detail plot elements that could... well... spoil the plot!
The first entry, as per OCeallaigh, is "The Confession" from The Witch's Tale.
Added Canadian author David Helwig to the Famous Authors page due his story "Unlived Lives" on The Vanishing Point.
Added (1) new review for a Vanishing Point episode, courtesy of tom M.
Vanishing Point
Added (1) new review for an Alien Worlds episode, courtesy of rayhop.
Alien Worlds
Added (1) new plotline for an Escape episode, courtesy of Powel Crosley.
Updated the Links page.
Over the past 7 years, most of the hobby sites that I loved have disappeared and have been replaced by Coporate and AI-generated for-profit sleeze. That makes me sad. And disheartened. So much time and effort, gone. I find that the Internet is not nearly so much fun as it used to be. Or maybe that's just me, getting old and crotchety. Bah. Humbug.
Then, a couple of months ago I got an email from Jeff Dickson (remember him? He's the one who created this website), and I realized that this site has been online for almost 1/4 of a century! I thought about it and realized that I enjoy listening to OTR and writing plots/reviews more than anything else I do online.
So here I am, starting up the Plot Spot again.
I replaced all the broken links with links that now point to archived pages (where possible) at the Wayback Machine. But the Wayback Machine archives only HTML pages, and only some of those. Anything that was stored in a database is gone for good. But at least I've got something to look at to remember those Internet pioneers: Digital Deli, Jim French, Yuri Rasovsky, Bill Hollweg, Zombie Astronaut, The Whirlitzer of Wizdoms, The Nightfall Project, Quietly Yours, Dinosaur Gardens, Exploring Dystopia, The Grand Guignol On-line, Jim Widner, Jerry Haendiges.
Hahaha. Well here I am, making new promises to myself. Just like every year. I hope you all don't think too harshly of me.
This year, I hope to catch up on 5 years of correspondence and post tons of material that users have submitted.
Time will tell.